Silent Library | Season 4 | Ep 17

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I'm Zero Kazama this is not a game show this is silent library [Applause] [Music] meet the players Caesar Danny Kieran jr. Adam and Ryan six friends one team playing for thousands of dollars in cash the players draw cards and the one who gets the skull and crossbones must endure an unusual punishment if he completes the challenge the team wins money but if he fails or if his teammates make too much noise they kiss it goodbye round one each challenge is worth three hundred dollars the most important rule silence begin without using his hands the contestant must pop ten balloons filled with cold fruit smoothies in 30 seconds [Laughter] you forgot the golden rule silence no money Junior and the guys are off to a rough start no money in the bank just yet while dresses a fish the contestant must have us underwear reeled in by a sport fisherman [Laughter] [Laughter] your anguish yields reward Kieren reels in the wind the guys are on the board with $300 to share the congestion has 30 seconds to eat ice cream covered in typical hotdog toppings including caramelized onions relish sauerkraut mustard and ketchup your perseverance pays off Caesar down the Sunday so the winnings double the guys prep for round two with $600 Oh next Bryan goes nuts and it's utter humiliation for Adam with silent library continues welcome back to silent library today's team has already been put through a lot of pain and suffering and there's plenty more on the way for now they've got 600 bucks as always whoever draws the skull-and-crossbones pays the price and everyone must stay quiet round 2 each challenge is worth $400 now remember silence resume play the congestion must allow a teammate to smack him with a set of keys pain humiliation and victory Dani unlocks another win for the guys the pot is now up to $1,000 the contestant must drink sour milk out of a cow's udder for 30 seconds you showed courage but your friends lack discipline you fail the guys were too loud so Adams milking turned sour the total remains stuck at a grand [Applause] [Music] the contestant must receive punishment from a nutcracker [Laughter] your pain will not go unrewarded you get the cash Ryan's pain is the team's gain their total jumps to $1,400 still to come Danny rides dirt and the guys give rip when silent library returns [Music] welcome back to the library today's team spent round 2 getting kick dance back and so far there's $1,400 in the posh remember all six teammates need to stay quiet and they're playing together for the cash round three everything is now worth double $800 so take notice silence continue while sitting on a motorcycle the contestant must be blasted with dead bugs for 20 seconds your ordeal ends in success Danny rode his way to victory $800 are added for a total of 2200 in this challenge five contestants must endure the punishment and only one teammate is safe the five contestants must have duct tape applied to you and then ripped off their nipples your suffering leads to success you get the money the guys pulled off the wind they add another eight hundred bucks for a total of three grand the contestant must be punished by an unpredictable file cabinet for twenty seconds [Music] [Music] you win the money Kiran files away another victory the guys sweep round three and move ahead with $3,800 coming up Ryan gets into the holiday spirit when silent library returns we're back with a final round of silent library from a nasty bike ride to an angry Nutcracker today's team has seen it all there's one challenge left and $3,800 in the bank keep in mind one player gets punished and everyone must remain quiet final round this challenge is worth $1,000 but don't forget silence finish the game [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] the contestant has 30 seconds to suck all the eggnog out of Santa Clauses beard it was just eggnog Ryan fell apart so the guys lose the big money challenge but they still end up with a grand total of $3,800 congratulations guys you survived Seiler library and you want some cash six hundred thirty four dollars per player not bad for a day at the library [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: sleerelbmuh mb
Views: 37,894
Rating: 4.807229 out of 5
Keywords: silent library, season 4, episode 17
Id: Crs5ALsqG7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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