Bad Bosses You May Encounter - 10 Common Types

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are you wondering if you're dealing with a bad boss at work well stick around because in this video i'm going to share with you 10 common bad boss types that you might experience in your career hey everybody it's brian from life after layoff and today i want to talk to you about the 10 most common bad boss types that you might run into now i spent the last 20 years of my career working as a human resources and talent acquisition professional for some of the world's largest and most well-known companies i've actually been pretty fortunate to work with a lot of really great bosses but even i've had a few doozies i want to spend a few minutes covering some of the bad boss types that you might be running into in your career how you can diagnose what kind of boss you're working for and you know maybe make a decision whether or not it's a type of environment that you want to stick with or maybe open yourself up to some change but before we get too far into it if you're interested in more videos about how to further your career and really put yourself into the driver's seat make sure you hit that subscribe button alright so let's cover the 10 most common bad boss types that i've seen maybe you're experiencing the first type of bad boss would be the narcissist boss this type of boss is pretty easy to identify they usually have a very inflated sense of self-worth and they walk around the office like they own the place in some cases they actually might own the place but in general they have a larger than life ego and they like to be the center of attention now this type of boss also comes across as being very charming to the outside world so other departments and people that may see them might think that this person is charming but when you get behind closed doors their true nature comes out so what kind of characteristics does a narcissistic boss have well generally speaking they're going to be very defensive of their position and very defensive of their accomplishments even if it's at the expense of you so you might find yourself accomplishing something and having somebody else in another department recognizing it and a narcissistic boss isn't going to take too kindly to that because they're going to take it as a shot against what they've accomplished so they might tear you down in front of others in order to make themselves look better so it's unlikely that you're going to get a whole lot of praise from the narcissistic boss because they want all the attention on themselves if you're working for somebody like this unfortunately there's not a whole lot that you can do other than cut bait and move on the next type of boss that you might experience is the aloof boss and i would say the aloof boss is generally a likable person but they just don't really know what's going on in their department and in fact you may even wonder if they truly have a good grasp on the type of work that you're doing or if you were to leave would they even be able to fill in until they could find somebody else and an aloof boss is somebody that is generally not well connected to what you're working on the teams that you support and they're generally not going to be much help to you clearing up roadblocks and if you've worked for duluth bosch you're probably going to find yourself having to remind them repeatedly to follow up on things that they committed to all right so what about the workaholic boss which is the next type of boss now this boss is pretty easy to recognize as well they are somebody that is extremely dedicated to what they do they're usually the first person in in the morning turning on the lights they're the last person leaving at night turning off the lights and locking the door now if you're wondering if you have a workaholic boss and you're watching this on a saturday or sunday look at your email or look at your phone and see if they're sending you emails if they are chances are high that you're working for that workaholic boss now there's nothing wrong with being dedicated to your work but the problem becomes when they expect you to have the same level of dedication that they do and this is particularly important or particularly prevalent when you're dealing with an owner of a company and i like to follow garyvee garyvee is very vocal about employees are never going to be as dedicated to the mission as you the owner and that's just the nature of it so if you're working for a workaholic boss and that's just not the type of environment that you want to be in you might need to look at a different opportunity on the other side of the spectrum we've got the absent boss the absent boss is somebody that you rarely see they're come and go as they please they never really post their office hours you never really know if you're ever going to be able to connect with them the issue is is that if you actually need them to clear roadblocks for you they're rarely found and if they are found they're usually behind closed doors and in business meetings and nobody really has a good idea of what they're doing on the flip side they also don't know what you're doing or likely don't know what you're doing and so when you receive performance feedback from them you kind of wonder like where did you pull this from because you have absolutely no idea the types of projects that we're dealing with now while it might seem like a breath of fresh air to not have somebody breathing down your back it is certainly nice to know that you can go to somebody and reliably have them help clear roadblocks for you so the absenteeism boss isn't the worst kind of boss that you can experience but it is definitely not the ideal boss what about the angry boss now every organization seems to have at least one of these hot heads and everybody in the organization knows who they are you can frequently hear them screaming from their office or making a big commotion and everybody in the department knows who's in trouble they usually fly off the handlebars at a moment's notice and everybody seems to walk around on eggshells now i don't know too many people who like to be ruled by intimidation and for whatever reason these types of bosses always seem to make their way to leadership positions even as they lack that emotional intelligence if you find yourself working for an angry boss who's always screaming and yelling and belittling you in front of your coworkers there is almost no upside to working for them my suggestion would be to absolutely update your resume and get out of that toxic situation alright so what about another kind of boss the micro manager if you find yourself working for a micro manager they're usually somebody that's going to be breathing down your neck they're a little too in the weeds they get involved in almost every aspect of your job watching every step you make and then calling you out on mistakes almost seemingly in real time you almost wonder how they get their own job done when they're so entrenched in what everybody in their department is doing they're generally perfectionists who nitpick everything that you do and they hold you to a nearly impossible standard next we have the unqualified boss now the unqualified boss is not necessarily a bad person but they found themselves in role because either they were in the right place at the right time or they got over promoted in general the unqualified boss is somebody that just doesn't have enough experience being a leader in order to be truly effective and they may look at somebody more senior to them coming into their department as a threat they'll typically use your experience to make them look better in front of their peers and there may be a sense of insecurity in their leadership style because they don't have the goods to back it up so they can be overly harsh with you in order to establish a dominant relationship or at worst they have no idea that they have no idea and you're left cleaning up the mess either way it's a challenging situation to be in now let's talk about the next kind of boss the nepotism boss the nepotism boss is usually found in small to mid-sized companies where they have a direct relationship with the owner or the ceo usually this person takes the form of a family member but it actually could be also a colleague somebody that they used to go to school with or some friend that they had on the outside who is placed into a position of power even though they haven't earned it they often have a high sense of entitlement and use their position of power to gain dominance over the rest of their group now if you're working with a nepotistic boss you probably notice that they fall into several other categories but it's generally a very difficult situation to be in which leads us to the timid boss now the timid boss tends to be pretty mousy and stays to themselves and when they go into business meetings they're usually not a presence in the room a lot of times these bosses have been enrolled for a very long time and they don't go anywhere so you may find yourself stuck behind them in upward mobility the timid boss is also somebody that is usually pushed around by their peers and is not going to be generally somebody that's going to have your back in a business meeting or in a business decision that may be adverse so if you're looking for somebody to back you up and defend you the timid boss is probably not going to be your best bet because rather than confronting the situation they'll usually bow to peer pressure and let the other departments get their way now the last major type of bad boss might surprise you it's actually the friend boss now this might be somebody that you knew on the outside who brought you in or it may be somebody that you just really hit it off with and became friends outside of work or could see yourself being friends outside of work that might sound like a great person to work for and in a lot of cases it actually is because when you really like your boss it is certainly a lot easier to show up on monday morning and really give your best effort where the danger lies in the friend boss though is when you have to get performance feedback now if you're working very closely with somebody that you consider to be a friend they may have a difficult time providing you with necessary developmental feedback or performance feedback that's actually going to hold you back in your career development or you may find yourself in a situation where out of loyalty you stay in role too long now i made another video about the danger of staying in the same job for too long and how it's detrimental to your career i will leave a link for that but at the end of the day working for somebody that you consider to be a friend isn't the worst situation that you can be on but just know the dangers associated all right so there you have it there's 10 major types of bad bosses that you might encounter in your career if you find yourself in any one of these situations it doesn't necessarily mean that you should go rushing out to quit but you should at least have a game plan and know exactly how you're going to handle your career because i'm a firm believer that a steady job is not an excuse to tolerate a bad work situation but if you find yourself ready to leave and you think you need some help that's actually what i specialize in i've got a website called a it's loaded with tips and tricks all from a recruiter and insider's perspective on how to position yourself the strongest to the open market and get the best possible offer i've also got some training courses where i share my most powerful and intimate insider knowledge one is how to navigate through the entire hiring process of a major fortune 500 company and ultimately land the best offer and i've also got another course on how to write resumes that actually get results hey if you found value in this video i would really appreciate a thumbs up because that helps other people find the content that they're looking for in their career search appreciate you watching and we will see you on the next one
Channel: A Life After Layoff
Views: 273,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bad bosses you may encounter, 10 common types, i hate my boss, signs of a bad boss, my boss sucks, my boss is terrible, hate my boss and want to quit, quit my job, narcissist, narcissist boss, my boss is a micromanager, my boss is a bully, nepotism, nepotism in the workplace, my boss hired his wife, my boss is awful, boss is the worst, boss is unqualified, boss doesnt know what i do, boss doesnt know what hes doing, bad manager, signs of a bad manager, hate my manager
Id: m28OBk1o4d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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