Simple steps to help shut down scammers

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Delete their databases and you good fam

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/saki709 📅︎︎ May 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's going on engineers or really anybody that's stumbling upon this video I want to show you some simple steps you can do to help shut down scammers with little to no technology so let's just jump in moments ago I received this text message hi I'm wondering if this is still available and then it has this URL now I have sort of this Facebook with a zero in it and then some other domain that we don't actually know what it is yet and then this fake ending portion of the URL this is designed to trick the person to thinking that this is actually a facebook URL and in fact when we actually take this and we paste it into the browser it actually takes us to this site which is like jeno GA slash marketplace and whatever of course this is a fake facebook login if you put your email and password in here it's going to send it to the scammer then they're gonna be able to log in to your Facebook and do whatever they're gonna do the first thing we do to help try to shut this site down is simply take the URL go to the chrome report a phishing page put the URL in there and then click submit report this will let Google know that it's a phishing site and they can block it in chrome and send about 75% of the people on the Internet use Chrome this will help protect send representing other people well let's not stop there let's give this person the least possible chance to actually scam anybody else so next thing I did is I have his phone number here so what I did is I used a throwaway phone number and I called that number I got a Google Voice voicemail so perfect no problem I popped open the Google Voice abuse report form and I filled out all the information and I click Submit and that's it for their number the last thing I did this requires a little bit of technology is I saw that they had a subdomain of another domain and the short CLI this led me to believe this was actually a URL shortener an actual legitimate company so I pasted that into my browser and I opened this up and I quickly saw that that's exactly what it is it's a URL shortener so no problem I popped open their chat I typed the URL into there and I said hey this URL is a scam and I click send and then within a little bit guess what happened I went back to that URL and it was already blocked from the time I got them on their chat that time it was blocked was about two minutes shortly after I submitted the chrome abuse report I came back and I checked the URL again and now deceptive site ahead so now chrome knows it's deceptive and everybody is protected from look at this message and hopefully they don't continue on to the site the last thing I did and again this requires a little bit of technology is I took their domain which is Jana GA I opened up a terminal I came into here and because domain names have public data available to them I did who is jeno GA and it's gives me some information about this site gives me an organization domain tells me who the name servers are but mostly what I'm interested in is the abuse so let me know down here that abuse of a domain name want to report abuse of this domain name please send a detailed en with her complaint to abuse at free Nam Kham so that's precisely what I did I wrote them a quick email and I let them know hey this domain is being used as a phishing domain and they're putting people's privacy and passwords at risk you'll see that everything I did here didn't take her Lehane time at all everything probably took a total of five minutes and from the time I got the text message it's at the time that the URL shortened URL was shut down and that the site was reported as deceptive and was showing up as red it was maybe about five to ten minutes later so whether you're in technology or whether you're not hopefully you learn something from this video and share it with your friends and hope that they can keep themselves safe as well these are really simple things to do when you're helping out yourself and you're helping out your friends good luck and stay safe out there
Channel: Engineer Man
Views: 292,385
Rating: 4.9864864 out of 5
Keywords: scammers, stop scammers, stop phishing
Id: 3yAYjz4Q9Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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