Let's get your mind in order | Pastor Steven Furtick

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get out of your head that's a horrible place to take your orders am I preaching or am I preaching if every meditation every loop that starts with self ends in one of two places and I want you to look for this in your life this week it's either gonna end in scarcity or shame every sermon that you preach to yourself and you are always preaching to yourself in fact Martyn Lloyd-Jones said that our problem is we spend too much time listening to ourselves and not enough time preaching to ourselves isn't that what David's Psalms have shown us where he would say to his soul it's time to go to school bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy name he's preaching to himself and so are you but when you preach to yourself from yourself your sermon will always lead to scarcity Brené Brown says that the number one meditation of many of our hearts is not enough she says we apply it to time we apply it to money we apply it to our talent and the sermon that plays in our mind if we would ever stop and listen to it it starts every morning not enough how much sleep did you get last night how much money do you make on that job Graham asked me the other day dad is fifty six thousand dollars a year a lot of money I said it is til you make it that might be the devil's favorite sermon not enough not enough not enough he preached it to the disciples because they looked at 5,000 men and women and children and Jesus said feed them and they said well we don't have a whole lot we don't have a whole lot we have five loaves and two fish but that's not enough because they were starting with their selves but they were standing next to the source I wonder how different the story would be if you would ask the source instead of asking yourself check the source he's more than enough somebody shout he's more he's more y'all don't ever shout in the back of the room when I start hollering like this I know y'all don't like it when I holler but this is not a silent sermon this is a loud sermon somebody shout he's more more than enough every need every deficiency all my failures his blood is enough his grace is enough his word is enough the law of the Lord is pure reviving the soul but if I start with myself I end with scarcity it's a loop because I start down here and so by the time I've looked around through my day I end my day feeling depleted I wonder if you got a new loop I wonder if you got a new loop and started with the source instead of starting with yourself I wonder how the cycle would change if you started with your source I know it's basic but didn't David start with the heavens and then move toward his heart the skies declare the glory of God they show forth his power day after day and night after night and day after day and night after night and all I've got to do to stay in step with God is keep the beat of heaven happening inside my heart because there's always enough in heaven there's always enough patience in heaven there's always enough provision in heaven there's always enough bread in heaven there's always enough always enough always enough my God shall supply all of your needs according what if you got in that loop what if you ask God to fill your empty places you start with yourself you end in scarcity you start with yourself you end in shame cuz I look at myself and I feel like David David does something weird I think he wrote this Psalm it's contested he might have written it he might have not written it but let's give him credit because this is a song that embodies a characteristic known as wisdom poetry it kind of it kind of switches beats in the middle of the Psalm it's going on and on about the skies and the heavens for many years they thought it was two different poems put together as they were studying back and trying to find out how it was written and when it was written it was such a sharp break at verse seven that they thought well maybe this is a different thing you know we're talking about the skies and the sun and the stars then all of a sudden David makes a break in verse seven and he starts talking about the law of the Lord watch what he says it's perfect refreshing the soul look at verse 12 but who can discern their own errors so he is an imperfect man looking into a perfect law he's looking at what the law is and what it does and how it brings peace wisdom and joy but yet he knows that he has broken the very law that produces the very things that he wants I don't think it's much of a break because he is contemplating how the heavens are able to effortlessly declare the glory of God but he cannot because I'm stuck in a cycle called sin and there are secrets in my heart that no matter how much I dress them up with the words of my mouth the meditations of my heart fall short of the glory of God Paul knew it too he said what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature look what God did God started a new loop see through the law man tried to reach his way to God but it was a cycle of shame caused by sin so I reach and fall short and try and fall short and repent and fall short and get up and fall down and reach and fall short and try and fall short and get up and fall down and God broke the cycle for in the fullness of time God sent forth his son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering for what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful man so that we can say there is therefore now no condemnation there is therefore let me give you a new loop no condemnation no condemnation no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus this is the kind of gospel preaching that got me to the cross this is the kind of gospel preaching that will break the chains of shame off of your life this is the kind of gospel preaching that you can preach on Monday morning Tuesday night Wednesday afternoon you can preach this stuff to yourself there is therefore now no condemnation why cause I'm in Christ in other words touch seven people and tell them I got a new loop I got a new loop that's what the gospel gives me a new meditation and watch this I no longer live by situation get ready to jump up I live by revelation I know who he is I know who I am in him you better touch seven more people tell them I got a revelation I got a revelation and whatever I go through I got a revelation of who's in the fire with me I know what he did I know who he is I know who I am in him I've got a new loop I'm losing my voice y'all shout for me you get that in your heart you'd be finishing the devil's sermons in no time he might start him but you let grace finish them yeah yeah yeah the devil will be scared to talk to you he will because every failure he brings up is gonna trigger within your mind a new loop to realize that grace is greater than my failure grace is greater it is not the sermon that I preached to you that determines the course of your life it's the sermon you preach to yourself it's what you say to yourself let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable acceptable accept accept accept what God says about you reject everything else and live your life under an open heaven and the heavens declare the glory of God and the skies declare his wonder day after day they pour forth speech and they don't need any words to do it it's a silent sermon it's the silent sermon that determines whether or not you step out on faith or stay in your comfort zone it's the silent sermon you preach to yourself that determines whether you continue to live in a place of regret and resentment or you step forward into your tomorrow believing that God will use all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose it's not this it's the second sermon I always thought it was so weird that the preacher would pray let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight but I get it now he was saying there's two sermons happening there's what I say to you and there's what you say to yourself and you've got to learn how to be the coach of your own soul I wish Dabo Swinney was here he could help us I was considering hiring a coach recently for leadership and I wanted somebody who could help me to analyze my own leadership and that's probably a good thing to do but I was praying about it and God said be your own head coach head coach you hear me I thought about titling this message help my mind is a mess and I don't know where to start to put it in order that would be more accurate to our real lives well I decided to call it the silent sermon instead because I found out that I have a second self I have the self that tells me everything that's wrong with me and then I have this second self it's not really even me it's a deposit guaranteeing my inheritance it's the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in me when I say he's in my heart I'm not talking about an organ any more than David is talking about the sun as being a celestial body he's talking about the faithfulness of God in poetic language it is theology wrapped in poetry so when he said the meditations of my heart I thought I need to be my own head coach I think that I need to let the God in me talk to the me in me I think I need to start letting my second self talk to my screwed-up self I even started doing it practically and for me I have to get out of my head so I have to write things down because up here is whoa and I can't keep it straight it comes real fast but when I write it down it helps me to slow down a little bit and focus slow down it gets that constant me me me me me me me me me so that the real me can speak and I write letters to me from the other me I know a schizophrenic pastor is not what you always prayed for I'ma help somebody though I write on the top of my page I write down every time I do this three times a week Holy Ghost coach's notes I write it down and then I talk to myself like I like myself believe in myself see myself and know myself because I figure all of those are characteristics of the God in me so if I can sit down long enough to listen to what Elijah heard as a still small voice see the wind came through the rocks and Elijah heard nothing I could preach a good sermon we can sing a good song you might not get it the fire blazed high Elijah heard nothing nothing reassuring the wind blew the fire earth started shaking Earth Wind and Fire did an opening act and Elijah wasn't impressed but the Hebrew word is interesting it says God was in the whisper it was in that silent sermon that Elijah realized that what he was running from was already taken care of it was in that silent sermon that he realized God had already appointed someone to put to death those who threatened his own life it was in that silent sermon that Elijah realized that there was already a successor appointed that his ministry had not been in vain it was in that silent sermon that he realized that there was still work to be done and I can't stay in this place of self-pity anymore it's the silent sermon the silent sermon I wonder if that's why Joshua told the people not to say anything for the first six days they walked around the wall because he knew they would start saying stuff to talk each other out off going into the land God had given them sometimes the best strategy is shut up I know you've always wanted to do this and you hated touching your neighbour in church until this point but look at them and say shut up that's the strategy shut up well y'all liked that a little too much I'm worried about Rock Hill there might be a fight in the parking lot and on the seventh day you can shout but it's the shout after the silence so I write little coach's notes to myself no you can't see them they're not for you I don't talk to myself like I used to as much anymore I still do I'll never forget asking Amy Corbett do you always walk around telling yourself what an idiot you are she said I've never done that in my life oh yeah me neither I was asking for a friend I said she's on to something I realized one time I would beat myself up if anybody else was talking to me the way I was talking to me I'd beat myself up I would beat them up if I was bigger than them I would beat them up if they didn't know any moves I would beat them up and I'm living in loops of shame and scarcity and God has really given me His grace and it'd be life-changing for you to start some new loops it'd be life changing for you to pray what Pastor Mickey prayed it'd be life changing for you to change your silent sermons listen to them do they start with me they're gonna end in shame do they start with me they're gonna end in scarcity but if you start with the source I bet you'll find springs of living water that had been waiting to well up within you they're waiting to burst forth hey thank you for watching make sure you subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a single video or livestream and share this video with a friend and don't forget you can join me live every Sunday thanks again for watching
Channel: Official Steven Furtick
Views: 1,248,935
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Keywords: pastor steven furtick, steven furtick, furtick steven, stephen furtick, elevation church steven furtick, steven furtick motivation, steven furtick sermons, lets get your mind in order, steven furtick lets get your mind in order, steven furtick 2018 sermons, steven furtick 2018, spiritual growth, pastor steven furtick motivation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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