Shutter Island (2010) Movie REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel we got another movie reaction for you Leo and Scorsese yes please all day let's go yes yes Shutter Island very excited very exciting if you guys didn't know we do movie night every single weekend over on the Nikki and Steven live Channel yep we got a live Channel we have a great ass time over there we do it's fun live streaming hanging out chatting with the community watching really cool [ __ ] telling dad jokes yeah it's a blast so come join us there's a link there there's one definitely popping up down below so yeah Shutter Island you ready let's go thank you that looks creepy as [ __ ] yeah it does very much so and the music with it that would be me 100 that's me seasick absolutely the Hulk was in there seriously I just can't can't stomach the water you look green Bud yeah he's definitely not looking looking too good how long have you been with the mushrooms four years so you know how small it is sure what about you you got a girl okay I was Ty he's wearing right now there was a fire at the apartment building while I was at work four people died oh [ __ ] give you a briefing about the institution before you left oh no it's a mental hospital oh awesome well it was just folks running around hearing voices and chasing after butterflies they wouldn't eat us that feels like uh a little bit of a foreshadow that looks ominous and and peaceful all the same time is this Iceland Greenland I'd appreciate it if you'd hurry up about it why storm's coming no of course the storm's coming of course we're gonna have a white squall situation the island only looks freaky because of the music that's playing honestly the music is really like telling yeah foreign dude everybody is so on edge right now this is that is terrifying oh okay well there you go Marshall we all uh [Music] yeah the music is definitely setting the tone for the start of this movie like you gentlemen will be a card at all the help we can give but during his stay you will obey protocol admittance towards C is forbidden without the written consent and physical presence of both myself and Dr Cauley you act like insanity is catching hereby required to surrender your Firearms we are duly appointed Federal Marshals we are required to carry a firearm when inside a Penitentiary the offices of that institution have final Authority wow okay that seemed odd this is this guy's first day we take only the most dangerous damage patients once no other Hospital can manage it's a really pretty area thank you oh my God oh God wow Marshall Daniels [ __ ] it martial law thank you deputy wardenerable yes I love the fast pants I do too I think that's really cool it makes me feel like um clue or Glass Onion stuff okay wild art used to be the kind of patients we deal with here were Shackled and left in their own filth whipping them bloody would drive The psychosis out we drove screws into their brains we submerged them in icy water until their lost Consciousness or even drowned Jesus by the hill try to cure and if that fails at least we provide them with a measure of comfort in their lives calm these are all violent Defenders right murdered them in some cases in almost all cases yes personally doctor I'd have to say screw their sense of calm wow okay so this female prisoner patient excuse me patient Rachel salando escaped sometime in the last 24 hours between 10 and midnight she considered dangerous you could say that she killed all three of her children she drown them in the lake behind her house held their heads under till they die she brought them back inside and arranged around the kitchen table she ate a meal there before a neighbor dropper what's up oh God oh God Rachel Sue believes the children are alive she also believes this place is a home in the Berkshires he's never once in two years acknowledged that she's in an institution she believes we're all Delivery Man Milkman postal workers wow she's created an elaborate fictional structure she gives us all parts to play in that fiction wow the mind is a crazy thing we don't know how she got out of her room was locked from the outside as if she evaporated straight through the walls this is wild I'm loving this though I'm absolutely loving this it was 67 [ __ ] if I know I have to say that's quite close to my clinical conclusion [ __ ] if I know perfect yeah me too doctor we're gonna need access to the Personnel files of all the medical staff anyone who was working I'll take your request under consideration you will comply all I can say is I'll see what I can do we're gonna need to speak with the staff I'll assemble them in the common room after dinner if you have any further questions feel free to join the deputy warden in the search it's so well it feels like they have so many guards and such tight lockdown I am so fascinated by this already mm-hmm what about those caves down there have you checked them no way she could get there the base of those Cliffs are covered in the poison ivy thousand plants with thorns as big as my dick I'm sorry don't don't make me speculate on that this is are we talking little spikes big spikes who else does she have to pass to get down here and you were at your post all night yeah but then you think you look real sus friend maybe went to the bathroom you breached protocol this solando was put in her room for lights out does anyone here know what she did before that she was in a group therapy session anything unusual occur it's a mental institution Marshall for the criminally insane usual isn't a big part of our day I like her too she was worried about the rain and she hated the food here Dr Sheehan led the discussion Dr Sheehan he's Rachel's primary a psychiatrist who directly oversees her care we're going to need to speak with Dr Sheen I'm afraid that won't be possible he lived on the ferry this morning you let it person leave you're in a state a lot though and you let her primary doctor leave on vacation of course he's a doctor [Laughter] this I don't know hello I'm sorry sir but it's all down all the lines the storms hit in the middle like a hammer if you're good at working come find me immediately the marshals need to make an important call this feels so sass like also like these huge rooms one desk one light I mean visually this is already like incredible so good man nice music who is that Brahms no no smaller quite right Marshall more tips for piano and strings in a minor you're poisoned gentleman soda are a nice place you don't indulge in alcohol isn't it common for men in your profession to impact yours I'm sorry Psychiatry yes I always heard it was overrun with boozers and drunks not that I've noticed iced tea in your glass there you have outstanding defense mechanisms to be quite Adept at interrogations what are these flashbacks he keeps having yeah looks like Holocaust stuff yeah yeah the concentration camps and [Music] oh [ __ ] oh my wow dude [Music] it's the music in this movie already has just been you ever seen a death camp doctor concentration slaga perfect yeah German illegal immigration a crime oh I don't know doctor you tell us [ __ ] we're gonna need those files out of the question [ __ ] out of this question [ __ ] who the hell is in charge here anyway huh continue your investigation and we'll do all we can to help we're taking the ferry back in the morning wow so he was a soldier in World War II that's what all the flashbacks are this feels so sketchy yeah you haven't heard the truth once yet sure Rachel Salado didn't slip out of a locked cell Barefoot without any help it's the music man is really scary yeah it's giving you the just Eerie feeling throughout the entire movie so far this is music is such an amazing tone Center Jesus are you ever sober anymore killed a lot of people in the war is that why you drink and you were healed no she's still here oh Rachel she never left she's here you can't leave jump Cuts I'm loving this oh my God bombs in a box Teddy gosh [Music] dude this like for oh my God that was beautiful but also horrifying yes I feel like all the symbolism from all of his like flashback or dream sequences or massively telling Rachel salando is on a combination of drugs meant to keep her from becoming violent but it was only intermittently effective the greatest obstacle to her recovery was her refusal to face what she had done is there a reason you keep referring to your patient in the past tense doctor look outside Marshall why do you think [Music] um she was so sweet but you can see it in her eyes she liked to be naked to suck [ __ ] oh my good Lord and then she asked me if she can have a glass of water alone in the kitchen my thing so so she could laugh at it we need to ask you some questions okay when I cut her she screamed I'm sorry Rachel salando you know that she drowned her own kids she drowned her kids this is a sick [ __ ] world we live in I'll tell you that you know what they should be gassed the the retards the killers that kill your own kid stop that stop that that nurse Maybe I think she had kids huh and it says in your filed it you tore our face off oh God not ever again this is so intense no come on holy [ __ ] dude oh I'll never get out of here you seem quite normal well I have my dark days I suppose everybody does the difference is uh most people don't kill their husbands with an ax okay so there's that if a man beats you and [ __ ] half the women he sees and no one will help you axing him isn't the least understandable thing you could do oh [ __ ] can you tell us about Rachel um why does everybody keep her tone completely shifted she thought she was still living in the Berkshires and we were all her neighbors at the the this feels rehearsed and Dr Sheehan was there that night what's he like uh he's uh I think that he took her off the island not hard on the eyes as my mother would say foreign talking about axing her husband yeah but the moment she gets asked about this she starts like stammering her words and not confident about what she's saying I'm sketched out about this doctor could I have a glass of water no problem I made a patient named Andrew ladies no that's the way she's shaking oh my God was coached she was practically the same words as calling the nurse like she's been told exactly what to say okay Andrew ladis is a maintenance man in the apartment building where my wife and I live oh [Music] there's also a fire bug Andrew latest slipped the match oh we have a slight conflict of interest right now latest got away with it and then he disappeared about a year ago I opened up the paper and there he is huge scarf from his right Temple down to his left lip first he went to prison then he got transferred here then what then nothing pretty sure he's not in what B that leaves what to see oh it could be dead a lot of places to hide a body here only one place no one would really notice oh [ __ ] again beautiful but also terrifying that patient Bridget Kern she said something to get back that itchy no she wrote it run hell no hell nah zaflatus is here are you gonna do about it I'm not here to kill like this [ __ ] is this oh okay flashback oh my God I was like what the hell's going on outside when we got through the gates at dacao the SS God surrendered the common dog tried to kill himself before we got there but he botched it took him an hour to die holy [ __ ] when I went outside I saw all the bodies on the ground too many to count oh my God too many to imagine so yeah [Music] the music is by far the most recognizable storytelling element of this movie so far besides the oh [ __ ] damn oh [ __ ] it wasn't Warfare it was it's a murder that I've had enough of killing that's not why I'm here dude I started doing some checking on ashcliff a lot of people know about this place but the only one talk you know it's like it's like they're scared or something I found somebody who used to be a patient here George noyce nice college kid socialist he gets off some money to do a side study guess what they were testing it ends up here in ashcliff Ward C they release him after one year walks into a bar it's three men to death Jesus but a mental hospital there experimenting on people here I didn't believe a crazy guy that's the beauty of it isn't it crazy people they're the perfect subjects they talk nobody listens we fought a goddamn War to stop them and now now I find out it may be happening here so what are you really here to do to I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna blow the lid off this place wait a minute dude waiting for a chance to get out here and then suddenly they need a U.S Marshal I got lucky there was a patient escape the world doesn't work that way they got an electrified fence around a septic facility what if they wanted you here [ __ ] we came in for Rachel Solano where's One shred evidence she even existed well you were looking into them they were looking into you oh [ __ ] the way this story is unraveling is fascinating I just have one quick question we spoke this morning about Rachel salando's no the law of four I love that you said you had no idea what that second line could refer to correct it was 67 yes I'm afraid I still don't nothing comes to mind because I believe I just heard you say there are 24 patients in Ward C and 42 patients in words A and B which means there's a total of what 66 patients at this facility that is correct yes that seems to me Rachel salando is suggesting that you have a 67th patient good person tell you the good news Rachel's been found what who are these men why are they in my house police officers Rachel they have a few questions so much I made breakfast and I sent the children off to school oh [ __ ] dude I decided to take a long swim in the lake I was kind of buying the idea that she was fake to be honest same I thought of you I'm sorry oh am I supposed to [ __ ] my God this is tragic I buried you I buried an empty casket your body rained down lumps of Flesh splashing into the sea eaten by sharks my Gym's dead so who the [ __ ] are you this movie is very cerebral 67 thing is very interesting yeah you think it's him I don't know somehow someway the [ __ ] feels very bizarre are you all right to the pale I'm fine it's just uh bus you okay goddamn bride isn't it photo sensitivity headache sometimes Marshall are you having a migraine how much of this isn't actually really happening is where my head is at right now that's he's having a migraine imagine someone saw it open your head filled you with razors and shook it as hard as they could what are they what pills are they giving him like I'm sure it's not just Tylenol right like what are they giving him dude this movie is incredible so far yeah it's like ever since they had that conversation about like what's real and what's not yeah like them trying to like get him in and like it's all my head is just like the theories are just flying through my brain right now who is that that's the ward don't you worry about him all right I mean by the way Ali how great is Leo by the way oh my God he's doing a great job I mean foreign [Music] but like the way that they're doing this is so so creepy so awful they keep going back to dabs you're right in the back of the head it keep going back to that one like mom and daughter right what the [ __ ] [Music] oh my God the music is so good you should have saved you should have saved all of us I think everything about this oh that's the dude yeah no hard feelings right [Music] the clock's ticking my friend that was a good scream oh my God the smoke just went backwards oh my God I'm so sorry so she did she didn't drown them [Music] what the [ __ ] dude thank you what the actual oh God I need to find him and you'll kill him dead I'm getting like a vibe that like I'm probably so far off but I'm getting the vibe that this life is fake this life isn't real I don't know I don't know something is just I'm not starting track of generators failed whole place has gone crazy [Music] The Purge has begun what oh my God The Purge nice day for a stroll don't you think towards C for example has he referenced the cut on his forehead being dressed like that has been very helpful to this point I feel like perfect I like you oh I can feel them good okay you're it oh shh dude I had blood all over his feet too dude it's a [ __ ] Labyrinth it's the Labyrinth with the upside down stairs where's Toby oh [ __ ] what's the sound he's feeling like it sounds like a [ __ ] squirrel I don't want to leave here all right I mean why would anybody walk through [Music] holy [ __ ] dude [ __ ] the matter with you guys catch them not kill them he jumped us just everything about the way this is filmed the angles the movements incredible cinematography like is so good with the light going on okay [ __ ] off ah okay oh God oh God let me see your Goddamn face now what so you can lie to me more this isn't about the truth yes it is it's about exposing the truth it's about Joe who did this to you George everything you were wrapped over your whole planet this is a game all of this my partner you never worked with him before have you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he's a US Marshals before I know people like I trust this man that they've already won wow Let It Go tell him why you gotta do it there's no other way tell him about the day you brought me my locket they have to let it go I can't I can't the way the store is unraveling is not anymore today only one place he can be in the [ __ ] lighthouse keep going you belong here remember when he was struggling to get his gun off his belt yeah he's not a martial see that's what I was like he's new right I'm going to that Lighthouse and find out what the [ __ ] is happening on this island I don't know but I would imagine you just don't jump to Marshall you have to have a lot of experience to build up to being a marshal which would require you to have a handgun I would imagine literally yeah I would imagine he would know how to take the clip off his belt what the hell can I say to you to stop you why why would you want to Chuck why climbing down there when it's dark is a thin step shot of suicide that's why okay what the hell happened back then those cells Ted what do you think the weather's like in Portland from Seattle here I'm going on alone I said alone Hulk smash knew it wouldn't take long get to it the tide was up Chuck oh God oh God oh God what the [ __ ] hell no that was impressive that climb was looked pretty challenging this is oh yucky oh oh that's not nice ooh Pro climber honestly in in those shoes who are you I'm a cop hear the Marshall I'm gonna keep this is this patient 67 Rachel solando the real one oh did you kill your children I never had children before I was a patient at ashcliff I worked here oh [ __ ] tell the world you're crazy and all your protests to the country just confirm what they're saying once you're declared and sane then anything you do is called part of that insanity I started asking about these large shipments of sodium amitol an opium-based hallucinogens psychotropic drugs damn I heard of the trans orbital lobotomy actually now that you mention it the brain controls fear empathy sleep hunger anger everything damn what if you could control it the brain recreate a man so he doesn't feel pain sympathy this is blowing my mind right now they turned soldiers into Traders that's what they're doing here 's years of research hundreds of patients to experimental and Nazis use the Jews Soviets used prisoners in their own gulags and we we tested patience on Shutter Island wow wow it was an esteemed psychiatrist and he passed traumas in your life why would that matter because they're going to point to some event in your past I say it's a reason you lost your sanity oh my God any funny dreams lately trouble sleeping well now that you mention it you haven't taken any pills have you I mean even aspirin and you you ate the food and the cafeteria and drunk the coffee they gave you you tell me at least that you've been smoking your own cigarettes [ __ ] seen any walking nightmares Marshall oh my God I had a friend have you seen him Marsha you have no friends I mean my head is my head's spinning right now it's just I can't wait to see how this all just unfolds we were wondering when you'd show up his voice is so familiar it feels like [ __ ] like Silence of the Lambs guy am I right is that Buffalo Bill is that him thank you Chad fellas and plunder and tear it the Flesh of our brothers and why because God I mean it's the voice it is if I was to sink my teeth into your eye right now would you be able to stop me before I blinded you the [ __ ] give it a try that's the spirit oh man two weeks ago a patient got so wound up by one of noyce's stories that he beat him up cigarette nope oh thanks I quit noise said that he did this to him yeah we've gotten all we came here for so we Marshall you've seen him Doctor Who my partner Chuck you don't have a partner Marshall you came here alone you know what this movie feels like what's that momento oh man I feel like he literally just told him that you're a patient in this place right without directly telling him like Hey you're a patient in this place right if he's not a patient in this place then my head's gonna explode right because it feels like where we're going with this you are wounded Marshall and wouldn't you agree when you see a Monster stop it God damn I need almost [ __ ] hurt that was a big ass needle too [ __ ] [Applause] nice car crazy what are you doing baby oh God you gotta get to the ferry if the world thinks that Chuck is dead then he's perfect for their experiments there's only one place they take them sorry honey band-aid's gone it's gone I love this thing because you gave it to me the truth is one [ __ ] ugly tie bye bye beautiful car that was weird he just like instantly jumped over that was a weird shot right there I just think the wall looked bigger than it actually was [Music] music honestly the music is so great I freaking love it it feels very old school yes like [Music] left your post to go to the bathroom come on stay where you are oh let's make you go night night I mean Lighthouse would be a hell of a place to be holding high level brain surgery yeah like what's really happening here why are you what baby I'm sorry what did you say you know exactly what I said look they're [ __ ] with him they're [ __ ] with us this whole movie's a swerve I mean this movie's making me feel like I'm losing my mind yeah yeah dramas are getting pretty bad how are the hallucinations this place is gonna be gonna be um they're not great doc they're not great Dr solando she told me about the neuroleptics did she know in a cave out by the cliffs but I'll never get to her I don't doubt it considering she's not real you're not on your elliptics and what the [ __ ] is this huh what the [ __ ] is this withdrawal from from what I haven't had a goddamn drinks since I've been on this island chlorpromazine the same thing we've been giving you for the past 24 months so for the past two years you you've had somebody slipping me drugs in Boston here you've been here for two years a patient of this institution yep I'm a U.S Marshal for God's sakes you were a U.S Marshal proof of the 67th patient if you'd gotten it to the mainland you could have blown the lid off this place where somehow you couldn't find time to look at it we'll read it now because no remorse for his crime because he denies the crime ever ever took place I've had enough of this [ __ ] where's my partner huh where's Chuck where is he let's try this another way if it's anything these four names have in common it's your rule of four if you've done anything to my partner doctor that is a violation of focus Andrew what do you see the names have the same letters what the [ __ ] your name is Andrew ladies the 67th patient at ashcliffe is you Andrew let's let's get down to the facts you've created a story in which you're not a murderer you're a hero still a US Marshal hearing this fantasy for two years now I know every detail patient 67 the storm Rachel salando your missing partner the dreams you have every night wow you're the most dangerous patient you have you've injured orderless guards other patients two weeks ago you attacked George noyce you had no speed of course I didn't give me one reason why I would even touch him because he called you ladies almost killed him the wild unless we can bring you back to sanity now permanent measures will be taken to ensure you can't hurt anyone ever again and lobotomize you Andrew but what about my part you're gonna tell the U.S Marshal's office that he's a defense mechanism oh boss who are you tell me don't you recognize me Andrew I've been your primary psychiatrist for the last two years I'm Lester Sheehan thought that if we let you play this out we could get you to see how untrue how impossible it is we're the Nazi experiments the satanic going on this was all a play all a fake just to get him to realize that he's crazy yeah no my name is Edward Daniels you see and that's your firearm Marshall you're sure my initials are on the side there's a dent in the barrel from when Philip stacked shot at me you're not gonna [ __ ] with my mind on this one doctor then blast away what the [ __ ] that's a toy Andrew we're telling you the truth ah oh you've done is laughing your children handle your children those are his children you have any children your wife drowned them at the cabin by the lake do you buy everything yeah maybe why are you all wet where are the kids [Applause] oh my God no [Music] please God no put them at the table to try them off oh my God they'll be our living dolls oh I love you so much I love you oh shh [Laughter] [Laughter] Andrew holy [ __ ] why are you here because I killed my wife our children he told me to let it go who's Teddy Daniels he doesn't exist now that is Rachel solando I made them up why we need to hear you say it after she tried to kill herself the first time Dolores told me she she had an insect living inside a brain process called oh God you told me that why did you make them up because I can't take knowing that Dolores killed our children I killed them because I didn't I didn't get our help that killed them we broke through once before nine months ago and then you regressed I don't remember that you reset Andrew like a tape playing over and over on an endless loop I hope that what we've done here will be enough to stop it from ever happening again I need to know you've accepted reality this is so wild so good came after me he tried to help me when no one else would my name is Andrew latest and I'm ordering my wife in the spring 52. um if I do some crazy [ __ ] like do that you better [ __ ] kill me if I do that to my children are you kidding me what's our next move you tell me gotta get off this rock chuck back to the mainland whatever the hell is going on here it's um [ __ ] he just reverted the place makes me wonder which would be worse live is a monster I'm gonna die he's a good man so I think he knows at this point he he didn't just actually revert he just that whole line with would you rather live as a monster or die as a good man if he reverts back he's dying as a good man but if he lives then he's a monster for killing his wife because she killed their children holy [ __ ] I'm Blown Away by that movie just it was so good I mean the way they I bet you if you go back and watch this again the signs are so obvious and clear I'm sure because then because we know what happens right but it's like there are a lot of very subtle things that play out that give you a tease to what the hell is happening yeah and I mean it's like at one point I didn't believe any of it was like I didn't even believe the people that were there were really there right that's what I was gathering like that's where I thought we were going with I thought it was like a Fight Club situation where yeah he had like his own like alternate yeah but he was seeing his other personality telling him to do things kind of stuff and it's like spoiler alert for Fight Club I mean it's one of those things where so they think he's sick and going through this Loop but in reality the whole time he's kind of playing them I think this is this time he was playing them because the last statement was I would rather die no he knew what was happening he I would rather die as a good man than live as a monster that I really enjoyed that movie I thought it was fantastic I mean the music alone just the music like outside of the story The visuals oh my God insane the cinematography and the way they film things just like the fast pans to stuff just the like the aerial shots just everything visually was absolutely incredible the music was amazing the way it just set the tone from the beginning you knew some creepy [ __ ] was going down and it just made you feel uncomfortable from the start yes the acting and the delivery I mean Leo is amazing oh my God I mean we all know that already he's not just a pretty face dude can [ __ ] act his ass off too yeah but like everyone also in this movie was fantastic and the way they were kind of intertwining the flashbacks into the story yeah it just makes you like this movie plays mind Ninja on you and it's like planning things in your head you're like wait why are they showing us wait why did they focus on wait why are they doing wait hold on what's going on here and then it just starts just like unraveling and you're like holy [ __ ] this is not anything close to what we even really think it is right this is not them bringing in a marshall to investigate this missing patience nope they're letting him act out his if everyone was playing a role and carrying along the just role that they were playing just to make the he was basically their experiment yes to prove that what they were doing was working right and then at the end he so it did work and then at the very end he's so done with this yeah like all right I'm a monster I don't want to do this anymore yeah oh I mean just the the way everything laid out in this movie I mentioned comparing it kind of like it's not like momento but it makes you it kind of gives you that like thought process of like what is playing out here it's one of those things where it makes you confused and then start questioning so many different things about what's playing out I thought it was so well done and I mean the small subtle hints like finding a little note like they wouldn't have found that if they were actually did a good search of the room yeah at the beginning where he found a little note with a little hidden message like being able to pinpoint it back to 67 and this idea of the what was it the rule of three four four the rule four and then revealing like all the names they're all the same like same number of letters with the same letters and it's all just this giant thing that's just linking his story and building his story I enjoyed that I loved every part of it it was so good just I yes I I loved it from the beginning all the way to the end so good and just even something as subtle as Chuck not being able to take his gun off his belt it's like oh there's something up there and originally I thought chalk was figured men of his whole imagination I didn't think he was I thought he was the one who wasn't there yeah like and then he realized that he's the main doctor that they were talking about and another bunch of really subtle things that they did was they told him directly you did this yes you were responsible for this yes and the way he just interprets it in his own mind like oh no I was responsible like I caused this person to do something yes it's like no when he was talking to George yeah like you did it yes you directly physically abused this dude it wasn't your actions causing someone else to beat him up you did it like so so incredible he was hearing in fact his own name right be chanted through the hall yeah makes more sense now yeah I loved it I thought it was absolutely fantastic and just I thought it was a pretty I I thought it was a pretty Flawless psycho mental thriller movie yes but not like so crazy with like Gore or anything like that it was just no it just had that creep factor to where it gave you enough and again the flashbacks of him and the war and the concentration death camps and just all of that giving him the issues and then his wife killing the kids and then him killing his wife like just the whole Snowball Effect of everything that went down in his life insane I know this is kind of a joke but Cinema Cinema that was incredible I mean again just the overall direction of the movie all of it just every aspect of it was so cool I thought it was fantastic see I really really really liked it any other thoughts no I'm glad that this was number two on last week's poll I appreciate you guys voting so good yeah shocking I mean yeah so much so much I want to go back and watch it again and be like oh my God that was obvious okay that's okay okay there's that and I bet you ever I feel like this happens every single time we watch a movie we will have never seen anything pop up online ever and then literally the very next day it'll be on [ __ ] cable 100 like are you for real right now yeah this is for sure I just the the like just going back to the beginning of the movie the idea that like they took him off the island put him on a ferry boat rode him and presented him like that whole like the the stuff that they did to make this plan go into place just wild yes just so wild so I mean insane good stuff so anything I really liked it yeah that's fantastic I'm done yeah all right y'all you guys leave all your thoughts what did you think of Shutter Island incredible movie Scorsese and DiCaprio obviously they're a freaking Duo that you you don't mess with because word unbelievable absolutely leave your thoughts we'll catch you guys later for the next one have a good one bye [Music]
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 135,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikki steven, nikki and steven, nikki and steven react, nikki steven react, nikki steven reaction video, nikki and steven reaction video, reaction video, reaction, shutter island, shutter island reaction, shutter island review, shutter island explained, shutter island movie reaction, shutter island movie review, shutter island movie recap, shutter island recap, leonardo dicaprio movie reaction, leonardo dicaprio, martin scorsese movie reaction, martin scorsese
Id: xVVrCXI-xes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 42sec (3522 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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