Sieging a Boss Warship with Infinite Helicopter Troops

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raven field trumpets you gotta love them you see this helicopter hello it's pretty good at transporting men it's got about four seats and two gunners and one co-pilot so eight total people you see this aircraft carrier it is absolutely crawling with enemy soldiers they've got boats anti-aircraft guns helicopters attack planes bomber planes this thing is a veritable fortress with all of the bells and whistles and we are going to try to take it over using the helicopter but we've got a trick up our sleeve you see we've got three different helicopters that we're gonna try to use the blackbird holds eight the chinook holds 32 people look at this thing it's massive but that's not even the biggest helicopter we have we also have this thing it can hold 50 passengers just look at this thing hello everybody are we are we gonna die so we're ultimately looking to determine which of these helicopters is going to be the best at taking over the enemy aircraft carrier which as we noted is basically a fortress and one of the most difficult capture points on the map to take over but we do have a few things at our disposal that i dropped in just in case we can use the ah-6 little bird so all we got to do is find a nice little landing spot preferably not in front of these airplanes you know what let's call in the little bird like this so essentially you drop it and you see that right there you see those guys on the side of it this has to be one of the coolest drop-ins and one of the coolest mods in raven field because essentially and if you play spec ops mode it's even cooler but the helicopter will just like plop right down here and drop the boys off uh but it's like a literal drop uh it could get a little closer they might like break their knees uh maybe not oh hello there thanks for showing me your missile that sounds awfully uh inappropriate doesn't it so we do have this at our disposal if we manage to land on the enemy carrier we can call in reinforcements so while that's the overall challenge one of the other ones is just getting to the helicopter at least in the first couple guys so that you can take command of it all right all aboard this is a one-way flight gentlemen wait a minute the new helicopter has this giant like antenna on the back of it it looks really cool and so we have to find a way to not get shot down okay one thing that would help is to not run into trees either all right we have a missile lock do you see a missile incoming because that warning sign normally is indicative there it is look right above the rotors so the only thing that we have to defend ourselves is a couple idiots who are more art of like artificial than they are intelligent on these miniguns on the side the gunners we have and then as the missile gets a little bit closer wait for it drop the chaff just dodge an incoming missile now the plane is going on a nice strafing run and they've already got another missile lock oh almost oh anti-aircraft guns yeah those are problematic so we're going to try to do oh god dude we got hit we didn't have the counter measures in place yet oh god that flak gun is hitting us all right we're gonna land at the front and tell everybody to get out oh hold on squad orders is l get out of the helicopter all right so we landed on it now can a contingent of eight men take it see look the infantry are defending look at how many there are all those little blue dots are heads oh what is with the missiles in slo-mo today we are being blessed by r jesus hold on oh no i took away all of my bazookas i wanted to shoot at this plane right here so we're already taking enemy fire oh my gosh i'm gonna take a little bit of friendly fire if i'm not careful and now we have to storm this place oh they got me in the turkish so round one boys on me and we're dead why look at that they've got emon garan's sniper rifles that's pretty impressive and my boys here are basically just left out to rot i love this though they're crouched doing covering fire look at this man the ai is getting better for sure there's only two left of the eight we're down to one and mission failure we'll get them next time so now we're going to scale it up i'm gonna call in the little birds while landing the small helicopter and see if that's good enough or if we just have to go straight to the chinook all right boys you know the drill by now one guy already parachuted out i'm not sure if he was part of our group or if he's like oh this venture's doomed i just want to get out now but i think by looking inside it looks like we have all eight people myself included incoming missile there it is you can kind of see the contrails and it's coming in we're getting strafed by enemy planes dropping chaff and trying to do our best to take evasive maneuvers but we are getting lit up oh hello there fellas i don't know where this missile is coming from there it is it's coming from the main ship spam chaff spam chaff oh this is bad i tried to fly this way so that we'd actually have like probably take less fire from the uh oh god this is bad oh no all hands croc you think going that way would have you defended and uh less likely to take incoming enemy air fire but nope so i've got three more seats one thing i would love in this game is if i could press a button and like a little circle radius would ping out and then friendlies would enter the helicopter if there were empty seats oh an enemy blue guy just landed on the far side of the airfield and there's a boat coming in i mean we can't take the aircraft care if we lose the air base right hey you're not supposed to be here predator what are these guys doing this isn't part of the simulation soldier okay a little bit of friendly anti-aircraft fire never hurt nobody except my face all right i wish i could like tell that attack helicopter to fly in an escort formation with me there's so many little things i wish i could change about raven field or rather add maybe it's such a good game we need that darn arrow that little it ain't me i know senator's son you know what i'm talking about like whenever you're flying a helicopter over like some green grass and some trees jungle looking i just get very vietnam era feelings about it we haven't been locked on once we are at full health this bodes well we might just be able to call in the helicopter support oh that is a armored personnel carrier right down there with an auto cannon so we have to dodge him now now this is getting ridiculous and there's an attack boat someone just threw ammunition outside of the helicopter oh okay that's not the best landing use the miniguns everybody out all right you guys do a defensive formation i need to call in the reinforcements before i die all right where are they at though there they are all right reinforcements are in route we are on the far side of the carrier literally invading it right now oh artillery is coming in from the ships come on boys land him uh oh what if he drops him on top of this helicopter look at him taking evasive maneuvers some of them are shooting oh that was close that's some good flying we got like the sore group all right boys you're part of it let's take this ship let's see if this is enough oh my god the marksmen over there are insane all right so how many men do we have left oh they are dropping like flies look at these like oh should i shoot at them or maybe i get a medical crate oh we got two guys left he's using a pistol sir that's not how it's done needless to say it's clear those didn't work and what we have to do now is we go over here to our transport helicopter and we go from blackbird to chinook from eight seats to 32. this bodes much better for our chances of taking the aircraft carrier oh look at this beauty this is like a vietnam era one it's called the us army right here all right boys everybody's on board it looks like we got two tail gunners i can't tell if we have any forward-facing armament but i'm just gonna assume no so is that 32 including the pilot and co-pilot and the two tail gunners so it's like what 28 plus the four support or four crew i guess you could say now do we have electronic countermeasures oh look at those shots what are some shots okay we are getting locked on so we do have early warning radar early detection or whatever it is for those of you helicopter and plane nuts what's the nomenclature i'm looking for here all right incoming missile there it is i can see it and dropping chaff in three two one chaff drop missile away boys well done well done oh someone that's a wire guided missile over there oh we are a big target all right so what i'm thinking actually is to land like this so in theory the tail gunners should be firing and giving a little bit of covering fire now what you'd want is the ai here we go i lost the ability to tell them what to do so i'm just gonna go ahead and exit the vehicle and then what will happen is everybody else starts to exit too the co-pilot just got out the side door this guy ah they're materializing but look at this man look at this that is significantly better now we're all getting chopped down oh god please don't kill me all right boys let's do this oh man i don't have a any powerful weapons maybe we need a little bit better of a gun oh there's just so many defenders out there out i took some shots no i'm at 100 health still look at that guy peeking son this is going well we've definitely taken some casualties here you can see but like the infantry attacks oh look that was a pilot a pilot just parachuted on the far side oh god this is gonna be the hard part all right oh no oh my god you are kidding me friendly freaking fire and it was very appropriate since it was vietnam era feeling because he used the thumper grenade launcher but even still i think we're down we're down from 32 to 3. man look at the carrier deck it's just covered in little strawberry jam drops there's only two soldiers left oh my god what was that who just called in the pain train of artillery needless to say now what we're gonna do is ramp it up even more the scale is going up we're gonna take the chinook from the main base land on the carrier and call in two ah six little birds armed with four soldiers each so 32 plus eight your math is as good as mine we are gonna have 40 troops invading them all aboard one-way trips okay i don't know how that happened but the plane uh that guy just didn't pass pilot flight school apparently fighter takes off bomber takes off so that means we'll actually have less air cover right now i love games that have like good intuitive and relatively easy controls for things like planes and helicopters that's one of the things about raven field is it's very accessible if you've never flown a helicopter in a video game and you want to get raven field all right missile lock oh there it is i see it and chef oh we actually took that we we may have done that a little bit too late however i think i think that's what happened look at the plane flying right under it all right we got another missile lock there it is i don't have chaff i'm spamming it right now but we do not have it two missiles jeez okay this thing is a chunky boy all right drop that there's a few guys on the deck coming towards us we just need to land quickly don't you think this thing like from the back doesn't it kind of look like a face like an angry frog that's spitting out red soldiers right now okay so reinforcements we're gonna call in two little birds so you can see them both coming in now we're losing lots of soldiers but we are securing this side of the carrier so now what we need is some coordinated aerial maneuvers here oh my god what the heck is happening no we just lost two guys from a ballistic like from a rocket we we only got six out of the eight because we are taking so much henry fire all right boys we need to uh we need to take this place but by having the two helicopters wait a minute oh i don't know rick i don't know about it boys take cover how many men do we have left man they're just getting gunned down this is 40 soldiers i think we're gonna have to ramp it up it definitely seems like our only chance right now is to either change tactics which we're not gonna do or use the black crow oh it looks like i can change the attack helicopter to a chinook but i don't think i can tell the ai to join me all right 50 troops now this thing whoa what that what the biscuit what just happened everybody the helicopter broke it literally did a cartwheel all right i don't know what just happened all i know is it did and it was bad okay we tipped way forward there i think it's just the weight of this thing when you're taking off but we've mostly got it stabilized now this thing definitely could use some texturing in a paint job but it's what we got to work with it's the only helicopter that i've found that can hold 50 guys so here's a question if i was to commission a mod a raven field mod for like a vehicle or a map what should we do what would be something amazing a challenge video or a cool idea for a map or vehicle that we could do as barons brigade because there's some cool things in the work but i'm always loving to hear what kind of ideas we can come up with together sort of like how we're starting to you know come up with some ideas for some roblox maps in games because the roblox world war one video we just put out was probably one of the coolest experiences i've ever had in a world war one based video game you know what this is some illuminati stuff what is with this helicopter blade man we're using some alien technology on this oh yeah there's a ufo in raven field oh god incoming plane boy armored personnel carry which is amphibious with an auto cannon so we don't want to hit that am i stealth because no one's shooting at me okay they're shooting at me i spoke too soon all right boys everybody out everybody out everybody out 50 troops go go go go go storm the beaches it's like d-day but instead of higgins boats landing on a french beach it's helicopters landing on aircraft carriers oh come on i need i need a medic medic there it is maddox get the bangalores what movie is that from hint d-day all right my guys are not very good at shooting like there's crow we're dropping maybe smoke grenades would win good guys got an m1 goran all right oh i was like please don't shoot me please don't shoot me that guy's dead there's just yeah johann hola hello baron what are you doing on my boat you idiot all right but you can see that we have a whole lot more soldiers with us for some reason they're in this like flying v formation where i was at the apex and now that i'm dead they're just kind of like you know what what if we just i don't know sat here and did nothing and got shot on the carrier deck it's bewildering to me that even with a helicopter that can hold 50 soldiers it's still difficult to take the carrier deck all right don't tip over yeah i think the issue is if there's yeah there's guys that just like hang out in there like oh yeah i want to be in this too and they don't get out before i take off and they throw off the weight or something like that oh my god look at all these red guys just spilling over the hill man this is like jurassic park but instead of gallimimus running it's like red dudes with assault rifles stop it where are my side door gunners you have a mini gun shoot that plane pop that thing boy i mean we could change up our angle of attack honestly man stop it gotta take evasive maneuvers because they also try to like run into you too okay nice missile thank you that's very kind of you oh my biscuits and gravy dude this is this is ridiculous all right everybody out everybody out everybody out we have to raise the stakes we're calling in eight more soldiers these are spec ops operators via the little bird transports there's one there's the other and we've got guys all over the deck right now uh oh we're losing them man this is a highly contested drop zone but i love how they shoot on their way down too all right boys bringing these reinforcements we might need to call in like actual air support there's mods where you can like call in a plane that can para drop soldiers in all right now what we need to do yeah i should probably get like a sniper or something destroy the ah-6 oh okay you know what screw this man i'm not going that way where's my squad at 27 of you follow me oh hold on what are you guys doing here oh medic drop a medic thingy i need the medic thing oh my gosh this is bad i've got 23 health and we're creeping into the bowels of this carrier i've got a few guys on me though mixed weapons m1 garands kalashnikovs battle rifle looking things oh my god look at how many there are i don't think they see me oh good wait oh that was ammunition guys drop the freaking medic bag huh yeah thank you you need orders for that kind of stuff sorry all right this is bad they just keep spawning in oh my look at that are you kidding me all right so the issue is the battle plan isn't necessarily working we've got most of the island and we can wear it through them in a war of attrition jeez oh this is not gonna work uh i'm creeping around the best i can look at that but since this is a main base they just keep respawning here and i'm just blasting them hey bud but i i don't know if i'm enough there are so many troops holding this freaking place this is their main base though all right we're moving in oh no oh no i'm out of ammo i'm out of ammo bags guys i i need ammunition we're so close there's health here in ammunition too this is bad oh my gosh i don't have i don't have medium range weaponry i need i need ammo there's only three of us left i've got like one guy left oh drop that ammo boy no entropy all right let's give it one more go and looking at our lineup i think is it ammo or health i mean it's both at different times which is the problem long term you need ammunition short term you need health long long term you need both all right so what i got to do is get to the helicopter first before it fills up yeah there's a guy there's some guys stuck in the back you didn't tickets please i'm so sick and tired of these snakes on this freaking plane come on ooh i hate you guys do you know that why do they get my helicopter only to crash it you know it's rude uncalled for man it's making this even harder than it needs to be all right get out of the helicopter yeah wobble the wobble boy get off all right there we go we dropped the two uh freeloaders off we could try landing somewhere else could be an interesting strategy right i've got an idea it's not a good one but it is an idea uh the issue though is we're kind of flying directly towards the anti-aircraft gun the anti-aircraft guns on the carrier are both in the back of the ship i believe there's two no one's on the one oh they just got on it luckily he's distracted someone fired a a non-guided round at me what we could try to do he likes oh any aircraft gun is land this thing in it stop it stop shoot me okay we're a little bit big we're gonna force our way in here no it blew up but look at all are they all dead do you see that do you see how many troops we just hand delivered if at first you don't succeed keep trying over and over or else you're crazy right that's the that's the phrase that's what sun tzu said all right full load that dang anti-aircraft battery just came in right at the wrong time so we're gonna try to do is just go fast whoa what's with the trees all moving t-rex is out there man imagine a dinosaur mod in raven field oh my gosh all right all right so now what we got to do stop it boys stop it okay this thing has purple in aircraft things oh we just lost some guys we just we're losing more come on everybody out i could try landing on this dock look at this i'm responsible for this oh my gosh am i am i the bad guy are we the baddies all right we do have the one guy that's probably gonna tip okay oh stabilize stabilize there we go we only lost one bar of health if you look at the bottom left all right go fast gotta go fast hmm potential landing site right here oh i don't like that at all i'm just gonna land right here everybody out everybody out everybody out i gotta drop these little birds all right little birds are out reinforcements are on the way helicopters in a decent spot we just landed closer so we should be doing more damage boys with shotguns oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god all right where's the reinforcements oh my god i got blown up but i landed on a medical kit wait did you not have any soldiers did they all die i think most of them died okay uh this is absolute chaos oh shoot i don't know man i don't know if it is possible we're gonna have to go back to the drawing board and maybe call in air support because it seems the ai is defending the aircraft carrier much more intensely and intently lately so anyway if you guys do want to see more raven field we'll pull the trigger on the like button let me know and suggest some challenges or ideas for the next one thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 2,426,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, ravenfield, raven field, boss unit, ravenfield boss, aircraft carrier, ravenfield aircraft carrier, drones, aircraft carrier drones, new, new ravenfield, impossible boss fight, new boss fight, war game, battle simulator, ravenfield game, aircraft, bomber, carrier, tabs, d-day, d day, ww2, ww1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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