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you've got to use your hand oh there's nothing like Cutlery here M Street style wow this is going to want to make you scream Hallelujah it is so good you won't believe it but recently I met someone from poot she usually sells B you know it's her business in poac and she showed me no let's rephrase she taught me how to make the classic B fish and that they pepper sauce oh more guys I was so excited as she was teaching me the only thing I was thinking about was I'm going to download and show you guys how to make it so you two can make authentic poac ble and fish right in the comfort of your home if this is your first time stopping by my name is EP and welcome to my kitchen don't forget to hit that subscribe Button as well as the notification icon because I want you to be part of this community don't forget to check the description box for a list of all the ingredients I will be using because I want you to make authentic poac B right from the comfort of your own home okay without further Ado let's get started so first thing I'm going to do is to season my fish and my fish of choice today is mael which you may know as tital some people know as sukia you know whatever you know it as this is the fish I'm using today but feel free to use any fish of your choice of course make sure you clean it really well bring out all the stomach all the things that make it bitter bring everything out now next thing you're going to do is to squir the fish there's make incisions so that your spices can enter inside so every part of the fish should be nice and flavorful all right you're going to do the same thing as on the other side of the fish you're going to make all these um shallow Cuts you're not going to cut it all the way just shallow Cuts all right great so I'm going to do that to the remaining fishes can you see this so I've made shallow C so when I season it to enter from the head to every part all off the fish okay the same thing goes on here this little steps make all the difference yeah see this second one I'm grilling three fishes so I'm doing the same for the third one fantastic so I'm done with scoring my fish I'm going to season it so season my fish I've got some Scotch bunnet peppers here okay I've also got some fish seasoning so feel free to use any fish seasoning of your choice okay I've also got some dry pepper and some paprika powder as well as palm oil yes palm oil is part of what they use to season their fish is what gives it that beautiful color as well all right so that's why I'm wearing gloves cuz it's pepper so just going to put the pepper make sure the pepper entes everywhere I'm going to open the head put the pepper in yeah this is looking good I'm also going to add some palm oil yeah they use palm oil to coat the fish part of all gives it that lovely color I'm sure poot people understand what I'm talking about yeah so this is okay make sure you put it on both sides of the fish look at my fish looking so pretty not I'm not even done yet to not done at all don't forget the head when you're putting all your spices and your seasonings some people love the head of fish so you want to make sure the seasonings get into everything so let me let me know what what part of the fish do you like best the head the middle or the tail let me know in the comment section okay so we're not done like I said we're also going to go on with pepper I mean I'm showing you how the lady taught me so please don't come for me that the pepper is too much this is how my poac friend taught me this is all messy sorry you're going to put some dry pepper as well okay put it everywhere make sure it enters put the back of the fish everywhere yes this is looking good now some paprika powder this will give it a nice color as well put it put it put it fish seasoning you can add some salt if you wish but hey um my fish seasoning I think is is really it contains a lot of salt so please taste by all means and add more if you need all right so put it [Music] everywhere both front and back I'm beginning to massage your fish M it's getting that color right you see it yeah yeah M beautiful and well seasoned so you know this is going to taste so good so you can see how pretty my fish looks look at that every part of the fish is well seasoned every part and has this beautiful color all right so what I'm going to do now is to place it on my baking tray and I'm going to put it into my oven and allow it to grill all right so I'm just going to place it [Music] one two and three I'm making some space because I'm going to put my B right next to it okay so make sure you don't waste any of this put it put it put it fantastic okay so I'm just going to set it aside and get my B ready put it by the side and then goes into the oven so for my plantains I'm going to be using these plantains I know they don't look so pretty but they're really good and it is not really ripe it is firm so it's somewhere in between ripe and unripe that's exactly how I like it some people like their plantain on ripe that's their b or B on ripe some like it really ripe but this is how I like mine so feel free to use whatever kind of plantain you like like okay so I'm going to be roasting three I think three plantings will be enough I'm just going to give it a quick rinse and I will be back now there's this controversy about the right name for this dish is it b or B let me know in the comment section so my husband grew up in baning city and he calls it ble I've grown up in Lagos all my life and I know it has bul so I always having that argument in the house and he said if you please can you make B for me I'm like what are you what what are you saying please call it B and he says no it is B so what do you call it let me know in the comment section now I have my plantains all peeled even though I hate that t goodness okay so I'm just going to also create some shallow carts I don't know I just feel like it's pretty it looks pretty and then it allows the plantain cook well inside it's just my thing so if You' like to do it fine if you don't it's okay but I like to do it perfect so so on the same tray as I have my fish I'm going to arrange my Bly right beside it okay going to just put slashes on the other side as well and it's going to go into the oven till it is nicely cooked okay while this is cooking I'm going to go ahead to start prepping my sauce for this bolle and fish and I'm going to show you exactly how I'm going to do it so while our plantain and fish is grilling nicely I'm going to go ahead to make the sauce because there is no B and fish poo B and fish without this beautiful sauce of course you have to use some Palam oil so that's why I'm using Palam oil okay so just add your Palam oil in your pot like this so once you add your palm oil allow it get nice and hot before we add in the next ingredient once your oil is hot go ahead and add in your onions SP the onions for a few seconds and then put in your Blended pepper mix now this is a blend of tomatoes peppers that's C bunnet peppers tachet and cayenne pepper which you know as your Shambo so this is and of course a lot of onions ah this sauce needs onions so put in your pepper mix and he what is this splatter wow this was splattering everywhere but I have it under control now so you're going to stir the pepper mix with the oil okay and then cover it and allow it to cook now guys if there's anything you take away from this please use fresh ingredients the fresher your tomatoes peppers you know the ones you haven't put in the freezer the tastier your sauce will come out I promise you all right of course if you don't have fresh feel free to use frozen it will still turn out right I promise oo this is cooking nicely now guys one way you can know your pepper sauce is all done is once the oil starts floating on top then you know yes we're getting there so I'm going to season with some curry powder okay and some seasoning powder so I'm going to give this a taste if I feel like I need to add salt then I will add some salt if not there's already salt in the seasoning powder M it is given it is definitely given but I need to add some salt to make it perfect so a little salt goes in the quick there I'm just going to leave this for another 5 7 minutes and my sauce is all done okay fantastic woo woo woo our poot style B and fish is all ready guys now I'm going to show you how it is served okay so you're going to take your B all right and you ah guys it's hot oo and they like to smash it a little I don't know why but that's how it's done all right divide it oo oo you know that's the joy of B smash it a little woo like this then you're going to get some of this lovely fish [Music] M guys this fish is so good then just add it add it add it add it like this and and we're going to go to the pot of that lovely sauce and scoop some of this lovely Ste all over it all over generously don't M sting it guys everywhere now this is how it is done so if you want some onion rings or some utazi that's some kind of um leafy herbs or vegetables feel free to put this but this is how I want it and this is how how I'm eating it ooh now time for a quick taste test ooh you've got to use your hand oh there's nothing like Cutler here M Street Style ah this is going to want to make this scam Hallelujah it is so good woo it is so so good so now we're going to put some of that fish and the Bing and the sauce I'm going to combine everything that took me right back to the streets of potot I've been to potaco twice in my life and I tell you today is the third time I visited poot right here from my kitchen in Lagos Nigeria ooh this is so good so I want you to recreate what you've seen here because this is authentic potaco Bol and fish okay don't forget to like this video don't forget to share it so as many people can say this video don't forget to subscribe as well and of course hit that like button till I see you in another recipe take care and keep eating good food bye Paka this is what is eat in paqua very good [Music]
Channel: Ify's kitchen
Views: 41,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bole, boli, peppersauce
Id: gOyOaoQXtzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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