SIDEMEN CHARITY MATCH 2022 (Goals & Highlights)

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- It's a throw in for the YouTube All Stars though. Castro takes it quickly. Remember he scored his goal I think in the first two minutes. - Yeah - Woah - That is, - And we are underway. - This is not gonna be a nice game, oh - KSI is on the floor. Speed is celebrating, First blood has gone to Speed. - I, I've gotta respect it. If there's one man you don't wanna do that to, it's KSI. He loves a bit of revenge. You'd think his mind will be elsewhere. But he's focused on this game and he's playing fantastically so far. - Big interception there. - Oh Mr. Beast! - Chunkz to Niko here. Oh, he's put it past them. - Harry with his legs open. Focus Harold. - The true mayor of London. That was actually a good tackle to be fair to Speed. He's got the ball there. - I think he got a bit of his ankle. - Chucks is gonna hit one here Stephen. He's hit one. Pieface. - Oh! What a goal. [applause] - Oh my word! - Take a bow Chunkz. That is a strike of the highest calibre. - Chunkz - Look at Mark Goldbridge he's delighted with that one. - You give him time like that and he will do it. - One of the best football matches I've ever seen in my life so far. - I'll tell you what, it's end to end. - We have got a situation here. That's just why you're hearing the boos Mark Clattenburgs not seen it though. We're still going here with the YouTube All Stars Could be a chance for Niko Omilana. Its in! - Its in - Its 2-0 for the All Stars No one saw this coming. - He's celebrated with the guy in the GoPro. Was that set up? - Yes. There is a wally who's run on the pitch. We don't condone that sort of behaviour. We're gonna turn not to show him on camera. - Why is nobody taking him off - The, the situation was Mark Clattenburg hadn't seen him cause he was behind. You can see him just heading into screen now. Let's talk about the finish. Let's talk about the left foot dink of a finish from the Niko Omilana. - I'll, I'll be honest, I remorsefuly, I laughed in his face when, when he said he was up front. - ChrisMD turns. Simon, can you get to Vik He's through. Take a touch and hit it Vik. - Come on Vik. - Do it for the Sidemen - Yes Vikkstar123 - Vikkstar - Oh my word - That not a penalty that's still open play it's the hell of a strike - That was gorgeous right in the corner. Vikkstar123 You give him time and space in the box. He punishes you. - I tell you what, this game could not have started better than this guys. We are being gifted an absolute classic before our very eyes. Vikkstar123. That's not easy Steven. - Not at all - He takes a touch. Finishing it bottom left. - Gib was closing him down. He says Gib you're on the floor again. Forget it. I'm scoring. - The concentration on this man's face here. That is a goal. The only man with three numbers on his back could score - Absolutely. Its, I mean it's sensational. - This is a great game. - The MD stands for midfield deficiency or something like that. Making your own jokes. - Chunkz dispossessed by Manny. Can he get there? Can he keep it? - Oh Will you've had a howler. - He's been done for Pace. Manny is three against two here. He's Got Miniminter to his side and his brother Tobi in the back post. - He's put too much on on it. - Its gonna come to Tobi. Tobi laid off to Simon One, two - Oh that gorgeous - That's it's gotta be a goal party. - Oh 2-2 - What a game - Tobjizzle near post strike. Gorgeous play for him and Simon - Fantastic football. You gotta say, you know what you saw there was the understanding the chemistry between the brothers. Manny, Tobi and Simon in the middle, who's practically a brother. - Absolutely - Fantastic stuff. And what a finish. I thought he was gonna go bottom post like Vik. But he went to the right. I'll tell you what you're spot on about speed going off. - Yeah, they have lost something. Look, look at the amount of subs stood by Goldbridge. He needs, he needs Niko back on the pitch. - I Honestly think they need speed back on. He was really up for it. - That Theo's gone back into defence. How about time two? - Yeah, so from 2-0 up, it's now 2-2 let's take a look at this replay to Tobjizzle there. Lovely little one, two with Simon and he, I think he I think he just thinks Cal the dragon's footwork there. He thought he was gonna go to the other side and Cal's disappointed with that one. - The goals come down Gibs side. But that was not his fault at all. That was WillNE, curse you WillNE. - Danny Aaron's gonna take it, put his hand in the air. Have they been training? Does anyone know what that means? - It's not bad. Bit of a clearance that Danny, - Filly on the edge of the box, he's looking to create space. He gets it past Callux. Hits the shot. - Oh my word. - Oh my gosh. Where have these boys got this from? Cause I'll tell you what there is some unbelievable strikes. Look at pie face's face. It says it all. - Filly that was sensational near post again but you wouldn't have expected it. He caught us off guard. Nevermind Pieface. - That has got to be goal of the day so far for me. The angle, the quality of the strikes. - I can't wait to see it back. - He's took on Callux there. Callux will be kicking him self, He didn't put a challenge in. Let's have another look at it here. Look, backs himself up against Callux, gets the space. Look at this strike. So sweet. - Wow. - Unsavable. - That is, that's a professional finish though. He scored at soccer 8 now he's done it on the big stage. - Ksi, he's gonna take a breather here. It's in a triple substitution, but let's look at that goal one more time. Filly, take a bow. That is superb. Josh down the line. Good ball here. Simon seems to be occupying the right side a bit more now - Randolph is, laser beam is on as well - Yep. Laser beams on in the middle. He's got that Australian mullet. Miniminter. Can he deliver? Randolph wants it. - Oh wow - No one saw that coming. - Certainly not Cal the dragon reminded me of the goal Maicon scored for Brazil running down the right side. No one saw it. Its in the back of the net and he stays the top goal scorer in Sidemen charity match history. That's his seventh in four games. - Simon Minter. He's just, he's just told Cal the Dragon, stay on your line. Don't get cocky with me, sir. A fantastic strike and a great, a great football brain, Simon Minter, - Did he definitely mean it? Let's take a look at it back. I'm sure he did. He's definitely in his locker. He gets it out wide. He takes a look up. He definitely meant that. - That was a, that was a that was a goal shot as we say in America. - He's done so well there Simon. Gets it back. Lovely little one, two with Manny. Its 3 all. It's the prediction that you said. Look at that. Did it get a deflection actually? Did he get a little Nick? I don't know. You guys in the chat will know. - I didn't know Little Nick was playing. Lovely touch there from Noah beck. - Has he got options. He's got Danny Aarons out on the left, but he doesn't use him. Finds Theo Baker instead, Theo. - Lovely feet - Past Mr Beast. Gives the shot. - Ah. - And that is what Theo Baker can do. Do not let him shoot. He'll hurt you. 4-3 to the All Stars. - We've got a pitch invade there it's WillNE. 4-3 - Number 14 Theo Baker. - What a strike you have to say. Just shifts it onto that right foot gets in a shooting position. We'll have another look at it here. Past Mr Beast. Ksi couldn't get there. Question marks on Pieface for that one? - I think so. Unfortunately they've gotta close down quicker. I mean they've they've let too many shots in on the goal. Yeah. Pie won't be happy with that. Theo taken out. He's had a lot of the ball, hasn't he Theo? Oh Anesongib with the heavy touch - ChrisMD, plays on to be fair to him - God forbid we have play on Mark the one time we need it. - Hello - Oh, that's gorgeous. - What a ball, that is from Simon. - It's got to be Tobi. - He's on side. - Play to Manny - He's got to score - Oh yes! - WillNE did his best to intercept it but Tobi said no and he gets his second of the game and its all square 4 a piece. - Fantastic. Absolutely brilliant composure there. Goes past two, slots it home. - A word to Miniminter's pass there though. What a, what vision from Simon - It was amazing. But, but credit to Tobjizzle. He skipped past WillNE like a young Holly Willoughby. It's, it's that Miniminter and Tobjizzle combination. - Absolutely no need to wait for Tobi there. He goes past Cal the Dragon. And at that point it's just an easy tap in. But he'd worked so hard to get there. - He made it easy. - Nice little lay off there from Niko to Castro. Give it to Theo. Theo's got Filly to his left. - Left wing surely - Castro can hit this first time, he does. And it goes - Wowzers - And Castro scores for the second time in a Sideman charity game. He's got a go in every game he's played. He's taken off his shirt here. I'm not sure what the vest says we are seeing in the back of it. It's a well taken finish from Castro. - I mean he's, he's got a vest on. I wouldn't be showing that off. I dunno what the message is though, so - I'm sure there's something on there. Otherwise it's just a very odd move. - Maybe he's just, he just looks good in a vest Spencer. - Look at this link up from the guys in red here. It was Niko to Castro to Theo. Theo returns it to Castro. Don't let Castro get on his left foot. - A brilliant first time finish. - Yeah, nothing Pieface could have done about that one. It's a controlled finessed finish from the FIFA streamer Castro. Look at that. - Theo Bakers had to go off. I think the Sidemen have requested that. - 5-4 What a game we have on our hands here. Right now he's in line four. A goal he's leading this All Stars game. Is speed on onside? Speed! - Oh its offside - It's not gonna count. Its not gonna count. Does he know? - Its offside I don't think he knows - Neither do the subs - He doesn't know. - Oh - Oh wow. - This is kind, - Someone's gotta tell him. - No one should tell him. - Someones got to tell him. - No one should tell him. - Get him. Get the camera back on speed because he doesn't know He hasn't scored yet. This is, he doesn't know and I can't wait to see his face when he finds out. Look, look, look, look. - He's taking his shirt off - The ref is in trouble. Clattenburg, get protection on Clattenburg asap. Seriously, we need to protect Mark. He's a national treasure. ChrisMD's playing bodyguard right now. Chunkz is pointing to the lines mans flag. Speed I hate to break it to you mate. You probably could have scored that if he just held back a little bit. - Is a very good finish. - Yeah, it's a great finish to be fair. - If you have speed you don't need to be off side mate, come on, common on sense. - After the game, this assistant referee needs to run. Because speed is coming for him. He's getting yellowed by his own teammate mate here. Chunkz showing him a card. What's speed gonna do with this? I think he's gonna book the ref here. Clattenburgs running away. It's an absolute pantomime of a game. - He whips his bum. - I'm telling you, - It's just going to see. - There's no way I'd get away whipping a referee. What touch that is to ChrisMD. - Oh that's very good - These two are playing between selves in a minute - Take your time, surely. - Simon, look for Chris. You could go all the way through, Chandler well done - Well done from Chandler Pink we call him the way he cleared That - Brilliant tackle from Simon. Give it to Randolph. He's hit it Oh no. - Oh - Cal the dragon has been so good for the last five minutes but he will not wanna watch that one back folks. He's he's tried to kick it away Steven and he's missed it. - But he's had two great saves. You know if you save two and concede one, it's not too bad. It's better than minulet. - It's the second goal Miniminter. - Is that only his second - 8 in the history of the competition now. Top goal scorer. - Wow. He's, he's on for a hat-trick - He has had two hat-tricks before in this, in this charity event. - I can see him getting a hat-trick. He's, he's been very good today. Definitely. - He made that with this tackle here. It's a great tackle. Beats his man. Hits the shot. Yeah. We're not gonna say too much about that one Cal because you've been really good for the last few minutes mate - Absolutely. GeorgeNotFound, was found lacking in there unfortunately. He sent Chris Tyson the wrong way and finishes - Perfectly poised right now for a end. - Give it to Vik give it to Vik. Surely. - Vikkstar is absolutely open. What a switch that is to ChrisMD. Takes a touch. - In the middle - Randolph, get it to Randolph. - Oh it in! - Buts it in. You've just got to shoot at this point. ChrisMD gets his goal for the first time today. The Sidemen are in the lead 6-5. - I'll tell you what if that doesn't put a bolt up, Noah Beck's bottom I don't know what will. - ChrisMD gets his goal. That is his third in the history of the Sideman tournaments if you like. - Have the sidemen taken the lead Now - This is the first time they have taken the lead. - 6-5 - They're getting a lot of joy with these switches from left to right and his first chance shots from the likes of Simon and Chris are causing Cal the dragon all kinds of problems. And the crowd are already behind this man, Speed Cuts in from the right. Still going. JJ wins the tackle though. It's good work from KSI. He's gonna get a free kick I think. No. Clattenburg says play on. Speed stands over him like a WWE star. Chunkz with a long ranger. - On the follow up. - Rebound. What a game. You can't take your eyes off it. Its 6 a piece. And its Niko second of the game. - Niko Omilana the poacher. He sneaks in. He's done it before Spence and he scores his second goal of the game. Who would've guessed that at the start of the match? - Running over to the cameras here. Niko absolutely loving life. Chunkz once again, instrumental in that goal. - The cameraman doing hand signs. - The fact that the speed is just standing over JJ at the time is hilarious. But you can't, you can't spill them to Niko. He's a fox in the box. - Absolutely. He's so foxy. - Wow what a game. I think we could be going penalty. Is this seven all? - It's six all Chunkz - Chunkz with a touch. Can they finish? - Oh WillNE - WillNE - WillNE Well and that could be the winner with 10 minutes ago. - You do not believe it. - The footage on that is gonna be great. He's got the GoPro front and centre and he's just didn't give up on it. He got in there, Chunkz again though at the heart of the action, his chest control in the box made the opportunity for WillNE to pounce. - I mean WillNE, he's ruined it with the, with the sui - Yeah shame. Real shame. - Grow up. JJ says no. - To be fair, it's not really a nut meg if you don't come away with a go afterwards. - Absolutely doesn't count. - Reverse pass from ChrisMD - Oh, very nice - Cal the dragon though about coming, but he's retreating. - Mannys getting there - Tobjizzle outside the box. What a ball that is. Wow. Wow. Guys that is actually. - What a finish. - Very very good. - The trivela cross. We've seen him do it time and time again Tobi. That is the brother link up we dreamed of. - That is actually top draw by the way. Seriously, the cross from Tobi was exemplary. The header was on point. - My word - Take a bow the brothers well the brother link up. You love to see it. - That was, and, and if that's the goal that seals the draw, seals the draw - Seals the draw, we could be going to penalties here. Seven a piece. Look at that, look at that. And it is still had a bit of work to do Manny. - That's a brilliant finish - The cross though. He saw something not many people in the stadium saw in that moment in time. The connection with his brother is unbelievable. - Hey, they've been under the radar today. - They're well and truly on it now. Tobi, with two goals, definitely one assist. Maybe more. I've lost count to be honest. Cal the dragon could do nothing about that. Oh you gotta make that. - Oh my word. It's a big mistake. He's on side. Simon looking for Tobi. - Oh. He's a bit heavy on the pass. - Anesongib. Gib stops it. - Thing about Anesongib is he's got so fit as a result with boxing training. He's actually contributes, hang on, hang on. - Oh my god - Oh my word - He's just been subbed on and it's not the first time he's done that in a side charity match. Miniminter gets his third hat-trick And what a way to seal it. - Simon Minter, he's got the golden touch. - 87 minutes on the clock. If that is the winning goal where we've just seen a winning goal of the highest quality. - My god, he has got it. He has got it in - Before Anesongib has done so well tracking back. But he did give the ball straight back to him. And we know what Simon can do. His technique is second to none. - Cal the Dragon has still stood on the edge of your box. Get back Cal. - What a game this has been. Genuinely 15 goals. Get over to Make your donation if you haven't already. You've been spoiled today. Here we go. This is the moment - Who gave him that card? - Theo Baker - The raging ford - He hit it. Pieface catches or he spills it away. - Oh very good - And the referee is gonna put the whistle to his lips and it's all over. - Its full time. - And it's an epic comeback from the sideman. Pieface will be delighted with that one. Not many goalkeepers get to concede seven and still win - 8-7 One of the best games we've seen especially, well definitely on YouTube. [cheering]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 20,825,863
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Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: fv8Ir8jYa44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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