The Drop Zone | There Is A Cloud | Pastor Steven Furtick

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well let's go to the scriptures now first Kings chapter 19 verse 2 through 5 contains my assignment hey let's do this in the message translation of the Bible I think it's very vivid how Eugene Peterson translated this passage how many are excited that there is a cloud heavy with blessing hanging over your life we rejoice today for the rain of God's presence in our life and the promise of things to come and so we're standing on the foundation of his faithfulness and we are declaring that he is with us in every season of our lives amen and so as we declare that we want to we want to go right here to first Kings 19 I am switching translations on my YouVersion Bible app thank you Pastor Craig Groeschel and Bobbie Grunwald and Life Church for creating this wonderful application or I can stall while I tell it I will update later and read as follows let's go to verse three first Kings 19 eight now it didn't work hang on a second don't need to fix this app has to correct now that this fine is a user error okay here we go you ready say I'm ready ask your neighbor you ready tell him I'm ready now complement them on something they're wearing your neighbor all right where to go where to go coming up on the screen when Elijah saw how things were he ran for dear life to Beersheba far south of Judah huh a lot must be tell my Jonah I know Elijah is not going to run especially with revival breaking out in that nation but no he did he did strong faith doesn't preclude weak moments weak moments don't preclude strong faith sometimes if you have to walk side by side and he is running Forrest Gump has nothing on this prophet running like we talked about last week he's running from the rain now it's tape released the rain and just as the nation is coming out of a drought he's entering into one it's not the kind you can see it's not that he's having to sell stuff on eBay to pay the light bill it's not that kind of drought anymore it is that inner wilderness that many of us live in and nobody can see it and since they can see it they sometimes can't encourage us in it because we're dealing with it all alone and and Elijah is like not just going around the corner because he just received the death threat from Jezebel who he knows good and well can't kill him because he just destroyed all of her prophets and the gods that she swears by on a mountain called Carmel but the one who had the faith to climb to Mount Carmel is now starting to cave his fate that started decayed his courage his emotional resolve is starting to implode and and it says that not only did he run but he left his young servant there in Beersheba and then he went on into the desert another day's journey he came to a lone broom bush and collapsed in its shade wanting in the worst way to be done with it all to just die for some reason this seems like an appropriate Mother's Day Scripture to me you have to forgive me of a bleak view of parenthood but listen what he said doesn't it sound like something a mom would say at some point enough of this God Oh y'all are going to be like that today like they're always baking brownies it's always leave with matching socks get out of my face because sometimes you hit a place come on a place where you have had enough and your kids know and they hide it's like we have pushed the woman too far amen so it's actually it's actually a very serious Scripture I'm just trying to bring some hopefully a little bit of the list to it as we get into it today but he has come to this place called enough enough I've had enough listen how bad it is take my life I'm ready to join my ancestors in the grave exhausted he fell asleep under the lone broom bush and suddenly an angel shook him awake I'm going to try to do that today okay and said get up and eat I want to minister to you for a few moments on this very special Mother's Day at Elevation Church and my subject is the drop zone the drop zone father bless your word open hearts to hear it in Jesus name Amen [Music] touch somebody and say God's trying to hook you up and then take a seat please where I first heard this term drop zone was from my brother my brother serves in the United States Air Force oh you can clap for that yes it takes a lot of pressure off of me because I want my mom to be proud of her children and she only has two and so if I screw it up she can always say but I have a son in the Air Force and so you know so that that's kind of cool I never really understood what he did he's been in the Air Force for like 15 years or so like that and he tries to explain what he does I know it has something to do with an airplane called the c-130 yeah and he dropped stuff and he was telling me about it one day it's not that I don't care about what he does it's just that sometimes I don't understand what he's trying to tell me because he's bad at communication and he was telling me one thing that they did which again it's kind of I don't know it makes me feel like maybe what I do isn't that important because he was telling me about this one mission and he got my attention he was saying that they they drop for Operation Christmas drop they flew out and went to like the remotest part of the earth or something like that the Micronesian islands did I say that correctly that was called I don't know let's pretend like it is all together okay since none of us know we'll be collectively ignorant and and he said they just dropped stuff for people who would have never received anything for Christmas otherwise and I was like man that's cool you did that he's like yeah and he explained it to me he said they had to get down really low like I think he said 300 feet which I didn't even know you could go down that low unless you were landing but what I don't know anything so what do I know and he said they have to first find it and he said we had to find the drop zone now when he said drop zone my mind went to preaching because again I've never done anything that cool in my life I mean he told me he dropped Humvees off of the airplane as if he's a crew member on that plane the c-130 he said that they have dropped refrigerators with concrete for target practice big heavy refrigerators on supply never done anything like that in my life so he's telling me about all these air drops and I'm like well yeah well well I dropped wisdom so what'd you drop boats I drop truth bombs amen and uh he's telling me all these things so I'm thinking with my preacher's mind and like drop zone that the term just got my attention and I was thinking about that in a in a preacher leeway I was thinking about that as it relates to God's provision in our life and you know isn't it cool how sometimes God will get you what you need where you are that's how I was thinking about it because yeah for me I feel like the Word of God is what I live off of and and it is amazing to me how many times in my life even when I have felt so remote from God I know you've never been distant from God you stay close to him through daily devotion and prayer meditation fasting and living a righteous life but sometimes like me and Elijah like these kinds of people these we we we run to the Micronesian islands spiritually speaking now and how does God find us like how does he locate us and I know he's God and he's everywhere and I was thinking about all of the ways that God provided for Elijah just got me kind of grateful today because if you will be honest you will admit that there were times that God provided for you when you were not even looking for him to parachute into your situation I mean that's the honest truth that's the honest truth that that is the honest truth and the passage got my attention in first Kings because on the surface I would assume that if Elijah is supposed to be prophesying in a certain place and he leaves that place that we'll always heard where God guides he provides and that has been the case for Elijah up until this point he he was guided by God to Ahab where he declared a drought over the land of Israel and God directed him or you could say guided him to the careth ravine look this up in your Bible if you're going to take any notes or not just gonna sit there looking all pretty mother's day alright this is first King 17 God said I have some birds that I have directed to drop off the supplies that you need so you can live through the famine because even though the land is subject to famine I will not allow my children to go without I will provide for you in the worst situations I will provide for you maybe not through who you expected me to provide through but I will provide that's my name Jehovah Jireh look up and see it here comes the truth does somebody say I got the drop and no matter what happens around me I can always be confident in the spirit of God which is my supply I got the dry so then when the birds got done dropping on food for Elijah then there was this woman and she was about the drop dead of hunger and because there had not been a drop of rain in the land because Elijah called for a drought and yet God sent the Prophet to drop off something for her but she didn't know that because she was about the drop and so you got this exchange happening like Carlin's one time in New York City he's just stopped by this weird place in the middle of the city and picked up something somebody had left for him and I said what was that all about man was illegal what you just did he say yes our drop spot I grew up in monks corner we didn't have drop spots in monks corner but he told me there are certain places in the city where he has arranged that where is hidden where you don't know unless you know but and God has those places but that's not really what I want to preach about today or intend to preach about today I want to use it in a little different since I want to talk about that other kind of drop and I hope you'll go here with me because you know church people like to come in to church in a state of delusion and denial and sometimes when you get to this point everybody looks like you're talking about somebody that they knew once in fifth grade and [Laughter] look at how it happened for Elijah he came to a lone broom bush and collapse he he dropped what could drop a man of God who was so great that he dropped 850 false prophets on Mount Carmel what could drop a prophet so powerful in Word and in deed that when he said not a drop until I say so it didn't rain for three years you can't even control your kitchen sink that well and he drops collapses the traditional interpretation is that he was afraid now certain English translations of the Bible do read that way but it's an interesting thing um you know we tend to over generalize he just up and left his wife he slept with this other girl 25 I guess there was a midlife crisis but that's just an over generalization of something that was probably accumulating for a long time the truth is you have no idea why he really ran you don't know what happened in his childhood you don't know how well he was doing to even make it through the first twenty years of marriage so all you see is he drops and when they go to Chronicle he lives his life to me it's unfortunate that all we get is Elijah was afraid and ran for his life and collapsed in the shake because there was a whole lot more going on than that I mean what about all of those base that he survived the drought living as a refugee on the run not because he disobeyed God that's one thing but because he obeyed God we are a lot about the consequences of disobedience but sometimes obedience has consequences as well sometimes following God will lead you straight into a famine as was the case for Elijah so it costs me to go back a little bit and just study why he really dropped I discovered four factors that I want to share with you and which one is for you you'll know it because I have a clear assignment today to drop this word on somebody who is starting to cave in your faith many already have maybe the whole thing of you being here at church is external internally can I drop this then I drop it like this like it's the Word of God so the first thing I thought about was Elijah's disappointment usually when we talk about disappointment we talk about the disappointment of defeat we would expect Elijah to run of course if he had stood up on Mount Carmel called fire from heaven and God said not today buddy we would have expected for Elijah to drop it's intuitive that he would collapse and that his faith would cave and that his courage would go away if he had stood up in front of the nation and declared war on the false prophets of bale and and when they called on BHEL BHEL showed up did a dance and make rain you would run then you would run if you were taunting false gods and they turned out to be true I mean you would run and sometimes we assume that the only disappointed people in the world are the ones who don't have much money or didn't get a husband but some of the most disappointed people in the church are not single [Applause] they cannot not in affirmation with this part of my sermon but some of the most disappointed people in this church are not the ones who are waiting the ones who are waking up next to something there's a Bible story where Jacob was trying to marry one woman and he woke up next to another and you know a lot of marriages feel like that he woke up the next morning and was like who are you now I want to go on record and say this I love my kids now that we got that out of the way I was not prepared to be a parent I had a good mom good that writ a great mom and a good day hey man and that's not what I mean by I mean just like I think I I think I just had real realistic expectations honestly unlike Holly now again for the record Holly is a much better parent than I will ever be as well as a much better human being than I will ever be she is better at every single aspect of parenting than I could ever hope to be not now that we've gotten that out of the way there's there's one way in which I was prepared for parenting that Holly wasn't I don't know where she got her blueprint for the baby was going to be like but when Elijah was born yes you son not that you were a disappointment you have exceeded our every expectation thus far but you know Holly had just this one-year period because he was a little fussy low fussy and she had this one-year period of like up trying to reconcile the reality of a baby with the imagination of a baby the reality of motherhood I see couples fighting right now while I'm preaching I just see all kinds of trouble because the advantage I had over Holly was I expected it to suck I I thought I was like this is exactly why I told you that we should wait 70 years and then have a baby like Abraham and Sarah in their old age and really trust God and survivor we should have done this later because I knew that the moment we did this we would no longer have a like you what were you expecting just having fun it's an interesting question it is who drew your blueprint [Music] what I think we see what Elijah in first Kings chapter 19 is someone who expected the rain and not the resistance who expected that when the drought was over that the battle would be over as well but then he found out something that you have to learn in life is that more blessings create more battles more blessings create more battles do you remember when the church is praying this for the churchy people God enlarge my territory yeah that's more grass to cut and property taxes to pay it all gets bigger all of it and so for me I was like what did you expect like that's what happened to John the Baptist now Jesus was sending a message to John the Baptist and he was comparing John the Baptist to Elijah the prophet one thing they both had in common is that they had a blueprint of what the kingdom of God would look like that did not match the reality of what it looked like once God started establishing it in his way so John the Baptist has preached his way into prison Jesus is moving forward in the purpose of God John sends a messenger to ask him are you the one or should we expect another is this how it's going to be is this really what's serving God feels like is this what it really means to be a Christian is this how it's going to be for the rest of my life am I going to have to struggle like this forever am I going to have to hurt like this forever is it really going to be this horn look what Jesus said go tell John it says Matthew 11 go tell John Matthew 11 the blind see the lame walk lepers are cleansed the Deaf hear the dead are raised the wretched of the earth will learn that God is on their side good right it depends on your perspective John wasn't expecting all of that when he preached he preached the kingdom of heaven is at hand repent I woke you up they're not you weren't expecting that love Sivan the night [Applause] watch what Jesus said because John was expecting judgment and Jesus came and brought mercy his blueprint of the kingdom of God is now he's separating the chaff from the weakness on the winnowing floor he's about to burn y'all up and Jesus said the heel what were you expecting that's what Jesus asked what were you expecting is this what you were expecting then count yourself most blessed disappointments and expectations are correlated in such a way that if you expect the wrong thing a lot of the times that we're disappointed it's because we went in delusional and how could we not how could we not when we watch movies all the time that end at the wedding that end with the kiss and show us nothing of the conflict how can a teenager grow up with a healthy view of sexuality when the blueprint of sexuality is we tear each others clothes off the first night and that's passion when that's not passion what that's called is hormonal realities that need to be brought in subjection or you will find yourself I don't feel like preaching on mothers I'm just going to look at me but but I was talking about disappointment and and and and for Elijah now there's the reconciliation between how he thought it would be and how it was you got to imagine that for three years while he's running in the drought and waiting for God to give him the word to release the rain that he's imagining that when the rain finally comes the nation will turn back to God when the rain finally comes then they will repent when when it is finally proven to be true that you are God then the nation's hearts will be turned back to you remember Elijah's goal was never really rain it was redemptive and when the rain came and the first drop fell with it fell the hope that maybe now the nation will turn back to God so when Jezebel who was running the nation when Jezebel who had promoted the worship of false gods sent word to Elijah I'm gonna kill you I believe his greatest fear was not that he would die but that nothing would change that's when it gets hard it's not hard to sacrifice when you see the significance of it what's difficult is when you gave it all you had and nobody said thank you that's the disappointment it's when you raised your children right I did not raise them to act this way how am i down here at this school again who taught them this it wasn't me see it's not the dysfunction because if I hadn't raised them right I wouldn't be disappointed it's the fact that I did everything I could to so about action and here we are and he'll I just said it's enough I'm done I'm out I can't you can have it you can have it I don't want this responsibility anymore all the responsibility that used to feel like a privilege that's my second word responsibility he said I don't want this anymore I don't want this anymore I'm tired of being unique I'm tired of being different I'm tired of fighting against the culture and trying to raise my kids in a godly way when all it does is make them hate me I'm sick of this oh I'm going to preach to the three real people not the little angelic Christians who came in here like Seraphim floating above the trouble I'm talking about the people that know that the blessing of God gets heavy sometimes [Applause] hey hey hey the parents that never complain about being parents aren't doing it right [Applause] they gave up it's only the one who gave it all that they had that can really know how much it cost so I'm just going to break this down because I've never been a mother so I can't talk about it like I want to talk about it but I have been a preacher and it is a privilege to preach God's Word don't clap for that you don't need to it's a privilege it's a prayer is a privilege it's a great privilege and I'm sure Elijah felt that way too you know I can't find in the whole scripture of the lives because I've been studying him now for years probably the Bible character I've preached the most sermons on I can't find one time that God gets mad at him and here he is writing a suicide note when he should be celebrating and what does God do cuz you have this idea that if you really told God and got honest with God about how things were that he would strike you down according to this story when prophets run from God and have the honesty to open up and say here's where I am and here's how I feel he puts Krispy Kreme Doughnuts beside their head can I fix this scripture like I want to fix it for mother's day what do you want cream-filled original place now I want you to notice this up until this point God has provided for Elijah everywhere that God has sent Elijah but now Elijah's going somewhere that God didn't send him and he still provides can we take 23 seconds and praise God for the provision we did not earn for the mercy we did not deserve [Applause] yeah that kind of break that kind of junk [Applause] Micronesian Island mercy I said it wrong didn't I I don't care god knows what I'm trying to say and so do you I'm trying to say that he collapsed and there at the place of his fainting in the shade of the broom tree which he never should have seen away from his post there he wakes and finds bread beside down so that he can continue the journey being a preacher's a privilege but I'd be lying to say that there are not times oh man how much should I tell him Lord I tell them too much they won't respect me anymore I don't tell him enough they won't relate with me I don't know what if I preach too hard they think I don't love them but don't preach hard enough they won't have any change in their life because it all just be sugar-coated nonsense difference between me and you is you don't know what I meant to say when I get up here you don't have the blueprint this so people say that was a great sermon and meanwhile I'm I'm I'm I'm telling God to take take my life I mean I don't want to die but I don't want to preach the 11:30 even if you have somewhere between excute not because I don't love it please don't hear me out so learn to be a pastor so art is a very very brave where is that I'm not saying I don't appreciate it that's what I used to think it used to make me feel bad because I would feel like the fact that that that I didn't want to do it anymore was because I didn't appreciate the opportunity to do it okay we're gonna we're going to break down this wall for a minute where y'all are looking at me like I'm the only one how many parents have ever had a fantasy of just leaving just got just I mean just out to fix your own easy back pop your own pop-tarts [Applause] no no no man y'all ain't got no tears that's why you not standing up you had never been a preacher that's why you can't relate that's why I make Holley I usually make a Briggs on Mother's Day she said if you do that to me this year I'm gonna make you stay home with the kids for a weekend I cannot breathe it costs you to carry something it costs you to wear a mantle it costs you to stay and raise those kids it costs you to stay in the rain [Applause] but what happens to you over time it's not that you're not grateful and it's not that your rebellious that's not why you run that's not why you run the reason you say I've had enough is because you don't feel like you are you know that's why he ran I don't know what else to do I called for the drought I released the rain and nothing's changed I'm done when he said I'm done he wasn't telling God I don't want to do it anymore he was saying I don't know what else to do he's done I can't carry this anymore [Applause] I can't do it so I'm not necessarily gonna leave my house I'm not necessarily gonna leave my marriage physically but emotionally I'm gonna withdrawal 15 percent of the time and you'll never even know I was taking my heart out one day at a time he went into the wilderness running from the disappointment he wasn't running from Jezebel bro he had the drop on Jezebel and it's interesting to me that the most dangerous place that he could have gone was away from the one who was threatening him he would have been safer to walk right up in Ahab's palace and say bring your wife out here I want to tell her something he would have been safer to drop a diss track on Jezebel and tell her what you want some - hashtag hey Jezebel I thought about writing a letter to Jezebel hey Dez Abell you can go to go to write down the word opposition because certain battles you expect to have to fight I went on Twitter one time that enough should produce Spears I went on Twitter one time now somebody said something it was crazy now please I don't mean this to be a depressing sermon we're just talking today all right they said they hope that I had pancreatic cancer and died a slow painful death so I clicked on the profile I was like what kind of atheist is this their handle had a scripture verse in it what was weird about that is I expected to have to fight people who didn't know God what I didn't mix why aren't shirts people some of the meanest people around I expect the fight fight you if your Jersey is a different color that's how the game goes but you were supposed to be blocking for me he liked it wasn't scared of jessabelle let me see what broke his heart can I show you this go to verse 10 I think it's 19 first Kings 1910 when God asked him a question it's a very strategic question he said what are you doing here Elisha by this time Elisha has long passed through Beersheba where he left his servant now the enemy's got him right where he wants him in isolation because the first thing that the devil will do when he wants to drop you is make sure he catches you alone the attack will not come here in the church he's too stupid to show up and fight you here it will be when you leave here it'll be about 326 when you go into a good carbohydrate coma that's when the thoughts come that's when the fears come it's going to come tonight when you got nobody to talk to and nobody's a message and he leaves his servant and he goes into the wilderness and the thoughts come and he's having this conversation with a god that he can't see about an opponent that he did not expect to have to fight here's why Iran here's why I want to quit here's why I dropped because I did my job I was responsible and I'm disappointed because the Israelites notice how I mean you separated his people himself from the very people that he was called to serve the is that he's talking about him like they're a third party he isn't Israelite okay the Israelites you know how you do your kids he does that to me all the time you need to talk to your son I know it's not because he just mastered a new piece of piano music when she says it like that we're talk to your son you better talk to your people God you better talk to your children because I did my job and I did my best sometimes I talk to God like that about y'all glad you better show these people how good I'm preaching right now if they don't understand what it cost me to bring them this word I just looking at me real crazy I did my job but they maybe they tore down your altars rejected your covenants and try to put your prophets to that and now I'm the only one and they're trying to kill me too now you know that they can't kill you or else you wouldn't have said they're trying but it's not just about your fighting it's not even really the Israelites I expected to have to fight people I expected to have to fight for a parking space I expected to have to fight against the corrupt world system I expected what I didn't expect was the inner me to be my greatest enemy I'm out I'm done I could fight the false process I could even deal with Jezebel well I'm sick of this I'm sick of being like this I'm sick of thinking like this I'm sick of pretending like this I'm sick of telling everybody fine when I'm really frustrated I'm done he drops and I thought I might in the sermon here in the drop zone you know it's an interesting thing is that when Elijah tells God how he feels the Spirit of God is in this place right now and he's about to put something on a parachute and drop it right into your spirit let me tell you who he's speaking to right now the one who doesn't even want to hear it the one who doesn't even want to hear [Applause] Elijah said I don't even want to be a mom anymore you see what you wait he went and hid in a cave we talk a lot about man caves but how about mom caves I'm sick of it I'm I'm sorry I'm sick of all these other moms I'm sick of their fake Pinterest jump stick I'm sick all but I'm sick I am sick of this now maybe you'll need this message today you can either sit there judgmental or you could file it for Tuesday when you go into your own cave well nobody's talking about your kid is five when they are 15 you will need this message put it on your favorites on YouTube cause something will make you want to run help me preach left section of Ballantyne your perception elijah's out [Music] God said not so fast because the reason that you have collapsed is not because of your situation is because of your position position I never dropped the parachute with the refrigerator filled with concrete for target practice I never dropped the gift supply for somebody who never received a pair of flip-flops or a pair of shorts for Christmas I never did that but I found on my iPhone about airdrop I found airdrop have you ever seen it I don't use it much but I have used it once or twice and one thing I found out about airdrop is when you have to get an iPhone Stacey you got an iPhone now now I don't need your phone I won't mind and I got something I want to give you from my phone to your phone now we could do a couple different things one thing we could do I could text it to you but what fun would that be when I have airdrop somebody shall drop it because I found this thing on my phone it says airdrop I found out that if our phones are close enough and if we have a connection on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth come on I'm about to preach this technology until somebody comes out of hiding if I got something on my device and you need it on your device if I can get close enough to your device with my device who was on my device gets up on your device if I got a connection if I come out of the cave if I get close to the one who created me close to the one who called me if I stop running in regard to the place the miles I got the drop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God said I'm calling you closer I'm calling you back this day is for reconnection I didn't bring you here so you could sit under a broom bush and die this is the drop zone who is it for who is it for who's it for who's it for who's the forecasted who's it for you see who is it for blakeney who is it for you're under the covers you didn't even come to church God had to get this message to you through an after but he's a lot of roughed up in your fiercest strength in you [Music] [Applause] my brother said they put out red flags they put out red flags and remote locations to let me know that this is the drop zone they put out a red flag and we fly down close see that's the thing about God he can't shout it to you yes to get down to that 300-foot level real close where you can't hi how you really feel [Applause] maybe we should do today what Elijah had to do to return to the calling and return to the reign and return to the blessing of God look look it doesn't it doesn't require a change in feelings it's a change in focus you got it I'm preaching to y'all in the back I'm person to people who are too tired to stand up and say Amen this is your mail this is your package this is your supply Doc's trying to drop it and God told Elijah verse 15 is so beautiful he said go back the way you came change your position to receive the provision that is already waiting in the place where you belong because I'm seated in heavenly places with Christ I said I've seated in a divine position far above rulers far of our principalities who will not reach it - I'm looking in the camera I need to know where to drop it so go back the way you came change your position go back to the place of your opposition that's where your opportunity is did you hear me your greatest opportunity is in the place of your greatest opposition if it were not hard it would not be worth fighting for if it were not hard it would not be worth surviving for back go back go back to the place of your responsibility I've already got God told Elijah I've already got Elijah son of shaphat he's your successor he's waiting for your mantle you are supposed to do this alone to begin with and the reason that I let you run out of strength is so that you would be in a place of surrender and dependence you were not supposed to do this alone so I had to let you run all the way all the way to the disappointment so you could get this drop have you been fighting lately have you been fighting yourself stand up and raise your red flag that this message was for you if you don't need it sit there and receive it but if you need it raise your red flag until I realized that the same God who had birds dropping food for Elijah at the careth ravine the same God who had supply of oil and food for Elijah at the widow's house in Sidon the same God who had provision waiting for Elijah in the form of wood on Mount Carmel and fire from heaven that same God this is what I got the same place where the enemy is fighting you the most it's the same place where God's supply will be the greatest lift your hands this is the dropzone lift your hands this is the dropzone you are not going to get it until you admit how much you need it [Music] father I thank you for the word you gave me today I believe that it is the power of God for the salvation of those who believe I believe that you want to change our blueprint of what a blessing looks like to see that it is not always in the places of our greatest joy and the feelings of elation but sometimes when we are exhausted and they've had enough that your provision is released lift those hands until your arms are lit those hands until your shoulders are sore
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 465,220
Rating: 4.8608904 out of 5
Keywords: Elevation Church, Pastor Steven Furtick, There Is A Cloud, Calling, Discouragement, Endurance, Spiritual Growth
Id: AWamsD4u1TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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