Chaser Progression #1 | Deepwoken

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hi it's me burbing is and welcome to the Chaser progression yep I'm finally doing a deep bound video So today we're going to be going a flare blood commas flame build but the interesting thing is that I was probably one of the first ones to get the flare blood Comas on stream my explosions to be honest that's just on your part make a PVE build holy oh oh wait flare blood commas I got it already damn yo intelligent scaling it's it's it's light in intelligence and I still have it to this day so I'm going to be using the quote unquote first flare blood comma commas whatever and I have not done deep Bound in a good while so this is going to be interesting okay so we're on the lookout for lion fishes or shos since those are probably going to be the easiest for me to kill at this level maybe freshers too but uh they come in pairs so that's going to be a little Annoying a chest 19 HP boots I got wait no uh right there's a level requirement okay I'll put on this hat though okay I keep seeing owl fethers everywhere but like I'm not fighting an owl there's too much chip damage if you're wondering why I did deep Bound for this progression and not void Walker like my other progressions it's cuz uh you know the last one I did do void Walker for a d ow my half my HP is gone last progression I did a void Walker for a diver so now I have to be a I have to tread lightly around the lore nerds dude is this thing going to die oh right I don't even have chains of perfection yet I get that at level two hey hey dude come here please help me killed this guy much appreciated oh three bars I'm level one uh-oh another lion fish is here what is that another lion fish is here I have not done deep Bound in a while I think the last deep bound progression I did was like the karice progression where I swapped the void Walker Midway cuz I got too bored of it hopefully deep bound is more interesting now didn't they add like a mud skipper event and like the Delian oh right the Delian mechanism I should do that that actually might be the strap BR you got 50 notes nope I got zero notes I do have stuff I could sell though there we go while I'm here I might as well sell some of my other stuff I'll use some notes to repair my armor why not what I got a level for repairing my Armor All right well I'll just take Swift rebound evasive all right I'm going to grab flame grab pun not intended please don't click off the video ooh no no w wait a crap uh can I make it up here ah let's go this guy saved me you know so far the people around has been pretty friendly hopefully it stays like that and nobody tries to gank me all right since we're deep bound this video is going to be uh starting off a bit slow and also I just remembered you guys are probably wondering why does Chaser look so happy and it's because this is accurate to his lore bro if you look at the wiki he was like a aspiring diver and stuff you know and also the Lord nerds threatened me but it's fine I have to be L accurate for a progression or else they'll gank me though I think for this build I might go contractor which I'm not quite sure if is like the best idea cuz he didn't make a deal with the fourth profit he made it with the second one I think you know the blood guy I don't know who the blood guy is but like he's un profit it's the closest thing we have so I might just do that I'm going try and level up my fortitude a little sooner oh here we go I'm not quite sure when I want to leave the depths on this build maybe around trial of one level yeah we'll just say it's like the trial of one level oh wait hold on Delian mechanism I forgot we're going L mechanism all right there it is the little I'm not quite sure what it's called okay that's a lot of jelly fish oh oh that that is a you know that's a pretty big jellyfish oh come on a shle right here I'm just trying to get to the mechanism man I guess I'll take the XP why not what stop no stop spawning shos on me all right does it heal me back to full if I started right now or should I like get a level first all right we're going to do the new player stat investment strategy where you just throw in points randomly it pains me to do this but I got to I got to get this level man there we go blood iron Fire Blade all right pretty good Mantra setup here well it's two moves but you know pretty good and uh let's start it wave one hey okay I'm getting stun locked yo relax okay all right that's wave one oh just a fresher this time I'm basically doing trial of one here there we go second wave done what's the third one oh Golem right this is just a trial of one well at least it isn't like five corrupted sharos jumping me all at once it would be nice if I got like a little break in between the level up just like the trial of one but this was meant for max levels anyway so there we go what's the what is this the fourth or fifth wave I for oh wave four that that is a corrupted Charco I mean not Charco a flying fish yes imagine I get oh I was about to say imagine I get one shot by this but hold on let me stop the mechanism real quick there we go level five and I'll take scuba drowner okay seeing how screwed up our stats already are I might as well just start leveling up light weapon I think I'll probably skip past the waves that I've already done oh my goodness hey relax relax no way I wipe here no way no way oh okay that was a little close that was a little close I actually thought I was going to wipe well what I was trying to say is I'm probably going to skip past the waves that I've already done and then skip to the new ones or like the one I quit on so the corrupted lion fish all right we're back at the uh the the the corrupted lion fish I'm going to sucess I said I was going to successfully Dodge it this time but it appears I'm not very good at dodging okay hold up hold up hold up no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my goodness bro how I dude how am I failing to dodge this thing bro is it different from the normal like lion fish Dodges you like earlier in the episode I was doing the normal ones right just like just fine bro all right well we're already at trial of one level from this you know which is pretty good oh spine cutter nice I did say I was going to leave after I hit trial of one level but I do want to I do want to beat the corrupted lion fish before I actually leave cuz I can't just end on that bro 5 minutes later back to the corrupted lion fish I'm going to dodge you this [Music] time dude you see it's delayed bro like that he comes down and then he shoots it I got to watch for the delay okay I just said I was going to watch for the delay but I don't think it's worth it guys I'm on have a bar dude why is this thing so unironically difficult hold on I want to have a side by side with like the normal lion fish and the corrupted lion fish see if the timing is any [Music] different here we go level eight we're past trial of one level now Warriors resp that's good fire pal yes that's good that's good all right come on I get it this try right well okay now that time was a little early that time was a little early this time I get it right this time I get it okay I wonder if I I can just like flame grab if frame it I can that is actually so useful that might be the Strat here cuz his timing is stupid and also his little bites are stupid too like I don't know why but like he just keeps facing away from me or just not face me oh shoot I screwed up woo oh no I posture broke him that's good that's good how did that hit me bro how did that hit me come on man I'm like one beam away from Death here so if I screw up I really screw up good all right 5 minutes later oh okay finally bro what is this next one oh just the corrupted Shar go that is so easy that is so easy light work bro that's what I'm saying oh chest nice hey I'll just grab all this to sell o entanglement I'm probably just going to lapos it wait what am I talking about I'm using Bloods okay so this thing might just be useless I'll just I'll just give it to another slot all right unless it's something easy I'm probably not going to do this next wave but I do want to see what it is for oh that that is a lot of enemies maybe I can do this one D their particles are so annoying there's so many particles everywhere see if I can hit him with a ooh look at that I kind of have to rely on my like flame blade here cuz I don't really have a guard break crit like every other weapon these guys have a lot more HP than I thought oh no no no no no no oh stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh my goodness all right once that guy hit me with like the detonation or something I was like oh crap maybe light weapon isn't the best for that wave but now let's get some more levels there we go here all freze perfect flash take Wildfire because now my flame pal should be like yeah that's a little bigger sure precise swing why not and I'll take fire Forge all right let's get out of here since I'm deep bound I just need to fight an enforcer which should be easy hopefully 5 minutes later these ones are fit for crushing all right here we go dagger reinforcer this is going to be oh so fun Fire Blade hey that's good I wonder if I can throw in flame Forge here I'm not sure if it does a lot yeah it does a lot of posture all right that's good that's why people say it's [Music] [Music] good fire there go five minutes later there we go that took a little while and we're out all right imagine I didn't have chains of perfection for that that would have been an actual pain all right well we're going to go ahead and sell a whole bunch of stuff that we got from rris I mean not rris I mean at rris we got this from the Del mechanism and we'll see what to do from there all right I do got to say this time deep bound was a little more fun mostly because of the Delian mechanism but uh to be fair it is the same mobs it's just that I don't have to look around for the mobs that long I'm about to learn black diver and repair my robes and since I want I'll DCT and I'm a dread oh my goodness that's 48 points all right I'll just put these into into uh into fortitude yes that's what I was about to say hey that's good I'll take that concussion can wait probably flourishing isn't a very common thing anyways oh hey speaking of flourishing I'm going to take that all right first thing I want to do right now is just quickly head over to song seeker and get my flame mantras up I'm going to get Fire Blade up and fire Forge yeah that's good all right so in order to get contractor I need to get myself positive Ministry rep and to do that I'm going to do some bounties for this MPC right over here and it's not really a bounty he just wants me to kill anybody at song Seeker you are going to kill somebody specifically any por tap you find on song Seeker sounds good do the job and return to me they'll have to be as smart as yourself you know so the reason I'm doing the bounties is because the alternative is just doing these events which take so long oh whoops no no no no no no no no no no no no you you live I kill you wait what oh come on I didn't even get the rep for it because he drowned all right so the plan is I'm going to sit at song seeker and wait for some void Walkers to grasp onto me hopefully that'll land me some easy kills and I can get my Ministry rep up no problem this is a operation reverse void walking 5 minutes later H this is taking a second ah I thought it was a player for a second why is it all the times that I try and go contractor I don't go void Walker 5 minutes later you know people talk about how they keep constantly getting jumped by void Walkers where are they where are the void Walkers man why did I just get a random fresher of them bro oh why does everything feel soay deled my m1's feel way too delayed and my rolls too what is what is this you know maybe I'll have better luck over at Aria all right let me go grab arus Quest is it too late to go void Walker all right I've been waiting for like 30 minutes now um both song seeker and Aria when are the void Walkers going to show up like seriously where where are they there's not even a single player here so even if I wanted to just gank a random guy there's no random guy to gank five minutes later oh finally bro oh my goodness bro hey I've been waiting come here okay so I'm going to hit him with a little oh he actually pared [Music] that is that two of them oh come on man all the wait what I got two at the same time this is unlucky bro okay well this is going to be a little bit annoying Fire [Music] Blade let's see if I can hit him with a flame [Music] grab what are the chances when they show up they go for they have two at once all right woo well I don't get double the rewards I don't get double the quest XP if I kill both of them so this [Music] sucks yeah yeah gank your teammate yeah oh my goodness what oh that his animation got completely hidden [Music] there oh wait what is that another void Walker but like for the other guy Heart Break fire [Music] Forge oh what me you're a Max Level bro okay good good good stay [Music] down stay down here [Music] bro let's go defeated what's this guy doing here though he has a whole Bell this guy's a Max Level fire [Music] pal [Music] Dodge what are you doing bro you can't just do that close range you know oh crap oh that strong left did a bar that's crazy BR I'm a level 10 freshy bro all right what I'm spinning this back bro he wasn't even a void Walker what is going on in here all right you know what that's that's the guy from The Guild earlier come on let's go so we're after the FAQ guys cuz oh because they gripped my freshy bruh radiant kick I don't have a bell on this build cuz I never bought it to do it oh who just popped the domain expansion Dodge see if I can hit him with the radiant Dawn yeah cook this guy bro oh we're out oh somebody's [Music] dead getting random silent art hey get off me oh my goodness bro what is going on yes he's dead get him somebody Reaper Reaper Reaper Reaper oh hey I think that's the guy yeah he's dead I guess that's that all right well even though we got involved in a completely random gank we did get the kill for that last void Walker so let's go cash it in oh yeah and also I'm just a level away so where's my encyclopedia boom there you go agitating spark I'm pretty sure this is like the emperor flame thing even if Emperor flame didn't actually buff anything just a sheer amount of particles is enough to make it worth using since I'm running light I'm pretty sure I did this for my like fake freshy build too oh I just realized this is the second time I went light flame charm I didn't really do it intentionally but like what else are you going to make Chaser Frost draw all right I've eliminated the Target and I got Ministry rep you know now that I think about it flare blood Comm FL with contractor hey that this build sounds kind of cold H you know I'm not so sure I want to keep doing deep bound anymore cuz once I get contractor I'm going to be immediately hunted by the divers anyways so I really get no benefits except for the stupid little call of the Deep thing and since I'm not void Walker we get like absolutely no PVP around here unless I wait like 30 minutes I might just betray the divers and just go void Walker Oh this is going to be a repeat of the Clarice progression isn't it h I'm going to have to think on this would it be low accurate for Chaser to defect to another faction well I mean there isn't really a Ministry origin just yet so wouldn't void Walker do just fine like think about it guys think about it you know what I'm going to go find some answers in the Deep oh that's nice I just show up at Castle light well after I get contracted I'd be showing up right in the middle of enemy territory I just want to go fight myself man clorice I'm I'm level 11 I'm a very strong power 11 okay kice let me down into Layer Two boom another level oh Phoenix flame you know I'm still thinking about whether to keep playing on this no I ah I just took nullifying Clarity I need to use the shrine anyways if I want to get contractor so I might as well go over nullifying Clarity I'm pretty sure is not that good on flame I mean you're already dealing damage with your status effect why would you want to remove it for just like a little bit more on your M1 all right let's go through this little Gap in the wall here so which one is the shrine I need Shrine of order no temptation no last myy nuh-uh oh trying of chance here it is nullifying Clarity ooh anxious guard that's not bad well that's one Shrine done I suppose oh hey there's a little group of uh deep Founders here what what happened here bro Last Chance say sorry I'll wipe you okay say sorry I'm being for a real right now this some crazy deep bound drama bro 3 2 1 okay DC what did this guy just use like a Harry Potter spell on him disconnect boom and he's gone bro like what that was an interesting site what three star stiletto yeah I'll take it I'll take it you know what I made my decision screw the divers bro some of you guys may be saying are you serious right now bro you seriously betraying the divers yes I am it's time for a new Chaser bro no more of this goofy running around in the depths for like like 3 hours looking for things to kill no more sitting around at song Seeker waiting for someone to come gank me I'm going to pass down my three star stiletto and I'mma pass down this hat that I found all right here we go so good thing is that we weren't actually all that far along in our progression we're only like level 12 something like that we could probably get that back in just a couple bounties and also this does mean that we get to level our stats in a proper order no more goofy stat setups there we go Megalodon down blood iron we get flame blade back boom Freddy Intel lock that get my agility up perfect Flash and now let's go a little bit into fortitude and then we're go strength oh light speed reflexes they just reworked this so it's like this now so I M1 and I press F and it immediately faints to M14 me observation H oh yeah didn't they just gut risky moves they made the cool down like way longer than before now o burning servants I missed that last time around flame has so many good mantras dude it's crazy like flame probably has the most amount of viable moves out of every atunement angels are just going to be light work with flame come [Music] on Warriors re spite hey this is just like when I was deep bound or like you know 5 minutes ago and I'll take revenge just because I need a bit of a range closer right now and also wow a Dre and trial of one is crazy dude we are level eight from trial of one I don't usually run a dread so I never actually get this High most of the time all right final trial there we go he's [Music] dead oh okay I I I guess I just don't get it I didn't get another wave of extra points which is understandable I'm already level eight after all oh hello Ministry guys don't worry I'll be soon to join you put on I while I'm at it oh look at that all right first things first we have to disguise ourselves so I actually had a divers Apprentice robe from last life so now what I need is four cloth four fiber and three Crystal lens which should be easy and also it's time for me to grow a beard there we go all right so the first stat I'm going to level is flame cuz flame has a whole bunch of talents and uh light does not have a whole lot of talents would be nice to actually use the flare blood commas but that can come later all I need is my freest star stiletto while I'm here I might as well grab this Quest all right I got our Crystal lens oh and I'm broke all right never mind 5 minutes later boom nobody will suspect a thing all right I suppose it's time to get ourselves a bit of ministry rep Danny vendet sorry but uh you're the only one at a low Aria oh okay come on you serious right now mud skippers hey man hold up I'll take care of these mud skippers for you yeah I'll just I'll just burn them for you okay yeah screw them up mud skippers all right hold on I would like to get rid of these guys but it's a bit difficult since my AOE moves are not that big oh what was that okay so it it appears that daggers this guy's not very fond of them flame blade shoulder [Music] Bash and he's running all right I need Ministry rep man I'm sorry come back what oh come on that didn't hit there we [Music] go oh he actually got [Music] that shoulder bash crit sorry I need contractor H Adept flame charmer there we go level oh my boat is gone all right whatever but let me accept the the quest thingy again all right so we need five bounties to fully uh get the thingy the ministry thingy so we're 20% of the way there in AET there's two people here at U lower I mean not lower Aria burning Stone Gardens but I only need one for the quest and I'll come back for the other one if I can might have to be a little careful here these guys are decently leveled yooo hold up hold up let me let me hit him with a slashy wave yoohoo all right crit oh oh [Music] oh oh why' I crouch no shoulder bash faint shoulder bash uppercut no I missed oh crap yep I'm I'm not getting the ones aren't I hold up let me get to a flatter area uh all right buddy you want to run to ones yeah hit each other burning servants [Music] woo [Music] okay it's a bit difficult to try and keep both of them in my view all at [Music] once ooh I want to constantly have them on the uh Chase here so that they keep hitting into each [Music] other Dodge Flame blade okay okay okay crap where' the other one go I think the other one fell down what where are you guys going come here boy flame blade shoulder bash yo got him let me grab him like that okay flame blade oops no he fell I hope he gets Auto fire [Music] gripped did he fall down no they're both alive he's down again okay yeah fall off there okay and I got oh I got both of them nice I was like huh I didn't even grip this guy yet did he log and I and I see him he's still being gripped I was like huh I'm confused here all right I should have gotten a whole bunch of points from that expert flame Cher that's nice let's see we can get to the next level here oh nah all right whatever all right well now I got to get out of here before I before I get shot up by all these Golems you know they should make it so that the system is like you accept the quest and then however many people you kill you get the ministry rep for it I should get two bits of ministry rep for the two people I killed don't you think this ain't no buy one get one free deal all right let's turn this in I've eliminated the target can I get another one no okay all right whatever man all right so that's two out of the five bounties done but for now I do want to take a small break from doing bounties what no don't close the door no anyways we need to go make deals with four different shrines for contractor and the first one I'm going to visit is the shrine of chance all the way over at Fort Merit thankfully we only need 12 knowledge as compared to like the 20 you needed on release since now we have two shrines that only need one knowledge to use which is the one to unburn your card and then the one to transfer your um one of your tributes your traits yes all right so the four shrines I want to hit is the one that moves the trait one that rolls a mantra one that rerolls a talent and the one that rolls well unburn a card the one thing deep bound did have going for it is that all the shrines were concentrated in one place so now I have to go on a little Odyssey but honestly I appreciate the change in scenery all right now that we're here I do have to think about what I want to uh what talent I want to get rid of these are all pretty good talents if I'm going to be honest oh wait no scaredy cat I can get rid of that what do we get unyielding Inferno I still don't know what that does I'm pretty sure if you don't have the card your fire just goes out in the rain or something or like in the water I would hate if RNG just decided to get rid of my main status effect so yeah all right so the next Shrine the shrine of Mastery is all the way across the hive so we're going to go move across all the way over there oh hey cleared up I wonder if I'm being a little too overconfident just running at two freshes at level 10 should be fine right all right one's down and two down there we go ooh nice a whole lot of stuff I need wait okay so I need to unburn stuff so I'm going to burn produce spark and burn nullifying Clarity nullifying Clarity because I actually do want to burn it but let me free spine cutter and take agitating spark ooh emulation yes uh is that uh is that void Walker here for me okay I think this void Walker is here for me well that's unfortunate wait this isn't even a void Walker or did I just not hit him yet no I hit him he's not he's just here for some reason this dude has ardor and all that okay dude thater is hard to Parry yeah I can see that first hand now I do like a little dance around him cuz I don't want to I don't want to be the first to get [Music] hit o this thing is outlandishly hard to [Music] Parry [Music] what how did that hit me bro [Music] ooh okay it feel dude my my prry feels so delayed against this guy oh [Music] oh okay okay [Music] okay oh [Music] what [Music] uh what hey hey what just happened huh what yeah get him bro get him go void Walker okay I think he's going to me a crap man I'm just trying to get my Shrine and whatnot y'all pulling up on me with enchanted weapons well this guy is just an iron s this so what happened to my hair bro I think they done fade trimmer to me oh I'm oh they're they're getting getting away with me oh goodness what a ow do I live this I don't live this a man okay okay you know what fresh you can go grip the two of them wa no no no no no well that could have gone better all right bro we here on the bbing is channel we don't end on a loss let's see Briar ziki where are you there you are oh he is also running flame here okay oh dagger's gameplay I just got Master flame trer [Music] nice okay how did I miss okay how am I missing these parries bro all right let me let me lock in real quick oh oh oh hit him with a combo what you doing no no no no no you can't just you can't just be speed potioning away from me I recognize that color my revenge is never hit bro what the heck no oh a sand golem here of all places all right where is this guy no he's going to log he's going to log BR all right we try that again he's very eager to fight me I see come here what what you're suddenly not very eager to fight me there you go shoulder bash yes burning servants that completely missed okay Revenge uppercut okay so burning servants in the upper I mean uppercut into burning service didn't really work on is this guy checking the chest are you serious this guy has like two modes he like Sprints around or he tries to fight me what my lack of range makes these fights kind of awkward sometimes shoulder bash faint okay okay hit him with a combo [Music] bro [Music] oh oh no I shouldn't do that shoulder bash GG's hi oh well wow okay I'll take this this guy dropped a deep fire ring so there that's pretty nice let me quickly get my life back there we go Phoenix Flames I let me take that let's see uh I'll take dancing steps okay so we can get fire pal back fire Forge all that I am missing a bit of rain so I guess I'll take fire Forge next episode we're going to be getting our flame charm up our light weapons up hopefully getting ourselves to a point where we can start going for a contractor but that's going to be it for this first episode of the Chaser progression hope you guys enjoyed
Channel: Birbingish
Views: 100,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, roblox, deepwoken roblox, deepwoken primadon, deepwoken pvp, deepwoken arena, arena, 1v1, enchant, weapon enchant, curved blade of wind, deepwoken depths, depths, depths grinding, ganking, videogame, sword, gaming, heavy, bells, galebreathe, enchants, deepwoken enchant, deepwoken layer 2, solo progression, prog, solo prog, progression, build, deepwoken solo progression, layer 2, verse 2, contractor, jetstriker, voidwalker, pvp, bossraid, saltchemist, alchemy, potions, flareblood kamas
Id: 3grHJRKl3MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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