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on that day kenter received a grim reminder never pause Pokémon what is going on at the bottom right and the top right if Magikarp can do nothing and then suddenly grow up to be really useful then so can I my sister bought this pip plushy a few years ago because she felt bad for it go ahead and pet this giant shark wrapped to Dragon remembering the time there was a baby Lugia in the enemy remember that time Ash almost straight up got gunned down playing Pokémon go in Texas these are the pictures I live for I didn't know Pikachu could surf I was uploading these just for Misty imitating Jesse and James but then Brock's air imagine walking 2 km to hatch an egg and it turns out to be a Magikarp hey Alex imagine waiting 9 months to give birth and it's you bro look at the baby Pikachu before Pichu existed one Pokémon has to go forever Groudon doesn't have half the aura the rest to I'm crying Pikachu do something Ash I am a foot tall Mouse and that is some Godzilla happening over there Alex at least you don't get caterpy stuck in your keyboard that's a Weedle you're dead to me I am on a mission to draw the fluffiest pip plop ever don't question me we have achieved maximum floof I'm going to project my own personal and deep thoughts onto Pokémon plushies I own I live in a constant state of peril and anxiety I worry I'll never be good enough my deeply rooted fear of failure keeps me from trying burer Pokémon face swap at its finest why does this work normal type in Pokémon just means this thing is made of meat it is just an animal I'm going to to be real this thing can bleed I will never know peace again crispy on the outside chewy on the inside ditto transformed into this ditto you little animal quit messing around wait a minute wait a minute are those slippers who we slippers to work the same guy that forgets his grandson's name for those who were saying the only difference between Venusaur and Mega Venusaur is an extra flower on his head you are wrong he gets one on his butt as well can you draw a dragon air being boss you're fired well no why does charmand have noodles on his head I don't want to live on this planet anymore how to annoy Gamers everywhere uh the M on the ball stands for Magikarp duh you know what I'm going to bring back business Kakuna we need to harden our business strategy to Weedle out the competition Ash catch him you lucky boy you got to do everything awesome in the Pokémon world it's not fair anymore he never got to grow up spend time with his family or have a family of his own he has a fifth grade education at best he's essentially homeless and the only friend he's retained through all of his travels is a mouse he is literally riding the god of the ocean like a horse do you think he gives a rat's butt about his education I found these pictures on Google and I'm laughing because it's like archus is so annoyed at its three children screaming now you remember that Bulbasaur can walk on two legs there's something morally wrong with Pikachu's mouth this is a sign of demonic possession and somebody needs to help him I'm going give him teeth to see if that helps no that didn't help that time when everyone was scared of molas except the grass Pokémon allow me to introduce you to James listen up James I hope you're good because I'm not going to carry you no one's carried me since my mama and then they proceeded to be the worst of their jobs for the next 20 years sandre escapes from Battle to watch the Pokémon anime Professor Oak's so evil why'd he invite four kids to come get a Pokémon if he only had three good ones and then the problem Mouse and Team Rocket calls themselves Master of Disguise when you realize you're the third wheel friendly reminder that dark cry has legs the fact this boy was ready to die every single movie Pokémon go logic G versus Weedle guess which is heavier sad Comics Articuno Zapdos and molas just curious Rubber Chickens for all of you what would Smash Bros and chill even be like 20 minutes into Smash Bros and chill another rare weird face of Pikachu that's not weird he's just Pikachu calm the hell down Ash no his head is backwards you know that means he's serious no people let's be smart and bring it off oh so now they're talking Christmas tree is going to preach to us Charizard is 5' 7 I thought Charizard was like 10t then how tall is Ash I have an adult job now which means I can afford basic necessities you want to go mate you're in desperate need of a com trying to summon a new Pokémon game okay bad news my left leg is gone and so is my brother you can draw a rowlet trapped in a sand bucket this literally just happened to me strive to enter in at the striped gate he has risen aita asks Mallet moose wanted to know what Diglett looked like below the ground after much chuckling massuda confessed that it was something about which he was also curious well you should have HED maybe it's like a hand or something we waited 16 years for this do you think they asked him to pose like this or he just did that Pokémon go is still useless in my area so I made my own ah yes the four legendary birds molas Articuno Zapdos and Arcanine I really don't get how so few people like Ty explosion like he's a honey badger and he's on fire what more do you want are you not entertained like I don't care about stats or whatever this is the best Fire Starter because he has is warm and soft and friend shaped my only tactic for playing Pokémon is to be 20 levels higher than the opponent all problems are nails if your Hammer is big enough leaving your room when people are over why is this so accurate what a beautiful metaphor gang activity is getting pretty serious in my neighborhood poke fact number 256 Doo is a flying Pokémon with two heads the right head is used to control motor skills and intelligent thought while the left head is used exclusively wao wo wow well this ought to be why ripia always felt a bit awkward in concept I'm Not Who call him on Gen 5 but I love that the lasagna crab is like pulling a cool face while supporting the lotads lasagna crab I can't believe this was actual dialogue from a Pokémon game oh did you come here to see Cynthia in a bathing suit Nintendo DS turns 20 years old this year we should bring back whatever type of character Design This is gutina at McDonald's Torchy is the first one who really became sort of a partner to me I still don't see why that makes him so much more special maybe this all sounds a little weird to you cuz you're not a Pokémon trainer yet Ash is as cold as ice # but that's none of my business okay but why does dragon beat itself game has any kind of Elemental based fighting system me playes Pokémon logic picture of this person on Tumbler apparently it is not satisfied unless it eats over 880 lb of food every day when it is done eating it goes promptly to sleep like I have nothing to wear dude Nothing fits my team is she okay no this probably hurts all of them you're holding them up by a piece of their flesh if they would speak they would be screaming but you've you've stopped their animation into smiling you monster Food Network had a Pokémon cake contest and it fully represents how it is to be a Pokémon fan the four or five Horsemen of wait you're not a psychic type oh wow I wonder which of Ash's many cool Pokémon living with Professor Oak they'll do a cool Cameo for ah yes Ash's hundreds of Tauros from the Safari Zone he has not forgotten them a South Korean designer named jobin Yun has created a conceptual scuba mask that will allow humans to breathe underwater without the age of an oxygen tank it's called a Triton and it mimics the gills found on fish to draw oxygen from the water supply from the water to supply breathable air Pokémon continues to predict future Technologies this and uh no actually this is enough Bulbasaur's Chinese name means wonderful seed frog which is pretty on point when you hear people talking about Pokémon in public I had to see it so now you have to see it as well it's a costume no and here we have a collection of Pokémon I edited the first SL feathers off and made specifically to bother my friends very cursed images I am just now learning that the Unova gym leaders were crucified in the manga I am disturbed time traveler the timeline when someone says something so stupid you can't use anything in your current bicular to describe how wrong they are hey wait don't go out it's unsafe wild Pokémon live in Tall Grass you need your own Pokémon for your protection here I am cting every Pokémon here is square whoever's idea it was to introduce the trade evolution in Pokémon is so not valid game freak thinking I got friends or something this looks like my sleep paralysis demon how do you know what your sleep paralysis demon looks like B they outnumber you 5 to one then it is an even fight damn this kby Patty defeated Misty six times in a row in love with these official marketing pictures for this life-size Lucario fun fact about a traing is that we all love him a sweet boy someone's Pokémon is probably stuck in their poke Walker right now if that person is you please go retrieve them it's been years let's be honest this was the best Pokémon online ever was EB listing pictures remain an untapped well of fantastic images emo kid versus goth kid the only fusions that matter they must fight pink shiny Pokémon I was holding all my old Pokémon cards and just now realized there's an actual frog sitting next to Oddish when you throw a Pokeball at a legendary for chokes and giggles and it actually works remember when Lady Gaga invented the Poke stops when and Satan thought he had you but the squad steps into prey like Dragonite is so ugly compared to Dragonite I will never get over the fact such a beautiful Pokémon evolving into that goofy looking fat you're no prizes either girl who's just some guy dude who's just some chick was playing some online matches with my sister and our screen was frozen on the shot for a good 5 minutes boruto you did it Pika wait so Pikachu is actually named Boro I'm screaming shake me up shake me up and okay they just singing a song all the artist animators plush makers 3D modelers Etc getting ready for new Pokémon to drop whose Child is This I take big Pokémon and make it little hi I have something very important to show you carry on drizzly is such a mood the statue in etern city is probably the most impressive Sprite in all of Pokémon it's supposedly Diga and diamond and Pia and pearl but it's identical in both games it works out though because the Sprite is so expertly made that it looks like both at the same time [Music] I never thought this sound would be represented her I kind of just realized that Jesse from Team Rocket forms a r with her hair and body why did it take me over 10 years to realize this James not you to do you think that give the legendary Pokémon a sandwich thing would work to befriend other legendaries imagine some kid convincing Mew to stop loathing Humanity because they gave him a hem and swits on Ry gutina being overwhelmed with guilt for his crimes against God after I give him a bite of my Philly cheese stick this is self-care Charizard like whenever you need a temporary release from whatever stresses you currently have Team Rocket destroying gender roles since 1997 my entire world view has now changed wao what the hell just happened I just I don't even Cino remake confirmed she's turned to a life of crime G you looking so derp without the thing around its eyes cat cosplaying Bulbasaur slow bro ain't no simp meltic used a tract slow bro didn't get the hint forget zodiac signs what's your favorite Pokéball I don't know I don't know the names for them but I'm going to zoom into the one that which I like can we just appreciate middle Evolution starters the slightly awkward middle stage team past or team future team now Mega Charizard Z just to annoy everyone which puppy would you pick Chimchar Chimchar isn't here though everyone yo my Cote team is going to be fire the team every time this is such a mood H you smell so good what's your secret my secret so the Pokémon fans like this guy I have no idea Pokémon chess seems like the game was just a broken mess at launch that literally was sick today I learned every version of Pokémon is just red or blue out of all Pokémon ever created which Pokémon do you think is designed flawlessly and doesn't need changing probably Pikachu 10-year-old me I'll pick that pair Pokémon what's the worst that can happen the first CH Pokémon according to my parents he's just standing there Happy Ghost Boy stories through Pokémon cards I dare you to show these images to someone who knows nothing about Pokémon and then ask them which one is the dragon person hey how's life me NeverEnding nightmare back in the day we had Pokémon based on snakes Turtles and Dragons nowadays we have Pokémon based on snakes Turtles and Dragons what is wrong with you game freak NPC energy when you only talk to people if they talk to you good law doal Leo are just big cats and carry their trainers like their kittens I willing to bet my entire life savings that he spent at least a good solid hour trying to climb that tree for the sole purpose of looking like a cool guy would never stab anyone would stab someone in retaliation yells I won't hesitate [ __ ] first wood stab without warning wood stab is a warning the thing was going on around so bulby protect and attack me mom can I have a Pokémon mom your Uncle Larry had some Pokémon you can take some of his uncle Larry's Pokémon what is he done he's modified them by like 2060 this is what people will be doing to animals just modifying them turning them into cyborgs which is the first Pokémon bubbla new right on these nut arus well screw you too for those that do not get this Bulbasaur is the first on the Pokedex m is the genetic ancestor to all Pokémon Ryon was the first Pokémon ever created and archus created the universe so it is technically the first and that came before anything even space and time therefore there is no correct answer Pokémon in real how's that for an answer you watch your mouth fresh water heals 50 HP $200 super potion 50 700 super potion is overpriced fresh water potion he twin what the hell of Pokémon pharmaceutical companies doing to potions that make less effective than drinking water Team Rocket casually foreshadowing the black and white games gutina you are literally the size of a house where are you taking cover gutina is taking shelter in the grass from the rain maybe if you were playing Pokémon on the Game Boy Advance you wouldn't be so angry the Deep philosophical questions asked in Pokémon sun and moon what happens to a Pokémon's conscious when it's been put into a PC box who do you think picks up all the pokeballs you throw that don't catch any Pokémon F special delivery wait Pikachu very special delivery looks like he's in bad condition though where has he been living help him take a look at the latest power World gameplay trailer for foxic Call a pal who looks at the sky during an aurora and sings with the most beautiful voice they have got to be kidding man an important photo set which one's your favorite if I could be in this photo right now where would I want to be uh probably top right that looks kind of fun everyone stopped for 5 minutes and look M I'm choosing the one on the right are those raspberries I'm seeing strawberries I definitely see blueberries though I really like the alolan meow I hope that the alolan Persian looks like a panther so I can name mine bakira God damn it can someone please help me identify what object he thre so I can go to Walmart tomorrow to try and find it Pokémon it's a standard Poke Ball okay and they just went on to talking about the stats of pokeballs I am literally playing Pokémon and drinking an espresso Martini in a bar right now what is my life I kind of want to go to a club with a Nintendo DS and just play Kung Fu Panda or something Pokémon that sounds kind of fun Pokémon single moms will raise their child in a quaint neighborhood of three houses and one of the nation's leading Laboratories no vasal it's Laboratories guys I'm British please don't forget that's how we say it same with nucle we say nuclear not nuclear or however you guys say it nuclear nuclear we say nu nucular I didn't even know how we say it now no but I remember Mewtwo in this scene was like at last we meet well met cousin but but on this day I cannot hide my grievances against you and so I have decided that the only recourse is violence what will you say in this matter and then m was like holy what the heck is that oh it's my tail tail tail tail it's about as smart as a 3-year-old It's the funniest line in any pokeddex entry humans homosexuality is unnatural Penguins homosexuality is common in Penguins want to start a family bro yeah bro me I'm both a Sonic the Hedgehog fan and also a Pokémon fan random horse nuzzles me me laughs easy now what the day you were born is the Pokémon you received for your birthday I don't know what the thing called for is it turb twig twig I was right twig oh I said twig no that that counts yeah unpopular opinion instead of giving Eevee more Evolutions give it a regional variant and give that Eevee all the evolutions the original doesn't have I don't like it bad idea bad opinion your opinion is wrong I don't care if it's an OP opinions wrong my little brother came into my room and told me there was water all over the bathroom floor so I got up and grabbed a towel and ran into the bathroom to find all of my water energy Pokémon cards spred out on the floor this kid kid is 5 years old and he got me a Gengar tongue bed oh my God how much is this oh okay if this gets 3,000 likes I'll buy it like that's a pretty low like goal but if it has hit the goal just still like the video I'll show it in the next video Pokémon L be like among the first three Pokemon created by God himself tasked with assisting in the creation of the universe only to be banished to its own Dimension due to its aggressive nature dwells in what has become known as the Distortion World isolated from the rest of the universe acorn some people Pokémon have to have good law and an interesting naming scheme for me to like them they can't just be some stupid slap together design it has to be well thought out and deep my stupid I love whis cash because it's a catfish with whiskers that's why it's called a whis cash it also has a w on its forehead the W stands for whiscash some Legendary Pokémon according to Auto we're not going to go through all of these but my favorite one out of all of these is probably going to be victimized or over Verizon
Channel: VaazkL
Views: 151,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -lJj1ONfUnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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