Mastering Content Creation with My Google Gemini Marketing Prompts

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so Google bard has had some amazing changes over the last couple of weeks and maybe a month or so Google Gemini is now live and Google are actually changing the name of Google bard to Google Gemini so Google has actually released its image creation feature and its image creation feature is going to only get better okay we're not going to cover images in this video today what we're going to cover is we're going to cover part two of my favorite Google Gemini prompts for online marketing what we're going to cover is we're going to cover a Blog related one we're going to cover a social media and X related one we're going to cover uh keyword grouping related one and we're also going to cover another couple of ones now the final prompt you have access to all of these prompts where you've actually access to four of the prompts okay so there are five prompts in total you've accessed to four of the prompts over on my substack which is my substack here okay so I'm going to give you the four prompts in the article on substack and the fifth prompt here is in the video itself spe specifically so watch out for that it's a super awesome prompt as well okay so with that said let's get to the first one now the first one that we're going to do is we're going to look at blogging now I grabbed the prompt from my substack and I'm just going to paste it in here and then what it says here is update the keyword so I'm just going to put in let's say blogging for beginners and so using the keyword blogging for beginners create an outline for an article using the following criteria include title tag meta description entice the readers to click on the search engine use ellipses in The Meta description along with ensuring the main keyword is included uh ensures that it semantically covers all aspect of the target keywords you can go and read through all of that there it's got lsid semantic all this kind of stuff as you can see here title tag meta description introduction part one part two part three now what you need to do is go through and get barred to complete each of those sections itself so that is the first prompt let's go on to the next one now in this prompt what we're going to do is we're actually going to be looking at creating a Twitter thread okay so Twitter threads are awesome things that actually get a lot of traction on X Twitter or X okay now what this prompt does is it takes an article that you have and then breaks it down into a Twitter thread for you so that you can easily copy and paste and put it onto your Twitter to gain traction on there and gain followers so hi I'm sharing this fascinating article about and what you need to put in here is your article or main keyword idea and we're just going to say Google Gemini do you want to give it an idea here you want to give it an idea of what the keyword or of what the the content is going to be about it discusses what is in the article below so that means that we got to grab the article I'd love for you to create a brilliant 270 character WID spaces Twitter thread for highlighting your biggest takeaways okay going to grab the article so I'm just going to grab this piece of content here and I'm just going to paste it in to here underneath where it says article and as you can see here we've got thread one 269 characters struggling with content creation 78% of marketers do enter Google Gemini AI your creative spark you got thread 2 you got your your hashtags in here as well so all you would do is you would build a thread inside of Twitter with these here now I only put in four if you can see here I only put in four but you can change that to five you can change it to 10 whatever it actually is test it out yourself okay I don't like to overload the AI when I actually do this okay so that's a cool one for you to actually utilize content creation on different platforms like on Twitter okay so on X so the next one we want to do is what we're going to do is we're going to look at keyword grouping with Gemini okay so first off we're going to organize our keywords um for our content now what we need to do is we need to actually utilize a tool for this to grab a stack of keywords now the first one we're going to use or tool we're going to use is actually called keyword sheeter used to be called something else as you can see so we're going to come over to keyword sheeter and we're just going to type in okay blogging for beginners and we're just going to click Start sheeting and what it's going to do as you can see it's going to start picking up a stack of keywords in here now I like to stop it at about a hundred keywords and I do that for the reason that Bard has an issue with too much content okay so let's say we're going to stop it see coming up to okay so let's I just grabbed them okay so I'm just going to copy those I'm going to come back over to Bard and I'm going to go to a new chat again and I'm going to paste them in there and I'm going to grab my prompt here and I'm just going to paste it in here so can you organize this list of keywords into specific article groups ensuring you place the M main article keyword at the top of each group and we're just going to press enter okay and as you can see here what we got is getting started with blogging how to start blogging Etc bloggers beginning guide platforms and tools Niche and content uh monetization on income learning and resources so what you're going to be able to do here is you're going to be able to look at these keywords see the types of keywords that you need to be creating within the content within your blogs itself okay so that's a really cool one let's move on to the next one so what we're going to do is we're actually going to create uh a four-part email sequence with bar okay and again we're just going to use a small article for this to actually create the email sequence okay so based on the following article create an engaging four-part email sequence that builds the growing anticipation with each email it includes the email subject line Subs subject line great teasing copywriting that sells the product Let's uh give it a a product name the Google Gemini prompt book in uh the final email and a strong CTA encouraging to take action now so we need to get that article okay and I just pasted that article in now and here we go so Unleashed we got our four-part email sequence email one email 2 email three email 4 and then all you're going to do with each one of these is go okay that's great okay that's great can you write email one for me now and there we go can you write email two for me now can you write email three for me now and can you write email four for me now okay brilliant so now so here's my favorite prompt of the week that I've been working on and this is a lead magnet creation prompt and this basically can be used for absolutely anything where you want to turn your articles into some way of building a subscriber list selling products anything that you can think of related to a lead magnet now a lead magnet is an ethical bribe to get somebody onto your email list okay so this is really awesome paste on the attached article in the text below create a checklist style lead magnet that I can add to the article to gather email addresses you you will need to create a 10-point checklist for from your own knowledge of the article concept and you must make the checklist points actionable now and actually how to do each point okay and then we're just going to paste in that article again and as you can see we got our 10-point checklist it breaks it down into sections here on Earth hidden gems scan your site find low ranking high potential post using analytics search console or manual browsing keyword magic feature Target keyword into bar using this prompt so there you go you can utilize it on absolutely anything I just grabbed a random article that probably wasn't best suited for it but it still came back with the 10-point checklist that I could actually add to my content to actually start Gathering people's email addresses so my name is being kieron Doyle I'm the creator of the blog profit path if you're looking to get started in blogging well then make sure that you check it out I'll leave a link down below also make sure that you pick up those prompts on my substack and I'll talk to you in the next video also let me know what you think below
Channel: Ciaran Doyle
Views: 3,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gemini bard marketing prompts, gemimi blogging, gemimi blog posts, gemimi marketing prompt, bard gemimi, bard gemimi blogging, bard gemimi blog posts
Id: K2T9qREH59Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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