Sidney Powell | How to Fix Justice

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okay now for our final speaker of this national leadership seminar Sydney Powell has practiced law for many years primarily in the fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals she has been lead counsel and more than 500 federal appeals 350 of them as an assistant United States attorney and appellate section chief in the western and northern districts of Texas she is a past president of the American Academy of appellate lawyers and the Bar Association of the 5th Federal Circuit and she is a member of the American Law Institute many of you have heard or seen one of her frequent appearances on radio and television including Lou Dobbs Hannity shannon bream laura ingram news max one american news and mark levin a deep concern about prosecutorial overreach led her to write a best-selling book titled license to lie exposing corruption in the Department of Justice and along those lines she is currently working as one of the lawyers representing retired lieutenant General Michael Flynn I think some of you in this room may have heard of general Flynn she will be speaking today on how to fix justice would you please welcome to the podium Sidney Powell thank you all so much really I'm honored to be here and speak to this auspicious group I've met a lot of fascinating and caring people I want to thank you first for the gift of your time in being here today that's the most valuable thing you can give anyone it's the only one of our assets that cannot be replaced in any way shape or form so I'm especially grateful that you care enough about all these issues in Hillsdale College to be a part of this I think it's extraordinary I didn't learn about Hillsdale until a few years ago actually I've never been political and didn't think I was being political I wrote license to lie but I found out it was so here I am Politico did what they tried to make a hit piece on me and I think I haven't even read the whole thing yet but my son read it for me and he said really the worst thing they could say about you where I'm you're a mag a loving lawyer so I'll take that [Music] how many of you have read licensed to lie exposing corruption in the Department of Justice okay not all that many well I learned from our excellent prior speaker mr. Searcy that I did a few things right I wrote it too it reads like a John Grisham novel so it's a relatively easy fast read in that way people have called it a page-turner I literally prayed I would not have to write license to lie and I prayed I would not have to write it because for me to have to sit down and write it meant that the system of justice that I believed in and had practiced in for I guess about 25 years by that time was broken and that was a very very sad thing for me so it was extremely emotional to write the book and I wrote it because I in that way of telling a story because I wanted people to feel to feel the toll that a wrongful criminal conviction takes on everyone in the process it is outrageous it is devastating and if you've not been in the unfortunate position of having the entire might and weight of the United States Department of Justice focused against you to literally crush you you cannot begin to comprehend what it's like for those who are and I would venture to guess that approximately five percent of our current prison population state and federal is completely innocent and another five percent at least is or was the subject of a trial so unfair and judges so prejudiced that you can't tell if they were rightly convicted or not that is a serious problem in this country we should not have one innocent person in prison mr. Arne and I were talking earlier at lunch about the whole separate topic of prison reform which we need every bit as much as we need reform in the Department of Justice but I will start by saying that I think the first way to fix justice right now is to drop the charges against lieutenant General Michael Flynn and we are in the process of trying to convince the Department of Justice to do that right now the especially good news is that Attorney General Barr has assigned mr. Jensen the United States Attorney in Missouri to take a look at the case I'm not sure exactly what his role is I understand he will not be appearing on the pleadings and I wouldn't expect him to but hopefully he's going to take a fresh and independent look at all the motions that we have filed since I came in the case because we have outlined an atrocious series of in justices that should offend everyone in the country they literally made up the charges against general Flynn and the case against him exemplifies everything that is wrong now with our criminal justice system we have prosecutors in the Department of Justice and across the United States Attorneys offices that have determined they can weaponize our system of Justice to prosecute people for political reasons they are an expert at making up crimes and they have become more expert along with FBI agents with making up facts to go with those crimes that's exactly what we've seen in the case against general Flynn there really is no case he was honest with the agents we learned with material the government did give us that the agents said they thought his demeanor was sure he was being perfectly forthright with them although he didn't remember some things and they left that interview with him On January 24th in the White House by which they ambushed him by the way you know mr. McCabe told him oh you don't need you don't need counsel there's no reason for that really and led him to believe that it was an entirely different scenario after I got in the case we found out that they had even schemed and planned to interview him in such a way that he would not real he was even being investigated because he was national security adviser they didn't want to ruffle any feathers and leave with any sort of animosity coming from him that he was being investigated so they were they planned they had a series of meetings at the highest levels of the FBI and to decide how and when to interview him in such a way that he would not even realize he was the subject of the interview much less being advised of his rights which of course they didn't do because they didn't want to tip him off in the slightest way that they were investigating him and since he's worked with FBI agents for any number of years in his career he saw them as allies and they even remarked about that after they left the interview about how successful they were in keeping him relaxed and unguarded and thinking of them as friends for the government to then bring a criminal prosecution against someone for alleged false statements in that kind of scenario is simply beyond the pale I don't know of any other false statements prosecution in the history of our country that rests on unwarned uninformed about even being the subject of an investigation statements made to people you perceived as allies that is the biggest set up of someone I have ever seen and only in the last month a little over a month now did we learn that one of the two agents who interviewed general Flynn had been slipped surreptitiously into a sample presidential briefing of candidate Trump as the nominee on August 17 2016 precisely for the purpose of assessing general Flynn's demeanor taking notes reporting back anything he might have said that would be relevant to the crossfire hurricane investigation as they called it of the purported Russia collusion which we all know as a hoax they sent him there to do that precise thing and they hid that from general Flynn and his defense team the entire time even though Judge Emmett Sullivan who has the case had given issued what's called a Brady order ordering the government to produce any evidence that might be favorable or material to the defense well the fact that that agent had done that assessment of general Flynn and been in on that interview not only shows what we call egregious government misconduct because it violated completely the trust that is supposed to exist between the nominee or the president and the people who do a presidential daily briefing like that but it also showed that that agents assessment of general Flynn then on the 24th when he came out of that meeting with general Flynn the ambush interview as I call it his assessment and the validity of his belief that general Flynn was being honest and truthful with the agents just became exponentially greater and more valid so there were two serious issues that arise from our notification that that agent was in excuse me was in that meeting on August 17 another thing it tells us is and I think you'll find this particularly interesting this just a brief timeline of what went on there it was August 15 2016 that we have the page struck text messages the to illicit FBI lovers that were having affairs even though one was a counterintelligence agent and one was special counsel to Deputy Director McCabe you would think they would have sense enough not to do something that would subject them or risk them being amenable to blackmail and all kinds of problems but they did they were both cheating on their spouses with each other and somehow that they managed to keep that a secret from the world's best investigatory agency kind of calls it all into question doesn't it how good is the upper echelon of the FBI or any of it for that matter if the two top people on the Muellers squad and in the FBI can carry on like that and nobody notices not to mention over 50,000 text messages between the two of them I mean I'm still trying to figure out when they had time to work and we've only seen a few of the text messages between them the government that's another thing they're hiding they have not produced all the strong page text messages even all the ones that relate to general Flynn but they were doing this and on August 15 is when they text each other about the infamous insurance policy we just discussed this in in McCabe's office it's like an insurance policy in the event that Trump is elected August 16 is when they open the investigation against general Flynn in August 17 the very next day is when this agent whose name I can't reveal although the entire public I think knows who he is but I'm under I've seen it under a protective order so I can't tell you his name but he goes into that presidential daily briefing to assess general Flynn specifically in the event they need to interview him later as a subject so it's just one act of extraordinary government misconduct the other the FBI actually cleared him completely of any offense and there's a memo to that effect held within the Department of Justice dated January 30 2017 that's while he was still in the White House it exonerates him of being an agent of Russia the agents reported back immediately on Jan twenty-fourth doing three separate briefings of an hour each to all the upper echelon of DOJ and the FBI that they thought he was being honest he showed no signs of lying they believed him and so they write that memo and it's in the DOJ file I still haven't been able to get judged Emmitt Sullivan to produce that to the defense the government refuses to give it to us they say oh it really doesn't matter because I doesn't have anything to do with the false statements he made On January 24th six days earlier well it has everything to do with it and and most people can see that but Judge Sullivan despite the fact he's actually the judicial hero of my book license to lie because he presided over the prosecution of former Alaska senator Ted Stevens the longest serving Republican in the United States Senate and if you remember the prosecution of Senator Stevens had to be thrown out because the government had hidden evidence that showed senator Stevens was innocent and they had hidden evidence that showed that undermine the testimony of the government's few witnesses against him and completely contradicted the government's case it's happening all over again now when I wrote licensed Ally I did it to try to scream and and wake up the general public to see how weaponized and politicized the Department of Justice had become and it didn't just begin with Obama it's been going on for at least twenty years as best I can tell it's it starts in the book with the Enron task force which was created by President Bush and untethered from the Department of Justice a group of hand-picked prosecutors by Michael Chertoff and Larry Thompson and Bob Muller sadly they picked them because they were terrorists of prosecutors that's not what a federal prosecutor is supposed to be there is a Supreme Court decision called Berger versus United States it describes the role of an Asst US attorney or Assistant US Attorney as being a representative of the sovereign whose job is to seek justice not convictions and when I was an assistant US attorney in three different districts under nine different US attorneys from both political parties across the country Texas and Virginia any US attorney I worked with or for said your job is to do the right thing you know make sure before you indict somebody that they're actually guilty that it's a real crime we don't need to stretch the law we just need to enforce it and that's what we did nobody ever chastise me for losing a jury trial and I lost several no one ever chastise me for what's called confessing error which means sometimes is the appellate lawyer for the appellate section in San Antonio or Northern District Texas I had to go in and admit to the Fifth Circuit that the agents or the trial attorneys had done something wrong that they had had blown the case in some way and the conviction had to be reversed the government doesn't do that now they don't seem to have done that much if any in the last 20 years and I don't know why that is there is an extraordinary change in the culture of the FBI and the Department of Justice that must be reversed and the time to reverse that is right now this cannot go on any longer I really like Attorney General Bill Barr he understands the importance of the rule of law if we don't reinstate the rule of law right now our republic is going to be gone I mean that's how serious it is at least a hundred million people in the country see the two-tiered system we have if you're a Republican you're going to prison for years if you're a Democrat you get a pass you don't have to look any farther than the special counsels indictment of Paul Manafort which whatever man affords real crimes were and apparently there were some real tax crimes charged against him the indictment also includes person a or b I think who was Tony Podesta who committed some of the exact same offenses Mr Man afford did if not more but was Tony Podesta indicted know Tony Podesta just closed down one company and went to start another or door do something else but he wasn't prosecuted at all he was given a pass and everyone can see the extraordinary crimes committed by Hillary Clinton that were actual offenses like destroying the blackberries and destroying hundreds of thousands of emails and absolutely nothing was done immunity was handed out to her colleagues as if it was Halloween candy and at the same time two years later everyone related to President Trump is indicted have to sell their houses to pay legal fees take out third mortgages to pay legal fees and go to prison we cannot survive as a republic with dual standards like that and it's absolute death for the rule of law I do believe bill Barr understands that someone asked me earlier if this was a real tiff between bill Barr and president Trump about the tweets probably yes and and no there's no danger of Bill Barr leaving and the president thinks the world of him as I say it the president's tweets often give voice to what the people are thinking and Bill Barr is solid enough and self-assured enough and knows what he's doing too simply absolutely ignore the president's tweets and if the president wants to take up a real issue with him he can pick up the phone and calling because bar does serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States that's the way it ought to be that's how voters are allowed to effect change who was it Obama who said elections have consequences well hopefully the election of President Trump and the mandatory re-election of President Trump if we're going to save the Republic will result in even more favorable changes whether anyone else likes it or not because the time is now we simply cannot wait any longer I applaud the president's Pardons and commutations there are even more that need to be made Bernie Kerik was targeted after he was nominated as President Bush's homeland security person there no telling how many people he insulted and offended when he was police commissioner in New York but I firmly believe that he was absolutely targeted and I'm delighted the president gave him a pardon I would encourage the President to put Bernie Kerik in charge of the Bureau of Prisons as high up as he could put him because Carrick was also head of the New York prison system and cleaned up Rikers Island he cut down inmate on inmate violence he streamlined the budget everything worked better he made dramatic improvements in Rikers we need those same improvements made in our prison system because it is just a cesspool of corruption there's hardly much difference between the criminals behind the bars in some instances and the ones outside the bars who are smuggling in drugs and all kinds of contraband and profiting from it and stealing blindly from the prison system itself so that's you know that's how to fix the prison system how to fix justice is to start changing the culture in the FBI where they are trained at Quantico and in the Department of Justice itself there are a whole lot of people that need to be fired and I really think it's time we start some kind of personality tests for narcissism and that narcissist should not apply [Music] [Applause] no matter how bad a criminal descendant is and how much they need to go to prison and there are plenty that fall in that category standing there as a prosecutor at a sentencing still always gave me a knot in the pit of my stomach because I hate to think about somebody having to having to go to prison no matter who they are and obviously we have to have them people who are dangerous and I prosecuted many of those people who had killed people massive drug rings in western Texas we had we had everything we had a federal judge assassinated shortly after I got there and the Bandidos motorcycle gang then tried to kill the prosecutor two doors down from me it was literally the the Wild West for a little while fortunately I was so young I thought I was bulletproof and there wasn't the Internet for my parents to worry about me and they didn't know how kind of rough it was those first few years in Western District of Texas but yes you know obviously we prisons are for people who are dangerous as Pat Nolan with the ACU says they should not just be for people we are mad at we need to come up with much more creative ways of helping people reform and either kick their drug habits or or educate them to the point where they can do something positive for the country instead of spending an average of forty thousand dollars per prisoner and tax dollars each year to have them rot away I would encourage that you not only read license to lie but also Carrick's book called from jailor to jailed because between those two you will get an overview of pretty much everything that's wrong in our criminal justice system Harvey silverglade is a former Harvard lawyer who wrote a book called three felonies a day and the premise of that is that there are so many criminal laws now that any normal person going about their daily business commits three felonies every day without even knowing it that is the problem of over criminalization Congress and everybody says oh there ought to be a law against that so Congress passes the law against that and the next thing you know there's a twitter feed called a crime a day and that's that's what we've got I mean they've made federal regulations that ought to be purely civil into criminal offenses and people don't even know the regulations exist in lots of cases we've got to have a Walmart size rollback on things that have been over criminalized on top of that we have overzealous and creative prosecutors who literally make up crimes one of the things I talk about in license to lie is the destruction of Arthur Andersen the venerable accounting firm and 85,000 jobs across the United States and other countries it was the notorious Enron task force prosecutors that indicted Andersen they did it by piecing together parts of two different statutes to make a crime out of something that was not a crime in fact Congress later passed sarbanes-oxley to fill what they perceived as the gap in the law that allowed Andersen to be reversed and sure enough the Supreme Court reversed Arthur Andersen in a unanimous decision that included Justice Ginsburg and others that we often rail about but the Andersen conviction was so egregious the decision was unanimous the prosecutors had both made up a crime and they had succeeded in persuading a Republican judge in Houston to take all indication of criminal intent out of the jury instructions well its criminal intent that separates a crime from a civil wrong so if you don't have criminal intent you should not be convicted of a crime however no problem for the Enron task force prosecutors just suade the district judge to take criminal intent out of the jury instructions they could have convicted the Pope those prosecutors after destroying Arthur Andersen turned their sights on Merrill Lynch I'm convinced that the reason they destroyed Anderson and they knew that's exactly what they were going to do because Anderson represented 25 hundred publicly traded companies they seal the indictment for a week while they worked behind the scenes to avoid upheavals in the markets before they unseal the anderson indictment and of course as soon as they unsealed it the company had to fold I think over a hundred and sixty civil plaintiffs piled on on top of the criminal charges and all their clients had already had to leave so Anderson was history immediately upon being indicted you don't have to worry about a conviction all you have to do is indict so that's what they did and I think they did it so that they could say then to any other target particularly a company like Merrill Lynch you saw what we just did to Anderson you either agree to everything we want or we will give you the death penalty so sure enough when they go to Merrill Lynch next Merrill sons the most onerous non-prosecution agreement I have ever seen they give up all kinds of rights including of the Merrill defendants that they offered up essentially as sacrificial lambs for Merrill executives the nicest people you'd ever want to know were then indicted by the Enron task force on the offense of conspiring to help Enron or deprive Enron of the honest services of Andrew Fastow now if Andrew Fastow ever gave anybody a day of honest services that would be a newsflash but how anybody at Merrill Lynch could have conspired to deprive Enron of of Andrew fastest honest services is beyond comprehension there were no bribes there were no kickbacks judge Ewing were line did the trial it was it was a railroad operation the defense were like deer in headlights at every turn the Enron task force prosecutors had named over a hundred people in Houston as unindicted co-conspirators which meant they all lawyered up the mural defendants could not even speak with their own Merrill Lynch inside House Counsel about the facts of the case even though she had actually handled the transaction from beginning to end and knew things that they didn't know the for Merrill Lynch executives that were sacrificed on this case didn't even have authority to approve the transaction it had to be approved above their heads and as judge Rowland said the day he sentenced them all to prison for up to four years I realize you were just doing your jobs that day the government decided that they were responsible for the entire downfall of Enron it didn't matter that the transaction that they had done with Merrill produced I think it was a thirty million dollar profit for Enron or that Merrill Lynch only made seven hundred and seventy five thousand dollars or that there were no bribes by these defendants no kickbacks in fact my client Jim Brown didn't even want to do the deal he didn't trust Andrew Fastow and he made that clear to everybody in mural but like I said it was approved above their heads they were convicted of course by Houston jury the entirety of Houston was just inflamed and sensed essentially decimated by the destruction of Enron the fall of Enron the big Enron building became a shell there was one under construction that didn't get finished being built anywhere near that time little businesses all around had to shudder people lost their retirement savings across the country but without going into you know what exactly caused the downfall of Enron and it was far more complicated than what the prosecutors wanted to say it wasn't because people were stealing money from Enron and I'm not sure it was actually criminal conduct with the exception of the people that the government gave really sweetheart deals to Andy Fastow and his protege Michael Kapur with you only two that actually stole any money from Enron nobody they prosecuted stolen he not even Ken layer or Jeff Skilling and skilling got a 24 year prison sentence more than most murderers get I think he wound up serving 14 years and the only way he got his sentence reduced from 24 years to 14 years was by dropping his motion for new trial which included government misconduct claims against then White House Counsel Katherine Rummler who started her big trail to success by being an inter on task force prosecutor well the for Merrill Lynch executives having been convicted we can't even get the bail pending appeal one of the other things that needs to be fixed is that in nonviolent cases we need a possibility of having bail and allowing people to stay out particularly in these complex business prosecutions until their case has been affirmed on appeal at the very least our clients had to go to prison before we could even file the appeal the youngest Merrill Lynch executive that was sent to prison was sent to a maximum transfer a maximum security federal transfer facility hundreds of miles from his young children and family when we finally got the Fifth Circuit to hear the case on appeal he was represented by Seth Waxman who wrote one of the best insufficiency of the evidence briefs I have ever read I would commend it to the reading of any lawyer it was just a anybody else frankly it was a beautiful piece of work and told the story of how this defendant was had really no role in the transaction at all but he spent eight months in a maximum-security federal transfer facility with the worst of the worst because the Enron task force prosecutors screwed these guys over every way they could possibly find to do it they were all sent different places they were not put in prison camps or Club fed as some people like to call it none of their conditions were like that this young man was completely acquitted as soon as the Fifth Circuit got around to hearing the appeal but that was eight months after he spent in prison Jim Brown my client served the longest time he served a year because he'd also been convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice listen carefully to this perjury and obstruction of justice two separate counts for expressing his personal understanding of a telephone call he did not even participate in after Andrew Weissman the prosecutor who was leading the inrun task force told him to share that understanding whether it was accurate or not well folks if it's not accurate I don't know how in the world it can be perjury but I could not get the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that I have loved for decades to reverse that conviction even worse six years into my participation in the case I discover a disc that the prosecutors had given evidence before the trial had seen evidence and reviewed it they had yellow highlighted the evidence they knew was completely exculpatory of these mural defendants but they had hidden it for six years the indictment itself made up yet another crime which I knew is just like when I read the Anderson I saw that they'd made up a crime when I read the Merrill Lynch indictment I saw they'd made up a crime never in the history of our country had there been a prosecution of somebody for depriving anyone of honest services without bribes or kickbacks or some form of self dealing but that's exactly what they've done here we pointed that out to the Fifth Circuit to try to get bail pending appeal still couldn't get it so all for Merrill defendants served between eight months and a year in prison on an indictment that did not even state a federal offense while the prosecutors were hiding the evidence that showed they were innocent I've been watched as those prosecutors became Obama's longest-serving White House Counsel the assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the Department of Justice who then micromanage the prosecution of Senator Ted Stevens that had to be thrown out for hiding evidence that showed he was innocent that was Matthew Friedrich Katherine Rummler became Obama's longest-serving White House Counsel Leslie Caldwell was then brought back into department of justice by Loretta Lynch to head the criminal division she had been the original head of the Enron task force and then Andrew Weissman none other than Andrew Weissman whose name I'm sure you've heard he's now on MSNBC was I called him the lead villain of license to lie because he was the ramrod of all of this he was one of the most terroristic of the terrors of prosecutors he became Muller's deputy director and general counsel of the FBI and then after a stint in private practice where he made a lot of money Leslie Caldwell brought him back in to the Department of Justice as what I call the deep state transition team to help with the Russia hoax and he then became the head person on Muller Special Counsel operation if you want a little entertainment go to our website I did I have a weird sense of humor I call it creeps on a mission dot-com and there's a t-shirt to go with it it's it's Robert Muller and Andrew Weissman Peter Strock and Lisa Paige Bruce or at Department of Justice and Andy McCabe and James Comey behind a battered seal of the Department of just - us and the eagle on the seal of the Department of Justice has his wing across as as hanging his head and shame you can blow up the art on your computer screen and there's a lot of fun detail in there that you have to expand it to see but one of the things this homie become he's holding up Hillary Clinton's computer about to hit delete on 33,000 emails and Andrew Weissman's stuffing yellow highlighted FBI interview reports called 302s back into his briefcase and there's some interesting names on the 302s but I didn't realize well I mean I saw the train coming I didn't realize it would be coming at President Trump when I wrote licensed to lie but I was really glad that I published it in 2014 so that there was a warning ahead of time about what was going on and then I knew as soon as I heard the Russia hoax and and all that and Muller picked Weissman for his task force exactly what was going to happen in fact manna forts defense team said licensed ally they read it because they knew it was Muller's handbook his playbook what times we live in Harvey silverglade and I published together just in the last few weeks I think it came out a book called conviction machine standing up to federal prosecutorial abuse and in that book we do propose solutions for criminal justice reform and how to fix justice in general we've only got it we only featured about ten different things there obviously it's a much more complicated problem but one very one is to insist that FBI agents when they interview people record the conversation either by audio or video right now they don't Muller testified in Congress against it come me probably testified in Congress against it but what that means is then the FBI agents take whatever notes they want and they write their 302 report and as in general Flynn's case it's being used to prosecute him supposedly it reflects his false statements when it doesn't reflect those at all in fact we think we can't haven't even been able to get the original 302 which somehow is missing despite the fact it goes into the FBI's Sentinel system and cannot be missing I hope the first thing mr. Jensen does is insist that Brandon Mann grek the prosecutor in our case produces to him the original 302 and the audit trail that is always in the FBI's Sentinel system because I think if he does that and it would only take about 48 hours he will see for one reason or another this case has to be dismissed we've already shown evidence that they literally made major modifications to the 302 between the nights of February 10th and 11th which happens to be the same time they showed the transcripts of the Flynn kis Liat call to vice president pence and Lisa Paige instructed instructed Peter Strock to make the changes she had left on somebody's chair and they added sentences into the 302 that weren't even reflected or referred to in their notes at all their notes had material misstatement in it or the 302 did there was one issue where they literally one had the word not and one didn't have the word not so I'd kind of call that a direct contradiction that didn't mean that Judge Sullivan though would order their production of that despite the fact he's the judicial hero of licensed Elihu throughout the Ted Stevens conviction he denied my request for Brady evidence in a 92 page decision that completely slammed us denied absolutely everything even though there is a I couldn't even get the January 30 memo from DOJ that exonerates Flynn of everything they went to talk to him about we've got a problem with our federal judges - it crosses both political boundaries licensed a lot crosses Republican and Democratic administrations it's only gotten worse sokeep attorney general bar in your prayers I know you keep general Flynn in your prayers and I know a lot of you have told you told me that you're praying for me - I want everybody to know that he and I both feel it I know that we will get this straightened out I will not quit until general Flynn is acquitted or exonerated or all charges are dismissed thank you very much we are operating from a Defense Fund it's the Mike Flynn Defense Fund org and the generosity of the American people has been very impressive I have no idea where the fund stands right now I try not to ask I can tell you that all the lawyers have cut their fees I'm billing at the rate of about what Covington and Burling charged for their librarian yep the Covington bills were pretty impressive I think he paid them over 3.5 million dollars to walk him into a proffer that he never should have gone to and enter a plea of guilty to crimes a crime he did not commit so we're in the process of straightening all that out but I fully intend to do it and we appreciate everyone's prayers cards notes emails of support it's been a very fulfilling experience to feel the outpouring of support from across the country so thank you all for that and we can fix the Department of Justice and we can fix the FBI it does have to start with a change in culture a lot more people need to be fired and a lot more power needs to be given to the inspector generals for each of the agencies that I think the Department of Justice is the only one where nobody actually investigates the lawyers for their egregious misconduct and even President Bush stopped the practice of publishing the names of lawyers who had been found to have committed ethical violations or been sanctioned in any way I think that public exposure needs to come back for acts of misconduct and I would also encourage I would also encourage the Attorney General to make it very clear to every FBI agent and every prosecutor that any intentional and deliberate failure to provide evidence to the defense that is exculpatory and favorable to the defense will be met with a serious suspension the first time and if it happens to no I take that back if they do it deliberately and intentionally they should be fired accidental will take a short suspension without pay but intentional they must be fired because it amounts to obstruction of justice were it done by anybody else putting together the false charges that they put together against general Flynn isn't itself obstruction of justice creating the falsifying the Carter page email that they use to get the warrant is obstruction of justice the Department of Justice is going to have to start prosecuting some of its own by the same standards it seeks to hold the rest of us and I'm hopeful that that's we're gonna see developments along those lines very shortly it just can't take much longer because the public we can't take much longer everybody is ready to see things happen right now and with that I would like to I'll open it to questions [Applause] sorry to bug up your onion thank you very much I forgot to mention when I introduced Sidney Powell that our talk today is sponsored by the Stone --is-- foundation so Sidney Paul's talk today is sponsored by the Stone Age foundation and with that thank you and with that we have time for some questions we have students with microphones please wait for the microphone to be brought to you and we'll have some Q&A thank you thank you for your presentation I'm remembering during the Justice Cavanaugh's hearings senator Blumenthal from Connecticut introduced the Latin phrase that refers to a witness who is untruthful on one matter may be taken taking is untruth on other matters is there a similar phrase for prosecutors who exhibit misconduct in one matter and what we should expect in other matters I just call them liars and snakes okay thank you for your remarks and god bless you and I hope you succeed thank you we will I have a question regarding attorney general sessions where was he almost all those years that he was in office it seems to me a lot of corruption was going on too going on right under his nose why didn't he speak up well I think attorney general sessions is a good person but he was not equipped to do that job he allowed the career prosecutors some of whom have recently left the department to persuade him that it would be an ethical violation for him to continue just because he'd shaken hands with Ambassador kis lyac and in a pass through social situation I think it was that was ridiculous he should not have recused if he was going to recuse I think he get the very least he should have told the president he felt that way before he took the job because it's essentially left us in the quagmire we've been in with the Muller investigation of course also blame Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein who apparently just completely fell apart at the thought of it all and that's why he punted to Special Counsel either that or he was completely in on it but none of it was right there should never have been a special counsel appointed there was no investigating investigatory validity to hand off to a special counsel they knew that and the reason we have the prosecution of general Flynn I'm convinced is to maintain the obstruction hoax to allow it to go forward for two years because Muller knew within a day or two there was no Ruscha collusion the FBI had already been investigating it and trying to create it for six months and hadn't even been able to do that but when Comey went to the White House on February 14th which was the day after general Flynn left he had that conversation with the president in which the president said wha hope you can see to let this thing go Flynn's a really good guy and then Comey runs out and creates one of his famous dear diary memos and says that's obstruction of justice and he starts you know breeding the whole obstruction of justice theory when what he should have told the president before February 14th even was that they had investigated Flynn and cleared him of everything the agents believed he was telling the truth there were no lies in the January 24th meeting and they had written a memo to DOJ on the 30th of January that he was not an agent of Russia which was a ridiculous assertion in the first place what they've also failed to mention and will not give me are his briefings and debriefings with the Defense Intelligence Agency for whom he continued to work as a citizen after he left the agency he briefed and debriefed and collected information for our government when he went to Russia and gave it to them they knew about every foreign contact he had because he was keeping them informed he kept his security clearance it's just mind-boggling that they've gotten by with this this long absolutely mind-boggling and terrifying because there but for the grace of God goes any one of us attorney general in charge to not prosecute Andrew McCabe yes the McCabe issue read the declination on McCabe it's it's a very narrow issue they've only declined to prosecute him on the statements about his leaks to the Wall Street Journal I am okay with that because I think they are looking at McCabe with much bigger fish to fry and I have heard that there are two sealed indictments waiting in the wings I'm not sure what they're waiting for at first I would have assumed that they were definitely waiting for the impeachment the ridiculous impeachment issue to be over but I'm not sure now what the answer to that might be other than maybe some people are trying to make a deal but I think we will see some indictments within the next few months of the people who really need to be indicted [Applause] we have a question on the speakers right I have a two-part questions Cindy the first one is where's John Durham's report number one and number two is is there such a thing in the law as race if so facto and the reason I mentioned that when Hillary particular server to our private residence that's race if so facto if I remember the old expression is there such a thing anymore yes it's actually raised up so loquitur the thing speaks for itself what happened was the double standard is what happened I wrote an article for the New York Observer ages ago called the countless crimes of Hillary Clinton that went viral I think rush might have even read it online on there they're probably things she could still be indicted for and frankly I think should because the Espionage Act [Applause] very clear violations of the Espionage Act and really no issue about intent despite President Obama proclaiming otherwise and of course you realize the reason that Hillary had to be protected was because he was writing her on that secret server using an alias which shows that he damn well knew and had approved in advance her use of the secret unsecured server on top of that there's the Anthony Weiner laptop which I don't know if you heard this I wrote an article about that to 675,000 Clinton emails when they got Anthony Weiner's laptop in a search warrant because of all his sex perversion issues it was all the Clinton emails the Clinton Foundation her Secretary of State emails Huma Abha Dean's emails lots of people emailed Huma as a proxy for Hillary and it included what Comey called the gulp sorry let's wave my hands more than most people they the golden emails because they were the BlackBerry backup emails that they were supposedly just looking for everywhere very diligently well guess what they did when they found him on the Weiner laptop they got a search warrant for things that didn't include the BlackBerry backup emails so when they told us when he stood there and said that day oh you know we've we've reviewed all the emails now there's nothing there that was a bald-faced lie they specifically did not look at the BlackBerry backups and they didn't look at a fraction of the emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop so one of the things if I were the president I'd do is demand the Anthony Weiner laptop and get it to the most trusted person in the military to take apart everything on it and then start using it there's a lot that can be prosecuted I have no doubt on that laptop and first in fact I heard that the New York police officers who saw some of it even though they're hardened investigators literally had to go throw up it's bad question to the speakers left Sydney I think I speak for everybody in this room and saying thank you for your courage thank you for being a great great great American and your perseverance and doing what you do and being who you are with with that being said from the previous speaker I think we need to get Nick back in here because there's plenty of moving material right here we could we can make movies for a long time about this I also want to thank you for a conversation I had with mat Whitaker about five months ago and the deep state word came up or the hyphenated word and he said you know I just can't tell you a lot of things but I can tell you one thing every day you should thank God that Donald J Trump is your president and and I want to say this to everybody in this room go out of here and convince somebody who wasn't gonna vote for him to vote for him this our country's at stake this is not a game and last but not least my question for you is can you help us understand how this happens that these people are so obviously obviously criminal and it just gets blown over it just gets passed over they never get prosecuted in a heart do they think we're that stupid out here thank thank you again they've had so much power and gotten by with it for so long and they're so narcissistic their hubris is just beyond bounds they can't even fathom I mean Comey I don't think I don't know what to say about kind of me I mean really I mean the man is so full of himself and and unfounded self-righteousness and hubris he thinks he's untouchable and has done nothing wrong when he almost destroyed the our FBI single-handedly it's a reputation it will take years to recover it's got to be rebuilt from the ground up because it's really 20 years at least of that attitude Muller had it and Kumi had it and that covers 16 years or more so it's got to be rebuilt from the ground up and people trained to restore fidelity bravery and integrity the key word there being integrity because if our law enforcement agents and agencies are not completely honest we are lost I'm a ditto head so I'm gonna ditto what the fellow over here said thank you but I'm also a grandma great grandma from Ohio I've listened to rush since he came on the air and I learned a lot well one of the things is it's common sense has died in this country everything you said is just common sense it makes me sick to listen to the news anymore and listening to you really makes me want to throw up yeah I think that's why they save me for the last they didn't want you know I did not recognize your name but that's a minute you opened your mouth I recognized your voice because I've heard you many times on the radio and every somebody says I have an accent whatever it is every time I hear your voice I think oh this is gonna be good I think you have such good comments on the radio and your speech today was one of the most powerful I've ever heard so I have no question accept advice take care of yourself to your girl thank you we need people like you thank you thank you very much [Applause] would you comment on Roger stones Fiasco I have not read the transcript in the Roger stone case so I really can't comment on the validity of the case I can tell you that they rushed to indict him I can certainly tell you that the way they arrested him is an egregious abuse of power maeap alling the same thing they did to Paul Manafort they literally you know went into his house in the dark of night with his family and wife sleeping in the bed they searched his wife at gunpoint in their bed in her nightgown I mean can you men even imagine that happening in your homes and having to lay there powerless and watch as FBI agents searched your wife in her nightgown in the bed it was egregious and they should be punished just for that I mean the the director of the FBI can certainly set a policy and he is responsible for that because those FBI agents were still under his authority he's on TV complaining about how they don't have money because if you'll recall it happened during the government shutdown but that didn't stop them from sending 16 vehicles a boat frog men and a helicopter to go get Roger stone who would have walked in the next morning with his sunglasses and hat on and surrendered the four prosecutors that resigned haven't resigned far enough only one of them is leaving the department the others are still part of the department or a US Attorney's Office there are still any number of Muller people in the department and in the FBI probably every FBI agent that was involved in that needs to be scrutinized carefully and assigned to help improve things in Alaska or an Indian Reservation or something like that they they all well Christopher Rey admitted the other day in his testimony that every agent who's mentioned in the Inspector General's 475 page report on the FISA abuses is under investigation we have time for one more question will those chuckleheads see jail time and how much yeah I think some will see jail time I think the ones at the top will see jail time I'm not a big proponent of lengthy jail sentences for white-collar crime but I think there is a certain benefit to having that experience for at least long enough to make you realize it's real and then for example I was talking to mr. Arne about Madoff I would have sent Madoff to prison for maybe a year and then I would have put him on an ankle bracelet and made him live in Section eight housing and work 12 hours a day in a soup kitchen you know he's not dangerous to society as long as you don't let him near a computer or give him any money but he instead of us paying $40,000 a year in tax dollars to keep him in federal prison he could be out doing something to serve somebody else and I would think you know the same thing would be true for Hillary Clinton and and other people that maybe in the scope [Applause] thank you all so much for for everything the hospitality has been wonderful it's been my honor to be here and thank you for your prayers you
Channel: Hillsdale College
Views: 2,313,267
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Keywords: hillsdale, politics, constitution, equality, liberty, freedom, free speech, lecture, learn, america
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 47sec (3947 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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