How I Organise My Life In Notion: Tour My Top 5 Simple Tools 2024

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it's currently the start of the year and I'm reflecting on how I organize my life and what tools actually work and make a difference so if you're looking to get organized escape the overwhelm reduce your stress or just be a little bit more productive with your time in this video I want to cut to the Chase and share my top five simple notion tools that can have a positive impact on your life without being impossible to learn and stick around for the last one on the list a brand new notion app that is definitely going to make some waves not heard about it where have you been hi it's Simon and if you're new to the channel you should know that over the last 3 years notion has organically become Central to how I've got my life together I've actually built an entire business around sharing systems and tools that I've built in it and using them has changed my life more than anything else so it's a big moment for this notion boy because today I'm saying thank you to notion for sponsoring this very video I think it's fair to say I really like notion but also I do understand that for many the initial barrier to entry can feel overwhelming and people can easily build way too complicated systems so this year will be my less is more year in notion treat this video as a leap off point to find great new ways to use notion in your life and I've related other videos and templates to each section of the video in the description and you can get started for free with notion in the link in the description and bring your goals to life this year so at number five make a quick drop inbox so making a simple page or database as a place to drop ideas notes links clippings in one place quickly and easily when you remember them is a brilliant first step to take now I've created one within my life OS system and what's really cool about this is you can use it on your phone using the notion widgets in iOS so if I just swipe over you'll see I've got a little home screen here with widgets that you can edit in notion you just add a notion widget select your workspace and then select the page you want it to jump to and I can see it turn up I've got one for my habit tracker my journal my projects we'll talk more about that later so if I click quick drop what I would do in this is just simply in here return and remind myself to book that haircut for example or I might drop a quick note in here whatever it is and you just drop it in and you're done but then when we go to the desktop you'll then see those on your desktop and this is the joy of a great quick drop page here I've got a drag and drop inbox section so this is each of my databases from tasks notes clippings and knowledge that I would creative iOS ideas where I write my videos and what I can simply do is take the book of haircut drop it in and then open it up and edit it so it can be a new task I can set the due date that I want to do it on daily priority is morning and then I can relate it to a project productivity and it's into the system what's really cool about this is it's really easy for for you to go oh I've got a new note take my note and it will turn it into a new entry I think that's really fantastic way to quickly get things into a system particularly on a mobile when you want to just jump into your phone click on quick drop and go oh I remember something else chase that contract pretty cool right now the advantage of this is that you are able to clear your mind by dropping things into the inbox or inboxes when you think of them you don't have to hold them and so you clear space to have ideas and work on stuff goodbye overwhelm coming in at number four a simple to use habit tracker now if you're asking why go through the trouble of tracking habits in the first place the answer is simple it's the tiny repeat habits that shape how we live so being intentional about what they are and when you do them helps you build the behaviors that move towards your goals effectively and a habit tracker is a way of holding yourself accountable as Jerry Seinfeld once famously said if you build build a chain and don't break it that's the way to build a habit so apparently once you have consistently focused on doing something intentionally for 21 days it becomes a habit and it's easy to keep up you can watch my other video on the importance of habits linked below after this if you want to know more but here's my process for tracking habits in this system tracking habits is great in notion and there are many ways to do it from a simple check box in a table through to some complex reporting systems as you progress and I'll be honest I've been guilty in the past of over complicating this this is an example of what I've been doing it's really powerful if you understand how to use it it's currently in my life OS but I've decided to keep things a little simpler this year as I say and I've really found the balance I think this year with my habit tracker for it being both simple to use but also reporting in a really powerful way rather than going into detail on how to build this let me show you what's possible and how I use it dayto day and you'll see what I mean essentially I have a today view I have buttons that then link to Habit cards which have a target of what I want to hit for the year and a when then intention so for example in Reading you can set the start and end date how many times you want to do it a week it will then calculate the duration and the Target that you want to hit and you can set a little intention when then when I go to bed then I will read my Kindle for at least 5 minutes for example and then using it is brilliant I can just click log running it adds it to today's log I can set my productivity level as well over here actually it was medium productivity I could log reading yoga meditation and then I've got this graph and it will update and show me my progress over time and what's really cool is you'll then see the reports update down here so for example a video a week click publish video and it updates now from 2 to 3 and I can see my progress in these table views below what's really cool with notion now is you can even do things like set up a automatic repeat of the new day in the day's database so it turns up automatically each day so you know that you'll always log an empty day if you don't actually do anything you can keep this really simple but this is downloadable super easy to use so if you want to try a habit tracker check this out at number three is becoming more Mindful and intentional this is about creating prompted templates for things like journaling and goal setting so this has to be my favorite personal use of notion over the years and the very first template I released was actually a prompted journaling and reflection system I've actually updated that recently into a habit Journal where if I jump into my journaling page you'll see there is a set of prompted views within a database now the reason notion is so great for things like journaling really comes down to two things in my opinion database templates and toggles oh man the power of the toggle so if I just write in here forward SL toog and add a toggle you can see that you're able to drop things inside toggles so like like title content it's really really powerful something that toggles can be great for is things like revision so for example I could do for/ toggle and I could use heading three you could set yourself questions and then put your answers within them and you can just work through them uh go I think it's probably using toggles as prompt cards nice when it comes to templating in notion this is what I mean you can click on the database you've created and add a new template like this and it would show that you're editing in a template and you build something within here every time you click on that template you'll end up with what's inside it so let me show you an existing one in my journal so if we go into here and do my new Daily Reflection if I select that template it generates a new Daily Reflection there and it will create everything that's inside I've just put a button click my button and it creates everything that sits in it and look there's a little example of a toggle and yes I've taken this toggle thing to the entree with my goal setting and yearly planning template it's a complete prompted process for reviewing your year and planning the next one so if you want to try it out check out my full video guide on goal setting and yearly planning after this where you can grab the template there's even a PDF you can link to it so at number two is gathering knowledge and creating stuff with superpowers notion is loved by creators and knowledge workers for a reason but you don't have to be a YouTuber like me to make this relevant to you so I have a huge knowledge and clippings data B that syns to read wise and gathers things from my podcast system and look you know all the quotes and notes that I've taken within the podcast thing goes in there that's already cool and then there's a content manager where I'm managing all my videos and then there's this scripting system and my editors are linked into it and blah blah blah but at its simplest form what we're really talking about here is two related databases an input and an output one where you gather your clippings and knowledge and I ideas really quickly and easily on something like a quick capture inbox and then one where you create right and plan your material I'd say my favorite function in notion has to be database relations so let me just quickly show you how easy it is to make a database where you capture stuff and a database where you create stuff and Link them so I can do for/ database in line and I can just make this knowledge and clippings you can create tags and then just add some tags it could be things like book article podcast video and you can make your category by editing the property a select and you probably want to add a URL in there now what I'm going to do is do I'm going to do forward slash call and then do two columns and I'm going to drop that into this column and in this column I'm going to do another database SL data inline and this one can be project and maybe we edit this property to be status and you can see if it's like in started or in progress or whatever you create your stuff within that page and then in here you would drop your items and you can do that by simply web clipping on a page and sending it to the notion database you want to drop it into using your your inbox there's an example and you can add loads of other things of got author category full title all those kind of things you could drop in but there you go so you've got some cont content and then you've got content you might want to make and you want to link them so we just simply add a property here and we're going to make it a relation you're going to link it to your knowledge show it on that knowledge add the relation and then all you've got to do is link the input that you've got to your output and you'll see it related to that bit of writing that you're doing look at that and you can just go and check it out that is the power of relations of linking input and output and where I've taken this is to a full content manager for a publishing schedule YouTube videos all of my published videos are down here that I've created there's my last video on setting better goals in notion you can create prompts for writing you can plan your videos out you can see all the related knowledge look there it is linked to the video I just did on goals it's a really powerful system and if you wanted to go deep dive into this I've got a full template that offers all of this system linked together in my notion life OS templates now what's really great about notion is as the system you build grows it can grow with you and it's the perfect place to collaborate sharing ideas with editors managing tasks across teams whatever you want it's something I'm certainly doing in the way I run this channel here we go haircut great at number one you're going to be able to manage your life in one place and there's a brand new notion app in fact when I went to get that haircut I went and got a thought on update on it a little sneak peek and it's very exciting so first off notion I think is the perfect system for building a second brain however simple or complex a digital home you trust to hold all of your important stuff so that you don't have to hold it yourself the advantage of notion once you unlock the basics is that you keep everything in that single place you can use notion to plan track and do all of your work in that workspace whether it's planning your new side hustle or training for a marathon and it just got a lot better the big news this year has to be the release of notion calendar a full native integration that has turned the old KRON calendar app into a notion calendar system where in that new app you can edit and view notion databases alongside your Google calendar and even view notion documents in events and a whole lot more to set it up I recommend downloading the desktop app on Mac or Windows for most functionality iOS is coming soon and Android is TBD now notion Cal is available at calendar. also if you want to look at it on the browser make sure you watch my full video tour after this links in the description so let's talk about tasks and I recorded this earlier so I might change my top and put my hair back I got started in notion when I was overwhelmed with to-do lists I remember taking about 3 hours to work out how to make a basic task and project manager in notion watching Kai he on YouTube and just linking the project database to the task database now I've made systems that filter tasks by due dat AE daily priority project and I've learned to apply David Allen's approach to do it delegate it or defer it into a daily workflow but you know what the simplest way to make a to-do list is just to create a database feed my cat filter it by if the status is anything other than done and then when you click done it disappears from The View really nice and if you want different views you can just duplicate your database view go to a layout and maybe use a board and you've got a a simple caman board where you can move your projects or tasks along it and look there's everything in one place this is my complete life OS that I run everything in content management a CRM habit tracking journaling all the rest of it but if you want to keep things really simple and give task and project management a go check out my essential notion task manager template is completely free you can go check it out join the community and see if using notion for task management is for you it's pretty cool look there's even a project dashboard where you can track all your projects in one place now the best thing for many is that you can personalize the look and feel and make notion a place that reflects and empowers your unique voice it's got Limitless customization options so you can really make it what you want but I get that that's also perhaps why many of us get overwhelmed by it so to that end I recommend checking out my notion from scratch series playlist as well and some of these smaller templates so if you want to bring your goals to life with notion this year get started for free with the link below and if you want to see how far this can really go watch one of my notion life system tours up here for more inspiration thanks for watching thanks notion for being here and supporting the video and I'd better get back to creating see you
Channel: Better Creating
Views: 71,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion tour, notion tour and template, notion tour 2024, notion tour free template, notion, how to use notion, notion calendar, better creating, how i organize my life, better creating simon, notion template, notion templates, how i organize my life with notion, personal productivity, Notion tutorial, better creating notion template, better creating notion, notion 2024, 2024 notion, free notion template, 2024 notion template, Notion app, Notion tour aesthetic
Id: fDcU9BLMG_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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