Simple Way to Make a Tasty Ghana Fante Fante. Spicy Fresh Tilapia Stew|Authentic Fish Pepper Sauce.

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hello my lovely welcome back to my kitchen this is urusua it is always a pleasure to have you here today i am taking you to fancy land yes we are making a delicious fancy fancy you would absolutely love this recipe so come along and let's make this we have some fresh tilapia here with some red snapper these are crafts and prawns and then our fresh producer here nicely chopped fresh tomatoes and some chopped onions and these are the spices that we'll be using the first thing we are going to do with the fresh fish is to blend some onions garlic and ginger as well as some hot pepper we're going to leave the rest of the pepper for later and to that i'm going to be adding some fresh thyme if you have dry ones it works the same so once that is ready i will go ahead and put some on the fish [Music] and then with that i'll add some fish seasoning powder some salt and then i will stir everything up rubbing the paste until the fish well afterwards i'll be covering this and then set it aside [Music] so we are doing the same thing with the prawns and the crabs with a little bit of salt and then we'll wrap all the spices in well and leave it aside as well so now my oil is heated and this is salted fish it is boneless okay you can use fermented fish momone if you wish so i've gone ahead to fry this in our palm oil hello this is louis west kitchen you are welcome if you haven't already subscribed please go ahead and do so activating your bell icon to receive future uploads so my lovely i've just added a generous amount of chopped onions okay so we are going to fry this until the onions are soft [Music] they are now and it is giving out such a nice aroma with the salted fish so now with the remainder of our spice blend that we used initially i have i have gone ahead to add some fresh tomatoes with paprika and that has been blended and we will go over and pour it as such quick reunions for two years yeah i know if you go in with some shrimp powder and try to be quite generous because it makes such a great difference to the taste okay so i'll set everything up and then i will cover it up leave leaving a little bit space so that it doesn't end up being too liquidy so i have come back now you can see that the emoji fine and the oil is settling on the top and it tastes amazing already so now we will season our stew first go in add some unga seasoning powder and then we will top it up with my homemade spice blend which i will share with you shortly and then i'll add some curry powder together with ginger powder and some salt to taste so you want to add in all your seasonings at this stage and then stir it up but remember we have some salt on the fish so be mindful that you do not over salt it at this stage go in with the fresh seasoned tilapia yes and the red fish as well and then tuck them in just like how i am doing once that is done we go and bring up the crabs as well [Music] okay the nine of pesos yes let me tuck it in and then i'll add all the remaining as well just find space wherever you can and now i'm adding in our seasoning prawns as well so at this stage you have to be mindful with stirring so what i normally do is you just find one spot and scoop some of the steel and just put it on top of your fish you know just to cover everything up nicely just like so we are going to leave it to cook on a low to medium heat until the fish is completely cooked in goes some fresh chilies chopped onions and green peppers and leave it on for a bit scooping away all the essence oil and now look what we have here our simple but perfect fancy fancy is here and i enjoy this with some soft bun please go ahead and leave a like on this video and subscribe if you haven't already done soon and i'll see you in my next video take care my darling bye bye [Music]
Channel: Owusuaa's Kitchen
Views: 11,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #fantefante
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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