Sightreading Devillish Time Signatures

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Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin. - Ta-daa! - Today, we have a very special episode, where we will be doing the incredible and challenging task of sightreading music. But! With a twist. What could the twist be? Everything we will be sightreading involves irregular or tricky time signatures. (both) Scissors, paper, rock. Brett: I start! Rest rest rest rest rest. What the hell? Oh no, that's right. I thought you had a mistake. Dude, that was risky. I did not expect that. What was that—? Nice! Tricky, tricky. Man, this is... - This looks so much harder than yours! - This is such... Alright, just a... warning. - I just changed my strings yesterday. - Oh yeah yeah, that's gonna just... - change the rhythm. Yeah yeah. - So my violin won't speak that well, I won't be as in tune. - Yeah yeah yeah... - But, um... Like his shirt says, he needs to practice. Oh, my god. What is this?? What is that note?! Okay, I'll give you a pass on that one. - 'Cause that's... - What is that?! Dude, that note itself is like, level 5. LOL! NO!! NOO!!! This is hard! - Dude, I didn't even make it near the end. - Wow... Dammit, Bartok and your modal stuff. Alright, next level. Eddy: Bro, what is that?! How is that level 2...? 3/32?? 3/32? What is—? Dude, I've never seen that, ever. Dude! That's not right! Oh, A! Dude, there's too many lines! My eyes are blurring it out! Bring it on, Bach. Oh. Whoa. Ah! What the...? Oh dude, that is so off the rhythm! - I was right, though! - Noo! Oh no, it's... Yeah. Alright, this is a combined effort one, because we split into two different time signatures. - Too slow! - Frickin' hell! Oh, that's hard! That's... - Nasty. Mozart. - Damn... It does sounds really nice though, - I like it. - Yeah. Oh my god, 15/8? And a 5/4? Dude... You didn't even...! Oh, I know this one. Yeah, 'cause I listen to Debussy! That's right, I know this piece. You've played it before, right? - I've never played it. Yeah. - I played it. Oh, whoops. Ahh!! Brett: That's hard. But the notes are hard. Alright. I've never done that one. - Alright, good luck. - Whoa, okay, I need to focus. - Alright. - Alright, here we go. I think I need to like, squat. Squat, the focus is on. You know you're serious when you're squatting. Three, four... One, two, three, one two three four... Two, three... One, two, three... Two, three... No! Dude, I can't read it! - I feel like the notes have taken over - It's so like... the rhythm in difficulty. Nah, I wanna... try the hard part. One, two... One... One... Dude, D flat! - Ohh, wait! - D flat! - Dude, this is actually really hard. - That's hard. This is hard. Next one! Dude!! Eddy: Oh my god. - All right. - Dude, what is that? One, two... Oh dude, look at what that is! I've messed up already. What the **** is that?! - Left hand pizz. - Really? Yeah. Dude... One, two, three. Oh, it's 16ths! It's 7/16! Dude...! - That's messed up! - One-two-three-four-five-six-seven, one, two, three, four, - five, six, seven. One-two-three-four-five-six-seven... - Ohh, wow. And it goes... Two. Five-six-seven. One-two-three-four-five-six-seven. Alright, you know what. Don't like this piece. Dude, what is this? Dude, that's not even... - That's not even music. - There's no... WHAT?! - I don't even know. - Okay, but I didn't even follow it. Thank you so much for watching! Once again, please like and subscribe. And check out our merch. Brett: Did you guys get merch yet? It's the best. Yes. - That was the hardest one ever. - That was so hard.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 825,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: wfl2aT-Yf30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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