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playlist have a banana smack my ah we are doing three races whoever loses each race will be slapping themselves in the face oh oh no I like the title of this job is is what we're gonna be doing what sorry Vic we don't do that bro I don't know about you but we don't do that that's outrageous Vic I actually think we need to really look at what's going on right now Vic what did you just say that was mad like basically one of you will lose this race and then you will be my and you'll smack yourself up that's what's gonna happen oh okay odds on Target and Vic no I'm not trying to lose this race track who's in the Burger Shop big stories you change your vehicle I just had the buccaneer I got the buccaneer this car doesn't turn this car doesn't turn which way do you actually want to go it's the same it's an eight oh this is impossible this is impossible this car doesn't turn bro yeah it stinks wait why did wait why did my tires just burst there's Spike trips no Division I couldn't see it there is yeah I just got opening myself there is yeah there is I just went past me Josh oh yeah where are the spikes yeah they're not they're not here you look they're just fights there's one near the wall a minute ago I saw it I don't know where I'm going bro just follow the arrows I think I've literally last Lads yeah well stay last then you Harry is last right now oh who's this who's this who's this relax who's this who's this okay I'm still I'm still here I'm still in this I'm fast you're first who did I hit there mate you hit me Simon I was in oh I see the spikes my tires my tires have gone oh [ __ ] my tires are gone oh I gotta take it out but your tires are gone it's difficult I can't afford to respawn I think I think you make up more time by respawning to be fair yeah you definitely do yeah or are you just trying to trick him huh no like you're missing tires bro on a wet surface I've done it yeah I bet you had to return well actually box that box 35 seconds behind me so I think I'm all right what the [ __ ] is he doing Simon me and you recovered quite well yeah you've got time Josh bump into my car one more time oh you took me out on a corner what do you mean how old are you playing I'm I'm playing I'm just I'm not like mild mask like I'm not I'm not involved easy catch up in this Harry oh I'd say yeah my man's getting slapped then yeah enjoy the slats bro I actually don't think you're that far behind I've spent a good like few minutes ago in the complete wrong way though let me let me it's hard it'd be very hard to get very far behind oh no Vic Vic go on your left bro go on your left I'm sorry oh God oh God we look so these bugs having fun are these bugs we we're nearing the end of lap one by the way everyone needs to remember bro you're so laggy I didn't hit you on my screen move man hey who's that this is gonna be a 15 minute job bro six minute probably oh okay all right oh oh no oh God I didn't mean it I didn't mean it we can we can survive together we I Will Survive my car is turning okay you're okay you're okay lap two of three yeah man I don't make the rules all right JJ and Toby are about to scrap it out behind me right now I mean Harry's also JJ get bounce bro mine got bounced hard bro I would how did physics even do that what happened [Laughter] oh my God my car is so ah annoying do you mind not really when you don't see what JJ did to me here on like the actual video I can't believe it oh I've spun out bye guys yeah but I just I just bounced you quick I'm landing on Josh oh you're boring George boring Zone you want B for me I got beef for me oh what's that um I've gone the wrong way I've gone the wrong Toby's overtaken me Lads oh no that's bad Harry are you good why are you so slow mate no I've gone the wrong way are you already in last Harry I've gone the wrong way yes yes yes five miles by a mile he's a minute behind me you know oh Simon hey just you know just chilling bro let's try a bit you really smashed it man I was gonna say it's more it's quite boring up there right it's hell weather in it no it's not giving me good vibe if I just like if I slap myself now can we don't ever come second last stops himself as well I I would agree I'll be back it I'd agree I'd back it okay cool right I'll do it I'll do it I want to hear it I want to hear it on the mic three two one no that sounded dead that sounded [ __ ] bro I'm sorry it was a bit slow [Music] [Music] can we do some Rockets it'd be really nice in this race wouldn't it I think that's what this is missing I'll be honest anything would be nice in this race this is really dull no please the last thing we need to do is arm Josh this race sucks bro I would back it it does stink oh why are you here Simon just go what do you mean just go away bro whoa you just tried to spit me out bro no I backed her out so yeah I look like you tried to swim me out all right wait all right so if if I slept if I slap myself now does that mean the person who is because you're not a minute behind so no yeah I'm stopping myself now three we haven't we agreed to it two and why is he slapping himself why you're literally gonna have to do it again yeah now now I'm gonna stabilize we didn't agree to it bro we agreed to that one though you distract yourself and everything oh why are you here well I'm stabilizing Bob who was that was that JJ I'm stabilizing bro don't touch me anyone just just to see a car and crash into it so it happens but it kind of depends on who you want to lose I have no preference I have no preference he just wants to see pain bro yeah so what is happening with this so JJ is currently being slapped yeah yeah okay well then well then there's no point so so now there's just no point to this race well Harry uh JD's 30 seconds behind Ethan so basically stabilize Ethan he stopped racing no because we didn't agree to it so so then so this race is pointless now no you gotta slap yourself at the end no you gotta slap yourself you have to try and get to fifth but then it's already done then why yeah you haven't done it at the end Harry [ __ ] you bro get someone else man oh I'll get them I'll get them done you let him go straight past you look I didn't I didn't I've got Vic it was one of the worst things I've ever seen he's lagging all over the guy by the way oh look at that one that's good who was that there we go yeah this is a dragon mentor and I'll stop oh my God I'm actually stuck the finito nice classic Josh bro I've just been held for so long wait who who stopped me nah Simon they're right here bro I know bro they stopped me I don't like it don't worry they don't know how to race though so we're fine once you get past them you're fine [ __ ] why did you make that noise like you was even close oh my screen the Finish Line is it a finish yes come on what is this Harry guy doing you just needed to hold him for another 10 seconds and you would have to slap himself what really we dumped he doesn't beat you if you both don't you both lost yeah you lose together didn't you oh I didn't know about the dumps I didn't hear what they're doing Simple English I thought I was just just getting slapped anyway so well you are now all right oh no but you just say ow and not slap yourself I literally slap myself no no no no no didn't there was there was nothing there wasn't even like a at least with Harry's we heard like a little clip okay we'll go again what what bro you're gonna have to you're gonna have to film it for us otherwise what is it now Paul no I'm not bro [ __ ] that you haven't done it I've literally shot myself twice I believe that he's done it ah but you know what I believe I believe him El fantasma cars only Transformers Regular and stunt Krieger Osiris Dune tropos this sounds fun all right Harry you've used your cat out of jail card now as well by the way oh no no no don't worry I'm gonna win this race I'm gonna not even not lose you're winning the whole race okay uh-huh what about if Harry wins we all slap ourselves we all slap ourselves yeah I agree that's fair that's fair I like it I like it bro I might take him out straight away and today you'll play fair you've got to play better no the game's the game as well race as I normally would I won't Target oh my God whoa what the [ __ ] that was the countdown bro three two one I still got it oh my God JJ oh my God you know I'm so far left I'm at the start that's not far bro we're like four seconds ahead I've essentially given you like a 10 seconds well then you haven't given it to us yeah [Laughter] Vic is in the mix now oh [ __ ] off I didn't see that Simon I left back and I saw them all drive off the edge oh he's not even in the mix oh no I'm slapping myself okay so I want you to be very afraid oh I am oh my God okay shut up okay just [ __ ] up don't laugh at me bro you suck hey JJ don't make enemies my guy JJ I'm Coming For You enemies of me as well wait wait wait I'm lagging I'm lagging out I'm out oh um sounds like a dnf to me I'm still here bro I'm still here that's the Doom I'm still here Simon's Still Standing um and I'm still not lost huh how am I in oh my God I think I just got hacked by the way good I'm not hacked but I think I think I have teleported you yeah what are you doing by KSI there's no way if you control that you're a v oh my goodness just let me on your phone you can side to side like crazy checkpoint yes no yes [Laughter] don't let him do it to you bro stop trying to bully me man I got a great view Josh still down man slow down I'm trying no you're so slow move bro these things bounce so much if you saw what JJ's been doing leave me alone he's like he's like turning left and right like crazy though yeah that was they I think they were uh inverted my controls wait Bob what car are you in I mean I'm catching you all right bug have you been given us speed boosters ah what I've got booted oh no that sounds like a dog [Laughter] let me have a bit of fun here like let me do something please you try coming for me there by the way but it just didn't pay off no you tried him again just like get go along with me please Harry you said you were gonna win yeah you did say yeah he tried killing me into a bridge and [ __ ] himself you gotta try I hit it bro I got booted yeah that's a slap no I was gonna get a slap you said you was going to get a slap everyone bro oh [ __ ] Simon Vic what the [ __ ] I don't know I think that's a slap for Toby I'm gonna slap happens yeah man that's out of my control bro I said I got DC and everyone that's a slap I didn't say that I didn't say that game's a game bro oh JJ's playing right now with us JJ's playing of course I'm playing man this is playing oh you know he's not playing you're just gonna quit that was really rude why you kicked him I just want to play games with us no your mom your mom no your mum hey is Harry close to JJ at all I don't [ __ ] I don't think so I don't know oh I'm fifth oh my God he is there's another slap on the line still oh my God yes come on SLAP for sixth place oh come on [Music] wait hang on he's close enough it's close enough I was gonna get a slap anyway bro he's lost regardless oh okay it's Harry finishing oh come on yes yes yes oh three are you gonna finish she's finishing hey are you finished but I finished but I'm getting slapped anyway so what was the [ __ ] point all right do we need to hear it I just don't care no see I'll back it if I was last place but I was four no TV I finished in fourth Sorry boss ow I slapped myself I did it I did it I did it by the way there has to be a forfeit like there has to be something if we watch this footage back and you haven't slapped oh there's no slap oh it's trouble it's trouble yeah it's big trouble I slap myself [ __ ] you look back at Tomorrowland it come on did you guys do any drugs I got quiet very quick I don't know what you're talking about I think I hit you but not like you're already going oh I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on what the [ __ ] is going on positions will change are you having fun Josh oh it's Toby that's what it's JJ no I was he's just being mean yeah oh no I'm back with the plebs like with the normies [Music] yeah wait a minute I'm still wait you're not because we're still at the start wait who's who's first where am I going what though me oh I was wait JJ what happened to you well I don't know what I'm forth wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah yeah it's invisible oh oh [ __ ] okay wait what the [ __ ] okay I landed it somehow that really is tomorrow oh wait he's in your first oh yeah I died in there it got invisible oh no why didn't I see that oh it's rap season I fell off wait I just went off bro why is halfway not here I think I went the wrong way oh okay all right I think I'm doing good why so much of the map not unlucky Vic star ah quite unlucky I've just got a black screen I hate this game oh that sounds like a slap if I slap myself now [Laughter] you're like 30 seconds ahead of Harry oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I had a crash I had a crash I had a bad crash Simon I had a bad crash here oh my yeah it's a bad this is a bad crash yeah this you hit your head then you hit the car did it yeah nice well done oh no didn't do it I told you about Crash well I didn't technically crash what do you mean you crashed are you coming fast oh no the [ __ ] is going on oh no what am I seeing in front of me hey what the [ __ ] am I still in the race I think so you're first bro I'm fifth fourth bit what Vic what is happening to me first I don't know I'm with you I'm with you now I don't know what the [ __ ] happening okay I got I got what's going on here [ __ ] is this race where am I hello who I'm first now this is this what Tomorrowland is like pretty much pretty much what does the [ __ ] first if they know what's going on the whole time this is things happening around you there's one bit that's actually quite difficult I failed it twice well I've just failed bro what the [ __ ] is going on oh no I'm looking at my screen in all wait I'm third now wait why am I don't worry you you won't be for long yeah I don't know brother let's see what the [ __ ] is going on wait I'm first why did I become a place no you don't become a plane you have to hit the right angle to get a boost oh I'm second wait I'm sorry he's second yeah what the hell wrong no way he's fast no no I think it's it's a little oh the thing okay but he is second go go go go go go go go go go go go go second place you know oh no but it's down this down this down it's done yeah this is the nuttiest GTA map I think I've ever played my eyes are stinging like my eyes are stinging bro what is it supposed to move like that whoa no no bro I'm so lost JJ but I don't know where I am I just need one more to finish one more to finish and then the dump timer starts guys I don't know what's going on Toby this race there's a good chance I've got a black screen Bros the wrong way baby two-way slap two way two ways it's a two-way slap two-way slap it's a two-way slap I'm doing it now yeah done it yes but we heard that one for sure I'll do it I'll do it it didn't happen now he's about five do you hate yourself why did you do five it's one of them all tests you don't want to hit themselves right cool [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 4,301,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: W1KFmNda-VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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