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hello and welcome to sidemen most likely no wait yeah imposs yeah yeah yeah yeah you've seen this before if you haven't seen this before basically we all get texted something like who is the smelliest we'll all write an answer however some person will be texted something completely different for example um who's got the biggest penis and then so we have to then weed out who is the person that's been texted a different thing yes yes sure yes round one okay the thing is right oh you got to stop trying to play with my mind no I'm just going to I'm just going to say this though you don't know if you're the Imposter you don't no you don't at this point the next part's the wor for they out the question you're like it's me uh taking an awful long time to write here boys maybe your question is too easy or I've just got a clear mentally focused TR okay M laser focus AC acoustic you got acoustic brain you don't want to you don't want to all right everyone written we need what was the question who's most likely to go on love Island everyone uh okay okay okay oh no someone's blending who is I'm going to vote but like that is an answer there's no one else we can vote though CU I'm the only person left I wrote that answer and rubbed it out and that is my that is my El I said I thought e most likely yeah Toby there no on love Island private I thought that but then I went but he is a dad I think you're right but in previous times he has said it pre- relationship I would have done it yes I was going to say but we have to vote we talking about now but who's blending I think Vic's really quiet right now someone's blending in because actual answer for that question he's doing it he's doing it no it's him impos can we vote him if you I promise you let's let's try no no no don't be acoustic let's vote him how that that's just that you ACC to do what you're doing you're trying to vote someone out who's [ __ ] completely wrong you're the one out yeah backing it look I'm voting you man that is my question I promise you I agree with you integrity but we have to we have to you're the only one all right we vote we vot impos raise your hand what was your question uh who's most likely to join a cult oh well you lucky [ __ ] lucky [ __ ] you done no work tell it oh great I was like say this is there's nothing better than that by the way when you I heard the question I was like the F that's not my forgot what game he was playing my question's [Music] different o uh oh can I you can't ask a question I got a question for this question that is weird maybe I'm the impos maybe I'm maybe I'm just think I'm hearing or I'm thinking okay should I change my are you allowed to vote yourself yeah that was going to be my question that was my question I voted myself last time okay what was the question who's the most likely to be happy when they retire we I I think this course he' be happy he stopped uploading and stuff no I as he's literally doing more businesses no but like once he retires from this he's going to be buzzing yeah but now he's doing DJ and stuff yeah I think he wants to I like I think you want to stay in the Limelight I like I like doing stuff you think he going be sad when he no I just don't think he'll retire he always have something going on Fade Away fade away I don't know why he put him here let's see you work very hard but obvious say i' I feel like I've kind of retired right now pretty like just relax and chill and but would he be happy doing I think you're too Restless I think I think maybe after few months I might be like oh [ __ ] BR Vic's going to end up in Canada going out on the lake and stuff again just doing this bro I think the fact that you Ed so much means that you're the impostor you too obious what was your question Ethan this guy can't wait to get away bro he can't wait wait what was your question your question what was your question it was your question what was your question you know who's most likely to not have kids and my my I just had to put a name and I you could have got Harry in there you have more dogs that was all I was going to say I can't see it with more dogs no one is the crazy in that next question quick [ __ ] on the boat uh oh wait see look you you be picking up on other people's [ __ ] noises you were going oh oh everyone heard it I'm just going to be quiet oh boring let me Ponder [ __ ] neat look at everyone language what language all sorts this nois in that bro you're wrong I still haven't even written anything there's there's there's actually only one answer here and your question well yes good point good point I don't know this oh my question is wrong yeah I hate this game I suspect these two now shut up you suspect the two people anyone who's spoken all right what was the question who's most likely to break a world record I've gy this is a mix key stage one so I was thinking di just because he do it for a YouTube video that's why I said Josh cuz that is like that's Prime Zer Thursday that's been that's long gone bro out of you and Josh I would say you're more likely to break a world record get [ __ ] he has that mentality also BR you B that's crazy wow that's nothing to do with you it's just more to do attemp fail blending real nice I was going to put JJ I think will be like most [ __ ] youngest black billionaire or something it'll be something it will genuinely like it will be that like um but but then I I forgot you can do like [ __ ] who is I think I don't think it's me is the wor sh I don't think it's me why Harry cuz he does weird [ __ ] bro it eat like five Donuts break think eat like three donuts without licking your lips like I know mine looks s but that's more Josh what's mommy what breaking record for something like like a little silly one like that we have tried both you doing that I I think Josh is the least likely out of his answers I think the Imposter is Simon mini min I I I know I look like it I agree not even just CU your the way you acting in no I'm going to see lucky I okay well my vote is on Josh okay record I'm going to vote M but then vixar did jump on my yeah he's been very Blends into a lot of ansers what's that mean he does the sick [ __ ] all the time he's done so much sick [ __ ] and he hasn't broken a world record yet I could literally do like longest man hasn't washed hasn't washed for 10 days well I know it's not me so I'm not going to vote me should oh wait wait but we you know you're too good at the so we why put SAU on you I'm I'm now voting Simon we was already voting Simon oh so yeah the majority voted me that's Su on him now I think it is over there but who's the impost it could be a big jobby as well I'll go Simon yeah wrong it's me oh wow BR yeah what did you think Harry was actor uh most likely to kiss their cousin only why is he agreeing yeah if you if you you would have do a poll out of us who's going to kiss a cousin the [ __ ] inbred gery person isn't it like it is the I'm tunate we've got the text J got text oh [ __ ] wait I'm wri an answer and I'm going for a Wii yeah what this and then I'll get back to you with my deliberations you can read you can turn my board over if you have okay oh there is literally one person for this oh not mine okay okay Mr impostor well what was the question I'm my answer I'm just I'm just investigating I'm scanning the room first well he thinks it's one answer only everyone else has written their answer and you're struggling very sus okay okay who's the most likely to back their friends up in a physical fight Ethan put Ethan Ethan answer Ethan J just put himself in I put Josh I put me he's the Imposter [ __ ] mil W bro he'll back he'll back back physical fight too fair if there's an answer for that question saying eth I said I I said skh I prefer in my cor thaner him you're not choosing Josh over Ethan in to B me the fighter would you go I know I know this is helping you I know this is like I do R Josh but I just feel like you tried to deescalate first the situation they put JJ and we all said Ethan oh right yeah so I think it has to be Harry yes are you saying you wouldn't go just backing you I just don't think say people I genuinely I know how he boxes that's why the fight fair enough he's got the smart he's got he'll do a good fight from keep blazing keep blazing let's keep going come onry custody battle there's a lot of there's a lot of okay so who is the Imposter hurry I find it so funny that JJ went there's there's literally one answer at that point I knew it was he wasn't imposter no cuz I think JJ I think Ethan wouldn't even think it through he swinging it would be literally like someone starts on me Ethan's in there fu before I even said like also JJ wouldn't back you Steve would I've actually been run up on and I thought do back anyone up don't need free Noe that would have been the you you was with the wrong people that Maybe not maybe they de escalated by just saying filing the hey said come out yo corer run oh [ __ ] it was who who who I who would you least like to kiss after all that was the beard I feel the beard will get [ __ ] like tick he's a scratchy beard he's got scratchy beard I reckon your beard would get up in my chin as well I don't know I just feel like it would be up in my chin yeah a beardy kiss I got text well I haven't got one yet so maybe you you Bush D oh a little rogue rogue thing yeah yeah there's two answers in My Mind by the way but I've gone for yeah there's two answers but yeah or am I just playing the game two as well your question I'm going to change I'm going to change change my oh toy doing a lot of them in an in there you the change my it it is actually one of the most frustrating things when you know you're not the Imposter put on you you've written only other one versus six yeah that first round unclockable cuz you actually had a reason as well yeah like I was [ __ ] all right what was the question who's the most likely to give bad relationship okay right so I would have looked like an imposter I would have like because you're the only one who would Harry wouldn't give advice wait no there's no brother he is he is number one everyone he is the blueprint if I ask you for relationship advice yes you're not giving me yet if I ask you for relationship no he would I think J is the only person that would give advice apart from me but I'm not would i' give advice for me relationship ADV I would I would I would I would for me the top two would be like Toby and Josh just cuz they and then probably Vic like me JJ and Harry all at bottom two are you you you be you right I think i' be all right yeah i' I'd say har me and I Chang it I can't even imag play golf on a Wednesday I put myself based on the fact that I've had the least like relationship experience and then change it to Harry cuz he'll just troll the [ __ ] out good I think it's I think whatever you claim it I put put me but yeah but it could have been a question that wait well actually why me because I think you're you go to extremes very quickly that's [Music] awful I'm I'm getting chosen I'm getting chosen regardless is it is it you it's me yeah I rate the effort though I R the E that that was a tough one that one yeah you nearly got me with the brother brother brother question who's most likely to look good in their 50s let's go come on said he looks like it already need I don't think you'll change I think you'll look like this in your 50s as well just I'll take that to different hairstyle maybe bro I was 20 years time it happen again I was actually like Josh or I was like who do I choose oh you could have got away with it got a text you got me [Music] o uh o hard question this watching everyone hard question you find it hard evidently I'm still thinking yeah I know I actually have a good answer here and a good reasoning for it as well put Josh for the relationship on was like worst person that was the worst one yeah that was undefendable I feel yeah he tried but Vick said something he tried his all right everyone written join the M okay everyone written yeah yeah all right what was the question who's the most likely to not wash his hands after say of a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no way is Vic put in himself by the way oh that's a good point yeah no way oh my God I put myself because you said said it's annoying when I'm say if it's a clean ass white what's theh your hands you finger your B no no no no if you're wiping and there's nothing there you don't question for everyone personal when you're sat when you're sat on the toilet you pee at the start right like yeah yeah yeah you not touch your penis there you mean touch no or like keep it down yeah keep it no only gravity just lets my penis hang yeah if it's like a powerful piss sometimes you need to hose you don't touch penis once while you have a poo no tuck it sometimes you need to tuck it the initial tuck in yeah maybe the initial tuck how big is your [ __ ] subconsciously maybe I do the initial TP you in it you have to like juice like a sem when you sit down you have to like tuck it under the I'm just saying like at no point would you like I'm thinking okay my hands are dirt even if I had the cleanest one it's by the way yeah yeah I'm not going to say blend it in and still got wait what was your question question um that's a good question oh who's most likely to laugh at the WR J I think you're clean it's just that you are the most you shat in public the most and I feel like you can't to wash your hands in in the there I just feel like you're you're a clean freak yeah I reckon you're clean as uh yeah yeah I like cleaning mine output you know spent washing my hands when you wi you get bit on your finger it's par annoying CU then you actually have to watch that's what is the same for me yeah context go all right everyone written mhm yeah what was the question who's the most likely to make a San Sunday that gets mad views mad views still myself yeah I can see why back this a hard one one of them one of them I'm back myself Jos as well I was going to put J but Tinder has done bits no I was actually I was doing the map of the world and the dots but why are you doing but it's just fun but my reason for JJ is I was stuck between Josh and joayo but by large dating videos do get more views than the TR he's taking them now watch your hand bro yeah he doesn't take them well what he taken a lot of it was between like 20 vers a lot of 20 versus ones a lot of I think backed himself more yeah I kind of want to vote one of them because we we've all said J no I like me I think he might might back me actually I'll let you guys know that that was my question it was just fix count me out it was just Vic and they wouldn't give Vic back to back it could be Vic back to back and I do think JJ would vote himself so then I'm think they're clear so it's just between you for here now who has been imposter so far you've been based on based on this logic we're actually answer correctly based we vote Toby Toby you'd be wrong if you said me no I think it's Toby what happen Integrity of the game you're talking about was between JJ and I would hope I would like to hope that the people off camera have not just gone around and given every I think they have they but based on their logic I will vote Toby Toby you'll be wrong I'm voting Toby Ethan said it wasn't his question that was his question he it I respect Ethan I think he's I think that's correct I think he's telling the truth I saw it in his eyes it's to it's not me I vot Toby I Toby you vote me it's you isn't it it's not me oh not me S it it's not me me it's not me it's AJ it's not me what did we all just get this he's done is it you it's me it's me guys what was your question um who's most likely to masturbate 10 times in a week oh numers you Blended well a rookie do it a day bro you don't know what he doing upstairs in that room um tough one it is a tough one I'm going to go I think we should just writee me probably is you it's actually not a tough one no it has to be right what was the question who's most likely to go on a trip to find healthy mixture this is this you've already done it or you go on a trip did you just three well I did I did technically go on a I went coella he did go Tri evolving this is not a trip he evolves he's like a Pokemon okay I he's already done it you go Abracadabra Al Kazam right now three for JJ three for JJ two for Harry one for Toby one for Ethan the Toby one confuses Toby one confuses me and the Ethan Ethan one may because of the sabatical talk he was like you know when you were like I just want to year like yeah I would I would I would like to experience that just like I don't see you doing it now because a pip why family man you had Olive when you said it you had Olive when you said it yeah it's a pipe dram you can't you can't find yourself trip with when you have a dependent yeah that's my point myself is found I don't think it's you to's a man of mystery so I I don't I don't know what you have found the Lord Jesus Christ because his I feel like iine myself I wasn't like I just want to see the [ __ ] world asked him about his trip and I was like it's yeah you going like exploring find yourself and he was like like no I'm just going on holiday already accept he wants to do nothing out of all of us he probably needs to find himself the least yeah that's what I thought I don't I I think all of them have valid maybe he does need to find him I mean based off of the logic we should vote me yeah we should uh but I think yeah I think no it's not me I wouldn't like I had Harry in my head I had JJ in my head to Ethan to be yeah I also think and I think it is between Simon and that's fair yeah I I just don't Toby never came to answer to to Toby was last yeah and Ethan you were you were up there with last it was you and you Toby just never comes mind both of them yeah I would I I would go oh you cheeky scoundrel who is it oh it could be a Min blend I think it's this man that's what you think no I know no I'm starting to get I think Harry's trying to KSI way too hard to blend JJ I do understand that he was quite quick to say like oh but you had your trip like it's what I was thinking too Harry Harry did like instantly have a answer I mean process it for me Toby is like the least answer out of everyone do you you're looking at yeah I do I genuinely do maybe he thinks you're not found yourself yet I just think there there's there's a mystery about there's a mystery about you you may have like a hidden purpose that we haven't seen yet so I I you're useless let's just go let's just go with JJ who do you vote I have to vote Vic on the basis of Daner G okay I'm going to vote Simon JJ I'm voting Harry Harry I'm vot JJ I vote Vick I'm voting Vick to you well why does no one believe me it's not Toby it's Toby my question was Toby to find himself that's a bad answer I think you just Pro on the bus I don't think there anything I an awful okay out of the seven side men yeah the least like two to find themselves to go I don't think Ethan will do it now really and I don't think you would do it either I think Toby I think I could see Toby going a trip away like a solo trip I think Harry's the least lik person to go away to find himself because I think he knows what he want never Harry knows what he wants JJ I feel like JJ knows what he wants I don't think he does he says you don't know what you want he say you're lost I know what he wants and I'm not going to repeat find himself sorry my question was who's most likely to taste their own C oh wow oh lovely blend very good blend who's more lack Harry he did it already i' say Harry it was Harry going to do it okay fine you have done it as well bit Grim by accident oh yeah that well that was most likely two imposter Edition Harry's more honest he was like yeah just a little lck well landed on my forway and I you quite a distance to go how you TR that that's not excus [ __ ] [Music] it
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 2,885,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: qGXChYkw2K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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