Simply The Best Ration We Have EVER Reviewed The Norwegian Arctic Field Ration Chicken Curry

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all right guys nathan is mre here today amanda's not here we had a snow day she got a snow day a day off work and uh we got some new stuff in the mail so we actually got four of these uh norwegian arctic field rations i guess the menus we've never done so happy for that we also got some german stuff coming up too so stay tuned hopefully monday we do the german ration and it's a different menu we've ever done so stay tuned for that anyhow this one i picked out of the four we had today this is a norwegian arctic field ration this one is chicken curry and then down here this is made by dry tech of course we have the best before a 528 2021 so it's a little bit out but it's freeze-dried ration so i don't for there to be any issue whatsoever with this one let's go ahead and rip this off here can we not get the can we not get it we can get it barely open her up here let's see what we got there we go there we go done chewing gum peppermint trash bag a peach energy drink these are actually really good and this thing is totally fine is there a separate date on this bad boy i do not see that right there 2 28 a 20 23. that's like totally good totally totally good this guy here seven two four six like they could on it or production maybe and this is the uh cinnamon bun i was looking for a different location of the day today charcoal crisp so something's gonna be funky it would be the chocolate bar because see how thin the packing is on it or it could be this bad boy cranberry protein bar colombian coffee wet wipe i have a pretty large spoon and here we have romaine so i've never i don't think i've ever had this one chicken curry it sounds really good let's go ahead and slice it open looking for the date is up here they actually i wonder why they do it like this this actually has best before of uh 11 20 20 21 but it's freeze-dried this should be good for like 30 years like everything else is freeze-dried shouldn't it there we go look at that dangerous make sure we're cutting the right slot i'm going to open it up here perhaps hear the vacuum seal on it it smells like absolutely nothing no smell at all so call me tricky but i already knew we're gonna be doing a ration right so we already pre-did the kettle of course because why not on the back here we have to fill it up to this but we all know that doesn't really make any difference we've got to fill it up until it looks right so we're going to start on this one and then we're going to rip our spoon out of the plastic we're gonna mix it up try not to splash a lens chicken curry know it kind of instantly turned into drywall mud a little bit more not too much got some rice some red pepper maybe some carrots in there or something let's go just a little bit more water and we're going to leave it zip it up and come back about right there that should be about right you got trying to guess what's what i mean you don't want to look like drywall mud but you don't want it to run either so there is that make sure it's all the corners of the gusseted bag are stirred up that baby is hot we're going to do this we'll be right back let's go and do the drink norwegian rations are definitely some of the best ones they're always clumped up they're always like that no matter what you do and they're always some of the best stuff for sure it smells so strong in the pouch and as soon as you mix it good yep as soon as you mix it then it changes everything fill marks right there this we have to abide by because it'll get too watered down right there zipper up perhaps we're gonna make sure it's really good and give her a little shake and put it back there these things are ready we're going to shake it again right before we pour it out oh it's the good stuff how much to eat that five bucks five bucks you first we'll split it bite it in half okay let's take a little looksie here and see if this is reconstituted all the way got a little i think we need a little bit more water it's a little bit like mud i think maybe that's about right i think it's right consistency looks pretty good okay this is too much to fit in reveal so we're going to blast that in there i'm just going to mess up the iso on the camera for just one second i just got a small but smells really really really good it smells almost like a like a chicken stew chicken stew that smells very good yeah really mild no issues you fill up a his very own spoon so trying to dissect everything here pieces of strips of chicken i'm trying to figure out what the yellow little bits of yellow in there is that corn i think that is maybe like some kind of squash or something perhaps all right first bite here we go hmm the thing about it is it's not overly salty it's not weird it reconstituted pretty good sorry it has rice in it a little bit crunchy not crunchy but a little bit firm on the rice that's a good consistency i think the chicken's very good i think we got it mixed about right too water ratio yeah where's like a real thick a real thick stew hmm so what do you rate it seven seven out of ten okay i think if i wasn't if i was in the field it was cold outside oh man can i have this if you have this or any usmre you could possibly imagine what would you grab with this throw all the rest of these ones out and throw them in the trash and there's norwegian ones a lot yeah however would you rather have norwegian or french depends on what the you know depends on what meal it is i guess i'm going to ship this to the back real quick we're going to shake this again we got little cups from sam's club but they're it's a big giant bag and they're a real bear to get them apart to like melt it together it's unfortunate because it's like the perfect size for what we're doing here mandy missed out today didn't she yeah but the real brand the real brand like uh i mean i've always enjoyed whatever they make and we've had the orange one before we never really had anything bad had lemon was it orange or was it peach before you know it might have been a peach i think it was peach put your pinky up take a little sip of this stuff i tell you what that's really good that's a good drink that's the best mixable drink i've had whoever's in charge of making the us mres you need to take note big time the drawback of the freeze-dried stuff is you got to have water but not a lot of water we used about let's say about a half a bottle not quite a half a bottle to make that meal i mean damn that's good can i drink the whole thing there you are it's good that drinks the 10 out of 10 they're always really really good all right where's the knife at let's get a little cut out of this one cinnamon bun there's your half i'm sure you'll eat all this one this is definitely [Music] you better heat it up there's no way to do with this ration just every aspect of this thing is very very nice highly impressed with it i think about the cinnamon bun i think it's all right but i mean i can definitely eat the whole thing there's no preservative taste to it it doesn't it's not weird it's not super sweet no that's kind of right in the middle of everything we didn't fix the coffee do you want coffee today or no okay he says no so let's go ahead and crank open a taco crisp thanks before these are not sweet bars at all these are more of a health bar you smell would you like dark chocolate so you probably like this i'm gonna cut just a piece of this off for you a piece for me there you go thank you camera doing weird stuff have a little bit of that every once in a while there's this cross cut of it chocolate and like puffed rice it's 39 protein it's a protein bar so after you realize the protein bar not bad for protein bar same way so these are always good [Music] right out there pretty sticky cranberry bar that one's better in them it's way better a little more sugar i'll tell you what i'm really impressed that's ration all you guys are probably like oh you should wait for a man to get back well we've got three other ones to do different menus we also got some check stuff coming in some dutch stuff on its way here all but should be here this coming week actually so stay tuned for all that guys appreciate you watching all the videos we'll see you monday hopefully if he gets here with another big giant german ration or something is cool that's gonna be it thanks for watching we'll see you later
Channel: Nathans MRE
Views: 166,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: norwegian arctic field ration, arctic field ration, mre review, meal ready to eat, nathans mre, freeze dried, military food, freeze dried food, military rations, norwegian ration, norwegian field ration, norway mre, crazy russian hacker, army meal, nathans mre norwegian arctic field ration, ration review, special forces, army food, military ration review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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