Simple Notion Tour | How I Organize My Life, Work, and Money

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if you clicked on this video it's probably because you want to get your life organized with notion and notion is an amazing tool but you've probably quickly also learned that it can be very overwhelming very quickly I finally come across a set of pages that I use on a daily basis to organize everything from my task management client work and even my finances all Under One Roof so my goal of this video is to make sure that by the end of it you feel confident and not overwhelmed to start using notion from a very like foundational level to organize your entire Digital Life and I'm going to try my very best to keep it simple and concise so let's get right into it the first area is task management so I've created this page called this week and with this week essentially it's broken down by the week the weekend and a few other side points to stay on track so you see here on this page I have everything from Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and then the weekend and essentially what I'll do is every Sunday night I will go in on this week or this page and I will fill out everything I can to the best of my ability of what I know I have going on in any given week and so as the week goes on I'm kind of treating this as like a game it's like can I check off all the boxes as the week goes on the reason why the color coordination is also good is because it helps the important things stand out I'll even sometimes italicize stuff or make it gray if I feel like it needs to be so moving over to the right side of this page or the second column I essentially have deadlines I'll occasionally toggle this just to see if I'm on track or anything that um I need to be looking at as the week goes on like if the week goes by what are like the three two or three things that must get done and that's where I put my weekly focuses and these could be anything from work projects to personal projects anything that I deem as a weekly Focus will go into this category then I have this weird one called side quest which is essentially like bonus you could also call this like the bonus task and this is the trap with task management is that if you're not careful you'll start putting a lot of tasks that are mundane or things that make you feel good cuz you're box checking but you're not actually getting the important things done and then last but not least I have a Home tab these are tasks that usually need to get done on my personal time it's not something that I should be doing for example like cleaning out my clothes or cleaning on my closet posting items on eBay to sell like this is not stuff that I should be doing first thing on a Monday morning when I should be diving deep into my work the next thing to get organized in your life is going to be your projects every one of us have projects we're working on whether that's for a day job we have or whether we're freelancing or whether we run our own business whatever you're doing you likely have projects that you're currently working on so I created a page that's helped me to stay on track called projects and essentially it's a pipeline for everything that I have going on that's important what's great about um this type of uh pipeline or these types of pages is that you can add any type of property which is really nice because of course because I'm in production the properties are going to be a certain uh format but for you in your job the properties might be very different and so what's great about it is you can use um all these different types of properties and then add it as a template so that every time you make a new project let's say I have a new project here all the properties will show up empty and then you can just continue to fill it out for every new project and so once I have a project already filled out it's in the discovery contract phase for me you know it's essentially just the pipeline so it's like once I move to pre-production production I'm editing the content I'm in revising phase or I've already sent the invoice and the invoice is pending so you'll notice from my YouTube videos when I hit new I have this template created called YouTube video and in my YouTube video template it looks much different so this is an example of a video that I did on How to get rid of brain fog and as you can see here this is kind of what it looks like when I'm working on it so I have this whole checklist here that we can go down as the video is getting complete I have my whole script right here and then I have my shot list that I need to go down and get all the clips for for the video if you want to change the name of a certain stage of a project so for example instead of calling pre-production what if we called it just like planning or something like that or we could call it like brainstorming right there's so many ways to customize it and what's great about it is that you can also add more so if I want to add published you can add a new one right so there's just so many different ways you can build out your own custom pipeline without having to be fixed into one set of parameters so really take some time to think about what what are my project buckets and then within that project bucket what are the stages of the project from start to finish and also if it's kind of repetitive like each project is very similar then think about how you can create templates so that you can save time each time you start a new project next let's talk about money money no matter who you are whether you have a lot of money or you don't have that much money whatever the case may be everyone needs to budget everyone needs to have a good visual of where all their money is so I've really split up my finances into four different categories and then a debit credit section so I'll go over each so every month there's one day that I will basically go in and have like an accounting day so on that day I would look at my bank statements and my transactions I'll look at all the money that was debited or the revenue that was coming in and the reason I do this and I log it in this custom table that I've created is so that I can create different filters for myself if I want to get an idea of you know how much I made from a specific client or how much I made from a specific place all these different parameters and properties and you can obviously create your own custom ones but I just personally thought this was great because in the past I would look at my bank statements or I would use something like QuickBooks which is nice cuz it does categorize it but you have to keep in mind those platforms like QuickBooks and all these other softwares they're specifically made for accounting and there's not really much flexibility in creating custom like Properties or parameters right because it's already made to be used a certain way can't really create your own workflow around it whereas with this I've created this own table just myself and I can have a visual forecast I have control of what I want to see and what I would not want to see I also do that for expenses so I'll have like when I buy gear so I'll know you know which which card that I use to pay it with I'll attach the invoice or receipt cuz those always get lost I also have another chart created for contractors and these are all people that I work with or have worked with and how much I paid them and for which project so this is just really great because then it gives me a good forecast of who I'm working with the most how I'm paying out contractors like the most common way this is something that I've created with my monthly cost and so essentially I have my personal expenses monthly so I I have like what it cost the name of the item and the dates like kind of extracted from my account and then I also have one for my business right so I have my business expenses you know before I did this and I know maybe some of you can relate but you don't even know sometimes where the money is coming out of like you look at a charge on your credit card statement or on your business or your personal life and you say where is that even going what is what did I subscribe to and then before you know it you're subscribed to like a bunch of stuff and you don't even know where your money is going again here I have two toggles that I created which is debit and credit and this is not really Financial advice this this video is not Financial advice but essentially I've created these two tab because I want to have a very healthy forecast of you know how much money do I actually have you know debit and how much money do I owe you know what's credit what what money what loans do I have basically out you know for debit I have like my investments and Joints my debit you know things that are in my business business checkings account personal checkings account PayPal other places where money is that's money that I actually have that I could pull out and use and then I have credit so I have essentially you know my three credit cards that I use and then loans that I have out so you know I have my business credit card personal credit cards and each month basically that's why I have this like last adjusted date here because I will essentially you know go through these pages and the debit and credit once a month just so I can keep make sure that it's up to date it's just a good mental check because if I'm making a lot of money it doesn't really matter if I owe I owe a ton there's a ton out on credit so again another visualization to make sure that you stay organized with your finances next talk about the journal this journal page is essentially a brain dump for anything that you need to keep track of or tag like team meetings um client notes articles anything that Cally needs a home for like a note goes into this journal tab or this page for me and so this is a big part of digital organization in my opinion just because everything you come across any thought that you have if you want to get a down on paper there's a link that you want to save it needs to go somewhere and so I just pretty much have like a master spot where I put all my my journal entries and then I've created just some very simple tags here um on what what that tag is so then I can filter through it later especially because with the notion all the search tools are built in so you can find a specific page if you title it and you remember like one keyword from your note nothing really crazy honest to talk about with notes besides the fact that when I have a new note I essentially would just tag it whether it's like education an article a team meeting I'll title it and then I'll put the date that I wrote it and then I usually just use these for brain dumps scratch paper I guess you could call it and it's been really helpful just to have a central place to put all my thoughts down Switching gears a little bit into why I also think notion is one of the best tools that you can use they just recently started rolling out a lot of AI tools and features that you you could use alongside all the stuff that I've just already been sharing in this video so I want to show you some my favorite AI features that I've been using alongside all my existing kind of ways to use notion and just how I've supercharged my workflow and just being able to do things a lot more efficiently uh this is a client meeting that I had for a project that was kind of in an inquiry phase we hopped on a zoom call and when I'm on these Zoom calls I'm just kind of making these random notes I guess you could say just things that come to mind um things that they need but after the call what I end up with is just kind of like this really like kind of scattered bullet list of things and so what I can ask AI to do uh ask AI to summarize what's in this document as you can see here it's gave me like a little summary of essentially what this notion page consists of I can ask AI to pull action items from this document and it basically just created a to-do list for me from all the notes that I just had from the call you can use notion Web Clipper in like Google Chrome what's really great about notion Web Clipper is let's say I have this page here that I pulled notes from but I have this web article that I came across you can have a chrome plugin to essentially save it into a specific database or um page within your notion this is this whole article that was written by Calvin Rosser that I found online so if I ask notion to summarize it AI is essentially summarizing notion AI is essentially just summarized in this paragraph what this entire article is about and so again this is what's really cool is I can ask AI to create action items find action items from this article or the book creative AIC ruin and I it gives me just like these very simple checklists that I can use to kind of get a head start on what I can get out of reading this book book notion has also recently just launched Q&A which is super awesome because you can pretty much ask AI to pull information from your database right so in a chat format I can ask what are my tasks for this week and so all the tasks that I put in this week it's essentially put it down for me in this format so I can have a quick glance at it another cool AI feature that I haven't been using as much but I thought it was really cool I want to ask AI to translate this into Korean CU I'm Korean and they have a few other languages as well you can also use notion AI to help with your writing let's say I want to take this paragraph and ask AI to fix spelling and grammar AI will now check for spelling and grammar mistakes that I made in my scripting process then let's also ask AI to change the tone how do I make this more confident and it'll literally give me a way to word it so that I sound more confident in my video is let's just make it shorter let's say it just sounds too wordy how do we make this more concise and just a shorter um way to say the same thing now they just made it shorter so I would imagine if you're a copywriter or if you're just making new content all the time online and you need like a second check you can use notion AI to help you out with that I intentionally kept these Pages extremely simple because I know how powerful of a tool notion can be you can really build it out extensively but that can be really overwhelming for many people who are first starting out so if you want to duplicate these very simple pages that I've created for this video I'll leave it in the description because these are the pages that I use on a daily weekly and yearly basis to stay organized if you also haven't signed up yet haven't downloaded ocean you really want to kind of give it a go I'll leave a sign up link as well in the description but thank you so much for watching if you have any questions leave them down below in the comment section and I'll get back to them as soon as possible but yeah thanks for watching [Music] peace
Channel: Edward Lee
Views: 198,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple notion tour how I organize my life, how to use notion, simple notion tour, how I organize my life using notion, free notion template, notion for project management, notion for task management, notion for creatives, how i organize my life, how i organize my digital life, organizing my life, using notion for budgets, notion tour how i organize my life, notion tour how i organize my life and work, notion edwardleefilms, notion edward lee, notion setup tutorial
Id: DZeu8hEEuFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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