NOTION Tour (ADVANCED) - Dashboard and Setup Overview

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hi everyone and welcome to my channel if you're new here I'm Andy a real estate investor and notion Creator the start of a new year so I thought i' would go and give you an overview of my brand new notion setup now this is quite Advanced so if you're new to notion then it may be worth checking out some of my other videos first but what I wanted to do is just go and show you uh some of the information that I found doing some research online uh how I've put that into a dashboard how I think about going about creating um my notion setup so that you can then go and use some of these tips and tricks uh in your own workspace this is only going to be an overview but what I would say is that if you are interested in some specific areas of how I do things say how I manage my uh knowledge uh how I go and uh organize my okrs then just drop a comment down uh below the video and then if I get enough sort of people that are interested in a certain topic then I'll go and make a video on that in the future so let's kick things off and the first thing that I wanted to show you is actually not in notion at all but um a toour called whimsic and this is where I go and plan out my various dashboards and I think it'd be useful just to show you how I sort of arrange my information first before we get into the specific notion um setup itself so here you can see various boxes and each of these represent a different dashboard that I use within my notion setup um so I'm just going to quickly go over these just to explain a little bit more about them the first thing at the top is pretty straightforward so this is um my company goals and this is where I just go and set my targets for um a certain date so it may be quarterly it may be annually um but that's why I just go and um set a clear smart goal um about where I want to get to um so that I go and focus on achieving what I want then underneath I've Got What I Call um areas and this comes um a little bit from Togo Forte's um par method um and for me in my business an area that's uh ongoing that I want to go and manage over time um and within my business it covers things like Marketing sales Finance uh product development Etc so I've got an areas database here um and for each of those areas um I may want to go and set some objectives which is the next database so for those of you who aren't aware objectives and key results or okrs are a way of going and uh achieving goals um by going and saying where do you want to get to which is the objective and it's not um it's not got numbers associated with it it's supposed to be stretch it's supposed to be inspirational and you go and say okay what are the key results what are the numbers that I need to achieve in order to be able to achieve my objective so let me give you an example let's say that you wanted to go and uh increase your um aware brand awareness for a certain um product well to do that that could be your objective and then the key results could be that you've got a certain number of sales it could be that you've gone and achieved a certain number of um uh Facebook or Twitter um uh followers um Etc so you set what's your objective which is qualitative and then you've go and got your key results which are their numbers so I've got the objectives um I've got the key results underneath and those are the things that are within my control on the left hand side I then associate objectives to a certain quarter so I only plan in quarters so quarterly planning uh is a little bit like around the 12we year which you may have heard of um and then within each quarter I've got um weeks um so what weeks um are associated with the quarter and then within the quarter what objectives am I focusing on now if you imagine that we've got a key result say for example um get a certain number of uh Twitter followers well to be able to achieve that key result you then need to do some work and that's built into projects now for any of you who have read uh getting things done by David Allen uh he actually talks about a project being anything that's more than one task so they can be quite smaller project or it can be a lot larger but what are the packages of work that you are doing in order to go and achieve your key results so those are projects uh and projects here then are for key results within projects we've also o got uh tasks so what are the tasks that I'm working on to achieve the projects and then we've got sort of the Knowledge Management side of things as well so what are some of the um resources and for me a resource um is a collection of information around a topic so for example if I've got marketing as a a key area that I'm uh responsible for resources may be social media marketing it may be copywriting uh Etc so it's all around a certain topic that's for a certain area uh imagine for sales it may be around how to go and price your products so it may be pricing strategies that might be a type of resource so those are topics of interest and then leading into the resources are notebooks and then notes um so I'll show you those um in my uh notion setup in a minute so that's an overview and I just wanted to show you that first before we get into the Nitty Gritty of notion just to give you a quick overview continuing with an overall picture of how I stretch my notion um I also wanted to quickly Go and show you about team spaces now although these are designed for working with lots of different people I do find that it's quite useful to structure your notion setup even if you are a solopreneur or maybe you're just uh intending to grow but you don't have a team at the moment because it helps you to go and separate things out into very logical areas so if I quickly show you I'm here in my uh notion dashboard uh but on the left hand side I've got team spaces so if I just go and open this up you can see at the top that I've got my internal OS so this is where this dashboard belongs it's where I manage the goals the okrs the knowledge so it's all of the sort of workings of the company uh but then underneath I've got various teams so I've got coaching and mentoring so I go and work with others to help them in their businesses I've got my digital products so that's within its own team space and that's where I can manage launches development um tracking um Etc uh marketing so here is where for example this YouTube channel or the information on those videos lie uh sales Finance team so when I start building my standard operating procedures Etc that'll go into team and then Administration here is where all of my databases lie my first tip is I would strongly suggest that you put all of your databases into one place so rather than having a database where it's actually needed spread throughout your workspace that can be really um difficult to manage um but also uh it can be a bit risky in case people accidentally delete things so instead here for example in administration and then my admin home I've just got databases page and then on here I've got all of the different databases all stored in one place and then I just use linked views um across um the various workspace um to go and access these databases without actually having the original database uh in lots of different places so that's a quick tip cool so if I go back to my uh internal OS and then my dashboard here um and we can see that um the dashboard has a lot of information on it and as I said earlier this is quite an advanced setup um but the next tip that I would give you is whenever you set up a page in notion think about what you want that page to do for you um and that may sound a little bit unusual but basically don't come from the position of the tool so what database do I want to put in here um what pages am I going to create because it can get a little bit messy instead think when I land on this page what do I want this page to do so let me show you for example my dashboard for me the dashboard needs to do three things firstly is it needs to go and give me a status update across what I'm trying to achieve and that's where we've got here goals and the okrs and I'll get onto those in a bit more so how am I tracking compared to what I want to achieve so that's the first thing the second thing is I want it to be a launch pad into all of the other areas of my business so if I land on here I want to be able to jump into different sections really easily rather than having to go into lots of menus and try and go into a lot of diff uh different buried places the third thing that I want to be able to do on this page is to quickly go and um initiate certain tasks so so often we may just have an idea going oh there's a note there's something online I need to do this task how about that for a project and I don't want to have to have to go into lots of different databases or different areas uh to try and do that it needs to be as a few clicks as possible um and so here I'll show you these in a minute these are just quick actions so those are the three things that I want to do on my dashboard now different areas of my workspace for different things some areas it may be to go and be inspired some areas it may be to go and plan and to schedule things some areas it may be to just go and do some work so a tip I would really suggest you follow is just think what do you want a certain page to do cool so if we now have a a quick explore then of this dashboard um so here we can see at the top um we've got a sync block so this is consistent across all of these different areas and this is how I can jump in between um different parts of my workspace so for example I can then just go to products click on here and then that takes me straight away to my products home and then I can just go back again uh to my dashboard um and there we've got the menu Etc so that's the first thing then underneath we've got different Horizons and in the same vein around what you want pages to do different parts um different schedules or different time periods are for different things so a day is very much for Action taking it's for do doing what needs to be done today whereas a week is more of a overview of what ons to be achieved a quarter viiew is very much planning it's very much tracking it's it's a much different um a much different level of what I'm trying to achieve um so that's why each of these are different and I'll show you those uh in just a minute then we've got goals so here um I've got my goal if you're a member back to Whimsical uh This Is My overall what do I want to achieve so I can see the name of the goal I can see the uh the time period so the first down to the end of this year and then I can see a progress bar as well um and of course beginning of the year so still making still starting out in this it's all about Focus this dashboard and you may have heard the phrase that Focus stands for follow one course until successful so that's all about what this dashboard's for it's focusing right I'm trying to achieve this goal how am I doing am I ahead am I behind what do I need to do then we've got our objectives and key results and again this is about focusing so here for this quarter I've set three three clear objectives so grow my existing product Revenue deepen my understanding of Real Estate Investors challenges um and start to uh increase knowledge of my notion for Real Estate brand so those are the three objectives and objectives aren't measurable but they have the key results so what I've done here is if I just go and open this key result um you can see that I've got the timeline the quarter the goal is associated the department or area so that's sales um and then progress along along with the associated key results and the key projects and what I'm doing is I've got these three key results and the progress of those key results then rolls up to an average which gives the progress so as I complete more and more of my key results I build and build the progress of my objective so that's the first one um so I can see clearly here how I'm tracking with these objectives and that's this sort of little target symbol then I've got my overview of my key results which is the key symbol um and again here we can see what are the key results um and how am I progressing towards them so here for example the grow the YouTube subscribers if I open this one um we can see what was the initial number of subscribers at the beginning of the year so 224 and I've gained eight subscribers in the last few days um so the progress is then starting to move and then underneath we can see the various projects so to achieve this YouTube um key result um I've currently got four um various projects here so so um updating the copy um creating shorts um creating a more of a marketing plan etc etc so those are the projects um and I've got here a template where I've got the projects a scratch Pad Etc so you can see that in terms of a hierarchy um of achieving your goals there's the tasks which then help you complete projects projects are little pieces of work which drive you towards achieving your key results and the key results are what help you hit your objectives so it all is a focus from the day-to-day activities all the way up to your objectives and ultimately your goal anyway that's the key results so we can see that there um again we've got the status and then one little thing that I want to do on the um dashboard is I can quickly go and update these so for example let's just say that the YouTube won it was 232 let's say that I've had a flurry because you've gone un subscribed to my channel so please do go and do that so let's just say that 10 of you go and subscribe so that could instead be say two42 and we can see that that's then updated and I'm now 2% towards my goal uh rather than the 1% so let me just put that back cool there we go so those are um the uh key objectives then on the right hand side I have what I call my daily big three um this is what I learned from Ali abdal um and every day I set myself three key tasks that I must complete and I commit to completing in order to move myself towards my goals and I set those the night before so for today as you can see that we've got record a YouTube video which is exactly what I'm doing now then I've got create the Twitter content so I'm on Twitter so do go and follow me if you'd like more um more Twitter content um and then I also want to create a new header graphic so those are the three Mission critical things that I want to complete today um and here I've also got an overdue and this is purely for big three so if for example um I couldn't complete one of these tasks for whatever reason I can quickly look go and look at the overdue and we can see that there's there none at the moment um but I must complete these big three each day there we've got a little link to my weeks so I've got the previous week this week and then ultimately it'll show next week and that's where I can just jump into my commitments and planning for this week um here on the right hand side cool if I then go and scroll down um you can see that within this view on the left hand side I've got these uh action buttons and this harks back to what I said earlier where I want to be able to do a critical uh three critical things on my dashboard so here so often we'll be in the middle of something and our brain will just go somewhere else and say oh you need to do X so I don't want to think about it I literally will just go into here I'll go for example new note click on this um and then I'll go and say um write down some ideas a new idea and I can just click off it and then that's done um and it's really really easy um again with tasks projects um resources um and also for my newsletter which I send out and if you do want to subscribe to the newsletter um I'll drop the link into the description below um but anyway so those are various um quick actions and I don't have to think about them and then we've got our weekly calendar so here I've got a couple of things the first thing is the um my daily big three so um up here we've got just for today and then if I scroll down I can see also where it's going so today it's threes and then tomorrow it's going to be all about my real estate OS product which are going to be launching later in the year um I've also got graphics that I'm creating um and scheduling those onto Twitter so I can see that all of my uh three for yesterday were done uh these are the three today three tomorrow on the right hand side um I I I love this concept also we've got so much on our plate and we need to focus so for example I've got lots and lots of projects that I'm working on but for this week I've gotone and selected what I've called highlight projects so let me show you a quick example so here I'm currently planning out my notion for Real Estate website so if I open this project we can see that it's selected and in progress the dates so this is until uh next week um It's associated with the subjective um and the key results Etc but you can see that I've got this section here which is a highlight so each week when I plan out my week I cherry pick certain projects that I want to focus on and I call them highlights so if I just go and untick it you can actually see in the background here that it's gone and deselected it so it's all about raising your awareness of certain critical things that you want to focus on so again if I just go and click on highlight it then go and drops it back onto the uh onto the dashboard underneath I go and say how big this project is so I've said well actually I think it's about 14 to 28 days um actually I think it's probably slightly less so I'm going to make this medium um then we've got how many tasks so these are all uh formulas so how many tasks are there for how many have I completed and then I can track my progress underneath I've got a lot more bits but I'm not going to go into these specifically but if you do want to know more uh then I can uh create a future video and then we can see here with the various tasks so I want to research other creators uh speak to chat GPT about it draft the pages dra draft the layout draft the pages and their content and here we can see Associated notes as well again if you want to know more about how I tie my notes to notebooks to resources to projects then drop a comment down below and I will uh make a future video on this but quickly what is the project what are the objectives this is quite a small project so I'm not worrying too much about that what are the actions and then various notes and a scratch pad if I wanted to just do a quick uh brain dump I can literally just go and type on to there um and then go and sort it out later so that's highlighted projects I've also got the same with notes so here for example I've got some uh notion creat website uh inspiration so that's relevant because I want to go and design my own website so now I've looked at other creators first um for some inspiration um and we can see here I've got some uh notes in this notebook and I've just gone and said that this is a note highlight so that's there I can take that off or put it back on again and then the resource highlight this is actually a rollup so because um I'm focusing on the website and I've made the website a highlight uh it's then gone and highlighted uh the resource highlight here uh as well cool so that's the projects and the notes underneath we've got various uh reference material so I wanted to quickly dive into looking into um some information um I've just got here a linked D linked view of various databases so areas are as I described earlier so Finance marketing personal development coaching and mentoring then I've got the resources and these are broken down per area so you can see that at the moment under marketing I'm interested in newsletters copywriting Twitter Youtube verality and uh my website um so you can see each of these and if I just jump in quickly to one of these sections we can see the various uh notebooks within this resource um so this is for example how to grow a newsletter and then lastly we've got current projects so the current projects that I'm working on uh broken down by the various uh key results so it's planning the website uh creating the Twitter product graphics and uh drafting the the real estate OS so those are my various projects and the timeline so as you can see there are a lot of bits to this but it's all about thinking what you want to achieve first and then how can the tool serve you up the information to help you achieve what you want rather than just thinking what database am I going to check in what page am I going to Chuck in and it looking a little bit chaotic so in that sort of vein um let's then look here at a couple of other things so this is a view that's very much around taking action so you can see that in the middle that what firstly there's a little motivational thing when the going gets tough on the left hand side then we've got my uh big three so again these are the three critical tasks uh I can see some more detail around uh what What's due now what's next and what's later another thing is that we always get these little pockets of time where maybe we want to do something and we were feeling a bit tired or maybe we're really energetic and we want to achieve something so all my tasks um all I try and give a energy level to them so if I click onto this one we can see that I've got energy and so I've got some low energy tasks so especially after lunch you get that post lunch slump um so here we've got into maybe looking into Twitter premium uh medium energy and high energy tasks and then also any that are overdue for example here um and we can see that these I need to go and tidy these up uh then underneath again we've got quick actions reference material other dashboards if I need to jump into those and then the project timeline um and the progress of the various projects on the right hand side so that's very much around an action orientated getting things done um and then we've got a weekly view um which is slightly different so here this gives us a weekly view of my big three so I can see okay cool I know what's for today but also I know what's for tomorrow how am I tracking on the projects but also a little bit more of an overview of the okrs and the timeline underneath um etc etc so those are the out day and the weekly views the last thing that I wanted to just very quickly show you also is about templates so for example when I go and create a new week here if I go into new week and then I just go and edit this template uh we can see that I've got different sections um for uh planning out the week so I can look at my goal again just to remind myself how I'm tracking in the key results then I've got get clear so this is emptying my head so are there any tasks uh each week that I know I need to do which I've not captured same with projects notes and resources then I've got all of these sort of loose ends so are there any um here tasks that I need to go and sort out any projects so I can go and review them and go and Associate them to maybe a key result maybe I need to put them into the future uh Etc uh the same with my notes inbox so these are just things I captured in my head remember we've got the quick actions on the dashboard so that would go into this uh inbox section which I then need to go and process and the same for resources so that's the first thing is just to go and get clear then we've got get current um so this is all about planning out uh my daily big three for the following week um are there any things that are blocked any things that are overdue are there any projects that need to be sorted out Etc and then lastly uh the last section is uh to get creative so if I go and open this one uh this is where we can go and look at all of the projects plan things out schedule things um for the upcoming week based um per uh key result so that's just a template for key for um each week also if I just go and show you another so if I go into here we've also got our projects and again projects have got a template um and I showed you this briefly earlier so here when I go to edit we can see what's the project information I can brainstorm here the inbox so what are all the actions then I can go and plan out the actions so are they due now um are they next or are they later um and then also go and review just a table of the various tasks then we've got any notes associated with the project as well so that's a very high level overview of my notion setup for 2024 uh as I said earlier ier if you do want me to go into more detail about any of the various sections features capabilities then do just drop me a comment uh down below um this year I'm going to be producing so many more videos just to help you in your notion use um best practice how I use it TOS around my template behind the scenes all of that sort of thing so if you are interested in that sort of content then just do go and make sure you hit the Subscribe button and hit the notification Bell so that you don't miss any future videos other than that thank you so much for joining me I hope that's been useful and I look forward to seeing you in a future video see you
Channel: Andy Gaught
Views: 2,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notionhq, notion template, notion tour, notion hq, notion 2024, notion dashboard, dashboard, notion overview
Id: l8wUh0BTHEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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