Sickly Streams: Blender 2.9 (Interior Dungeon Tiles - Part 1)

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[Music] so all right i'm gonna pour i'm gonna pour me one more glass of water and then i'll i'll i'll get started here in a bit i had felt my canteen here again dog is sleeping on my bed at the moment so i don't want to go and open the door and have it wake up and follow me out those being it's being a nice dog and uh to be on the bed that's golf i got stuff settled [Music] nope oh all right so i am going to get started working on uh dungeon tiles some kind i i've always i've been meaning to work on a a sort of interior uh medieval castle kind of thing and i wanted to start from scratch uh just so that i could work through my process and sort of experiment from the beginning uh without having uh a plan straight out of the gate to do stuff i i tinkered a little bit to get an idea of where to start but other than that uh i'm not really going to uh do much i'll close that it'll save all right got a fresh start with blender how's everyone doing i did a little bit more um prep this time around i've actually uh i've added a few new things to my obs so if it sucks that you live it sucks that you it's sexy you're live now because i gotta go to bed sorry branson they all come over this weekend we can hang out or something i'll crawl through all the snow that's been piled up to the the um the telephone poles but i'll post this live uh later so you can watch it so i have like i said i have two extra things now if they uh if if if something happens midstream i i can throw them off they're sort of mimi kind of thing the first order of business is um we have to kind of think about how we're going to shape the dungeon plump into blender here [Music] clearing things out [Music] so i'm going to be using something called spry tile to get an idea of how we're gonna do this let's go and just delete this let's oh that didn't help there we go now i'm going to spray tile need something okay if i need an actual uh thing loaded before i can actually use it i should have known better right so a little tile set um let's see here it's asking for a tile set so that way i can uh use it from sheet this will work i believe these are one meter by one meter or also known as 3.3 feet i i i personally prefer imperial units because that's how my smooth american brain works but so if these are a meter by me a meter what i'm gonna want is i want these to be about six feet across uh let's go six feet up and then from there why don't we uh we'll go it will go up point one point we'll go up that way and we'll go this five [Music] yeah this will serve as the basis for the hull so anytime we want to straight away something like this we would use something like this [Music] at the moment we're currently using a material that is uh fully transparent which is awkward so let's let's make a new tech we'll make a testing material let's make it a checkerboard let's assign it there we go one thing that i want to do is i also want to um i also want to use vertex colors because i want to fake them ambient occlusion whenever you get close to the corners of a wall the lighting tends to get darker as it becomes harder and harder to hit the corner because it's kind of like the dvd screen saver it it's hard for it to hit the corner you know what i'm saying so we'll add let's see here vertex colors [Music] we'll get a mixer makes rgb slap that in there throw the vertex colors in that the mix to multiply [Music] factor go into vertex coloring [Music] and let's this right we'll select these edges right here and we'll get about half just color it like that that's pretty good right we'll set the specular to nothing we'll set roughness up there we go and i think i've got i basically deleted everything in here hey mr square peg how you doing all right we'll set the sun put this at 30 degrees this way and rotate it 45 degrees in the exact that's pretty good [Music] good nice all right so we're gonna we're just gonna take the whole thing here and where's now normals we're going to toggle auto smooth turn this up to 80 100 180 degrees we're going to auto smooth everything except for specific areas we want these areas where the where the floor and the wall hit the ground where they touch to be sharp and when we do this it will [Music] it will have a sharper uh joining when they hit so i think when i turn this off you can see a difference in how they meet we can hold that out there's a difference [Music] yeah put that back so with a dungeon wall like this what we would see is that there is a brick brick going up to here there would probably be some runners right here to help support the wall and maybe some keystones up here and uh every once in a while there will be segments in the wall where the support beams kind of come out yep delete these faces down like that i shouldn't have done that let's just delete only the face go that that's good so we have two different instances where they would be so we're going to need uh some floor we're gonna need some wall then we're going to need these sort of vaulted wall brick go about doing that open up again and open it up over here whoops fill up how to do that all right the first order of business is we're going to make a trim sheet so that way we can store all the textures that we're going to be using so we're going to put them on a 256 by 256 resolution image and we are going to split it up into a 64 32-bit well not 32-bit 32 square uh blocks of image texture so we're going to go into here we're going to turn on the grid we're going to turn where the image configure grid we're going to set those to 32 like that i don't know why by preference it doesn't have my grid set to 32 already let me see if i can change that real quick default grid there it is okay next time i do this it should work so the first order of business that we want to do is we want to get some kind of flooring texture so we'll go about doing that here now let's get let's get um flagstone see what we can find [Music] might be bettered for this blackstone tex blackstone texas i always think like these now i think something like this is probably too dense for a 32-bit well nothing i keep saying 32-bit that's not the same thing for a 32 square because if we were to they scale this down uh to 32 bit it's probably gonna be a yeah that is a absolute mess so what we're going to do is we're going to find a place that we can crop from [Music] and oh how's hitting the wrong button we're going to find a place that we can crop from and be able to use since i think this since this is sketchup i'm pretty sure this is free to use i think yeah you can just download for free but uh you have to sign up and i'm i'm not signing up i i am i refuse so anyway we'll just take some of this we'll crop it and do we'll scale it down oh it's already it's already well passed uh here we'll set it to 128 by 128 so it's nice and square i will scale it down linearly there you go now what we need to do is we need to make sure that the uh the these flagstones tile properly so that way when they um when they're laid down on the in the texture they don't you know look wrong so we'll do a offset we'll tile them uh width divided by half and height divided by half like that [Music] right [Music] some thing i think i try i could just uh let's see if i could do that i could just take a whole bunch of the this color just you know color it all in and then to like just come with a complete a complete um blank slate just be like yup that's this is plaster everyone we could do that and just start from scratch but i don't know went too far [Music] oh some of these are just they're barely close enough why don't we take some of this [Music] our painting incident [Music] all right that's probably good fuel brush we'll just catch this area up right here okay so [Music] theme is runs right there and then right right there we gotta fix this up don't do it first thing we need to clean this up so that way there's an actual divide [Music] i'm gonna make a new layer here transparent i'll set this layer to something like multiply there we go adding some shadow to that rock so it actually breaks up a bit [Music] yep i'm thinking let's add just a regular new layer under this and this will be my sort of plaster layer that i'm going to cover up [Music] scenario this this should cover up [Music] littering [Music] hear the sound [Music] i get that perks now we can take some part of this stone and extend it out why don't we take [Music] this [Music] [Music] so [Music] getting him on the wrong layer go let's go do that right there i think it's a little weird i have some of this little just straight brick right here so [Music] is there an effect alpha okay on the off chance this should prevent this from a bit of a sharp corner right here copy that they're right [Music] whoops there we go [Music] we'll get some more here now [Music] shadow under here [Music] get these grids out of here now no now let's try the offset whoops new visible version try this area right there they need some solvent this [Music] the grounds [Music] touch [Music] [Music] put this brush to multiply just real i think i got it pretty good yeah let's save this real quick export as go here make sure i get these good textures let's save this as [Music] flagstone now let's see how this looks scaled down to 32 2 by 32. scale image let's try linear scale image let's try this time yellow two four about that one go down from here let's go by half like thick then we'll scale the rest of the way down linearly [Music] now i think lenny uh straight linear is probably the best way to go so i can preserve everything i know but that one i think this copy this paste it into this layer use the dart of the rims let's take this under frame sheet i already have a folder made for dungeon this will be the file one oh god damn it hey baz can't see my guiding uh slash uh dungeon sheet there we go let's export it as such let's just hit save instead export as from sheet dungeon sheets for that then we can get a chance to look and see how it looks in action this now load the file sheets load it we go and it's going to completely change our material so we can use it go to edit mode real quick open up right height find this over here real quick [Music] this is what they look like [Music] completely takes a new material and it replaces the current one that we had set up but it also oh and had one someone made for that i said i must have completely deleted the testing uh material that i had which is you know fine i didn't really need it but you know it's rude that we'll make a new one uh this is this one will be because i don't want it to be flatly shaded or flatly colored i would prefer it's to actually use some lighting at least for now i could um there's other stuff that i could do such as vertex lighting where i use um instead of default blender lights i could use vertex colors based on little meshes with uh lighting data stored in it it's complicated i have to make i i would probably be best if i made a video based on it instead sign this and we'll assign the trim sheet dungeon we're just basically going to re set up our entire stick again um oh yeah vertex color take that through that there the color nope nest go multiply oops set that to closest this is what our dungeon would look like at the moment change that twist i'm gonna spot it point light set that to 100 watts then for giggles an array you can have a cam added a speaker never actually mess with speakers in here i'm sure you could get like a doppler effect going on with that camera they got a compositor that adds some color compression also a little bit of dithering i made this compositor myself by the way so some point or another i should i'm really wanting to release it but i haven't had the video debut that i wanted to throw it out on you have something like this though these lights are not exactly how i'd want them to be l i want these to be linked together so when i change them they uh that's too yellow i have a warm orangey yellow tint to them darker yep i'm pretty sure this is only yeah that's that's only two feet tall why is that look at how small the camera is why why is the camera so small silly let's let's see how this looks all right let's work on that now shall we so i don't think the entirety of the wall would be i mean the floor is made of flagstones but i don't think you would make walls out of flagstone you know they're not particularly stable they're flagstones by definition are flat uh stones they're like a flag they're flat so we would probably want to replace the walls with cobble why don't we uh get some cobble map we can look for some cobble texture something we can use let's get like something along the lines of this view the image [Music] give me more of a cobble brick maybe much as i like that on something more uniform maybe we'll see let's see what let's see what happens all right so we'll paste this as a new image have the message of my discord hey uh my friends asked me to play uh dark souls with them unfortunately i just started uh streaming [Music] i would have played with them but i uh i finally got off i finally got enough energy to sort of bring myself to stream all right so now we're basically going to look for an area that i think would look good for a uh prop maybe you have to consider what would look good with the density of the image [Music] that [Music] [Music] let's address one of the scenes [Music] i think i want what's uh let's get this scaled down yo look at 32 [Music] that's what this one [Music] let me do it [Music] that that break out a bit [Music] [Music] okay so get through this this way just put a brick right there [Music] so [Music] thank you [Music] go this one [Music] maybe [Music] that only had some grunge or something like that let's add some muddiness or some kind of something or other this pressing down we have it set to multiply let's add some sort of orangey brown didn't mean to set the layer i meant [Music] a bit [Music] [Music] probably add some kind of moss to the uh this as well figure out the best thing for that would be no don't have any color to it or saturation if [Music] that's nice screen off no trying not to i don't want people's stuff popping up on my thing freedom is dark areas [Music] just try to put it on multiply and it didn't work come on [Music] [Music] [Music] that's not what that did not do what i meant thought i would [Music] so i think we'll have a boss variant let's cut that i'll have a version that's less [Music] mossy [Music] [Music] bro that one right there this one right in there too are you doing red review [Music] saved recorded as well [Music] then we'll just load the thing reload go about replacing i don't really want to do use sprites how to fix it all the time by messiah ah ruby w [Music] all right are you doing pie messiah right so let's let's set this since we're doing pixel essentially pixel alright let's set these to [Music] snap to pixel why don't we use the [Music] i don't think these tile particularly good yeah i don't think i'm a fan of how well that tiles yeah i think i'm gonna go for something more brick like this was uh i don't know i just seen this more this doesn't mean it seems more like an exterior wall or more like a a road i don't know if i type cobble stone i tend to get something a little bit more brick or wall like you have to sign up to log in with further uh textures i'm not very bothered about that not a fan i want to do this instead of that one chief i'll just do don't break texture just just be easy there we go this one will do [Music] none of these textures really want to work huh okay this will be fine this is fine it looks a little blurry but i can i i think i can sharpen that [Music] paste that right so let's take some of this let's go down to here again perfect all right let's offset this by half like that not much we gotta fix [Music] take this and just fill these bricks together like that get some texture there go [Music] yeah i'm gonna have to go back and add a um layer over this to really accentuate these the themes where the brick go [Music] this here's oh i'm using oh what have i done [Music] saturation here we go this is a saturation tool brightness contrast now this one i had like some kind of saturation tool readily available try to try out the grease pencil at all uh in blender not really no i don't really do 2d stuff very much [Music] [Music] [Music] really i've only used the grease pencil for annotating that's about all i've done with it whoops i keep accidentally flipping the damn thing upside down have you been doing uh pie messiah smear that out a little bit [Music] good wrong layer [Music] [Music] i think the vertical seams are just about good [Music] what about rigging the minotaur oh thank you [Music] that's oh forgot they gotta merge that down to fix it okay so i think the yeah those are good [Music] this one right there ain't good actually let's just take a clone brush a little bit too close to the bottom good see if we can find any other problem problems let's fix the offset plaster lined up edges let's um i want this to have some contrast oh let's count the levels there we go scale image and we'll just go straight to 32 [Music] get some sharpness somewhere why don't we go here just yeah there's some sharpness then go from here in here and down oops i try one of these cuttings one [Music] [Music] all right so if we save this this should show up in looking pretty good [Music] uh what song is this uh apartment 102 kirby's epic yarn gonna look to that i'm listening to this playlist right here i'll throw this in the right head back to this how's this looked actually pretty good [Music] i want to see what i would what it would look like with a bump map as much as i'd like to add a bump map actually there's a way to like i could do this yeah it's this will be great but for shits and giggles let's see what would happen so let's do normal map bump sheet or whatever i have no idea what this is gonna look like i i i fear i fear for my life right open up the normal sheet let's add [Music] formal map set this to non-colored data feed the color to the color add the look at normal look at the bumpness well it's very nice because it's closest it's very interesting quite interesting oh and it actually is some roughness just a touch very nice very nice uh but that's all linear that is very nice i quite like that i'm quite i'm quite hmm i forgot that the we have the ground um well i didn't bother with that so you know whatever the normal looked fine now what i would want to do is i want to set up a sort of um what's it now basically a little uh area where when it bumps into the ground into the wall there's a sort of ridge that goes along the wall there i'm pretty sure pretty sure that these [Music] actually i wouldn't need to do one here just delete these pretty sure that these won't tile together if i rotate them yeah that's demonstrable no they will not so we're gonna need to have i doubt i can do this too right wait set that to new layer [Music] i doubt that i can just take this image if i can select it [Music] okay new layer now there's an option called tile seamless and i doubt it's gonna work or make this but theoretically if i did it like this then it should or would be able to rotate i saved it but i didn't export it take this and tile it how will this look dammit i don't look bad pretty good actually yeah they even export uh [Music] [Music] all right home base and this will be all arrow [Music] all right have these in place x did export this right oh my god i exported them to this the dumb stupid sheet that i made that's what i exported them to there you go though this would seem this way now regardless of how i rotate them they have a i think um orientation to them and they they title along rotations not too [Music] i'm lazy and i'm not bothered to sort of work on it by uh extra uh painting the texture satellite could rotate in either way that would want because i my brain is too smooth for 10 pm at night god damn it we'll just have something lying around empty for now in case we want to just sort of play around [Music] here i want to add a portion to this that stone that divides it from the wall so why don't we just delete this get some texture from this by using the heal tool [Music] let's grab that [Music] of course i had to rotate it on its side oh god stop all right set this to multiply there we go this real quick hard edge is that at the blue brush there we go there we go [Music] start adding little scenes here [Music] did my math [Music] so this is half order [Laughter] [Music] hmm [Music] yum okay let's set the brush to add real quick huh oh whoops that was not the brush i said the entire layer i have at the black oh all right let's duplicate this really i kind of like it darker like that that's better brush down one more there we go yeah we'll do this trick again gaussian blur and toggle that there we go there we go [Music] all right [Music] i'll do a new from visible at this let's save this piece as um [Music] for border because i might come back to this later i'll need to copy and paste things out somewhere [Music] there we go all right make that new layer let's just delete that [Music] frankly [Music] export select all by parts there we go whoo reload this [Music] that'll look good uh where am i uv editing yes there we go [Music] yes indeed all right [Music] yeah there we go going late there you go i am working on some tile sheets [Music] how's it looking [Music] perhaps it looks weird because you know this right here is well it's not exactly actual surface is it [Music] [Music] do it would have a little bit of a little bit of bridge like that [Music] before it would actually look right but we're [Music] how does it look i should probably put a wider length wider lens on this camera one second where is it camera or inside let me set this to 18 millimeter right so we're on the ground level so what can't what angle is this camera at let's put it at five foot [Music] five put eight which i'm gonna think where your eye level would be depending on how tall you were if you're like five like if you're like six feet tall or minusing four inches for your head quite small of course it is also looking upwards and again the human if the [Music] human focal length would be as close to 50 as possible look something a bit like claustrophobic [Music] just listen uh i can't my brain i can't com if you multiply the um meters by 3.3 you get the output roughly uh imperial but okay part of me wonders though if this should more be in the this part should be along like right here there's a buffer in the wall [Music] let's hope we don't get a sex dungeon when we're looking this up huh hmm [Music] let's scream what is [Music] i this it should be more along the bottom of brick that's probably more like it [Music] it's probably more accurate that's not to say that we can't use this probably won't have an instance for this at the i moment everyone again here's what we'll do let's take this one i need to rename it [Music] take this move this over here no [Music] idea why the cat wants to go out at this time of night [Music] hey [Music] normal [Music] music's loud [Music] my goodness [Music] all right what brush do i want or need right now okay you know what steam you can off i'm tired of these pop-ups on steam okay it seems to have been closed that's nice [Music] let's take a look yeah it's probably fine [Music] okay so we get a multiplying brush okay let's copy this layer delete everything in it let's set this green where is that gaussian blur [Music] go i wonder [Music] so interesting yell down and i hit that scrolls all that stuff is not at all what i want yeah i'll probably be good [Music] do [Music] uh wait i did the wrong thing [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let me size up my brush thing all right [Music] peace please no [Music] [Music] very messily no no no yep [Music] so [Music] [Music] new [Music] maybe i can [Music] [Music] go good too extreme [Music] now just emerging all down so this is the base layer [Music] or just gotta merge from the bottom down otherwise it'll think it's trying to merge the different layers together it'll be awkward [Music] this will be brick wall uh floor transition i guess it's not safe export this will reload get a variety of these let's take these move it right there hmm let's just keep the camera down there and then pretty dramatic my compositing stuff that's a one right god damn can't take food food and water [Music] that my lap cool guess not all right so let me take that out i'm gonna turn something on that might be interesting postpone up post processing here color curves look as good as the compositor the compositor just looks better 0.5 half f value yeah that looks pretty good maybe the vertex colors are a bit too much [Music] [Music] i don't oh what you guys think fine interesting yeah let's try working with this now alright so this you [Music] pretty good okay these well yeah we'll just take these two project from view get all these let's set these beauty cursors and [Music] and that will get this to work right with just this [Music] let's just set in the middle that's not exactly [Music] accurate do that over here with these these this one this one so this is the right wall [Music] do [Music] oh all right why don't we get cheaty a little bit with uh this one i'll do [Music] we are taking these oh god i'm about to sneeze yeah good got it yeah let's do that instead what i ended up doing was i and i had a i put the offset for this right there like this [Music] wow just like that brilliant save and export then when we reload i want to heal that up a bit all right [Music] now we have these stone slabs here that [Music] will that's what hit the angle like that and that right tile i think the orientation is 45 degrees doesn't like to behave at the moment i get an idea in fact we'll just take these let's unwrap them unwrap all right let's set this by edge individual origins so once we select all of the edges have to do one at a time see all the edges like that then we can get this nice and good [Music] [Music] okay so that's where the dark part is [Music] minus one flip it that's where the dark part should be [Music] hey yum [Music] [Music] that's how to go [Music] me hey come on here we go so [Music] good [Music] um [Music] do [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] do good [Music] plop this back [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] do [Music] so put that in that [Music] attacks have been [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect i did project these a little orientation oh that one's different [Music] unwrapped hey good [Music] okay i think one in that instance is a meter that's no boy now that that threw it all the way off the uv space and do that that's crap oh [Music] [Music] okay let's add a brush and let's set this if i can to something i want to add more detail to this kind of stony texture to it it looks kind of like blob that one i wanted oh what do i keep doing of course there's an easier way to set brush stuff [Music] axle there's no easy like seemingly no easy button things for that now we had some cracks fine that wasn't exactly a crack but probably that's probably better yeah that's a lot more stoney there's a lot more [Music] right [Music] whoops i need to save these somewhere um now we save this as a [Music] i guess i want to use dungeon something like that and do it for d and d later maybe i can build something like this and another thing they probably should do let's set this to backface culling that way we can actually see some do the same thing there delete these and we give it the what is this dungeon okay [Music] there we go [Music] that's the way to do it [Music] all right now let's remove i guess we don't necessarily have to but we can generally tone this from this down that [Music] save this face tiles with these base tiles uh after that let's just put that entirely get these centered origin 3d cursor there we go version of 3d cursor g let's set this back to um metric then these are the base tiles let's remove all unnecessary stuff this is [Music] tile file all port and i can just delete that for now we do new collections we'll do lightings and camera there you go and we start a new one this will be dungeon [Music] move to the dungeon collection [Music] we'll do the same thing for you turn off the base set up an array [Music] let's set the snapping to vertex well this well okay it does see that there is one there [Music] okay so if we up hmm maybe one more apply join merge by distance [Music] i can't believe that i let that happen that was a massive stupid these were not meant to make it in the final cut that's it peace so i'll definitely have to go back to the tile and fix that because that was dumb that i even had that do that now stupid juice where i've been drinking stupid juice oh we add an array modifier of course [Music] there it goes how'd that look have any lighting point light yep yes that's that here we go [Music] control l object data how will this look i think it's starting to look pretty dungeony to me my let's turn off selection for this thing get some lighting right there on the edges there why don't we throw some volumetric in here make it darker go through um principled volume way too dark way too dense [Music] yeah there you go [Music] it's dark i don't think i could i think there's a way to parent the lighting to it that way it would copy as it would if they would follow the array didn't seem to do that only work on like torch scones oh god the cat hi i do not know why that cat wants out in this goddamn snow [Music] got an idea why don't we add a skeleton i have a skeleton somewhere where words on yeah there you are let me guess it's cube yeah that's probably him yep there he is yet bastard oh put him back there get some kind of action pose going bring that foot forward [Music] [Music] [Music] i think i have a jawbone i added right did i add a jawbone yeah there it is very nice and i think [Music] where is that workspace rig of five view uh i can't i don't know where the hell the damn things are i'd probably go through this just to find the tool bastard where'd you put the bones i have to manually search through it so there's the bone layers let me just it's the ik ah here we go [Music] where's the torso that's weak there you go that's what i'm looking for oh lord he coming and what else can i add [Music] it's barely visible let's turn off the dither [Music] there he is a little bit of feather just a little bit just enough to notice i think it's pretty good i can always work on this a bit tomorrow the lack of torch scones is bothering how would this look without let's just turn off nodes entirely a team pretty good i need to do something with the ceiling and make it less well that's where i would add brick variations where i'd have um for these bricks i could have uh you know extra moss or some cracks and broken ones i mean i got 60 more slots to slots to fill so uh i i got a lot i got a lot to do so yeah safe to say why don't we save this i know yeah i think i'll be uh i'll think i'll be done for tonight uh anyway i hope everyone enjoyed the stream and i may see you guys uh later so yeah
Channel: TheSicklyWizard
Views: 2,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d modeling, interior, trim sheet, texturing, blender 2.9., Gimp, Tutorial
Id: x8b9I4Y55CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 4sec (7924 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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