Significance of Snakes in Mysticism-Sadhguru

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[Music] then [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mysticism and snakes cannot be separated whatever part of the world whatever the culture whatever religious backgrounds where there's an exploration or experience of mysticism there there will be snakes in abundance either symbolically or in reality whether it's the ancient cultures of mesopotamia crete egypt cambodia vietnam and of course we don't have to mention india because there is no indian temple without a snake so one aspect of it is symbolism because the yoga uses the snake a coiled up snake as kundalini but the reason why it has earned that symbolic status is the beings who are of celestial nature beings who are in consciousness and capability superior to what is human nature i've always chosen to take the form of snake whenever they are here in this dimension of existence this is an experience you can trace back into every mythology on the planet in india there are innumerable stories starting from shiva being an ago to all the goddesses anywhere in the world the middle eastern ones the north african ones the mesopotamian ones and the asian ones southeast asian ones central european ones you will see goddesses and snakes are always symbolized together because snake is a even these creatures who are here on this planet they have a certain sense of perception which even humans lack those of you i do not know if there's anybody here who witnessed the dhyanalinga consecration when we were consecrating the vishuddhi chakra there were over 400 not people there were no arrangements like these people just crowded around huddled fully packed with people all around but this one snake somehow would creep through the crowd and come to us any number of times we pick it up and leave it out in the forest but within half an hour he's again back there he wants to be there he doesn't want to miss the consecration because if one becomes very meditative the first creature which is drawn towards meditativeness is snake this is the reason why you always see sages and seers if there are images snakes are around anthills have grown around them this is just to indicate that to honor this creature because it has such a sense of perception that it is able to perceive certain dimensions which human beings are longing to know human beings are desperate to know but this creature which has no ears you know a snake is stone death so he uses his whole body as the yeah he puts his ear to the ground truly because his whole body is in touch with the ground and he's really got a ear to the ground and any fundamental change even in a slightest manner that happens in this planet a snake will know if there is going to be not yet if there is going to be an earthquake in california you ask a snake in the wellington mountains he will tell you at least 30 to 40 days ahead of time that there is going to be an earthquake in california i'm not joking about this because their sense of perception is such any smallest moment in the planet snake is the first creature which knows because its sense of perception with regarding to the planet is so very keen and so very sharp so because of this perception always the mythology in india there's plenty all over the world there is you've always heard of naga lokas existing beneath the underground the netherworld is the nagaloka where there's a whole host of the whole society down there not just of snakes human beings who belong to the snake clan who are known as the nagas who played a very very important role in shaping the consciousness of this nation and literally every other culture actually today we know historically we know that the great temples of encore of cambodia were built by the naga descendants these nagas went from india and they interbred with the indigenous people there and they established a kingdom and later on when certain kandaliya who was a brahmin king from india went and conquered or defeated the naga queen because nagas were always matriarchal families they were ruled by queens and not by kings and human beings who are very deeply associated with snakes exist even today i'm one of them not a naga but my life and snakes cannot be separated every significant event in my life is always punctuated by the presence of a snake uh after the dhyanalinga consecration when my body was in shambles my system was broken and you know i was going through various uphills in the system where the medical doctors said there is no hope you have all kinds of bizarre things going in your body your systems will fail in united states they said you are a blue light emergency you should never get onto an airplane you're a danger so i think those of you who read the mystics museums must be aware of it some mention of that is there these mystical snake forms have i had not imagined my life and snakes cannot be separated every significant event in my life is always punctuated by the presence of a snake after the dhyanalinga consecration when my body was in shambles my system was broken and you know i was uh going through various uphills in the system where the medical doctors said there is no hope you have all kinds of bizarre things going in your body your systems will fail in united states they said you are a blue light emergency you should never get onto an airplane you're a danger so i think those of you who read the mystics musings must be aware of it some mention of that is there these mystical snake forms have i have not imagined they are a reality in another dimension those beings who wish to enter this dimension of existence i've always chosen snake as a form because of various advantages that snake has probably he knows more about me than i know about him i know a lot about him but he knows more about me than i know about him that's how he is mysticism and snakes cannot be separated because it's a certain dimension of perception and this creature has come endowed with that capability that is why the highest form of perception which is the opening of the third eye in the shiva's forehead is punctuated by the presence of the snake in the sense the raised hood cobra you must understand this is a reptile it must be crawling on the ground having shiva having it at his feet is okay but he's got it over his head to indicate that it is even about him the indication is in some ways he is even better than me that's what he's also saying so it is the rising of his energies to the peak which has opened up his third eye perception and refinement of energy are very very directly connected if there is no refinement of energy there is no perception there's no way to perceive when energy so gross so all practices all yoga all sadhana every kind of spiritual practice and process on the planet is essentially to define your energies the temple is just a huge refinement of energies it's not something different it is just very intense and refined form of energy is what you're referring to as a goddess every woman has the same thing every man also has the same thing but it is not in such level of intensity and refinement so right now bhairavi is in a extremely intense state and a refined state that's what makes her the goddess above everyone that's what though we create her we bow down to her because she's refined and manages to stay that way because we have to go through various aspects of life some some moments we are like that some moments we are some other way but she is like that all the time because she has the advantage of uh you know not going not having dinner breaks and bathroom breaks and all these hassles and that's the advantage of being a god or a goddess so in this temple we will grow snakes when i say we'll grow snakes now that's she has tasted this she may want to come back every day i don't know see right now if i leave her she'll not go this way she'll go this way i won't do that now because others also may go this way other ladies may run this way so just avoid that this process when i say we grow snakes you see snake symbolism in many places but this particular these two snakes entwined one aspect of this is we've been doing the churning process the hands going going this churning is essentially every subatomic particle is in this moment of counter moment clockwise and anticlockwise the most basic building material of matter in the existence is always going this way i did not know this till about four months ago when i was invited by a physicist a professor in the oxford university who teaches physics fundamental physics there and they wanted to see how they can link mysticism and physics so we sat down for a discussion and this went on and on for about eight hours non-stop and even the physicist forgot to go to the bathroom see when somebody forgets to go to the bathroom that means unknowingly they're stepping into a different dimension annoyingly knowingly if they do it it would be great but unknowingly they're moving into a space where physical is not ruling them anymore when they forget to eat when they forget to go to the bathroom when they forget to sleep that means the control of the physical over their lives is coming down even without making a conscious effort towards it and when when he asked me okay what is the fundamental nature of your perception of your body i said the fundamental nature of my body is just this i did this i said what is that i said that's the fundamental nature of my body don't ask me what's the fundamental nature of me i can't guestionate about that but if you ask me about the fundamental nature of my body the fundamental nature of my body is this he said do you know that is the basic particle in the existence i said i don't know but that's the basic particle in me because i have not traveled the existence but i've explored me then i said okay if that is so another dimension of me is i made him hold his hand about eight inches above my head and i closed my eyes and sat and i said just feel it for some time and see how this is if you feel this you will see the moment will not be like this it will be like this he said what is that i said that is the last step that's the last step of physicality if you go over that the physical will be finished he said do you know this is a sign of infinity i said i didn't even know that because i you know i generally did not go to the math classes when i was i could count my fingers i thought that was good enough so this is happening in the body all the time this is happening in your system this is happening in every subatomic particle this is happening in the whole cosmos this moment of counter clockwise moment it is this which is holding the existence together the fundamental building particle of the physicality is held together only because it is moving both clockwise and anti-clockwise if it was moving one way it would spin out of control because it is moving more both ways the energy the discrete created around it is holding everything together today uh i mean there's a huge in the scientific circles there is so many aspects that are being spoken one thing that they are not able to figure is the nature of gravity time and space they are not figured but at least they are on the right track to a large extent i know this sounds arrogant as if i have to approve the scientific research uh but i feel they'll agree with me in about 100 years time so this gravity which is actually the basis of existence is generated in these two moments this clockwise and anti-clockwise moment and this essential moment of the existence and the snake are very very directly connected so its perception probably if you want to know all the secrets of gravity you have to just talk to him if you learn to listen to what he's got to say he knows why it's all together that's why shiva said okay you stay above me you are smart okay you're too smart though you're a crawling creature you're too smart so you stay about me every culture has recognized this one way or the other even the christian christian theology says it is snake which initiated life on this planet somebody who initiates life on this planet has to be the agent of the divine isn't it because somebody could not even accept the simple biological processes of life they called him the agent of the devil but without him according to their story you wouldn't be here today you wouldn't be here today isn't it so any number of things are there i can tell you um a thousand different stories about snakes and there's the role that they have played in our culture the great ones who are known almost to everybody and probably the many people here were named after them like wasuki and uh maybe taxilla and you know there are any number of them maybe these days nobody is naming anybody as but but there used to be karkotakas many people by those names so today we are trying to initiate the snake into the temple by doing a serpa seva and uh this serpa seva will be available to people once a month on every full moon day the serpa seva will be available to people to come and do it uh so these two snakes which are in a certain uh it's not an entanglement you can see the arrangement it's a conscious embrace of the two there is a difference between embrace and entanglement an embrace is happening out of involvement entangling entanglement happens out of compulsive needs so they're in a certain embrace and a certain dance to bring this forth into everyone's life this these snakes will be filled with uh the turmeric i mean with the termite mound earth the earth taken from the termite mound mixed with certain other substances and these snakes will be filled once a month this is an opportunity that people have to do this this is a way of bringing a snake into the temple and this aspect of snake and making use of the snake to enhance one's perception either in the form of kundalini or the outer snake we will set up a whole new culture here in the next few years through the bairavi temple so as a small representative we have this one here see now he doesn't want to go but for your sake i will send him now because now if i have to do this work i have to put him down and are you okay oh if you're okay i'll leave him here [Applause] nobody should get up scream run nothing you
Channel: Pravara
Views: 1,254,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isha Foundation, Sadhguru, Inner Engineering
Id: Y5V7tLJAu_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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