Silent Sermons | Bars & Battles | Pastor Steven Furtick

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[Applause] welcome to church welcome to the final installment of bars and battles yes I know how tragic it is for you to learn that this is our final week of this series how many of you have enjoyed it and gotta stop somewhere I learned that and gotta start somewhere you have this stop somewhere it's usually harder for me as a preacher to know where to start the sermon then where to stop it because usually usually I know where I'm going when I start when I'm start preaching to you I I know where I'm going but I don't always know how to get you into it because well when I first started preaching I just assumed that at the beginning of my sermon everybody was as excited as I was about what I had been learning all week but I found out they had real lives and so you got to start somewhere and and sometimes it feels like we we have to get our energy to match up I when I when I first started preaching I I came in so I came in so hot I've just come up screaming and yelling and hollering at the people in the first five minutes and but I found out sometimes you got to give him time to merge into traffic and they let the caffeine kick in my pastor Pastor Mickey he used to always start his sermons the same way every time he started the sermon well he would read his scripture and then he would pray and at the end of his prayer he would in this prayer the same way every single time he would he'd pray read scripture he would pray and then he would say let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer and I thought he made that up I didn't know he was plagiarizing Psalm 19:14 I thought well that's so deep and profound and one day I looked and it was right there in the Bible but I kind of thought maybe that was like a a good luck thing to say before you preach you know let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight I thought it was like saying God helped me not to mess up and help them to listen help them to pay attention that's a good thing to pray when you start a sermon let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight O Lord my strength and Redeemer it's kind of cool because it means that anytime I preach there are two sermons happening the one that I'm preaching and the one that you're hearing and sometimes those two are not the same so I want to talk to you for a few moments today about silent sermons silent sermons and what we'll do is we'll read the whole Psalm Psalm 19 we'll read the whole thing I want to ask you to stand to your feet in honor of the reading of God's Word at all of our locations many say this is David's greatest hit of all of his Psalms this is to some his finest work CS Lewis said it's one of the greatest lyrics in human history and who are you to argue with CS Lewis touch somebody say this must be a good one it really is listen to all 14 verses the heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaimed the work of his hands day after day they pour forth speech night after night they reveal knowledge they have no speech they use no words no sound is heard from them yet their voice goes out into all the earth what a paradox this is he said they have no vocal cords no esophagus the larynx yet they speak so loudly the skies declare the glory of God and the heavens show forth his power in such a way that it reaches the end of the earth it's a silent sermon their words go to the ends of the world in the heavens God has pitched a tent for the Sun it's like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber like a champion rejoicing to run his course it rises at one end of the heavens and makes it circuit to the other nothing is deprived of its warmth the law of the Lord is perfect refreshing the soul the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy making wise the simple touch somebody say God's Word works the precepts of the Lord are right giving joy to the heart the commands of the Lord are radiant giving light to the eyes the fear of the Lord is pure enduring forever the decrees of the Lord are firm and all of them are righteous they are more precious than gold than much pure gold they are sweeter than Krispy kream North Carolina translation then honey from the honeycomb by them your servant is warned in keeping them in keeping them not just in hearing them but in retaining them in keeping them there is great reward but who can discern their own errors forgive my hidden faults keep your servant also from willful sins may they not rule over me then I will be blameless innocent of great transgression and here comes pester mickey's verse may the words of my mouth he said it in the King James English because pastor Micky is 78 made the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart take it down be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer and now that I said the scripture we can get the sermon started have a seat it matters where you start it matters where you start you agree with me it matters how you start your day let's use a few examples with your spouse Holly and I were very happy on our honeymoon night and the next morning I'm not going with this where you think I'm going with this when she looked at me and I looked at her and we had both been up and we had both brushed our teeth and we had both been awake for 15 minutes and we had not said a word and she looked at me and I looked at her and we knew that we had made the right decision because she looked at me and she said to me you don't like to talk in the morning either and I said no I hate people in the morning and we knew it was meant to be because we can start our morning without saying the word we could start our morning without saying a word and I found out that you can preach a sermon without saying a word some of the loudest sermons I will preach will be with my life not with my lips in fact if I preached one sermon with my lips and another with my life it won't be long before nobody wants to hear what I have to say silent sermons there's the one that I preach and then there's the one that I live my grandfather was a preacher I only heard him preach one time that I remember probably heard him preach other times that I don't remember but I remember only one sermon that I ever heard him preach can't remember what he preached but remember hearing him preach one time I saw him for each hundreds of times there's a difference I saw him comb my grandmother's hair when she didn't even know his name anymore because Alzheimer's had completely erased her memory of him but it didn't matter because like you've heard so many times before he would say she might not know who I am but I know I know who I am even if she doesn't and so I am the kind of husband that will comb her hair and show up every morning when visiting hours start and not leave until they kick me out and take her to Wendy's every day for lunch and he had no integrity because they would share a diet coke every day at Wendy's and get free refills and only pay for one instead of food but see he was preaching a silent sermon he wasn't the first one he wasn't the first one to preach a silent sermon because Moses was a man that God wanted to use but he wasn't very good with words so God said don't worry about what you're gonna say I'm gonna give you a stick and if you take the stick and stretch it out touch somebody say stretch it out it's always in the stretch that you discover the supply it's always in the stretch that you discover the strength it's always in the stretch that you discover the supernatural you'll be getting warmed up by now somebody shall stretch God said Moses if you'll stretch your staff over the waters you won't have to say a word I'll make the waters part and the people will know what kind of God I am not by the words that you speak but I'll make the waters brief for you so silent sermon Moses wasn't the only one who preached a silent sermon one woman in the Bible was so taken by the presence of Jesus Christ that she snuck in a room with some perfume some really expensive perfume the Bible says it was worth a year's wages and people knew that she loved Jesus not because of her speech but because of the smell of the fragrance that she poured out at see now I can't find one time where she said a word in the passage but Jesus said wherever the gospel is preached the memory of what this woman has done will be told because some sermons are preached through smell rather than by sound I'll prove it to you Shadrach Meshach and Abednego went down in a fiery furnace I'm preaching now we pass the introduction and they turned up the heat seven times hotter than normal and they thought it would kill him but when they came out they didn't even smell like smoke and when you don't smell like what you've been through and when you've been through the fire but you're not bitter about it [Applause] it's a silent son Jesus got down in the dirt one day and a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery was about to get stoned jesus said if you've never done anything deserving of becoming human target practice go ahead and fire away and then he knelt down in the dirt said not another word and everybody started walking away and he said not a word he was writing in the dirt I think he was writing their names and what they did on prom night but I don't know what he wrote maybe just the essence of his presence was enough that his perfection became a reflection of their need for grace some of the greatest sermons are silence earnest silent sermons those guys preached for him today before I ever opened my mouth the preaching started Sam and Brian you don't know him they brought my pulpit out they said something before I said something first of all they said that this is a heavy pulpit they've been lifting by the way when you're really strong you don't have to talk about how strong you are real strength shows and when you really love God sometimes it's something that's a seemingly insignificant act of service I wonder if their sermon will actually mean more to God than mine because nobody will download Sam's podcast but he preached it's a silent sermon people ask me often when are you a let Holly preach more well first of all she told me two times a year any more than that and she's leaving me she doesn't like it that much but she preaches every week every week she preaches every week if you don't believe me just look over at her right now she's got her notebook open and this is the second time she's heard this sermon and she's still pretending to take notes and writing a grocery list true she gets something new out of it every time it's a silent sermon a silent sermon can you preach a silent sermon Lazarus did the Bible says that Jesus needed some way to reveal that he was not only healer but he was resurrection but if he said it people might doubt it but if he did it somebody had to die sometimes the greatest sermon of your life will be by the things that you went through in fact I love it because that same passage where the woman wrote the perfume her name was Mary she was Lazarus sister and while she was pouring out perfume Lazarus was chilling leaned back at the table even after say a word the fact that he was dead and now alive the fact that he was in the ground and was now sitting at the table was proof of the power of God how many don't trust the fact that you showed up to church today makes a devil sick to see you in the house of God I'm preaching by my very presence it's a silent sermon so when David says the son makes it circuit he's not giving us a science lesson he's showing us something about how creation preaches silent sermons day after day and night after night he said they pour forth the glory of God they speak but you can't hear him some of God's greatest work is seen not her not heard the skies preach a silent sermon the consistency of the solar system says something to us about the nature of life that it is cyclical some of the things that you think are circumstantial in your life are actually cyclical I think that's a big part of maturity is learning what's cyclical and not just running around from situation to situation but understanding the cycles that create the situation's because we don't understand the cycle that creates a situation you will be dealing with situation after situation after situation after situation I don't need to be a science teacher to explain to you that the solar system operates on cycles you understand we're making a trip right now we do it every 365 sometimes it takes us 366 on those leap years but we're making a cycle David said that the the heavens are declaring the glory of God and they keep on doing it consistently and a cycle and although we know that technically he's not explaining how the universe works he's giving us a picture of the Sun in its circuit the whole text kind of has this theme of it that were going round and round and round and round he inste psalms saying may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer he starts with the solar system the heavens declare the glory of God and he ends with his soul so from the solar system to his soul everything is on a cycle it's a cycle whatever you are thinking about right now it's because of a cycle in fact I think it's very very good to start your day with God because it starts the cycle from the right place I think that's why it's really important if you can read a Bible verse before you read a Facebook post because it's just a better pure cycle if it's possible before you check email check your knee mail I just threw that in for the Corning I would never say that I would less or preacher would say something like that touch somebody say it's a cycle and he uses this phrase the meditation of my heart I'll get it together wasn't that bad meditation is not a hot yoga term meditation is not a term reserved exclusively for Eastern religion meditation actually in Hebrew is a musical term I bet you didn't know that that's why I'm telling you it's like David okay here's where I learned about what meditation is because for years and years and years and years I thought that what I said to God was my prayer life and sauce a lot of stuff to God and I would say all this stuff that he got to do and now sometimes I would lose focus and I had a prayer list and prayer thoughts and all that and it felt real boring I didn't realize that there were some things that God wanted to say to me I didn't understand the power of the silent sermon until I went to see Ed Sheeran in concert and I have nothing against Ed Sheeran in fact I think ed Sheeran has written some beautiful songs how many would agree that Ed Sheeran has written some beautiful songs three of you but I'm just saying this is not a rant against Ed Sheeran but I went to see ed Sheeran because Holly likes boring music and and Ed Sheeran had had an interesting way of doing a concert and and it was surprising to me because ed Sheeran did a whole concert without a band a whole 90 minutes set in an arena when I say it was boring not maybe I'm just spoiled because I passed her a church with the greatest musicians you will find anywhere in the city the state come on GTA the continent but not ed no not ed ed sheeran didn't even have a band no bass player no kick drum no electric guitar 90 minutes of him with his guitar and his accent and he had this little pedal come here David David's gonna help me yeah give it up for David this is the other King David this is David David Liotta the king of the strings the king of the six string guitar David's gonna do his best Ed Sheeran impersonation because what what Ed Sheeran did I had asked somebody the first time I saw ed do this I didn't know what it was because I've saw him he would play something and then he would stop playing it but it kept going and that's because he had one of these right it's called a loop station if you're taking notes you look like you're waiting for something to write down at some point in this sermon write down the word loop loop loop and show us how the looping station worked because he doesn't have a drummer because apparently he's cheap so instead of instead of hiring a drummer he made his own drums on the guitar just give him an example see what he did hey looped it now we got a deep see you can move to that a little bit but he's not doing anything but he set something in motion and there it is now put something on top of it loop something else [Music] whoo that's nice thing I like that jazzy major7 stuff that's pretty sulphur a white boy that's good David there's something else on it all we're doing stacking the loops that's all we're doing come on that's too sexy for church David thinking all the way back down take something out [Music] take that out all started [Applause] [Music] all these layers start with a loop with a loop now what I found out David how you make it stop because sometimes I wonder that about my heart how do I make it stop yeah because I get stuck in a loop you ever been stuck in a loop I'm talking about in your mind now not at the guitar or anything like that you've been stuck in a loop where you find yourself in an absolute state of panic that started watch this with a silent sermon Moses this is the only one who preached silent sermons Lazarus isn't the only one who preached silent sermons Jesus isn't the only one who preached a silent sermon David isn't the only one who preached a silent sermon not only do the stars and the Sun and the sky and the solar system preach a silent sermon I got bad news for you the devil preaches silent sermons he gets you in the loop I'm done with you David thank you so much giving my hand our very own ed Sheeran you ever been stuck in a loop of life please talk to me I feel awful lonely up here Concord they're giving me no love you don't admit it but but some of your relationships went off-track not because of what was said in the relationship but because of what was not said what you started saying to your self [Applause] he said within himself that's what the rich man did in the parable when he said to him self I'm built many barns I'll take life easy he didn't know that very night his life would be required he said to himself it matters where you start with what you think about and self is a very small son for your life to orbit around it's a very limited loop self is a is a very small scale to see the world in in fact sing with me doe ray me me me me I'm just me singing the song me that many of us me have been singing all week me me me me me what's your favorite meditation me me what are they thinking about me me witness anybody ever gonna notice me I changed the key but it's still about me sometimes I can find a way to make anything about me me me me me me me me the Melisa choir practice but the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me I don't think it's a hit Ella I don't think anybody's gonna buy the album I don't think it's gonna bring me joy I don't think it's gonna bring me peace I don't think I'm gonna figure out a solution if I start with myself I need a new loop I said I need a new loop some of you came to church today not just to hear a sermon but to preach one to yourself why don't you start with your source and not with yourself now it's a hymn come on who is able shut up pal to do it naturally more than I asked for imagine tired of that track me me me me me me me me me me me me me I thought about singing it till I wasn't funny anymore and it sounds like we're already at that point and know how long it would take how long will it take until you change that meditation realizing that if you start with yourself you say in yourself and you will always be limited by who you are but when you start with the great I am [Applause] David said who's that they said uh think his name's Goliath Davis said I'll fight him Saul said you're small Davis said I'm not coming against him in myself or in my name but I come against you in the name of the Lord the skies declare the glory of God notice David did not start with what was in his heart you start with what's in your heart you'll scare yourself to death that's a horror movie to start with what's in your heart I was going to preach one time and the guy who invited me I never been to his church before he said just share what's on your heart I said oh no you don't want me to do bad I must share what's in heaven because if I tell you what's in my heart it won't help any of us so I don't start my meditation with what's in myself I noticed that every meditation and and again don't think meditation [Music] think about the loop think about the lines that loop over and over again in the way that you think think about how you have this subtle way if you let yourself into turning every interaction into a stage on which you are the star I don't do that I don't like to be noticed I don't do that I don't like people to even look at me I'm not that type of person this must be a preacher thing no I promise you you talk too much sometimes I promise you some of the stuff that you post oh you didn't think I was talking about your Instagram feed did you I promise you some some of you need to go home and change the bio or on your own your Instagram and they should just say what it's really all about me me me me me just give us an expectation of what's gonna happen on that fee when you're easily offended when everything's an insult did you see how they looked at me they weren't looking at you they were thinking about dinner they have not bought groceries this week and their mom has cancer could you get outside yourself and think about something bigger the skies declare the glory of God people like this bigger than what happens in here do your neighbor a real favor look at them and say get out your head get out of your head that's a horrible place to take your orders am i preaching or am i preaching if every meditation every loop that starts with self ends in one of two places and I want you to look for this in your life this week it's either gonna end in scarcity or shame every sermon that you preach to yourself and you are always preaching to yourself in fact Martin lloyd-jones said that our problem is we spend too much time listening to ourselves and not enough time preaching to ourselves isn't that what David's Psalms have shown us where he would say to his soul it's time to go to school bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name he's preaching to himself and so are you but when you preach to yourself from yourself your sermon will always lead to scarcity brené Brown says that the number one meditation of many of our hearts is not enough she says we apply it to time we apply it to money we apply it to our talent and the sermon that plays in our mind if we would ever stop and listen to it it starts every morning not enough how much sleep did you get last night how much money do you make on that job grandma Smith the other day dad is fifty six thousand dollars a year a lot of money I said it is till you make it that might be the devil's favorite sermon not enough not enough not enough he preached it to the disciples because they looked at 5,000 men and women and children and Jesus said feed them and they said well we don't have a whole lot and that we don't have a whole lot we have five loaves and two fish but that's not enough because they were starting with their selves but they were standing next to the source I wonder how different the story would be if you would ask the source instead of asking yourself sex the source he's far than enough somebody studies for peace for double Never Shout in the back of the room and I start hollering like this I know you don't like it when I holler but this is not a silent sermon this is a loud sermon somebody shot Keith more than enough every me every deficiency all my failures this blood is enough His grace is enough his word is enough the law of the Lord is pure reviving the soul but if I start with myself I end with scarcity it's a loop because I start down here and so by the time I've looked around through my day I end my day feeling depleted I wonder if you got a new loop I wonder if you got a new loop and started with the source instead of starting with yourself I wonder how the cycle would change if you started with your source I know it's basic but didn't David start with the heavens and then move toward his heart the skies declared the glory of God they saw forth his power day after day and night after night and day after day and night after night and all I've got to do to stay in step with God is keep the beat of heaven happening inside my heart because there's always enough in heaven there's always enough patience in heaven there's always enough provision in heaven there's always enough bread in heaven there's always enough always enough always enough my God shall supply all of your needs according what have you got in that loop what if you ask God to fill your empty places you start with yourself you end in scarcity you start with yourself you end in shame cuz I look at myself and I feel like David David does something weird I think he wrote this song it's contestant he might have written it he might have not written it but let's give him credit because this is a song that embodies a characteristic known as wisdom poetry it kind of it kind of switches beats in the middle of the song it's going on and on about the skies and the heavens for many years they thought it was two different poems put together as they were studying back to the trying to find out how it was written and when it was written it was such a sharp break at verse seven that they thought well maybe this is a different thing you know we're talking with the skies and the Sun and the stars then all of a sudden David makes a break in verse seven and he starts talking about the law of the Lord that's what he says it's perfect refreshing the soul look at verse 12 but who can discern their own errors so he is an imperfect man looking into a perfect law he's looking at what the law is and what it does and how it brings peace wisdom and joy but yet he knows that he has broken the very law that produces the very things that he wants I don't think it's much of a break because he is contemplating how the heavens are able to effortlessly to clear the glory of God but he cannot because I'm stuck in a cycle called sin and there are secrets in my heart that no matter how much I dress him up with the words of my mouth the meditations of my heart falls short of the glory of God Paul knew it too he said what the law was powerless to do in that it was weak by the sinful nature look what God did God started a new loop see through the law man tried to reach his way to God but it was a cycle of shame caused by sin so I reach and fall short and try and fall short and repent and fall short and get up and fall down and reach and fall short and try and fall short and get up and fall down and God broke the cycle for in the fullness of time God sent forth his son in the likeness of simple man to be a sin offering for what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful man so that we can say there is therefore now no constant fear is therefore let me give you a new loop no condemnation no condemnation no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus this is the kind of gospel preaching that got me to the cross this is the kind of gospel preaching that will break the chains of shame off of your life this is the kind of gospel preaching that you can preach on Monday morning Tuesday night Wednesday afternoon you can preach this stuff to yourself there is therefore now no condemnation why the Simon Christ in other words to seven people and tell them I got a new loop I got a new loop that's what the gospel gives me a new meditation and watch this I no longer live by situation get ready to jump up I live by revelation better touch seven more people tell them I got a revelation I got a revelation and whatever I go through I got a revelation of who's in the fire with me I know what he did I know is love I'm losing my voice no shout for me [Applause] you get that in your heart you'd be finished in the devil sermons in no time he might start him but you like grace finished yeah yeah yeah the devil will be scared to talk to you he will because every failure he brings up it's gonna trigger within your mind a new loop to realize that grace is greater than my failure grace is greater it is not the sermon that I preached to you that determines the course of your life it's the sermon you preach to yourself [Applause] it's what you say to yourself let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable acceptable accept accept accept what God says about you reject everything else and live your life under an open heaven the heavens declare the glory of God and the skies declare is wonder day after day they pour forth speech and they don't need any words to do it it's a silent sermon it's the silent sermon that determines whether or not you step out on faith or stay in your comfort zone it's the silent sermon you preach to yourself that determines whether you continue to live in a place of regret and resentment or you step forward into your tomorrow believing that God will use all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose it's not this it's the second sermon I always thought it was so weird that the that the preacher would pray let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight but I get it now he was saying there's two sermons happening there's what I say to you and there's what you say to yourself and you've got to learn how to be the coach of your own soul I wish devil Sweeney was here he could help us I was considering hiring a coach recently for leadership and I wanted somebody who could help me to analyze my own leadership and that's probably a good thing to do but I was praying about it and God said be your own head coach head coach you hear me I thought about titling this message help my mind is a mess and I don't know where to start to put it in order that would be more accurate to our real lives but I try to call the silent sermon instead because I found out that I have a second self I have the self that tells me everything that's wrong with me and then I have this second self it's not really even me it's a deposit guaranteeing my inheritance it's the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in me when I say he's in my heart I'm not talking about an organ any more than David is talking about the Sun as being a celestial body he's talking about the faithfulness of God in poetic language in his theology wrapped in poetry so when he said the meditations of my heart I thought I need to be my own head coach I think that I need to let the God in me talk to the me and me I think I need to start letting my second self talk to my screwed up self I even started doing it practically and for me I have to get out of my head set the right things down because up here is whoa now I can't keep it straight comes real fast but when I write it down it helps me to slow down a little bit and focus slow down it gets that confident so that the real me can speak and I write letters to me from the other me I know a schizophrenic pastor is not what you always prayed for it I love somebody though I write on the top of my page I write down every time I do this three times a week Holy Ghost coach's notes I write it down and then I talked to myself like I like myself believe in myself see myself and know myself because I figure all of those are characteristics of the God in me so if I can sit down long enough to listen to what Elijah heard as a still small voice see the wind came through the rocks and Elijah heard nothing I could preach a good sermon we can sing a good song you might not get it the fire blazed high Elijah heard nothing nothing reassuring wind blew the fire the earth started shaking Earth Wind and Fire did an opening act Elijah wasn't impressed but the Hebrew word is interesting it says God was in the whisper it was in that silent sermon that Elijah realized that what he was running from was already taken care of it was in that silent sermon that he realized God had already appointed someone to put the death those who threatened his own life it was in that silent sermon that Elijah realized that there was already a successor appointed that his ministry had not been in vain it was in that silent sermon that he realized that there was still work to be done and I can't stay in this place of self-pity anymore it's the silent sermon the silencer my wonder if that's why Joshua told the people not to say anything for the first six days they walked around the wall because he knew they would start saying stuff to talk each other out off going into the land God had given sometimes the best strategy is shut up I know you've always wanted to do this and you hated touching your neighbor in church until this point but look at them and say shut up that's the strategy shut up well y'all like that a little too much I'm worried about Rock Hill there might be a fight in the parking lot and on the seventh day you can shout but it's the shout after the silence so I write little coach's notes to myself no you can't see them they're not for you I don't I don't talk to myself like I used to as much anymore I still do I'll never forget asking Amy Corbett you always walk around telling yourself what an idiot you are she said I've never done that in my life oh yeah me neither I was asking for a friend I said she's onto something I realized one time I would beat myself up if anybody else was talking to me the way I was talking me out deed myself up I I would beat him up if I was bigger than them I would beat him up if they didn't know any moves I would beat him up and I'm living in loops of shame and scarcity and God has really given me His grace and it be life changing for you to start some new loops it be life changing for you to pray what Pastor Mickey pray it be life changing for you to change your silent sermons listen to them do they start with me they're gonna end in shame do they start with me they're gonna end in scarcity but if you start with the source I bet you'll find Springs of living water that had been waiting too well up within you they're waiting to burst forth that's the best sermon Jesus ever preached as far as I'm concerned he preached it to the woman at the well I mean he said a lot of good things to her he said I'm the water you've been looking for where you've been running around what's been happening in your heart it's like a a well that can't hold water but my favorite part of this sermon isn't what he said it's where he sat the Bible says he sat on a well and waited for a woman it took me years to see that he was a well on a well there is a well within you that will not run dry there is a God within you who does not fail there is a grace within you that is not ashamed but I can't give you this water you've got to drink it for yourself I believe God wants to whisper to us in this moment I want you to be very still very quiet just close your eyes quit thinking about me me me me me me me see how good that feels see right there is the presence of God see right there is the peace that passes all understanding see right there how the blood of Jesus speaks a better word over your life it's the silencer it's the silence that can be heard it's the part of you that knows that greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world it's the part of you that knows that God will supply all my needs and he's faithful it's the part of you that knows in a senior
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 583,390
Rating: 4.8559852 out of 5
Keywords: Elevation Church, Steven Furtick, pastor, bars, battles, sermons, silent sermon, actions, prayer, how to pray, how to stop negative talk, how to encourage yourself, power of your words, Loop station, Loop, How to get motivated, Start with your source, Change your meditation, How to get stronger, Strength, How to overcome your situation, pride
Id: j6MdVt1784g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 32sec (3152 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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