Testing The Best AI SEO Content Writers (2024)

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welcome so today I'm going to be reviewing all of these AI Riders I'm going to rank them on this table from best to worst and yeah these are all the ones I'm going to be reviewing now I'm going to try and be as impartial as I can and use the same prompt so feed the AI with the same prompt on every one of these so we have actually a benchmark or someone something to compare all the output of these AIS and full disclosure out of all those I own this one I own um journalist AI so again I'm going to try and be as impartial as possible but I'm going to go over each one of them and I'm going to go over how they all work and let's start with this one and so this is how the content looks like by the way in article images links quotes there's even videos all this internal links and there's a bunch of stuff but yeah let me go over the generation part of it because I think that's the most important part so again I'll do this for every single one of these let's get started so um Journal AI well this is all the info you need to feed the AI with to have the actual articles generated so let's start with the top right here so generation mode we want to generate articles based on keywords uh titles or a description uh let's do some titles right let's do how to groom a golden retriever again I'm going to try and use the same um prompt right the same title if this allows me to do that I'm sure WR this if all the other um AI tools allow me to use the same title base generation I will right so that's the first St done uh content I want this to be written in English of course I can choose from over 150 different language but I'll just choose English Target country this in this case impacts um how the links that are included in the article because the Articles you generate here have internal links have external links uh they're connected to the web as well and if of course I were to choose English but my business were in Australia or the UK I need to mention this here because again the links the images all the things that are in the article will change accordingly so let's just do us uh then creativity levels I can do more creative original or just more C factual this will depend on type of business and not type of content that we're going to be producing um because it's a dog grooming business I would say we can be a bit more creative original so let's just do uh that here uh tone of voice I guess we could keep it uh informal right I mean that this will will depend point of view I like to write my articles in the first uh person singular I think they're more bit more personal I think it's a it's a nicer touch uh I'm not going to add C some instructions because I think um it's not necessary for now moving on to knowledge I'll just enable this to uh connect this to the web um which makes it so that the content produced is up to date and all that which is fantastic um I can create a brand and connect a brand I I I don't think I will do it now but essentially what a brand is is essentially Again by going here and connecting my brand uh real quick here my brand is made out of assets right my my website is an asset uh my LinkedIn page uh some even some text documents some audio documents right all these other social media platforms all these are assets right and and when you connect uh journalist AI with your brand what you're doing essentially is is you're feeding the AI with your Brand's assets so journalist AI this this AI knows as much as you do you being the owner and founder of of your brand it knows as much as you do about the brand so it's able to produce brand tailor content with your Brand's tone of voice your Brand's mannerisms your own Brand's images as well and so essentially by connecting a brand here by going here and creating a brand or selecting one you you've created in the past you're able to produce non-generic AI content I won't do it now but you can this and I would advise you to that you do it so yeah just take that into account which is a very powerful feature that you can do here uh then moving on to formatting uh just just enable that structuring um this is where you can essentially add a bunch of stuff a bunch of section ski takeway section I'd like to enable all these ones I think we going have the Max uh amount of of stuff here uh article size lights too large and call to action essentially is you can if you want at the bottom bottom of each article enable a paragraph that has uh a call to action directly to your product or service for example an example here let's say this is a a a blog post about gardening right and you have a Shopify store that sells gardening supplies right this talks about gardening how to start a garden all that down here does a call to action to your Shopify store so people can actually buy the garden supplies and start a garden now none of this is random right if you have here link to your Shopify store to product the whole paragraph the H through so the the title of the paragraph the paragraph itself um and the the the content in the paragraph and they actually anchor text which is a little text you click to go to the link all this will make sense right all this will be contextual as a paragraph as a whole right uh taking into account the whole context of the article as well as the link it links out to right so let's just do for example uh let me add a link here let's say I had a dog gromer business dog grooming business uh in La so let's just do this and let me add my call to action to be for example my contact space right here I'll just copy this and I'll added it here right so again at the bottom of each article there's going to be there's going to be a direct call to action to uh this this page which is usually where we want to send people to um now this two is where set up internal linking so again real quick here another diagram in your article you're going to have your featured images your table of contents your content structuring actually your in article images in article videos bullets tables quotes and also they're going to be internal links right links I link out to your s's homepage to your sites maybe your s's contact page maybe another blog post you've read in the past and also external links so links that link out to uh external authorative sources for example if this article is about Finance we're going to link out to maybe Bloomberg maybe Tech crunch all these notorious publication sites uh in your nich so for internal linking what you do is essentially just add here a Sit map let's see if these guys do have a sit map I'm sure they do um like so there we go we have a sit maping want want the post sit map actually don't have many posts let's just do the page sit map and okay there we go and if we add this here right we can preview the links essentially all the Articles we generate using this all this info are going to have links inside of them to these um certain pages right Doggy Daycare AR we serve so again none of this is random right if an article has a link there the paragraph the anchor text all this is going to be relevant and make sense in the context of the article as a whole right as well as the link it links out to so if it links out to uh Santa Monica this paragraph most likely will talk about service areas and maybe Santa Monica so none of this is random so that's that I can add multiple side Maps if I want and actually I just might do that uh for categories maybe you could do this no maybe about blocks um I guess let's just do Post there's three posts only but we can do that as well right so that's that I can filter them if I like I don't want to do that right now uh then external linking right this is pretty simple just enable this right then we'll script the internet for Relevant articles in in your intian language essentially we write the article then go online on sites and find where's the best links we can add to this article to make it even better I can exclude some sources if I want to maybe ex exclude my competitors because I might not want my articles to link out to my competitors um I can do a bunch of exclusions here and advanced settings which I won't dive too deep into this because I think it's not necessary for the SI of this video I don't keep short as possible and yeah so that's set that's enabled right here finally images uh we want uh we can do stock photos Google images or even your own custom images but let's just do AI images I think these look better and let's just make them be uh hyper realistic like so oh okay and uh we want a featured image and we want in article images and finally videos down here uh we want to automate this and let's just hit generate right I can choose how many articles I want I can do 300 but let's just do one right now and let's wait for this to generate I'll show you exactly how uh the output is and then we will move on to the next uh AI Rider right there we go so here's how the article looks like these are all AI generated of course this one the featured image we have the table of contents title hotr golden retriever uh there's the key takeaways uh section right here and intro uh let me just close this interactive table of content right here and we can schem through the article uh one image right here B the words choosing the right tools preparing The Grooming area getting your golden Receiver ready um this involves ensuring that your dog is calm and comfortable this is a link uh an in actually an external link right linking out to this um go retrieving grooming uh 101 at 10 VAP proof trips and tricks right so again a relevant external link moving on there's more links right here this is an external link here um more links in this case bullets uh in article video this relevant to what the what what the content is about so grooming your golden retriever again this article is about grooming so this video is relevant to um the article itself uh more images here there's a couple more links here and uh quotes here bullets there sometimes there Stables um the this more links here and then if we scroll down here this is a longer article as you saw before I want to show you the conclusion FAQ section right which you can enable and disable there's also method description which you can use to for your site and on here um our call to action right appointment and it links out to our context page right as we wanted to do and uh quick side note I can just click here to post to my integration by the way my Integrations can be anything I like um we integrate with WordPress Shopify ghost weeks web blogger zapier or even an external API so that's uh pretty cool and if you want to take this a step further because it's kind of a hassle to be like generating 300 articles like so for example here I generated three and I can just just scen through these ones right and post them one by one to my sites or I can just click here publish all my integration but if I want to automate this I can just quickly set up an auto blog right and with this I can have uh content generated how many how many articles I want and published every single month week day or every 12 or six hours so essentially what we're doing here is you're connecting journalist AI with your blog right this is your blog can be a WordPress site Shopify weeks whatever and every single day this case is publishing 60 uh blog posts right 60 every single day now most people just go with five every every week and again every single one of these if we expand on one of these right here right all these will have as we saw before a featured image a table of contents proper content structuring in article images are relevant to what the content is about in article videos bullets Stables quotes internal links external links so again these articles will Interlink uh between each other in a way that makes sense of course nothing is random uh qu to action key toquer section fq conclusion all this I've done automatically for you so again five articles every week and you can set this up so we so it's running in the back end on autopilot so that's the first one let's move on to the second one and yeah uh the one next one is n rer so let's go here and create a new project and um let's just do let's actually let's use the same site we were using before let's say this is our site right here next and um this is our homepage URL uh let's just do uh United States that's what we're at and let's do English there we go cck create and there we have it we have a project um now I want to write I want to have it create a blog post so I'm guessing it should be somewhere around here so just click I guess new query and uh let's do dog grooming LA and click uh start and I'm guessing after this that will allow me to uh generate an article right off the bat it's taking too long right with with journalists and again I know I'm a bit biased but with this I can just go here to generate articles just fill all this in select many articles I want to generate and click generate I can even load presets CU I have a bunch of presets here plastic charge surgeon and this is all right already filled in with uh my my my preset essentially I can just write articles based on presets right for different businesses and this is taking a while okay 45% I'm sure what this mean okay so it's loading um so yeah I guess we we'll we can move on to the next one I guess let me just rate uh J again of course 100% biased but so far based on what I've seen I mean I only tested one we'll have to put this as an S right again this can go up and down but uh we'll see based on other the other competitors right okay so this is done now I'm assuming I can go here and somehow generate an article uh I guess let me see here if I just click next okay there we go and now we should be able to just somehow get this going uh a writing and one click long form article title let's just do exactly what we did before uh with this other tool so let's just do this place it in here and then just hit right for me okay so hopefully this um writes it as well as we did with journalist AI so let's just wait for this to generate and we'll be right back once it has okay so there we go that's the article done I don't see any videos I don't see any images I don't see any links internal external I don't see any bullets Stables I just see generic uh text based content now granted I can just go here and place links I'm guessing yeah but also with this I can just go here to view my article just open this up and I can just do essentially the same after I've generated the article you just go here and essentially add links here right I can just uh make this an H2 if I want so I mean it is a bit underwhelming here uh CU there's they don't give me much uh they give me a score not sure how well I can trust this score uh yeah I mean it is what it is I guess in comparison with Journal I don't I'm biased but the amount of info it gives you and there's no automation as well can I connect this straight to my site to my WordPress to my shop fire or can I click a button to publish to my store or to my side I don't I don't see it here maybe I can I'm sure I can um but uh I don't see it and also uh I can see I can connect to Google Google search console the good thing about this one as well is I can just go here to uh indexers I can connect this to my Google search console and have it index the content automatically also on top of that I can just go here to keyword monitors I forgot to tell you this I can just add my site here at the Target country and target language and it will give me a bunch of keywords with low uh SEO difficulty theory that are easy to rank for and a bunch of with some decent monthly searches I can just take these keywords and have the AI uh generate and publish content on this on autopilot it's pretty cool uh which these guys do not have yeah so moving on I guess uh for in terms of automation right because I want to be producing content fast quality with images links tables all this and be either posting it automatically to my blog via an auto blog as such right here or manually but I don't see it here may just being dumb but I don't see it here not very intuitive so I guess I'll have to give it a a b here uh to neuron so let's just do this and so we can move on to the next one which is scale nut and yeah article riter let's just do create and we can create an article and let's just do okay we'll have to do keywords so let's just do dog grooming LA and we'll do this one and let's cck start and it got to give it some contest I actually what I like to do is just go here and just go to the about us and just straight copy what they have in the Abus CU I think there's nothing better than this right and let's just do okay to proceed click on create title where is create TT okay it's here please wait okay got it so we have to wait 9 seconds for this so what I see here is this take a bit of time to get going okay create title right right so let's just copy the title of the other article we we generated before again I want to keep this as streamlined as possible and I want to try and make sure that the input of all these articles is the same or as close as so that the output is as close as so it's so it can be actually comparable and so we have to wait some couple seconds here let's just wait again for this to generate I'll be back in just a few seconds all right so it's done and there we what we have here is the outline okay and so we are going to proceed to have the article written which I'm assuming it's clicking here and um we have a bit more control here of what the uh input is in terms of being more granular but again it's a more manual manual type of Labor um and yeah I mean I'm all for automation which uh I mean this is doesn't provide this is bit more manual but let's just click generate content let's see what it does generate um it's interesting that you can create outlines uh I don't dislike this but again it uh it allow it slows down the process of creation and iteration um yeah I mean it's fine uh let's see what it does generate and we have to wait a couple seconds here for the content to generate but I'm guessing you will generate content based on all these um inputs we gave you here by the way with J say I didn't show you but you can also select because here you were selecting and changing up the header you can also do this here if you go to the structure and click here so instead of automating the headings you can just write them yourself you can write here whatever you want right you can add more and delete more you can just change things change things up so if for example if you add this um what is a dog right and leave this blank these three h trees right these trees you see here as well as the content inside of each one of these will be based on what you written here in the H2 right so if you write write this one I don't want to write these this will be automatically generated based on this one based on the context of the one above so again you can more or less do the same that they do here right um manually if You' like right so that's that's that um yeah let's just wait again for uh this to be done and I'll be right back all right there we go and again we have the article right here uh yeah I mean looks looks okay again we're missing the images we're missing the links we're missing uh things that I think are important to add to an article right um links uh bullets tables quotes when it makes sense of course right uh guess we can export this the editor and it will be the same yeah okay so it's the same as as before as the other AI riter tested so I guess I'll have to give this one um a because again I mean actually let's give it an a because the thing is is that they're lacking Automation and even so even if we were to put automation aside uh they're they're lacking uh they're not feature Rich right I can go here of course and add uh videos and images but why don't I just use Journal that generates the content and by looking at the context of the content itself uh as well as what the site is and all that it adds the images for me right the images the videos the links all is on autopilot and it works for any Niche and if I want if I'm missing something I can just go here to the editor sorry and I can add these uh things myself right these ones look like they work backwards right they do they generate uh less stuff and want you to add the stuff with Journal they'll give you everything you need and you can add more things on top or remove things if you don't want them there right so that's why again I'm biased of course but I that's my reasoning behind this uh rating right here okay so yeah let's let's move on to the next one which is Jasper Ai and yeah let's let's give it a go so uh I want to write a blog post titled how to groom a golden Retriever and let's see what it comes up with um let just close up this right here so yeah let's see what it does come up here with uh the thing about jper is that it allows you to generate a bunch of stuff I think not just blog post so it the tool might be a bit confusing uh grooming St I mean that's what I want you to tell me right I don't want to be writing stuff maybe I'm just being dumb here uh but I want to be able to okay create a block post sorry uh what I mean okay create a blog post that's it blog post and I want you to write a blog okay how retriever is that okay suggestions going to give me a bunch of AI suggestions right here which I will take and let's just click generate now and let's see what it gives me okay so it generates in real time which is is good again it's it's just like the other it's sling the links internal links external journaling sling the images sling tables bullets quotes um yeah it's just um a bland piece of content again of course I can just go here and add them myself if I want but why not just uh add them and then if I want I'll just use I just remove them as as I showed you before with a journal Ed editor so yeah I mean it's good it's just like any other one um so yeah uh it's okay I guess don't want to be bashing on anyone but again through my uh guy lines here about Automation and giving you rich content uh this one isn't very rich so I'll just give it a b as well um yeah cuz I don't think there's much I can do here uh other than this also there's no publishing direct publishing to my site again in journalist I keep going back to this one but reality is that I can just go here and publish to any of these sites right manually or I can just set up an auto blog and have it run a on autopilot story every single uh day week hour month or whatever how many articles I want to be published uh so yeah moving on to to this one called copy Ai and so there we go run work flow okay brief uh okay we're in workf let's see here we want to generate a blog post again I'm trying to keep the same input for all because I think it's very very important you want to make sure that the input is as close as possible to the L run so that the output is as comparable um is comparable essentially so let's just switch for this to generate and I'll be right back all right looks like we have it here and again it's more the same article looks better cuz there's there's some bullets here there's longer paragraphs which I like um and uh there's proper structuring which which is good um but yeah I mean other than that again maybe I'm just saying the same thing over and over again but it seems as if these tools um because they have so many other use cases aren't just great for publishing a blog post with Rich be it rich with content and visual and both written content and then just with a click of a button publish them to my site which is what I want to do right if I publish if I want if I generate an article I want to publish it to my site and none of these allow me to do that with ease and simplicity and automation as well uh yeah maybe I'm just missing it because I'm I never used these tools uh in depth but as a first time user here I don't find it I I don't see it anywhere which I mean nothing against them but again just comparing them with what I feel like is the best to in the sense of automation as well as Rich type of content right visually and non- Visually so I'll have to give it uh this one I'll have to give it a b as well I have to give it a b as well and let's let's move on to uh right Sonic and so let's just go here and click write and article and um I guess let's just choose this one right 5.0 should be better than the 4.0 and topic uh how to groom a golden retriever again I want to keep it the same uh yeah search articles I guess uh okay so it's prompting me to reference articles that already exist to write the content I'm choosing these based on nothing because I haven't read them um it's interesting that I have to choose the Articles I'd rather just have it be chosen by me right because again with journalist you don't have to choose the article right it takes into account all the info you put here including uh your website and I mean your the the input sorry and goes out in your Niche Valu your Niche competitors and produces content based on that and I have to choose them here uh what is this this is a lot of popups here okay let me I guess I've selected too many is that it let me just select two then confirm okay um now I see here I can give it additional information which journalist also allows for which is good I can give it keywords Focus keyword which is good I can change the brand to a voice just like with with journalist which which is great uh quality type I'm guessing I'll just premium right in language English now it's generating now and I see here of course we have the featured image which is great first one that has featured images uh gives it also the um credits here to where the image was taken from we have a table of contents it's not interactive but I mean it is what it is it's a bit uh weird here I'm just maybe I'm just being a bit picky but again if we go here it looks a bit more cleaner right if we just click this article right here the table of contents does look a bit more slick here right um and again if you if you publish this to your site Shopify WordPress week whatever the table of contact goes there it's actually published there uh instead of uh your CMS so yeah first steps here uh with the one uh short paragraphs here I do see here uh bullets uh okay that's fine no in article images no links still generating I see the paragraphs are a bit short and they have numbers which is I mean I get I get why but doesn't make much sense here I mean first steps I guess yeah could have could have numbers uh yeah I mean it's a bit poor I guess I mean maybe I'm just being dumb here and not leveraging the tool enough but I'm I mean there's no premium yeah premium oh guess can is superior but there's I have to upgrade and there doesn't seem to be any real improvements other than the type of ritten content itself um yeah I mean it is interesting can I publish this to my WordPress site or to any site of mine uh looks like I cannot I can edit it and that's about it yeah I mean like I said these these are all great but because they do so much right they cannot focus on just producing in my opinion Automation and and quality content like that so I have to give this one uh a b as well I mean I guess let's give it an a because it does have a feature damage which is good uh and so let's move on to the next one which is um brainwork so first draft Pro writing assistant we want a um okay yeah it's this one with a single click generat actual article so uh how to groom a golden retriever it is the article we want to write about target audience uh dog owners um yeah you can be informative of course title it is how to Golden Retriever of course and outline I'll guess I'll have ai generated for me and I have to pay 20 bucks actually 29 bucks which I won't do right now I don't sure why I had this one on my list sorry about that let's just skip this one completely because I thought I had an account here I don't so let's just move on to this one and let me just delete this one right here and we're missing just two here so um One Click blog post again our main keyword uh is dog grooming uh La a title is this one and just click I guess oh actually article length let's do large actually let's do medium here uh friendly I just to informal point of view I like to do first person as I did in journalist Target country to United States uh and there we have it details to include these are the advanced settings which I didn't include in journalist as well images we want images uh yes let do five image style let's just do photo uh YouTube videos who want videos as well yes let's just do one and uh let's just uh what's this keyword including text guess dog grooming la which is our our main keyword we want to rank for conclusion table list we want all these right we want connecting to web we also I got upgrade sorry about that and um let's just hit the generate right here run and let's see oh got to do a paid plan sorry uh how can we run this without paid plan man I got I got to just do a paid plan then um I should have five articles free let me just go back here and see why that is uh why I don't have free articles maybe I'm just being dumb okay there we go uh maybe I won't have the images here um but uh will imagine that it does because because I'm not having because I don't have a paid account here I'm assuming I cannot use the the images and all those uh but let's see let's see what does come up with and I'll be back once this is done okay there we go just open this up and there we have it so it is a bit more interesting we okay we have tables we have bowet words we have a bit more information here I I like it more there's more me meat to it and I'm guessing if I had the paid subscription there would be images here and videos as well so yeah I like it I like this I'm un sure about the links I don't think they do have links if they do I mean I guess I'll put them uh here as well right I guess I'll put them here as well because I like what I see here and again I know they have videos and images which they include in the Articles um I guess I'll have to put them here in the middle between sna because they don't have I know they don't have the automation right I cannot just click a button and have an auto blog right as as this one right here uh publishing actually generating and Publishing content on the back end on autopilot so I know they don't have it but I KN I do know they have the oneclick published WordPress as we do as well and um we do have a couple more platforms ourselves but I mean it's great just like yeah let's leave them here in the middle uh because I also think they're missing um the CER research part of it the content indexing and the ability to take the cers that we Monitor and produce content based on them on autopilot um and a bunch a couple more minor things here so yeah I'll leave them here I think it's it's fair uh leave them in the middle so between s and a and actually I mean I don't want to be arrogant so let's just put them here in s as well and you can try them out yourself and see which one you like best let's just do it that way and yeah finally just do this one uh koala so let's just go go here and let's just do this one and okay so we're here this is qual Rider and we'll just use gpg 3.5 because we don't have these ones available we want a blog post uh Target keyword we we're going to do uh dog or golden retriever grooming La let's go uh SE optimization default manual AI powered I guess let just do the default right keep the default settings automatic internal linking we do want that uh Choose Or add a domain uh we'll just leave it at that um images we want Auto so we want images let's just do photo image size uh I guess do this article length I mean let's just do this I mean let's do default uh tone of voice I'll keep it uh friendly uh language English country us uh let's do first person and just enable all this am I able to enable all these ones uh just create outline so and we just wait a couple of seconds again and see what this does all right so we have the outline guessing if I scroll down here I can click write the article and it will write the article uh title again it's more less similar and there we go it has an in article image which we see here uh Jing we have the key takeaways as well here um we have the videos as well which is pretty cool here um we have long paragraphs which is nice image right here and um let's just wait a bit more for this to keep going and again yeah it's more more of the same which is good uh I exceeded the limit so that I cannot write more but I mean this this looks great yeah looks nice has videos as well and I like it um can I post WordPress I can create a draft uh okay to post WordPress uh there's no Auto blogging feature though so I cannot just have it run autopilot and post my my other websit websites of mine sorry Shopify weeks we FL blogger but it does have a post word press feature and I think also they have uh the interlinking feature as well or links features at least so I like this I'll give it a uh which the tier list right here I'll go here and I'll give it a s as well and again you can try all three and let me know the one you think it's best Again full disclosure I do own this one but based on my criteria which was automation this one takes the crown if I could do su levels here I'll do it like this right so this this and this would be the levels inside of s tier but they're all s tier uh again try it out try all these out jally say can do it for free this one as well I mean all these you can test them out for free so test it out see what you think if you like them I mean use them and yeah that's essentially it that's uh all the AI Riders that's the test hopefully this was impartial enough and hopefully you like this video uh if you want to test mine just go to try journal.com and yeah we'll uh we'll help you out thank you so much for watching like subscribe and I'll catch you on the next one cheers
Channel: Vasco's SEO Tips
Views: 7,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI SEO writer, SEO AI writers, best ai seo writer, best ai writer, comparing all ai writers, ai writers, ai writer comparison, best seo ai writer, journalist ai, SEO content writing, ai content generator, ai blog post generator, seo content generator, jasper ai, copy ai, koala writer, seo writing, neuron writer, jasper, best ai writers, top ai writers, testing ai writers, ai writing tutorial, best SEO ai writer, Journalist AI, AI writer, ai article writer
Id: mB2UNVBx5fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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