Simple and Effective Graphics Settings for Better FPS - Gray Zone Warfare

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gr Zone Warfare as of yesterday has launched into Early Access for the public which means you can get your hands on this game as well and from playing this game in the Creator closed play tests and yesterday which was launch day for gry Zone Warfare I have come to the conclusion that this game is not very well optimized at all but that being said people are moaning and review boming the game and having like a 78y old computer and complaining that they're not getting 80 90 FPS while having their Graphics all set to Max so you know me I'm pretty good with graphic settings in games like tarov this is no exception I've done a deep dive in all the settings to make sure that I've got the best settings for you guys on a mix of all systems which allows you to get more FPS and not too much of a degration on your visuals and your Fidelity so we're going to just talk about what I'm getting at the minute my system is running a 3090 and a ryen 550x so pretty high-end system still and I'm getting anywhere between 125 to 150 frames per second in the game and I've tried it on multiple different systems with 20 series a low-end 30 series and a 40 series and it is improving FPS from having it set to high for about 40 or 50 sometimes even 60 frames so let's go into our settings and talk about what you can do yourself so the first thing make sure your window mode is set to full screen and your display resolution is set to your native resolution full screen gives you less input lag display resolution obviously if you're playing on a 1440p monitor you're going to want to get yourself on 40 40p otherwise everything's going to start to look hazy however if you do have a really crappy old system then you can downscale one stop so downscale to 1080p from 40 and 40 don't go from 4K to 1080p cuz that would look a mess but downscale one stop shouldn't look terrible and it should help your performance quite a bit uh my fov personal preference vsync is off again brightness contrast saturation and all that is set at 100 I didn't change any of that my frame rate limit is set to unlimited but if you are noticing a really unstable frame rate I'd recommend dipping it and limiting it at something like your monitor's native refresh rate which for me is 165 HZ so 165 FPS and then for the frame limit in the background just sit that at 30 FPS or the lowest it will go because when the game's running in the background you don't need it to be churning through your system and running at unlimited frames now the main settings quality we're going to turn this down to low for Quality presets because it will then allow us to change less of the settings we're still going to change some of them but it will change less of them overall so if if you change quality presets to low then 3D resolution this is already controlled so this will be gray out ignore this completely Global illumination we're going to set that to low and as you can see on any of these settings you can see a slight description of what it actually does so if I turn it to Epic do you guys see much of a difference from epic to low this is a great thing about having it still running live in the background if you're in a game and you're in your base you can actually see the difference happening live but there is no real difference and it Hogs your FPS basically it just bounces light around more and we don't need to worry about the ambient occlusion or anything like that it's basically ra racing but the game looks pretty good anyway even on low shallow quality is set to high because the difference between the Shadows on medium and low as you can see when you say it to high the Shadows are a lot brighter which means you can see people in the Shadows a lot easier texture resolution set to medium there isn't too much of a difference between medium and high but you will notice difference between low and medium especially on things closer up so I've got Ms set to medium that's pretty good if you do want to drop it too low because your system's struggling then that's fine as well effects quality Reflections quality and foliage quality all set to low you'd think I'd foliage set up a bit but just with how much grass and how much trees as you can see it does make them look a little nicer and the trees look brighter but with just how many trees and how far the rendering distance is on them it just really Hogs FPS so I have this set to low doesn't really bother me the trees still look pretty good now time for postprocessing so motion blur depth fulfilled Bloom and all that I've got that set to medium but you can turn it down to low as you can see it brightens up the edges of your screen as well motion blur off we don't want to be sick uh sharpening again personal preference I've got mine set to 40 if you crank it all the way up starts to look a bit like bacon crank it all the way down bit too bit too blurry for me so mine's just set at a nice round 40 now I've actually got a color blind mode set and again this is completely personal preference uh my color blind mode is proton Noe and it's set to a strength of three out of 10 as you can see it changes the colors quite a bit I've got more of a tan tint to the world now rather than it being very white it's now got an orange Hue makes it look more like a summer's day you can actually see people a little easier cuz as you can see this guy that stands over here by the helicopter landing Zone you can see he's a lot darker than the environment and as you can see in some other locations like off for example his outfit you can actually see it's brightening up a little bit more so proton no that's where I like like to be and then the strength for free is pretty good I don't need it any higher than that now we can go to Advanced and this is where you're going to see a big difference in your FPS so if you're not using a 40 series card turn your antialiasing on to FSR FSR okay if you're using a 40 series card turn it onto dlss just like that and you'll notice that a dip for me on a 3090 dlss let me just apply the changes here 55 frames there you go 56 65 up the top there 67 I'm looking out into the world now so this is out into the island as you can see I'm looking into the island if I turn on FSR instead of dlss and this is with a 3090 by the way it doesn't change the looks terribly and this is with the quality preset it's gone to well over 100 well recommend turning this on even if you're not utilizing AMD completely it really works well it makes the game a whole lot smoother it basically doubled my FPS there and then back to it if we go all the way down so FSR has turned on for me all of these are grayed out because we've turned on FSR the only thing you're going to want to look at now is low latency I've got that set on and then Fidelity FX frame generation this uses AI to give you additional frames I've turned it on it works quite nicely and then super resolution I've got set to Quality so it renders fewer pixels and uses AI to generate a higher resolution image set to Quality but you can see a difference between native AA and quality as you can see native AA is a lot crisper there is a jump in performance obviously the lower you go the better the performance but the worse it looks so make sure you pick what's right for you here if you've got a nice decent system but you still want to get decent frames stick with quality on Native AI if you've got a medium system balanced if you've got a lower-end system performance it's as simple as that so as you can see native AI has dropped down by 20 FPS compared to Quality so that's why mine for for it FX super resolution was set to Quality and not the native AA and as you can see just like that we've doubled our frames the game still looks good you can spot people a mile off the game plays smooth other than the uh server rubber banding issues that we're getting at the minute but day one hot fix came out they're only going forward and yeah it's promising and once you've got your settings down this game is a much more enjoyable experience even when you're flying in for the first time in a session you're not dipping frames in your helicopter usually when you're flying out from base camp for the first time your frames really do dip and they still do but just nowhere near as much so I hope this video this nice Quick Settings guide was helpful it usually is for the guys that have watched my talkov content before I hope I've done this game justice as well if you've noticed anything extra other than the obvious like updating your graphics drivers and windows versions and all of that sort of stuff let me know Down Below in the comments I'll be looking forward to having a conversation with you down there thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: samosh
Views: 21,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game, Gameplay, Highlights, Samosh, Gaming, Guide, gray zone warfare, gray zone warfare trailer, gray zone warfare gameplay, gray zone warfare game, gray zone gameplay, games like tarkov, games like escape from tarkov, tarkov alternative, escape from tarkov, tarkov, new extraction shooter, new survival games, alternatives to escape from tarkov, games like eft, new games, new games like tarkov, new games like escape from tarkov, new games like arma 3, games like squad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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