Simple Sawmill Technique Maximizes Production

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so welcome back guys on the last video i  mentioned that we were about to embark on   a chicken coop project well here it is here's our  chicken coop in kind of the raw form i guess these   are the logs or these are some of the logs i don't  think this will get all the materials that we need   but these are some of the logs  that were left over from the   shed build project that we did and there's no use  to letting these go to waste so i figure we'll saw   these up and get some of the materials that we  need from the or for the chicken coop project so here's my cut list of the materials that  i need and we're going to go ahead and start   from the base which makes the most sense  we'll start with the foundation materials   first and for the foundation i'm gonna  need two uh 14 foot two by sixes and 13   12 foot two by sixes and this is based on a  12 by 14 building and that could change if   i decide to change my mind at some point before  we actually start building but if i do change it   i'll probably only make it a little bit smaller  not bigger so all the materials are all the the   dimensions that i have on here it'll get  me there if i decide to shrink it or not   so let's go ahead and get to cutting  and we'll get our 15 two by sixes i wanted to show you all this and i haven't  looked at the footage but y'all may have seen   this in the last shot but look at this this is one  of the perils of running a camera and a sawmill at   the same time this is the kind of stuff that  happens let's look at it from the other side   i hope that y'all can see that it's kind of tough  to get in here with the gopro with the microphone   but you can see this thing stopped maybe a  sixteenth or an eighth of an inch away from   this roller and i think it actually scratched the  roller some i didn't plow into it thankfully so   the blade is not destroyed i'm going to keep going  and that'll tell us if it's damaged at all so   that was just a stroke of luck that i  accidentally or that i managed to stop   right before that happened because i  wasn't paying attention to that at all that was actually a pretty small log but it  actually made a lot of wood for us so here's   what we got out of that this is one two three  true two by sixes and one one by four up here and   we can take this one by four and cut it down two  actually it's a one by six we can cut it down to   one by four and make lathing with it so we've got  we've got three two by sixes and they're very very   long this is about a 17 foot log but that's fine  it's better to have it too long than too short so   yeah we're in good shape so far let's go  ahead and keep cutting let's get another log   so let's look at this log really quick before we  keep cutting here so what i need out of this   is a six inch cant and a six inch cant would go  to right there and that leaves a whole bunch of   waste right here well there's actually another  two by six hiding right here in this slab so what   i'm gonna do is i'm gonna cut off a smaller amount  right here to get the slab off to get a good flat   side here then i'm gonna go down two inches and  make a two inch board right here it'll basically   be a slab because it'll have two live edges on it  and then what we'll do is we'll trim up that edge   while we're cutting the rest of this log i'll  show you we can get a two by six out of this a   good true two by six and have one extra piece out  of this log so i'll show you how i can do that this actually would have been a little  bit easier if i had flipped the whole   log a quarter of a turn instead of  90 degrees instead of one full turn   would been a little bit less handling but it'll  work this way as well so what i'm going to do now   is i'm going to take that two inch slab  that i just made i'm just going to put it right there on the mill  and then i'm going to bring   the big cap back in and  that'll kind of act as a clamp adjust the log stops and now we can edge this slab the beauty  of doing it this way is that this can't   right here is not down to where i want  it yet it's not down all the way to six   so we're actually going to end up putting  this one at six at the same time we put   this main camp at six as well  so it actually saves some steps   it saves some handling i don't have to take stuff  on and off the mill just a little bit easier by doing that i've done a couple of things at  once i have made this two by six right here   one complete true two by six and i have brought  my tent down to six inches so that i can flip   it up and start getting the rest of my two by  sixes so it makes it a little more efficient that turned out really good that log ended up  giving us five true two by sixes there's one two   three four right here plus there's a one by down  here that i might can use for lathing i haven't   really looked at it that close this top log or top  board rather and this piece have got a fair amount   of weighing on them but i believe that they're  both still usable so pretty good yield from that   log i would say so that gives us eight total two  by sixes a couple of one buys that means we only   need about seven more two by sixes to get the  foundation complete so we're in pretty good shape not my day for the grapple i missed him that was a carpenter bee coming for  lunch unfortunately i missed him   he'll be back i was hoping that this log would  be the log that we could get our final seven   boards out of just in one shot  here because this log is about 15   just about 15 on this end unfortunately this  is the large end and it tapers pretty bad   it's actually 11 1/2 to 12 on that  end so i'll just do the best i can so i'm happy to report that i actually did get  seven two by sixes out of that log i was kind of   surprised i wasn't quite expecting i expected it  to be like six or something like that just i was   going to need like one more from some other log  but i did it by using that method that i showed   you earlier except i kind of did it twice i got  that two inch slab off of one side of the log and   then i flipped it and i got the same two inch slab  off of the other side of the log and that left me   with a very very straight cant with two sides  a straight six inch camp that had two very wide   clear straight sides on it and that allowed me  to get a whole bunch of two by sixes out of this   that have very little weighing a couple of these  boards have got a little bit of weighing on them   but nothing nothing to speak of these are some  really really nice really really super nice two   by sixes so that completes everything that we need  for the foundation of this chicken coop you saw me   on the last video cut those two by six excuse me  those six by six and four by four timbers out of   that cedar tree i've been brushing those with  that nasty treatment stuff that i i mixed up   i've also been sticking them down in the bucket  to kind of let the capillary action in those six   by sixes a wick up into the log at the advice of  a couple of commenters so thank you all for that   and uh those should be good to go here in a few  days so my plan here is to get started on this   next week my plans very rarely work out but  hopefully we'll be able to get the foundation   on this chicken coop next week today is wednesday  so hopefully monday or tuesday we can start   putting the foundation up and for anybody  wondering how long these boards need to dry   before i use them well about a week i'm not going  to dry them i'm just gonna put them up green   and uh and see what happens i expect it  to be just perfectly fine so anyhow that's   gonna do it for this video i appreciate y'all  watching and i will see you all on the next one
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 106,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fall line ridge, sawmill, mill, saw, woodmizer, wood Mizer, LT15, LT 15
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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