Shuttle Sunday: STS-2 to STS-4

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hello everybody it's a shuttle Sunday you lucky people this is where they let me loose for a good hour just talking about something I'm very interested in which is a space program and we're also joined by another person who's very much in that clation aren't you saw say hello soya hello Sawyer um yes I mean I always love talking about shut and it's really fun right now going back through the early days and doing all my research back on it again and going oh yeah and just resparking my love of this vehicle we're also joined by Jack sa Jack yay shuttle it's shuttle Sunday yeah like you said soer this has been a good excuse for me to go back and uh reread SL relist to um bold day rise and uh into the black um and uh yeah all those excellent shuttle books so let's let's just jump right into it we only we're not we're not going to do like a 4 million Hour episode so most of this is going to be me not talking so that we can hear all the cool shuttle stuff from Chris and Sawyer I did actually think that when I was going through the resources for this that I've actually got some very very nice pictures of planes as well so I thought wellth Jacko definitely want to be talking about those it's the old SCA before they painted it with the color scheme it's from its American Airline day so that's be fun the top color scheme for that aircraft and and yes right should we start with sts2 because what we did we did a a shuttle Sundays an experiment with ss1 and that was fun we recorded it and I'll make sure that once we've got like a collection they'll go into like a a special area of the channel where you can go through them in like some kind of order which is the fun that's why we're going to sts2 3 and four for this one the reason why we're going to STS 2 3 and four is because they are the final test flights if you compare a lot of people are into Starship right now obviously for the right reasons and we can make comparisons with the way the test flights were conducted in the case of the Space Program Columbia launched four times on four missions to conduct the test flights to become operational and the difference with Starship is with shuttle they were cruded from the start which we're never going to see again it's amazing they actually got away with it when they did it with a space sh program but that is exactly what they did they launched them all crude and thankfully they got through to the end of ss4 and you'll see by the end of the short Sunday and ss4 the way they did a Fanfare for it with President Reagan and Nancy Reagan the first lady actually there to see for the first time as well three shuttles in the same place which is Enterprise Challenger and Columbia so that's something to look forward to let's first of all let's get going because we've got a lot of resources I'm going to do this in two ways the first one I'm going to just basically have download a lot of pictures from L2 and all over the place where obviously that that's not L2 picture that's obviously out there because that's the mission luro for sts2 let's talk about this Mission while we got the logo up which was a test flight again just two people in board a commander and a pilot Joe algen and Richard Tully and they launched from 39a as you can guess they're all from 39a to start with the space program this launched on November the 14th 1981 this is not far after sts1 if you can take it into those parameters time scale and the gaps between missions but with all these missions STS 2 3 and four they increased to what they could do with the shuttle program and that this time it involved the CER arm and involved actual experiments because the spare shuttle was meant to be a big space truck that would be launching regular which never going to happen but it that's what the goal was with satellite launching and retrieval and of course with retrieval and including the actually deployment as well you needed a robotic arm and this is back in early ' 880s this is all kind of like wow sci-fi stuff which is really cool I'm going to bring up the next picture cuz it shows the two people in question and look by the way still the white external tank that's why the thumbnail for this short of Sunday is still with the white external tank it's the last time you'll see it we're going to go into the orange one the unpainted orange external tanks after this because this is only one uh twice they use the painted external tank ss1 sgs2 it's white you can see that yeah it's it's white it's white uh we've got loads of photographs here these some would be water CU I just downloaded so many of them by the way if you're a member of our Discord I will dump all these photographs into Discord so you can get to see it if you're not an L2 member whatever I like this because this is a turnaround picture you can see some I I always find some um some kind of coincidences there with the TPS when we start looking at the spaceships uh the Starships at um star base you see how they're working on TPS and you can see here they were doing the post I sts1 and prep ation for sts2 TPS work here and it was looking very nice by this stage and when when Jack and sea and Mary takes pictures of the TPS the ships at Starbase I start seeing oh yeah that looks a lot better that looks a lot better and people going what you about Chris how would you know I've got all this history of TPS on the special which reminds me of what looks good and what doesn't and you can see where they're getting close to this kind of like they're very similar to me jack what do you think when you look at TPS photographs the space shuttle now like in this Photograph here you start thinking oh that that rings a bell with how Starship is now having this kind of like black tiles all over the place yeah absolutely obviously there's there's uh some differences in the composition of the tiles and they're obviously different shaped but uh no I I very frequently will wonder you know one of the issues I don't know if issue is the right word one of the challenges with the shuttles TPS tiles where you know each individual tile is famously unique and the a TI in one location versus a tile on the same location on a different Orbiter uh might be completely different or just slightly different or different enough that it's not just like oh we'll pop in a new tile so a ship definitely has the advantage of um more uh standardization among its tiles mostly I assume because it's just a massive cylinder but I do always wonder you know how much hand labor goes into the custom tiles like say for the flap Arrow covers or or the spots between Dome welds or the nose cone things like that like I'm I'm sure that there are a lot of similar challenges between the two vehicles um and hopefully Starship will become the shuttle 2.0 that we all want it to be and we'll have learned from from everything that uh that they did on the on the space transportation system program I have a I have a burning question before we finish Chris I'm not going to ask it now but uh but when we get to the whole Reagan uh speech thing I I have a I have a question and that relates to all of like Starship shuttle 2.0 all of this so let's I'll let you keep going cuz we we have a lot to get through but uh remind me if I forget at that point about my my quote unquote burning question I will do because that sounds intriguing so I'm looking forward to that we're talking about tiles by the way if I jump in if I recall it was sts2 where they were uh filling up the RCs tanks and spilled some of it which caused them to have to take tiles off of the vehicle and remanufacture them basically and read them back on oh yes I mean this is something I've actually I'm I'm my mind was wondering to how the TPS became more of a um a process I don't that's the right word for it more of a process during the latter missions to me though I I look back on these photographs now just basically looked more in depth at the TPS probably from the Starship in the back of my mind and it does seem very similar though the wing Leading Edge looks similar this Wing I'll actually use my cursor you'll see it on the screen cuz it's quite highlighted out this is um reinforced carbon carbon the RCC Wing Leading Edge and of course this is now Infamous because it was the left wing of Columbia that took an impact was it around here saw I I'm TR it was panel eight I believe yes around here um and it literally punched a hole in the RCC which people were thinking there was no way this is why people Wen panicking at the time when they saw the strike they've seen de strikes before uh it's on top it because this is Columbia by the way so this is the same sh and they actually punched a hole and it was basically the velocity of the firm even though it was lightweight was enough of an impact to punch a hole into Colombia's RCC and then obviously during re-entry the hot plasma got inside that that cavity and basically just burn the wing off from the inside out it was horrendous but that is the same thing it's it's RCC there and then you got TPS tiles here on flaps as well everywhere really Inc if we'll ever see uh a separate material integrated into starship's heat shield similar to how the shuttle's heat shield was you know the thermal blankets the tiles and the reinforced carbon carbon like will we ever see a Starship with a reinforced carbon carbon cap on the no cone instead of the incredibly complicated and seemingly labor intensive nose cone tiles that they have spent so much time working on ship 29 for example um I think I think a Starship with reinforced carbon carbon or a similar you know just a mix of different materials of the heat shield depending on what that part of the heat shield needs to withstand uh would look cool anyways I digress you know the beauty of that though the beauty of that point is I I could guarantee you there are some SpaceX Engineers who are working on Starship who have absolutely looked back on the space program as far as TPS goes they probably even look back on during their own programs with dragon because they got that picker X haven't they which is their heat shield for the dragon heat shield and they probably looked at that data as well the wealth of data over the past Decades of space flight is really playing in to the Future Vehicles we're seeing coming up now including Starship remember Starship it's going to be a crude vehicle before long they have to get it right never mind on just the Starling Pez dispens missions you know the refueling didn't they even I think they even flew some Starship tiles on a dragon I forget if it was a cargo or a crew Dragon so does that R yes yeah um oh I'm trying to remember which one it was but yes so yeah lots of lots of TPS data I mean hey it's important I'm going to the nurse I remember you mentioned the nurse it sorry I can't remember the material so I'm zooming in so much it's ruin in resolution but you can see there the N of the Orbiter wasn't thermal protection tiles and it wasn't RCC I don't believe it was like a rubber cap wasn't it s um I'm trying to think the material trying to think that wasn't it wasn't RCC I'm pretty sure it wasn't I remember that it being yeah I'm pretty sure it's the that is RC is I remember thinking it's a rubber cap let's double check that because if it's an RCC it's a different M it looks the same color but it's not the panels as such it was like a cap I remember that because I seen so many cloths it there was like scratches on them sometimes and they said we'll leave it it doesn't make any difference it's fine yeah nose along with other areas such as weeding lead I can't talk the nose cone along with other areas such as the wing leading edges and nose gear Landing doors relied on reinfor for carbon carbon to withstand the intense heat generated during re-entry a huge chunk of RCC then because I remember seeing the nurse cap taken off once and it's like a massive like car-sized cap and it is really deep as well I mean it has to be if you're thinking about the re-entry it has to survive but that was something they never had a problem with it was amazing that the nurse cap never provided any issues that I ever saw compared to pretty much every other area of the TPS including the tail the r speed break sorry you get told off by sh people you call it a tail it's a r speed break but it's I also want to bring this one up S because this is great you can see that 39a was still kind of still not really in it shuttled phas yet it was look it's like really interesting how you can see how they were converting at the time and this boys and girls if you're a new person the space sh program but you've been following Space X because Space X is cool uh this is the same Tower this is the same same fixed service structure that was modified at 39a for Falcon at for SpaceX during their lease this is the same Tower they've not demolished it and put a new tower up there it's the same Tower they demolished this part which is the ruran service structure which is basically just for spal provided the payload you can see here the payload would go in there sometimes not all the time but sometimes it go in there they'd rotate it and then put it into the cargo bay here and that's how it did but it was mainly for weather protection and things like that I know did roll like with some payloads but some payloads they brought up down here and then brought it up into the RCC certain service structure and then rotated it and closed it with the payLo bay doors that's how I did it I digressed in fact that's the that's the first shot in the NSF Liv stream intro is that structure rotating away from a shuttle the spotlight and that is a deliberate that is a deliberate choice and fun fact in real life it did not take 3 seconds it it was quite a light 45 minute process way way off the rails here but that shot is actually meticulously retimed in multiple places so that the spotlights turn on with the beat and it's was not it was not a trivial edit I've got another picture here I'm going to bring up look at this this is roll out with a big Zeon is it Zeon lights I keep getting that wrong Xenon xenon lights there we go they had a massive lights I remember when they rolled out in future shots Sundays we'll get to ones where we got our own photographers there which is after Colombia uh after return to flight from Colombia and there's some amazing shots from inside the VB on the high Gantry it was Larry Sullivan usually on high B on the um VB High gantes looking out to the doors and the Orbiter was rolling out on the crow transporter and you could see the Press site to the right and you see the massive flood lights and all I could think of was this is like a Hollywood B you know the the walk the the actors do to the Oscars with all the photographers with the flashing cameras and whatever you and the big flashlights it really is amazing I will I will save that for a future short Sunday because it really is cool but I think we want to get on to some launch stuff here so let me bring up some launch photographs and I'll bring up a video as well this is cool fun fact those Xenon light bulbs are like grenades like they are highly pressurized and extremely dangerous so if you ever have to change one it's like put on a fullon like uh bomb osal suit like they're not they're not messing around I had to mess I had to change one out in film school like for lighting class uh super cool lights anyways way off the real sorry go ahead nice cool this is WB 57 the photographs from high altitude they had a lot of these especially on missions if you think about it against Starship relevance Starship had W no I didn't think for R3 did they didn't have for fft3 but 5T 1 and 2 they had the W 57s out there for the High Altitude shots and I remember these photographs back in the early days of the internet back when there was far and dig and places like that which no one even knows about now because I think they've all gone defunct people would put these on and say look at this shuttle picture from the ISS I'm thinking there's no way that is from ISS really yeah but that's how to do it oh my word I've got another one here actually I forgot about dig it's like something awful like so many of those old early internet forums yeah I know there was like they used to come on our forum and say you've been dug like what cuz you've been on dig like youve been dug it's like some claim to fame oh that site oh now I remember yeah wow that's a fire neuron I haven't used in a while that is a cool picture there I'm going to find actual launch video because the launch video is very cool if I can work out where my folders here we go all right it looks very similar by the way to the recent launch 652 with the uh F22 flying with Falcon 9 see the wing you can kind of see the wing in that shot too it's very reminiscent it's really cool there's so many of these we I mean we're going to we've got all the missions in L2 as you can imagine and there's so many photographs that you may have not seen before I mean there somewhere you just think wow would that really happen because it was a very sporty program you think about it there was so much risk I feel so much more calmer now with dragon launches I I just don't get to same feeling I had with shuttle launches for shutt launches it was like you could put your I watch whatever you call it your watch on with your heartbeat showing and i' hen to think what it would been like during the space shuttle program because I actually felt quite ill after a space shutt launch there just so much pressure involved with hoping it would go well especially with crew on board I mean it's ridiculous but with dragon I'm a lot more reassured anyway I'm going to just stop talking because I hopefully Jay and Gage in our back I wish I should give a shout out by the way in the back room there this will play audio let's see if it will um there we go chat can you hear audio we have control of the countdown now being conducted by the laun sequences onard the the SRB hydraulic power started Sr start coming up 10 2- 10 9 for main entrance start we have main entrance start 3 2 1 we [Music] have power Houston now controlling Mission Control conf maneuver started 20 seconds for good 25 seconds roll maneuver [Music] completed 30 seconds colia one altitude 35 seconds status check Mission Control by flight director NE you're 48 seconds down from EX the master alarm you coming up on 1 minut 2300 F second 1 minute 8 seconds pass through Mex colia still looking Gooding engines back to 100% Mark 1 minute 20 seconds columia now 9 NAU miles alude naal miles down range veloc 300 F second no it's n commentary just Fox Fox Fox the Audio 35 seconds colan seconds coming upat High the old quinar yeah Mark 1 minute 55 seconds Columbia now 21 nautical miles altitude 18 nautical miles down range velocity now 85,000 ft per second standing by now for solid rocket booster separation confirm roger copy PC l 50 okay looks confirm good solid rocket booster separation that was a big thing by the way after SRB um after the srbs came off the the class the first two minutes is very rough very Rocky very lots of vibrations but after the srbs were jettisoned it was a very very smooth ride and that was just basically on the liquid engines of the ssmes which is really cool I did like this part I remember it back when I was going back through it that they had a master alarm which is never a good thing they had a master alarm and Houston said it's keep car carry on there's no problem and the commander angle just goes oky do you're going on on you this massive thrust of a space launch you're probably thinking as a h you know it's sds2 it's a second Flight of the vehicle there's there's a very good chance you could die on this thing and he goes Okie do it's just a different breid of person really is I'm going to show the landing video as well now because Landing was really cool by way just really quick while we're mentioning the srbs it's not really on a positive note but uh this was the first time that they witnessed uh burn through on one of the O-rings that's right yes in fact no you're right because that was the first time they had noticed it again several times afterwards but they kept on clearing didn't they they kept on clearing it thinking it wasn't a big concern another fun fact you just made me think of fun facts and that wasn't a fun fact but it was a fact is that the idea was when the space sh progam was being designed the first initial missions they were hoping that this would be a Skylab reboost Mission so that's kind of space sexy related cuz Polaris is looking to reboost Hubble and the way they did it was unfortunately the the delays in the program meant that skyb had already come down by the time even started launching special so they couldn't do it but that was initially going to be STS 2's Mission I I was B to say I'm going to go through the The Landing in a second but I should show some on orbit pictures maybe I think I've got some here one second because this is important this is the important part of what this test flight was here we go this was the W of the remote manipulated system the space they call it the srms which was the shuttle remote manipulated system there is one on the ISS called the SS RMS which is the space station remote manipulat system and this was the one arm they had on the Orbiter in the cargo bay and they used to te they tested it out on this Mission which very important they were hoping to go for a longer Mission but they had a I think it was a fuel cell issue can you remember what this was um yeah I'm trying to recall if it was the Apu or a fuel cell I know they had to cut the mission short uh it was might be a five day Mission I think they came back yeah I just looked it up yes fuel cell which is interesting because that was probably very useful for them they needed to know that it could cut a mission short and still have the Assets in place to cover the Landing part of the mission I got some more pictures here actually one second can you imagine what that must be like though like to be wanting to fly in space for so long to be I mean like Joe angle for example was backup crew on a whole bunch of Apollo missions like to finally get your space flight and then you only get to spend you know a fraction of the time you thought you were going to get to on orbit yeah but they still accomplished 90% of what they were planning on achieving this is a real Photograph by the way it didn't happen on sts1 for some reason but every other Mission the crew would do their portrait picture and then a fun one they always do a fun one there are some amazingly fun ones in future missions that I'll be showing you on future short of Sundays buta when did that stop was that after Challenger or Colombia that they stopped doing that or I think it I don't think it ever stopped I remember even the ISS Expeditions after space shuttle they did a Like a Star Wars one where they're all dress up as Jedi and stuff yeah that was the NASA posters for each of the different Expeditions they also did it for the final shuttle flights when all of its poster Glory oh it's really good um I'm GNA make sure I can bring up the right thing here we are there we go this is a landing I've got Landing photographs as well boys and girls so don't worry but this is cool as well this is a landing still mad I'm still mad I never got to see a shuttle landed at 159 I've got aot I'll show you later Jack it's like Jack in another dimension it would have been you I'll show you later I won it all right all right and if I'm not mistaken uh sts2 was unique in a way in terms of re-entry and landing in that um Joe angle flew re-entry if not completely mostly by hand it's usual for for an Orbiter Commander to actually fly the shuttle for a you know by hand for a little bit of time um during entry and or Landing but in this case they were testing out a variety of Maneuvers uh and so Joe angle can say that he's one of the few people to actually pilot an Orbiter all the way down under the ground which is insane yeah during shutle control The Unofficial I've noticed a lot of times 2 days 6 hours 13 minutes 10 seconds yeah you're right usually it is the heading alignment circle is where the pilot will take the flight and I believe maybe occasionally around the S turns but yes I just the shuttle convo is another shuttle Sunday come coming up they were a rag tag group of strange trucks that you will love when you see close person Jack yeah I got to I got to see one of them oh my God is why did they ever repaint it oh my word it looks so cool I don't know if I've got a wider shot I've got some photographs anyway it's that one that that's a shot basically of the sca already waiting to pick up Colombia to take it back to KSC and the photographs let me see if I get the photographs in question if it's just like Nostalgia or what but all of this still looks futuristic to me in a weird retro way but yeah just seeing both of these machines the sca and Columbia oh my gosh 905 right yes just beautiful Al the tail cone always bothered me tail cone will always bother me I know they needed it in yada yada but the the few flights they did without the tail cone yeah that's what I'm talking about what's wrong with the tail cone it just I don't know it just bothers me aesthetically it just looks weird and wrong like I want to see the Orbiter as the Orbiter should exist which is not with the tail cone like I I'm I'm not saying I dislike the tail cone or I hate it like I understand why it exists it makes sense to me but the few flights they did um to test aerodynamics without the tail cone like that is the canonical shuttle look anyways I'll shut up I've just realized we've got we've got people actually doing super chats we don't expect these things a Raptors side to don't expect them but it always happens which is crazy but there's like a large audience in there so it's kind of like wow well thank you and it's really cool this is like just a fun short Sunday and I've got mattz hats off to mattz mattz groso has gifted 10 red team memberships we've got Dan Elgen has gifted red team membership we've got ker cats who gift of red team membership and Ryan with a super chat asking shtle had Metalized t tiles between the actu actuation surfaces metallized tiles but saw do you am I finding the shuttle fact I don't know or am I just not reading that right let me read that again on screen shuttle had Metalized tiles in between the actuation surfaces Gap fillers they had Gap fillers they were W Metalized they were like plastic strips the fun thing for a future show Sunday is ss4 14 where Steve Robinson went on an Eva underneath the belly of the discovery to pull out a protruding Gap filler and then proclaimed on the loop this big patient is now cured I remember distinctly that was so cool and that was the first flight that was a return to flight Mission too so there was extra you know concern with making sure those tiles and the heat shield was all good is that is that Gap filler the the frizzy or is that something else I know frizzy is a thing it's like a big plastic card it was like a bigger than a credit card but between the tiles had Gap fillers basically because there was gaps between the tiles and that's what stopped them crashing into each other vibrating into each other whatever and there were like a red glue um that basically inserted in between the tiles so when Steve Robinson I asked him I interviewed him about in fact afterwards and he he laughed when I brought up what he said on the loop but he said it did look like the shut was bleeding because you pull out this Gap filler it's covered in this red glue and it does look like the Gap filler is covered in blood it's weird it really is but um it was awesome because it was it a short astronaut being like me you know almost like um giving it like some personality oh the Orbiter needed curing it's I'm a doctor I'm going to go cure the the Orbiter it was really cool and I uh Steve Robinson's great he was a brilliant astronaut as well retired now obviously apocalypse Cow by the way is gifted five memb I'm going to keep reading them out if I see them but thank you very much we don't expect them they're all going crazy now here we go the best also if you're hearing my dog squeak her chew toy in the background I apologize Oh I thought that was you thought that was you with I mean also have I also have a squeak toy but I have not been using it right now oh Ryan's got a disc he's put in Discord a picture of shooting a pick of a metallized tile I'm going to have a look at that Ryan um but thanks also to Bob Filmore giips don't expect it and it's a very small audience compared to what we got on Starbase live so you are just amazing sporters it really is appreciated Ryan can you ping me in where it is because if I start looking through the Discord I will start talking and forget I'm talking live on air mumbling the rare opportunity to ping someone while live yeah excellent ping me ping me where you are Ryan because I don't know where which channel I'll be looking at in the Discord but if you ping me um I will see the notification and I'll have a look at that for you cuz that's inging shuttle documentation here and it looks like there was metal in that area oh here we go that's intriguing right u i I don't want to bring that up without your permission but if uh maybe we'll keep that in the back burner one day and continue on with SS two1 you've intrigued me Ryan and that that gets points you get many bonus points for intriguing me about something I might not know about because that is not a gap filler I know that for a fact so that's really interesting cool anyway STS 2 I think that's STS in the bag we should move on to ss3 cuz that's even more fun if you think SS2 was fun ss3 is real fun anybody in chat want to guess why sts3 was fun and the first person to get it will get a shout out I'm waiting for it I'll give it a try because it takes me about 10 seconds for my voice to go through to the internet to come out to the stream and then come back again so we'll see if anybody gets the the word of the day for ss3 the word of the day of why was fun not the orange tank no it was the orange tank debut but it's not that was that wasn't the fun iconic thing about ss3 I'm intrigued that people might not know what it was because that'd be fun then to show them yeah blank Gwen's got it Gwen's got it the wheelie Landing yes thank youwen yes that's the thing about that one let me just try and do my folders and see I don't put anything on screen at a sh one second H I was going to put that there and that there and then we're going to go to the browser this time now that's what we're going to do so ss3 I always tell you where I get these photographs from a lot of the photographs are just out there and saved because of being deleted since from like historical archives a lot of them are from people who worked on the space sh program we've got 900 photographs from Sha our very own sha um got us 900 uh United space Alliance photographs which will'll be dumping into LT over the coming week it's going to take forever but it's going to be well worth it and I was like this is amazing so well done to sha doy who our Starbase photographer who got us all those photographs but this is an example for sts3 uh we have all this section here where we got all these photographs um look at the tiles on this that's not good is it s uh White it's not yeah white Suns I think we started with the landing for cuz the landing was such iconic thing but there's lots and lots of um awesome photographs in which you can blow up in full size I want to get to the the launch first uh by the way no I'm going to do it now Jack this is you and a different dimension yeah absolutely that White Sands White Sands is such a beautiful place to imagine seeing a shuttle land there I mean yeah if I had a time machine right yeah what a place look at this these were I think they were the NASA TV cameras I believe the the little small gantries to build this is white sand it was all temporary it was the only time I landed at wh Sands I should do the launch first so I'll come back all it's amazing that that little yellow Gantry can support the entire weight of the nose wheel of the shuttle sorry you got beat to that one yeah seriously sorry I was I was reading about the thermal protection system trying to see if there was anything in my literature about that but yeah white it's also interesting with White Sands in that to save money they decided not to truck everything over to White Sands but they actually trained it or railed it I don't know the right terminology there they brought it by train yes that's right yes and we'll go back into that first page remind me to go back to that first page because that shows the kind of like mass of equipment there to get there because they had no uh mate dmate device at White Sands they had one in California California they wanted KC obviously because that was expect there two primary Landing sites but for White Sands they needed to bring in special cranes very star Acy uh to lift the Orbiter onto the back of the sca just this mission to outline it this was March 22 1982 this was Jack lmer and George fiton very very famous astronaut and this was the third Flight of the Orbiter and this was the they're increasing what they were doing with this vehicle I believe this Mission lasted um I think it was 7 days yes uh no actually lasted eight days it was planned for seven days but lasted eight days this is now the record for the space shuttle um I'm going to get back onto the photographs here we go it was almost eight days on the dot yeah it was yeah I'm just looking through eight days and four minutes which is incredible there we go launch photog everyone loves the launch photograph look at this look at the SS this is the cool shots of the launch where you get the three ssmes the RS 25s with their blue flame coming out compared to the rockar we're just going to make noise and make a lot of power srvs you know shots like that are part a very large part of the reason why I personally and I'm sure many others spent an inordinate amount of money to catch emis one uh those insane blue shock diamonds from the space shutle main engines just gorgeous it is really is I'm just thinking you know with today's cameras what the space shutt what you could have all caught with the space shuttle launches with your technology today it's different with SLS too because of the way the tail service masks on the um mobile launch platform are and just the way the engines engines are situated sort of down inside the platform versus with the shuttle they're just right there and they're off to the side they're like there's a good amount of separation between the srbs so you can yeah it's just H what a vehicle really cool lots of launch prograph here in fact this might even better look at this there's some you can see the thrust profile it's still coming out there really cool and again 39a still looking like it's still in its Apollo era in some parts they're still modifying it they Chang it quite a lot during the years you'll see in future short Sundays how they modified it that's a cool photograph look at this this feels like the early like CRS 10 11 that time when you still had the rotating service structure partly being demolished next to the actual fix service structure yeah same kind of VI I wonder if people look back at Star base in like five years time ago I remember Tower one what on Earth was that that was a right mess like we're going look great the time absolutely I mean I every now and then you know I have like the widget on my home screen or whatever that shows me photo like old photos that I've taken and every now and then I'll see something from the hopper era or from like sn8 and I'm like my God it looks so much different already you better believe in five years time we'll have a similar Vibe about the imagery that's being created now let's keep going through photographs this is cool on orbit photographs you can see the mid deck being used here this is where the space shuttle had like he had his flight deck which is quite small I mean anyone who's been inside a space shle would be like this must be massive with all the cargo and what you know it's not that it's the front part the Orbiter and the flight deck is very small and they got a a next floor below it which is the mid deck and that's where all the experiments were and you could put the crew on there there's only two crew members on this one but on the seven mission on the seven crew member missions that they had four down on the mid deck if someone like you know appears out of The Ether and is like I'm a Genie you get to fly on a space shuttle but you have to fly in the mid deck would you do it yeah yeah I'll do it I'll do it I mean there's still the tiny little port hole window on the hatch so there's you know a little bit of a view down there but I'm you're in a SP shuttle why not I'm not claustrophobic or anything like that so yeah I would absolutely do it but I would definitely be bummed I was in the mid deck and not the uh not the cabin also one thing that's I think visibly abent from these photos is the onboard restrooms which broke after their first use on this flight so yeah yeah this is this is interesting because they had a they we're on sds3 outw so this is where they had there's a story behind it saying that when the fuel cell had the issue that meant they couldn't get the water supply and they had portable water on board but they didn't trust it so they didn't drink it or the other story was they drunk it and they got sick and think is this the one where there was the hydrogen in the water or something like that or is that like right yeah it got yeah it got into the fuel cell so they couldn't they couldn't get the the proper water supply uh we're out of order with these photographs because got like people bring in people join the L2 thread and bring in their own photographs which might be out thing but it's just really cool to see this I love this Photograph this is so lovely this is coming out the RPF this is roll out before launch we can see how they brought them in in all the gantries they expect Ed before the space sh program that this would be just like a normal aircraft hanger and then I realized they couldn't do it that way and that's where the rapid reusability went out the window part of me kind of wishes they transported Starship horizontally just because I feel like it would look cooler than being transported vertically but could it do the bend um to the launch site at Highway 4 could it would it would it make the bend they might need like a segmented spmt situ I have no idea it's not going to happen but it's fun and then to see it lifted from horizontal kind of like you see there in the uh in the VAB yeah that would be insane yeah that special cranes oh this is where Jack did the um the live stream from the California Science Museum know for tasar is that is that the same fiction use KC and I'm going there's no way it can be they wouldn't it looks brand new and they would have sent it all the way from KSC and then you brought the person on go yes is the one that use KC I was like damn it yeah I got to check my photos I think they also oop sorry go ahead no I was going to say I I got to check to my photos I think that's what they also used for the retirement to get all of them off of you know like the barges and stuff in particular Enterprise with the Intrepid I believe that was also the same mechanism they just kind of shipped it around towards the end of the program to wherever it was needed really cool and of course the big cranes which are still there they've modified the cranes for SLS we have to lift the cost p over to the high Bay from the transfer a which is where they rolled all them in the same thing with SLS but just different Vehicles this cool photographs here I'm going to bring up the videos in a second the video is a bit shorter this time so obviously we're going to concentrate on the landing part in fact let's do it now because we're here for hours otherwise right [Music] sgs3 hello hello show it on screen please thank you 10 for main engine ignition 8 7 6 we have main Roger Columbia rolling Houston now controlling Mission Control confirms roll maneuver starting very cloudy La 20 seconds thrust looks good Roger sounds good 26 seconds roll maneuver completed 30 seconds one nautical mile and altitude throttling engines down now to 68% is programmed 38 seconds plat board status looks good Mission Control 42 seconds Columbia now three nautical miles in altitude 46 seconds coming up now PR to maximum aerodynamic pressure on the vehicle 55 seconds pass through Max Q still looking good throttling engines back to 100% G to go throttle up Houston you're go with throttle up throttle we here to mark one minute 10 seconds Columbia now seven nautical miles altitude four nautical miles down range velocity now reading 2700 ft per second Roger 460 Mark 1 minute 25 seconds Columbia now 11 nautical miles and altitude 8 nautical miles okay we got a Roger we're looking that was Jack lore reporting Loop light 1 minute 40 seconds coming up on negative seats for altitude is too high for ejection seat use onia Houston negative seats negative seats Mark 1 minute 55 seconds Columbia now 21 nautical miles altitude 19 nautical miles down R CC 2 minutes 2 seconds standing by for solid rocket booster separation confirmation okay there's 103 2 minutes 15 seconds confirm solid rocket booster separation Roger clumbia we confirm guidance converged 2 minutes 23 seconds on board guidance is converging is programmed Columbia is now steering for a precise window in space for main engine cut off so the interesting thing here was we went through the full two minutes there for that launch but there's a question which I saw in chat which I brought up interesting to hear the call too high for ejection seat use that was something which I always cringe a little bit about because I guarantee you that if they try to eject after launch um it might not have ended very well for them I think sorry will you bite me up on this one I think ejection seats were a viable thing but for any one part of the mission which was just before landing so say the main landing gear didn't come down they could eject and then parachute onto near the runway uh rather than ejecting out during launch what do you think I yeah I think at that point it was mainly for that there's never really was a sort of launch Escape system that was designed to go with shuttle uh I mean they came up with ideas later down the line like uh a literal pole that would stick out the side that the astronauts would slide off of but yeah I think it was more for that and even if so you're not going to want to risk using the ejection seats especially with the SRB still attached so if it was to even be considered during liftoff it would be such a tiny window it would it would we're going to do quick some thanks again again I don't expect the so I'm going to read them out anyway because it's very much appreciated Daniel hogbin gifted five red team memberships and then gift another one as well afterwards one gify membership so that's six I'm keeping count Max is back uh what shuttle had the which shuttle had the blown up Tire during Landing I it would have been the main landing gear one of them because they W have lost no gear I don't think they ever lost nose gear Tire ever so can you think we might have to check that one uh yeah I'm going to have to look that one up yeah we look that up I know they I know tires it so well so I'm kind of hesitant to even think oh you actually had some blond tires I well very good one it was yes three was it as just three well we're going to show that Landing in a second so that's good timing I mean I guess it makes sense when you see what happen Yeah well yeah I mean it's white s it was a gypson but I well I think the bounce also didn't help it didn't it was a rough rough I mean it came in too fast we'll show it in a second because it is quite it's the most dramatic Landing in the shuttle history simple as that um George got something from the store another one for the wall the wall dish gesture so let's see if it'll show on screen I don't know if it will with this this setup but let's just see if it comes up on on screen what George got from the store I it does show it's the trifecta it's the Starship Trifecta is that Shan Jack I think that's that's John's Trifecta yeah yes metal prints are cool we have lots them in the store we won't do a massive store thing but trust me if you pop onto the store in fact I'll put it into chat already beaten by Mt thank you Matt Matt's put the store thing in there go on metal print you've got a wide selection and trust me my wall is covered in metal prints and it's the happiest I've ever been with my wall yes Jack there's even some shuttle metal prints there is even some shuttle metal prints it is as well the cool thing is when you get a metal print there's three things that helps you there one you look cool you bring your friend around go look at my wall you know like out of um Thor where he goes my stuff you can do that to your friends because it's cool your wall looks amazing it helps us because that's how Commerce works you buy things from us we you know we it helps us but also it helps a photographer because the photographing question who took that actual photograph like this one here right with Sean they get a cut as well on top of what we pay them so it's like a nice little Burness so it's a three-way help thing if that makes any English sense at all let's move on to sgs3 is landing I just realized what time it is we are going through the timeing it's all right cuz sgs3 is fun here we go ready for the wheelie boys and girls speed 292 gear coming comes the gear Gear down 20 10 5 T down no gears 10 let five 4 3 2 touch I'm looking to TI now I'm looking at ties yeah I didn't I didn't see anything but yeah I was doing the same thing trying to trying to see if I could see any kind of event happening it looks like like such a minor little thing you know the nose went down almost touched and then went back up like right not a big deal right but when everything is so choreographed and rehearsed and trained over and over and over again and when you have such a complex vehicle like this yeah it it's actually a pretty big it's actually a pretty big deal yeah and you think the speeds too are they elevons at the back Jack I don't have my planes uh I do believe on the shuttle they are elevons I could be wrong you know different planes have different you know there's aerons there's elevons there's yeah a bunch of different control surfaces but I do believe uh the shuttle the proper term is elvon the problem here is theyve come down really hard for a start let's just go back I'm I'm not going to do it in in the actual real time I'm going to do it in like frame by frame they're coming back down they are going in coming too fast so that touchdown was too fast you can see the left side touches or the right side sorry from their perspective touches first I wonder if that's what got the tire look at the tires here the other thing is normally they would deploy the gear I believe about 400 feet off the deck sometimes 250 to 400 this was 50 feet off the deck as you heard in the call out so it basically the gear locked into place maybe 2 seconds before touchdown Which is not nominal here we go you can see the ground already they just open the do the doors for the cuz the pay the the the wheels come down by gravity basically that's how they come down and they just pull down and then locked in place so they come down right they're too fast this just locked yeah they're too fast this is too fast so that's why the NSE is coming down but they realize they're too fast so they hold it there they can't put nose cut nose down at that point so they bring it back up again and watch the flaps at the back Flappy Flap Flappy Flap back down he come and that's when they get a touchdown and apparently John Young absolutely ripped him out for it cuz with they tried blame it I think some people trying to blame the Orbiter for the auto Landing going wrong or something related to Auto Landing but I was going to say is that was this pilot induced oscillation because the shuttle is a is a fly by wire vehicle and that was relatively new at this time and there were a bunch of Control Authority um yeah challenges to work through in terms of getting the system tuned and getting the pilots used to it so that pilot induced oscillation you know like if you if you set atate the computer by telling it to pitch down and then by the time the computer's doing things to pitch down you're telling it to pitch up and then you just repeat that cycle you can enter into a uh what I mean that's what it's called it's called pilot induced oscillation I don't know if that that was this or if this was that was just you know this was an all Landing test no for this one actually part of the contributing factor as you mentioned is the Autoland it's a feature that they were going to be testing not on this flight particularly you know they were going to do some basic testing and then human land at Auto Land hadn't been a thing yet um but it wasn't complete so they tested it they tried it and just like certain planes if you give it enough input on the control stick it will disengage the autopilot uh they did that this flight they kind of moved it but it didn't fully disconnect and they didn't really notice it until very close to Landing which was also what came with the late gear down and then the speeds discrepancy so they accidentally left the autopilot kind of on so that was a contrib let's see if we can hear the call I think the call is on this video still in ut wait for it wait for it there you go speed 292 still an auto so there's still anut really interesting S I might have some pictures before I move quickly on to hang on let me see where I'm going there we are go back to some Landing pictures because it really fast go on goor they also have to do a funky hack I think uh because of the Winds rather than doing the normal slow kind of circle down towards the runway it was kind of just one Sharp need a turn yeah look at this real nice views because this is the only time they landed at wh Sands this is the only time you'll ever see this in photographs with the two t-38s escorting the orbital back down really close together well how close they get cuz the calls you'll hear about when they're like 10 ft 5et 3 feet they're coming from the chase plane the chase plane is watching them that's where the readouts come in from and they telling the the the commander and the pilot on board the aliter uh how long to go before they touch down it's really kind of Cur that that's what I did in the early days and then we saw the mess of Colombia TPS not great at all that it's not the worst one there that's a future short of Sunday so do you want to pre which was the worst one the worst TPS damage on an Orbiter that actually got back to land uh you mean SCS 27 yeah at lantis that won't good at all that's a future shot of Sunday loads of cool photographs here that's the jack picture there what's crazy is how dusty it was the fact that all the way up until it's final flight there was still dust that was found floating around the vehicle yeah they were still finding gypsum like years and years and years afterwards apparently con the shuttle guys and they just didn't like it and I mentioned the Robin Williams song um the great late comedian who did a wakeup call on a future sh Mission and it was included a line land at White Sands no way it was like cuz they really hated White Sands and it was like not even an in joke they they made it a public joke and Robin Williams did this amazing I will find it for a future short Sunday I don't if the copyright will still be on it or whatever but uh you can you can YouTube it Robin Williams wakeup song shuttle and you'll hear it and it's a really cool song that he wrote is's a genius comedian I severely miss him brilliant yeah so the the gypsum the sand at White Sands is made out it's like really really fine gypsum so it's like yes it is sand but it's not like you know coarse beach sand that you you might be thinking of it's a it's a much finer uh material and so yeah once once it got in there that was that I should have pressed click on the Matt's question about the tire Matt we're going to work on that by the way because that's intriguing I do love it when we get a shuttle Sunday we get a lot of other shuttle fans in because absolutely no way I'm an expert on sh I know about shuttle but there's so many people who like collectively get right into the depth of shuttle because he's really cool this is the um what they use for the M make device which basically cranes and poly system that as S I mentioned they they trained in uh to White Sands to set that up I've got more photographs of it as well look at this setup here isn't that that's that's crazy you got the purge truck still there it almost looks like something you'd see in Starbase yeah it exactly L that's when we get we're fascinated by the cranes there's probably some like you know back of the memory kind of like thing going on there that's a brilliant photograph that just shows how much was involved there to get the Orbiter ready to be transported onto the back of the sea look there's your nose there's your tail con yay tail boo ta we like stubby nozzles and Tails at this I've got a plane picture for you jack to make up for it look at this oh yeah I'm all about it that is really cool that's lift how to do it they lifted the Orit on the back of the sea and they did a piggyback ride and they called a piggyback ride really cool lots and lots of pictures again all in L2 and I will dump them all in Discord if you remember Cap Com above and put them everywhere so everyone gets to see them sts4 this is the last of test flights this is sts4 again Columbia a really cool that's cool cool picture of the look at this one here this is great iang gone too far gone too it's always it's always crazy to me seeing uh like camera shots and remote shots of shuttle launches and sort of kind of recognizing places around Kennedy Space Center where you're like I'm I feel like I might have put a camera there before it's pretty cool what's the cool thing about STS 4's crew popn quiz scs4 is crew I'll give you a clue measles oh uh it was Ken maddingley who flew it right yes yes having never got the [Laughter] measles that's right if you watched Apollo 13 the movie that they did the whole thing about Ken matley not being on the crew because he he was I think he was at risk of getting the measles and they didn't want him to get the measles and ruin the mission so he was off it but they end up being an integral part of rescuing the crew and then at the end of the movie it goes Kat then got to fly on the space shuttle and that's this is one ss4 this is really cool also fun fact about this launch that we're looking at this is extremely rare in shuttle history this launch is the first one in the program's history to launch exactly on time as published wellow that didn't last long did it no oh my word this is where the photographers look at this this is kind of like these are NASA photograph actually this is not a NASA photographer this is one of the people in L2 we've got one of our community they've uploaded their own photograph that is so cool really nice pictures yeah woods and we got all these photographs here they're out of order because again people are just uploading from their Collections and stuff like that which is Rob how it works really cool we get we get shuttle guys who sometimes we had experience in L2 where space shuttle we've got a lot of space shuttle because that's how we started and you can imagine that's where we call the site what it is and what have you um they've g into a loft and found like actual physical photographs in collections in boxes and we've then gone out and arranged for them to be scanned and made digital and then put into L2 so they've been never been on the internet before which is really really cool not all the time but sometimes this is obviously not one of those photographs this is from really cool Landing picture from a t38 look at the angle descent there as well t38 trying to keep up to use a Aerospace term that is fairly spicy it's really spicy beautiful photograph though I must admit that is looking at the old worm logo on the side there oh happier days really cool I'm going to show the launch first this is a shorter video again so we're not going to run out too much time here there we go let's pry sure press the right things here SS for launch we have made 4 3 2 1 and we have solid motor ex and liftoff lift off of America's space shuttle on a fourth Mission and we approved the [Music] tower it's amazing on the quality of the video gets worse is started looks good 26 seconds roll maneuver completed 30 seconds naude down to 65 3 second stats Miss control 42 seconds columia now three nautical miles altitude 46 seconds coming up on maximum anim pressure on the vehicle second nany Graphics yes like the early days before SP got involved allet on board on the screen really cool but yeah that's that's say from like an old tape which is what the times would have been time but this is the landing video this is where it gets really fun because the landing's fine The Landing is very nominal but it's just what the event was it was July astronauts who have already believe Americans took quite serious we can't pick up more Communications now between the spacecraft and so you got president rean you got nany rean there turning into a heading lined up with the runway now Spight to Bob krippin there he should be in automatic uh control at this point in time and we'll probably maintain only [Music] Challenger on Thea to the deck before he takes over with the conveniently planned fly over right after the landing yes he was so well done there it's always a beautiful sight you will get to see this I did some lined up with the runway turning in on what we might what we call final at this point in time but she I believe that this is the first shuttle to land on yes first time on there's look there's Challenger coming up you'll see I don't if I'm talking too soon but oh yeah it is she is wow what a shot she'll just generally come down keep it coming Ken Keep It Coming he's a little stand by for Touchdown there it is touchdown here's the Dust saying our graphicss Department's in shambles right now says fre launch Graphics outand J there's the speed break on the speed break he heard you Jean he heard you that's Brewster Shaw the Capcom echoing that outstanding well let's see how much runway he uses now shuttle control here The Unofficial Landing time 7 Days 1 hour 9 minutes 40 second to repeat The Unofficial Landing time bit where they here we go well we're about 14 seconds early but we lifted off on time Frank yeah you might need to boost this part of the Audio I remember it was quite a l volume for some reason on this part if you can hear is Gage in the background and this is M and harfield coming down also the final time that we will see as asut wearing the pressurized suits until uh I believe SCS 26 and the astronauts president shaking hands with madingley and with Hartsfield and Mrs Reagan giving each one of them kiss first lady touches Columbia here that does what just everybody would like to do walk up and tou the thing does that count as a Bo think she it does count as a Bo count as a florid believe they're ready to take off look at this Challenger you are free to take off now so carra but it's so well done take not the president's job to take introduce to you two sons of Auburn Captain TK mattingley and Colonel Hank Hartsfield God bless you all and a happy Fourth of July this is where it gets surreal President Reagan starts singing to the uh told here it [Music] comes I love stand beside us and guide us through the night with light [Music] what the with God bless a [Music] America see yeah that happened Jack you do you have a story you need to tell us about this something I remember you saying remind me I'm reminding burning so this was the this is where they you know the test flights are over you know this is the completion of sts4 and the shuttle is declared operational and it's like Yay America rah rah we have the shuttle we're so great um my question to you Chris [Music] is do you agree with declaring the shuttle operational after four test flights oh my word um well considering the first FL first four flights were all about testing out the operational assets of the Orbiter which include the spa or remote MIP system um return and Landing obviously uh it's a tough it's a tough one because there were still launching with just two crew members and I think to be operational you need to test it with a full crew which is usually seven six seven it's a good question um I'm thinking back now I can't see any Miss steps where they're thinking they should have had more test flights from five onwards here's here's my my angle uh and I'm I don't even I'm pretty sure this is in a book or something like I'm not I don't I take no credit for this line of thinking but shuttle was so new and so Innovative and trying to do so many things that had never been done before in space flight that to declare it operational at flight after flight 4 and just say like cool we we know how to do this we're good to go no you know no more further work needed let's start launching payloads I mean yeah sure start launching payloads but we always talk Chris about Starship being the vehicle that shuttle you know wanted to be which we call Starship shuttle 2.0 like unironically and I I really think in a lot of ways things would have gone much different if the shuttle program was allowed to you know if it was it was able to be recognized as more of a crazy Innovative thing that we were trying to do and if we didn't just stop and sort of solidify things around flight four like if we had kept trying to improve the system and then maybe put some money towards flyback solids or or flyback boosters or just any of the number of things that that got deferred in the in the funding you know rigar rooll that has to happen in order to make these things work bureaucratically but yeah I just I don't know I I ask because it always kind of irked me like the shuttle was yes it flew four successful test flights yes they were ready to move on to the next phase of the program but to just think like yeah we're good to go really really really kind of bothers me I wish at some point during the shuttle program we had been able to sort of take all the lessons learned from shuttle version one and put that into you know shuttle version 2 whether that was an actual STS thing or whether that was x33 or any any number of opportunities where we could have said okay we have accomplished a huge amount with the STS program let's take everything that we've learned and make the next step and hopefully you know we would have been able to get closer to the two flights a month original goal and all of that so I don't know just a just a a thought um it always kind of bothered me it's like yep it's operational we're good to go it's like no no no that's not how this works so what do you think I'm also going to have to caveat that it was a different kind of era and it is now there's even you go back to Apollo is even more a bigger thing because risk was acceptable I can't see the risks of the spal program in the early test flights being applied to today I don't think it ever happened look at Boeing styliner you know as soon as they thought any part of tape on the parachute was potentially flammable they canceled the mission literally and you know put a six-month delay on it the space shuttle was more risk I mean Apollo was even more risk than that do you think that four test flights was enough saw I mean like you said it was definitely the risk having the first flight have crew on it it's absolutely insane and as you mentioned will probably never happen again uh I mean I still feel like some of those early flights were still Developmental and uh kind of proving flights even if they weren't named as such I mean that's when you're still getting into the all right now let's see how it operates as a science laboratory let's see how it works as a satellite deployment mechanism see how the canid arm could be used see what can be done for the US military so I don't think it really left it's sort of uh non-operational fully phase until later on in the program it's just we stopped calling it that at sts4 right yeah which you know you have to make Congress happy you have to have the pr win of like oh look how great we are or look at how great our SP space program is so I get it politically um but yeah anyways that's I'll I'll get off my Soap Box chat chat what do you think by the way well sorry sorry sorry but chat what do you think to that question let's see what other people's opinions are at same time yeah and Jack you mentioned the SRP boost back I mean obviously SpaceX has kind of nailed something similar now but uh sts4 while we're talking about it was one of only two missions that did not recover the srbs due to uh either hard impacts or in the case of the second flight uh termination system activation on 51l there we go very good yeah Astro says go f led to challenges demise that's true in 1985 they launched about 12 missions something and we're going to go for even more on on um 1986 and they really had guy because there was lots of things in play like State of the Union event address was that night and there was some kind of pressure to make sure they had a a teacher in space for that speech lots of horrendous stories behind that don't know if it's true or not but lots of horrendous stories is behind that g fever situation that absolutely was true by the way G fever was not speculation it was something that came up in the Rogers report the rers commission I should say about putting the um I think the martiall space flight director said you do not stop a moving train once it's moving horrendous quotes from it there really are things you would not happen today thankfully because the lessons have been learned um V V2 MX I never know how to pronounce your name I'll put it on to the screen so people know what I'm talking about after the shuttle series how about a history lesson on Saturn that' be tough for me because we have some experts in that as D so we could bring them on maybe if they're willing to do that because that'd be fun got lot of photographs and videos of that as well so that'd be kind of cool um you know Ian's a big Saturn 5 he is yeah but get on he's also an Aries fan so that kind of lets him down yes yes oh dear me and hazelnut yeah hazelnut this is the problem with YouTube but pity the YouTube bomb both launch videos with an ad each uh just let you know no it's not your fault of course yeah it's not our fault but the the fun thing is we record these so they they recording will have that problem I don't believe because the live stream is different set up than a recorded video gets published so we do record these and when we press stop on the record we'll get it uploaded and we'll have links so I'll make sure we put the links look at this Ryan Kon is asking for Aries Sunday that's not happening but um yes we do record these so once we put the recording be able to watch your back and your pleasure go back to those launch Parts without the interruption of the ad that's how it should work at least but thanks I appreciate you point because I didn't know that myself so it's good to know we can make sure that the recording goes up not too long afterwards but on that bomshell I think we'll call out a day it's been fun it's gone really fast we've done an hour and 20 minutes and I I thought we will do an hour and we'll make sure we do three missions to make sure we cover an hour we end up going over so that was just really cool but let just say say thanks first and foremost to jack for being on thanks Jack yeah absolutely I feel like we could do an hour and 20 minutes on a single Mission like oh it's all it's all just up to what the uh benevolent viewers are willing to tolerate but yeah always down for shuttle Sunday glad we're doing these yeah and thank you also to sa thank you sya oh you kidding me this is this is a pleasure to be here and talk about all this it's I I watching the launch video of shuttle with the modernday VAB on the right side of the screen I don't know why it it just brought me back to the mid 2000s when I really got interested and started following all the shuttle flights it just felt like we were back in the space shuttle era and I loved it yeah I mean shuttle we I tend to digress on wrapped sides and make sure it's like a shuttle reference in there somewhere I can't help it just the way it is where You' been brought up and where You' been like where you got into your interest into space flight but we have a lot more shuttle Sundays to come we look for a spare Sunday there's like Museum show some have an interview whatever and maybe a styling launch it's amazing styling launch today usually a styl launch every other day but when there's a spare Sunday we'll make sure we do these it' be interesting what we do next I think we'll do like an sts5 to you know the the early flights the early operational flights and find something interesting we'll have stand alars for things like Hubble missions and what have you because they're really cool and the big deep space astronomies like Chandra I mean STS 93 is going to be its own mission on a Sunday alone that's guaranteed and then one day we'll do like a shutle mission we'll probably do a modern one uh a modern one I say a modern one it's been over a decade since the shot retired but we'll take one of those later missions where we've got lots of video assets really good quality video assets of the entire countdown and things like that and we'll do like a live launch day as if we're covering it on a live stream a spal mission so we would literally be commentating over it as if it was live and never be like an NSF live stream of a launch but shuttle and we'll do it in that kind of perspective where it's really kind of cool because like no one's ever done that really especially on NSF Channel where we've done a shuttle launch as if it was live so that's something we're going to think of doing at one point in the future but I'm rambling and I always do the end of these these live streams so I'm going to make sure I don't ramble too much longer I don't know if we get a moo at the end of these like we do on Raptor sides so I'm going to say thanks for joining us and goodbye for now and we'll see what happens
Channel: NASASpaceflight
Views: 13,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 29sec (4769 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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