Signs You're About To Get Fired - 8 Things To Look For

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are you wondering if you're on shaky ground at work well stick around because in this video i'm going to share with you some signs that you might be getting fired hey everybody it's ryan from life after layoff and today i want to talk to you about everybody's least favorite subject signs that you might be getting terminated if you found your way to this video you may be wondering if you're on the hot seat at work i spent the last 20 years of my career working in human resources and recruiting functions for major corporations and i've seen my fair share of people getting terminated so unfortunately i speak with some experience on the subject matter these are some sure signs that your job is potentially on the rocks and you may want to think about a contingency plan so in this video i'm going to be sharing with you some signs that you may be getting fired we're going to talk about in a separate video about what you should do if you are experiencing these signs so make sure you hit the subscribe button if you don't want to miss that one so let's jump right into the signs that you might be getting terminated soon so the first line is kind of a leading indicator it's that your metrics are way down especially as compared to your co-workers now this is one that you can probably chart yourself so you're working typically if you're in a major corporation you're working in a department that has metrics that are published to your to the broader department in a lot of cases you might be able to see whether it's sales quotas or other targets that can be measured you know if your productivity is significantly behind the rest of the group your name is probably going to be on a list somewhere so if you have data that you're underperforming to the rest of your peer group that's going to be a sign that you should really either focus on getting your performance up or maybe reevaluate that this is the right fit for you because if your output is continually lower than the rest of your group you're certainly going to get looked at by not only your boss but your boss's boss which leads us to the next indicator that your boss is suddenly displeased with your work so if your boss is suddenly displeased with the type of work that you're producing you really want to start to think about that in the back of your mind what is it that you're doing that's not hitting the mark and if this is the case you may actually want to be proactive instead of meeting with your boss and sit down and try to understand the expectations better and maybe ask for some support because you know if you're continually displeasing your boss you're gonna get a target on your back and that's not something that you want and if that's the case you might find yourself in a situation where your work is being redistributed so whether it's clients that you used to support that maybe you're being pulled off of or maybe it's projects that you were involved with that you're no longer a part of work redistribution is is a sure sign that you are not hitting the mark and they have lost faith in your ability to perform the position and you're probably going to notice that you're no longer invited to key discussions or meetings that you maybe once were involved with so if there's meetings with a particular group that you used to support and suddenly there's another person in there or your boss is taking your place usually that's not a good thing because what's happening is your boss is starting to interject do you either do damage control or starting to distance you from that project and distance you from that team that you supported so if you see that happening you know that there's probably a major issue if you start noticing weirdness especially with groups that you support so maybe you were working in a uh on a in a department on a project with another group another cross-functional group and that cross-functional leader starts acting strange towards you and doesn't want to give you information yeah that's that's definitely something to kind of get your radar going that maybe things aren't going quite as well as you had hoped the next red flag that they might be preparing to fire you is that suddenly your performance appraisals slip drastically so if you had a history of scoring decent performance appraisals and then all of a sudden you're caught off guard with a much lower performance appraisal that is very critical of you beware especially if you haven't seen it coming because what's happening is your manager is likely starting to document your dismissal so with hr professionals when we have a manager that comes to us and says i've got an employee that's no longer hitting the mark with me and they're just not meeting my expectations i want to move to get rid of them and replace them with somebody else the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to pull their employment file we're gonna look at their last few performance appraisals and we're gonna look for any documented circumstances where their performance declined so if you go from somebody that's got a perfectly documented work history to all of a sudden they no longer meet expectations it can look like a rash decision and as an hr professional we try to limit liability by making sure that we've got a paper trail documenting the performance issues and so we usually push back on the manager and say hey you're going to have to start having documented coaching sessions with the person and we want to see that reflected in performance appraisals so if your performance is starting to be documented from an hr perspective we are asking our managers to start setting up a paper trail so that we can defend an adverse employment decision now one of the final steps we would do as an hr department as a last resort for performance related issues is we would typically put somebody on what we call a pip or a performance improvement process the performance improvement process is a defined period of time with measurable goals that must be hit in order for you to keep your job essentially so if you go through this pip and you don't hit the metrics that are set forth in the pip and they're usually very defined so that we can measure it and say you either did or didn't do this and if you go through that pip and you haven't improved your performance then we at the end of the performance process the pip if you haven't done it you're going to get terminated that that's the end result of it if you take it seriously and you actually improve your performance you can actually come off the pip and you can go back into the workforce and then it's up to you to kind of elevate your performance to meet the rest of the group and try to distance yourself from that poor performance period that you might have had but if you find yourself getting on a pip that's a huge red flag and it's definitely something that you should take very very seriously so at the end of the day if you notice any of these signs you really should start thinking about what's next for you if you want to try to address the performance or you want to try to make a change either way it's going to take you concerted effort and action so that's the first and major thing that you need to do is take action on what you want to do and try to either salvage the situation or just cut bait now if you're interested in setting yourself up for success in the hiring process that's actually what i specialize in i've got a website called a it's loaded with information on how to help you land your dream job or survive an adverse impact in your employment situation and make sure you check out my free five day job seeker boot camp which is going to give you a ton of information on how to navigate through the hiring process and ultimately how to land the dream job for you hey i appreciate you watching give me a thumbs up if you liked this video and i will see you on the next one
Channel: A Life After Layoff
Views: 361,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8 signs you are about to get fired, signs youre about to lose your job, signs your job is, signs your job is trying to fire you, boss is trying to fire me, is my boss trying to replace me, emmotion by marat, fired by boss, fired by management, getting fired from your job, got fired from my job, losing your job, my boss doesnt like me, signs of getting fired, signs you are about to be fired, signs you are getting fired, signs you will be fired, terminated, your job is in danger
Id: C6dX8TlCB7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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