Sights & Sounds | The 2021 Barkley Marathons

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um as an athlete the most difficult challenge is uncertainty the uncertainty is a big part of life and it's it's one of the hardest parts to to cope with so i think facing that in your in your athletic pursuits is is good life training and life is like that what seems like a problem is actually an opportunity we got the uh clown vibes going on big balloon be very afraid so [Applause] i'm out here in tennessee to run the barclay it's going to be my sixth attempt i first came to the barclay in 2014 and really did not know too much other than reading stories and finisher reports from people that have attempted it before and just hearing about this that there was this race out there that was almost impossible to finish it captured my imagination a bit the barclay just combines everything that i loved about being out in the woods growing up as a kid with ultra running and everything that i love about discovering that sport as an adult and that's why i love doing the barclay and why i will continue to come as long as i can i'm done after this i'm doing this because i need any anything that could help me well i did all my map stuff so i have a copied map and that was a learning process and i learned it's really hard and that you just keep going uphill and then downhill a race that people don't finish is super intriguing to me so i've always wanted to figure out the application process and get myself here and and this year it worked out for me it's going to be about just trying to be really smart and pay attention and start the process of learning this course i know like being a student of it pays off and people come for many many years before they feel like they actually understand the course so um that's what i'm trying to start right now is just my learning of it and see where that gets me this time and take that to the next chance i get always late for everything is this noise yeah we just started the race 10 minutes ago is that right yes no it's tomorrow thank you thank you i am glad you were able to make it trust me it was the circus we said you've already had an adventure my plane was delayed i had to reboot again i had to change rent a car and then when i got the rental car they canceled it the reservation because it's spring break and you're gonna walk and i had no car in knoxville it was stranded i wasn't scared i said i'm gonna make it no one wants to take me here but look i made it late but i made it and after all this you brought me all right [Laughter] it's got the yellow gate the happy face runners yeah this is a happy place people have adventures and there i am on this shirt let's make this wonderful shirt and then put me on it well i'm doing something wrong they're losing time this is our watch this year it's a pocket watch analog set to midnight it will be midnight when it starts at 306 a.m so we have 20 minutes oh is everybody ready for fun times the shock was that hardly anyone knew how to open a pocket watch they start trying to rip pry the cover open it's like there's a button on top there's only one button that's awesome they'll be they'll be really good with figuring stuff out in analog time in another 12 hours they might throw away the real watches after this to finish the the barclay you have to really come physically in the best condition of your life and mentally completely focused on the job at hand and you have to be talented and and really physically tough the people who are here have done a lot to earn their spot to be here [Applause] there's no way to describe the difficulty physically and mentally of continuing to go and it's not always the greatest fun in the world why you're doing it but when you get done and when you look back on it i got my hundred it took five years but that's not a bad time at the barclays this way right last that way it was a water prison it was pretty high but not too bad i mean not bad survivable we used our water wings the new was a little high but yeah so there's some tragic stories every year people that through no fault of their own things went completely wrong now my watch is broken i wonder does that mean i can go back out we stopped under 13 20. and i was i was promised we can give you a new watch and you can do this loop again better watch call my blog see people that come here over a career and can get get so close but something always happens and then never make it and those things are sad on an individual basis but the the level of joy and achievement when someone does make it you you can't have the you can't have the joy without the heartbreak miss jared and luke yep [Applause] did you encounter any fog oh my gosh [Applause] it was pretty sleepy that last mile so i was thinking all kinds of weird stuff i was like [Music] [Music] start probably 35 winners but all of them are personal victories finishing or not finishing is not the end of the world instead the knowledge you learn you can feel like as long as you are open to improving you can get better every year hahaha
Channel: Kevin Lara
Views: 159,137
Rating: 4.9691997 out of 5
Keywords: BM100, LazarusLake, BarkleyMarathons, JamilCoury, CourtneyDauwalter
Id: cSm9NTAZ3So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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