BEST Optimization Guide | Gray Zone Warfare | Max FPS | Best Settings

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hey I'm troubleshoot welcome back to another video in this quick one I'll be showing you how to optimize gry Zone Warfare for the best possible performance so you can get a Competitive Edge above other players this video is not going to cover Windows optimization at all instead you'll find separate guides Linked In the description down below that should help you get a better performance out of your PC with that being said let's get straight into optimizing the in-game settings of course while we're in game so I'll deploy into a pvpve and we'll have a look at what's going on I'll be using an onscreen overlay in order to see what kind of performance I'm getting so that's this one up here I'll place myself probably here as it's a good enough spot there's a bunch of other players around me and of course a very dense environment we'll go ahead and pause the game so Escape followed by settings in the extreme top right and in here under Graphics we'll start with talking about the different display settings Window mode this should definitely be set to full screen for the best most consistent performance but on most PCS nowadays you can run it on window full screen and the performance is practically the same display resolution should match your monitor and be no higher or no lower so if you're playing a 2K set this to 2K 4K 4K Etc vertical field of view is entirely your preference and while this does technically affect your performance in game this is going to be probably negligible at best but anyway your preference of how you want to play the game should Trump how the game looks or performs in any metric so set this to what you like and leave it there then vsync should definitely be turned off unless you're getting screen taring where the top and the bottom half of your game don't match up brightness cont contrast saturation and Gamma are all your preference and mainly to do with color correcting your monitor making the game look more vibrant and Alive Etc practically none of these will have any effect on performance frame rate limit should be said to unlimited so you can Benchmark the game and see what kind of performance improvements you're getting by playing around with different options but of course later on especially if you're playing on some kind of mobile device be it a laptop a steam deck Etc you'll probably want to cap your frame rate so you lose less battery power generate less heat Etc then frame rate limit in the background you can leave this at 30 you're not ever going to notice this except for when you're alt tabing out to check your browser check guids Etc moving on to Quality this is where you'll get the majority of your performance and it'll be make or break for you we're already on dlss with everything said to medium of course you'll probably need to use an upscaler in order to get consistent good performance in this game unless you're running crazy Top ofth Line Hardware on a30 adci at 2K I'm recording with a webcam I'm getting a solid 44 FPS on medium with dlss set to Auto which should be probably I would expect quality yeah that's probably where it is we're still around 44 is FPS this is on medium meaning if we were to crank this up to high for example or even epic we're probably going to see a dramatic change in performance and yeah we definitely do with everything cranked up to Epic we're sitting at a solid 12 FPS this is giving me armor flashbacks with lower inist systems of course I'm not playing on a low-end system at all oh hey would you look at that in the top right there's an FPS counter anyways this is definitely unplayable by any metric so you'll definitely want to leave the game probably on medium where it begins and work your way most likely down from there as epic is just a bit too crazy on high I'm now sitting at a solid 14 FPS still not good pausing oh jeez it's not responding and cranking it down to medium where we were previously applying changes we should see a good Improvement in performance and yeah it's definitely infinitely more playable pushing us up to 54 FPS what exactly is causing that huge drop but we'll find out very shortly the final option here of course is low which is as low as all of the settings can go and on a 38 e high at 2K once again we're sitting at a solid 56 is FPS so we're not breaking 60 but just running on everything minimum off the bat this is how the game looks we've lost quite a bit of visual Fidelity compared to medium and we haven't really gained all that much more performance so there's a couple of things we'll probably want to push up especially if you've got the ability to do so if you're running much lower-end Hardware you're probably not going to have the luxury of playing this game at anything above low in which case you'll probably want to scroll all the way down on the graphics tab to Advanced where you'll be enabling xss FSR or dlss dlss is NVIDIA specific upscaling using their AI magic and their 30 series plus graphics cards or 20 series plus f Sr runs on absolutely everything be it Nvidia AMD Etc and xss is intels upscaling for this I'd highly recommend you choose FSR over pretty much everything else as this gives you access to FSR frame and generation which is huge you can use this on almost any graphics card and this is the reason you'll probably want to choose FSR over anything else even if you're running an Nvidia GPU if I choose dlss here for example you can see I've got dlss super resolution which is of course the upscaling a sharpness control and reflex low latency for better input latency when we're running at lower frame rates this is okay but it falls streets behind FSR with their frame generation technology I'll show you this in just a moment for now I'll be setting this to off so we can see native gameplay resolution it seems like we can only set this to TSR followed by off and natively we're sitting at a solid 51 is FPS which is actually the same as what we had when we had dlss on 51 native versus dlss quality 51 FPS there's practically no difference here but if we pause the game and push this across to FSR instead still keeping it on quality you'll see we're sitting still at a solid 50-ish FPS the game feels relatively smooth but will get a huge pump in performance when we come back here and we enable FX frame generation so apply and now you'll see we jump all the way up to 82 interpolating frame so it's not exactly true extra frame rate it's more like an interpolated between the frames there's AI generating more frames kind of thing you may notice some weird latency when moving around your mouse as I definitely do here so even though your performance is a lot better you're technically getting more frames you're not actually improving input latency and things like that which leads to weird sluggish movements when you're looking around Etc if you're comfortable with this kind of gameplay you should definitely play with frame generation otherwise you'll probably want to keep it off in my case it's just a little bit too offputting it's a a little bit too slow running at 50 FPS so I'll be leaving frame generation off in my case in the future there'll probably be some kind of dlss rame generation if there's not one here already I'm not able to cover that anyways as you need an Nvidia 40 series graphics card for that and I only have a 380 TI it's a little bit weird that they pay walled but anyways here we are at 53 FPS and everything all the way down to low heading back to our options we'll focus on the quality section now to see what we can raas with little to low cost so everything's all the way down on low and this is as good as performance is going to get one of some of the options that we can raise for better visual Vitality better Target identification and just a better looking game in general without losing too much performance first of all is most likely going to be texture resolution this completely relies on how much vram your graphics card has and off of the bat we're using about 7 1/2 gigs of vram out of my total of I think it's 12 if you're running an 8 gig graphics card or 6 gigs you're probably going to be using a lot less V Ram but if you have more available texture resolution is probably one of the options you can raise pretty much for free however in this game it seems to be a little bit different to most games I'm using 7 and 1/2 gigs and I'm setting at a solid 47 to 50 FPS if we raise texture resolution to medium and apply there's almost no frame rate difference we're at 57 is still if we raise it to high instead and apply you'll see we dropped to 38 39 FPS so we dropped quite a bit there and if we raise it all the way to Epic you'll likely see an even further drop into the 35ish range for this reason I definitely recommend leaving your texture resolution on medium as anything above that seems to cost more frame rate for some reason even though we're only using 7.78 gigs so it's gone up by about 200 Megs on Epic 38 clicking down 37 is on high down one more suddenly there's a huge jump to 46 FPS and we don't even need to apply changes to see the difference here which is pretty good between low and medium there's no difference so medium is where I'd recommend you place this well apply and continue Shadow quality as you're not necessarily going to be focusing on shadows and having them set down to low Shadows still exist I probably wouldn't recommend raising this any higher as it's just going to cost you extra performance for practically nothing if you wanted to raise it however what kind of performance impact does it have well we're setting at 50 on low if we push it to medium still 50 49 to high we're at 49 still and epic we're still at 49 so there's almost no difference here and the Shadows look prettyy much as good as they did before the only thing that I did notice changing was the background over here let me show you again so this is epic high medium and low so there's a drastic change between medium and high here you can see the mountain gets a bit more washed out as for which one gives you more Vision I would probably say that Medium does you can probably see a little bit more clearly into the tree line this is probably what I'd stick with global illumination shouldn't have too much of an effect on low we're getting 48 medium 48 still high still 48 and epic we've now dropped to 4544 high is probably as high as I would go here there's not any real effect on performance and as for how the game looks I don't really see a difference between any of these to be honest except for maybe the tree line over here where the mountain seems to light up a little bit between epic and any option below that besides that there's practically no difference so high versus low there's almost no difference both visually and performance-wise but i' probably be this on low anyways just so we have better performance if not maybe medium at highest then effects quality this is mostly going to have an impact while you in gunfights and things like that currently I'm sitting at 49 FPS and if I raise this up to Epic immediately we're still at 49 FPS almost nothing changes at all except for the mountain and a couple of things in the distance so this is low trees are very blurry and difficult to see if we raise it up to medium things reload then high once again and finally epic where I think there's a bit more visual distinction between each of the trees in the distance let's go back down yeah there's probably a bit more light on top of them and things like that but ultimately this isn't going to have too much of an effect in scenes like this where not much is going on it's mostly going to be gunfights explosions things like that and that's most of the time the most important place where you'll be needing extra performance so in which case I'd recommend leaving this all the way down just so we don't waste any performance especially when we're trying to focus on what's going on reflection quality this is something you'll probably want to leave on low pretty much no matter what if we grank it all the way up to Epic there's no difference here and I'd probably expect to see Reflections maybe in water and glass seems like I'm glitching around a bit here oh a lot having a look at this gloss here yep there's some Reflections as you can see if we pause this and move it from epic down to low most of them disappear medium nothing High a little bit different compared to medium but not too much finally epic adds actual reflection to the glass as you can see here and I don't think they're screen space Reflections as they're reflecting things in the background behind me anyways it's not adding too much to the game I really have no idea why I'm lagging so much but for this reason as it doesn't really do anything positive for us I'll just leave it on low otherwise there's a bit more visual noise as Shadows move around and things like that which could actually be distracting throughout normal gameplay finally foliage quality this should have a huge impact on performance or at least you'd expect it to if once again we come with over here and focus on the trees oh jeez we're sitting at a solid 48 is FPS if we go ahead and push this to medium you can see a small difference in the bush here it's just a little bit darker and More Alive we haven't really changed FPS at all hi I think we dropped 102 FPS maybe three and clicking between medium and high I don't see any difference at all finally epic once again no difference and there's no difference in performance I'd rarely recommend leaving this on medium probably at highest and that's pretty much it it adds a little bit more life to certain plants like this one here but then again having this turned off may actually give you better visibility through plants as they're not really casting Shadows on on themselves as I think they are here maybe yeah you can maybe get a bit more Vision through it so low is probably what I'd leave it on here finally postprocessing in this section these should have almost no impact on performance if we crank postprocessing from low to Epic there's maybe one or two FPS difference and it mainly has to with small things like vignetting on the screen changing in quality between low and medium and a few other things like that for the most part I'd leave it on low and just forget about it the less visual noise probably the better while you're focusing on the gameplay and on top of this motion blur is one of the things I definitely recommend leaving off unless you're really chugging with frames in which case having it on set too low may help smooth out the difference between frames and make it feel a little bit better but for the most part you're going to want to focus on action be sharp and concise and to do so having motion blow completely turned off is going to be the best tactical Advantage then sharpening this is slightly different to dlss sharpening down here and you don't really want to use this if you're using FSR xss or TSR which doesn't have any AI upscaling so the FSR we can adjust the sharpening here to make the game seem a little bit more sharp obviously behind a certain point it's way too HDR and a little bit distracting to look at for me at least I'd leave it probably on low if not maybe up to 30 40% presentation that's about it color blind mode and strength is entirely your preference and if you need it the option is here finally upscaling we've already run through this FSR with frame generation off is probably going to be the best result here just for the sake of it as I have dlss I'll quickly show you what it looks like with FSR and of course a little bit of movement 48 is FPS versus dlss sharpness on zero once again quality a little bit of movement there's almost no difference here there's maybe one or two more frames from using a d L SS so if you're running it probably 60 using FSR with frame generation is going to work really well otherwise if you have an Nvidia graphics card probably with Nvidia reflex low latency turn on or maybe on plus boost if you have a CPU limited PC which is very unlikely this is a GPU taxing game for the most part so on is where I'll be leaving it here and besides that yeah this is kind of just your preference between FSR and dlss and of course looking into the distance I would think maybe dlss is a tad bit sharper but again it's your preference and of course your Hardware availability with that we've run through all of the options in the game there's not too much else that we can cover here it's a little bit unfortunate if not very unfortunate that this game runs at such a low frame rate if you're really really struggling the last thing that you could possibly try and do is change your display resolution if you're playing on 4K drop it to 2K or 1080p and that should result and a huge boost in performance especially because it's a GPU limited game for most scenarios how however running around at 50ish FPS the gameplay is smooth I can't see it being too bad but of course it is super early access it's just released today the game's got a huge amount of improvement in front of it and for now this is what we have and it's not too bad to be honest as long as you've got a powerful system what I recommend you get it if you're running a potato probably not at least until a lot more optimization has gone into the game as 50 FPS on a 308 ETI at 2K is definitely underwhelming to say the least but then again compared to some other recent releases it's kind of on par so kind of getting the armor Vibes where it's pretty demanding especially for current gen systems it's okay the only thing I have noticed so far without even leaving the starting area is the seriously bad rubber banding I'm not too sure what my ping is here but anyways if you'd like to get extra performance out of your PC in the description down below you'll find an optimization guide for Windows 10 11 and of course some video graphics cards or anything else related that should help you get a better performance I hope you found this video useful thank you all for watching mine has been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time ciao
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 80,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gray Zone Warfare, Gray Zone Warfare fps boost, fps boost Gray Zone Warfare, Gray Zone Warfare low end pc, Gray Zone Warfare boost fps, boost fps Gray Zone Warfare, how to boost fps in Gray Zone Warfare, Gray Zone Warfare lag, Gray Zone Warfare fps boost low end pc, Gray Zone Warfare fps boost 2024, Gray Zone Warfare settings for fps, best settings for Gray Zone Warfare, Gray Zone Warfare fps drop, Gray Zone Warfare best settings, Gray Zone Warfare pc performance
Id: lYS46dHdcKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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