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hello everyone and welcome back to popcorn in bed thank you as always for being here i'm cassie your movie host of the evening tonight i am watching shutter island did you know that ever since this came out i thought it was shutter like the shutter like shutter you know a group of friends i remember wanting were wanting to watch this way back when but i thought it was shutter island and so it sounded so scary and the cover looked scary so i was out but look at me now conquering my fears i'm gonna watch shutter island i'm excited i know leo is in it he is one of my favorites i loved him in a lot of things catch me if you can blood diamond inception titanic if you like and subscribe it's always super helpful and you can always check out full-length reactions early access blah blah blah here patreon okay let's watch a show [Music] hmm oh that made me feel nauseous oh mark ruffalo's in this i love him too you're my new partner that's right caught you you got a girl she died jesus there was a fire at the apartment building while i was at work my goddamn cigarettes are they some kind of detectives i know it's a mental hospital oh good criminally insane on an island it's the only way on or off we'll be casting off as soon as you do our shore why storms coming oh boy what decade are we in here welcome to shutter island i'll be the one taking you up to ash cliff they seem nice the boys seem a little on edge mr big fiesta we all uh [Music] did they lose a prisoner or something this is creepy electrified perimeter how can you tell seen something like it before [Music] i feel like somebody's going to jump out at me all right you gentlemen will be accorded all the help we can get the red brick building on your right the male ward the female award is the one on your left ward c the most dangerous patients are housed there you act like insanity is catching you're hereby required to surrender your firearms i don't like that we take only the most dangerous damage patients [Music] [Applause] ids gentlemen i feel so claustrophobic for them i think being on an island is just um it used to be the kind of patients who deal with hair were shackled and left in their own filth we drove screws into their brains we submerged them in icy water until they lost consciousness or even drowned no try to heal try to cure provide them with a measure of comfort in their lives calm they've hurt people murdered them in some cases screw their sense of calm it's my job to treat my patients not their victims so this female prisoner patient so someone has escaped rachel salando she killed all three of her children she drowned them in the leg behind her house oh my gosh and what about the husband she's a war with her she insisted the children weren't dead you don't happen to have an aspirin do you what were those flashbacks yeah rachel still believes the children are alive she also believes this place is a home in the berkshires for all delivery man milkman postal workers she's created an elaborate fictional structure she gives us all parts to play in that wow we don't know how she got out of her room it was locked from the outside it's like nicole kidman and the others she created a fiction in her mind refused to believe what she'd done how is it possible that the truth never gets through san luis is not a choice the law of four who is 67 [ __ ] if i know i have to say that's quite close to my clinical conclusion where did she go tyrone was strong last night she the ground had been crushed on the rocks and her body would have washed back up on shaw what about those caves down there no way she could get there they're always where you least expect them i didn't see nothing and you were at your post all night yeah but i didn't see you think he looks like he may be lying tell me the truth and maybe went to the bathroom she was in a group therapy session anything unusual occur it's a mental institution usual isn't a big part of our day was there a doctor present yes dr sheehan led the discussion he's rachel's primary well where's dr sheehan he left on the ferry this morning his vacation was already planned you let her primary doctor leave and vacation of course he's a doctor do you have the phone number for where he's gone anybody there something is off but it's all down but i also feel like i'm gonna like this i like mystery crime solving [Music] this is the original commander's quarters when uncle sam got the bill commando was caught marshalled it's music what is this it's marlon i looked like a concentration camp yeah boys and gentlemen soda or nice please isn't it common for men in your profession to embark what's that he's peeing your glass there you have outstanding defense mechanisms you must be quite adept at interrogations what is this that's hitler that there was a picture oh my gosh that is a concentration camp seeing a death camp doctor your english is fast perfect is legal immigration a crime we're going to need those files on sheen he relayed your request and it's been refused this investigation is over we're gonna file our reports and we're gonna hand it over to our uber's boys hoover's boys that's right come on chuck they are not cooperating why jesus are you ever sober anymore killed a lot of people the world is that why you drink are you real she's still here who who rachel she never left this is his late wife this ash falling oh i love you so much oh this is so painful wake up teddy it's a nightmare do you know the state of the mental health field these days not a clue doctor war the old school believes in surgical intervention some say the patients become reasonable others say they become zombies in the new school a new drug has just been approved for philosophy which relaxes psychotic patients and which school are you doctor i have this radical idea that if you treat a patient with respect listen to him try and understand you just might reach him these patients rachel solando was on a combination of drugs the greatest obstacle to her recovery was her refusal to face what she had done is there a reason you keep referring to your patient in the past tense doctor look outside marshall why do you think he thinks she's dead and then she asks me if she can have a glass of water like that's no big deal she wanted me to pull out my thing so that she could laugh at it we need to ask you some questions okay when i cut her she screamed oh we're here to talk about rachel salando you know that she drowned her own kids gasp the [ __ ] could you stop that a nurse please stop that maybe she had kids you tore her face off no more normally for her not ever again he's not gonna get answers what she was afraid of you could you stop that patient named andrew latest i don't know if this is the best approach oh i'll never get out of here i'm not sure that i should you seem quite normal most people don't kill their husbands with an axe although personally i think if a man beats you and no one will help you axing him isn't the least understandable thing you could do maybe you shouldn't get out what would i do if i did what can you tell us about rachel she thought she was still living in the berkshires we were all her neighbors milkman postman deliverymen dr sheehan was there that night tell me about him uh he's uh what not hard on the eyes as my mother would say something's up with dr sheehan could i have a glass of water no problem thank you marshall what did you ever meet a patient named andrew latest who's andrew latest never heard of her she was coached it's like she's been told exactly what to do they do they all said the postman the milkman the delivery man andrew latest was a maintenance man in the apartment building where my wife and i lived andrew later slit the match that caused the fire that killed my wife it was arson about a year ago i opened up the paper and there he is he burned down a school house said hoisters told him to do it then he got transferred here then what he vanished like he never existed no record whatsoever it could be dead so could rachel solando a lot of places to hide about in here only one place no one will really notice but who's killing them that patient she sent something to your back there is she no come on she wrote it what's she right run we gotta i feel like the doctor's up to something is here what are you gonna do about it i'm not here to kill this my wife i'd kill him twice what's happening oh another flashback when we got through the gates at dark the ss god surrendered the common dog tried to kill himself he watched it took him an hour to die when i went outside i saw all the bodies on the ground oh my gosh oh ah god surrendered we could be a gun oh my gosh it wasn't warfare it was murder i've had enough of killing no wonder you is messed up when you got back you know this place is funded by a special grant from the house on american activities committee you act and how exactly fighting the comedies from an island and boston are by conducting experiments on the mind huwak is an anti-communist branch well i found somebody who used to be a patient here george noyce ward c they release him after one year and he walks into a bar stabs three men to death oh my gosh he begs the judge for the electric chair anywhere but a mental hospital judge gives him life and dead in prison and you've found yeah i found him oh he's doing a secret investigation they're experimenting on people here i don't believe a crazy guy crazy people that are perfect subjects they talk nobody listens i stood a darker we fought a goddamn war to stop them and now now i find out it may be happening here i'm gonna blow the lid off this place ah what if they wanted you here [ __ ] we came in for rachel salado where was one shred evidence she even existed well you were looking into them they were looking into you ah now they have a spot yeah no module i don't understand it is too coincidental after all that i dropped those suits off to be cleaned this is our only choice huh that's something really nice in a prison great hope that don't work for it all would see patients be placed in manual restraints if the facility floods they'll drown say the power fails it's a backup generator and if that goes the cell doors will open oh my there's 24 human beings i'd put all 42 inwards a and b in manual restraints as well excuse me i'll be with you in a moment we spoke this morning about rachel salando's note the law of four i love that you said you had no idea what that second line could refer to who was 67 what did they do to rachel i believe i just heard you say there are 24 patients in ward c and 42 patients in words a and b which means there's 66 patients at this facility well it seems to me rachel salando is suggesting that you have a 67th patient doctor didn't mcpherson tell you the good news rachel's been found what was she just a ploy to get him here were they hiding her there has been a sighting of a known communist in this area passing out literature in this neighborhood now if you could tell us what you did yesterday would really help us narrow down our search smart i sent the children off to school and then i decided to take a long swim in the lake there's no way where'd they find her did they tell us that after that i thought of you don't you know how lonely i've been saying she thinks he's her husband how am i supposed to survive i'm so sorry everything's gonna be all right okay he's so nice i buried you my jim's dead so who the [ __ ] are you this is insane this place is getting to him i didn't want to interrupt i thought she might tell you something we found her down by the lighthouse skipping stones bus you okay so goddamn right isn't it you're worried about him you like these mushrooms please don't tell me they're giving him some kind of pills oh this is very very stressful who's that guy who is that that's the one don't you worry about him all right poor guy he probably just wants to go home but also avenge his wife in some way oh stop the things they saw when okay what he's dreaming i know but stop you should have saved me you should have saved all of us how much you need wake up the clock's ticking my friend give me a hand here oh he's going crazy i could get into trouble oh my gosh wake up i can't i'm so sorry why didn't you see me i wanted to look by the time i is got talking about what is happening oh my gosh see aren't they beautiful [Music] what does he have to do with this and them holy crap we are missing a big part of the story his wife is he having a dream inside a dream why are you all wet maybe latest isn't dead you need to find him and you kill him dead he's got some demons okay boss backup generators found the whole place has gone crazy oh my gosh they need to get off this island oh my gosh they stay for a stroll don't you think towards you for example he wants to help him this is where they keep the worst ones guys even the other inmates are scared well their change of clothes became helpful jesus christ first time on watch c huh we heard stories around her [ __ ] these [ __ ] will kill you they didn't restrain them manually and now they're all out don't go in there guys oh my gosh this is terrible here latest this is so scary they need to turn on the lights where is everybody shouldn't they have all the guards searching for the ones that are still out no not again chuck hurry oh my gosh i don't want to leave here all right we hear things here about each bomb test [Applause] don't kill him what are you doing you catch them not kill them he jumped us no no not you take a walk you need to get out of there what is happening [Applause] get out of here oh my gosh oh my gosh ladies is he gonna know who he is george know him you don't like it how did they get you out of that no don't you get it all of this is for you you're a [ __ ] rat and amazed i thought you're wrong you've been alone much since you got it i've been with my partner you've never worked with him before have you oh my gosh and trust this man this is for him that they've already won they're gonna take me to the lighthouse they're gonna cut into my brain oh my gosh what happens in the lighthouse i'm gonna get you out of here you're not going to the lighthouse she's dead let it go so this is the guy he was talking to that told him about this place tell him why you got to do it there's no other way tell him about the day you brought me my luck you got to do it no i told you my heart was breaking and i told you it was from happiness i'm going to kill you i don't know what's happening you want to uncover the truth you gotta let it go i can't then you'll never leave this island it's not in this ward latest it's do we not trust chuck what happened to you take a little detour the patient wreckage do you ever find latest no his intake form take a look i'll look at it later what's the matter boss he doesn't trust him anymore how can i get there we're gonna have to double back there's no way we could cross those rocks but what are we doing we got the intake fall it's proof there's a 67th patient i'm getting to that lighthouse what the hell happened back there in those cells ted what do you think the weather's like in portland chuck from seattle seattle i'm going on what alone come on i gotta put this together something's happening [Music] i knew it wouldn't take long but i couldn't get to it the tigers are chuck no that better not be chuck i still like chuck i still trust him holy crap please no that's not him [Music] what is happening ew [Music] someone in there ah is he dreaming again please tell me he's dreaming again oh oh gosh oh my gosh i could never in my life oh my gosh who are you is that rachel i'm teddy daniels you're the marshal would you mind taking your hand from behind your back please why i want to make sure that what you're holding won't hurt me who is that that's not rachel i'm going to keep this who is she rachel salando what the real one did you kill your children i never had children before i was a patient at ash cliff i worked here you were a nurse i was like doctor marshall what people tell the world you're crazy and all your protests have contrary just confirm what they're saying did she try to tell the world what was going on here and then they've declared her insane i started asking about these large shipments of opium based hallucinogens psychotropic drugs i asked about the surgeries too ever heard of a trans orbital lobotomy and go through the eye with an iceberg pull out some nerve fibers makes the patients much more obedient the north koreans used american pows they turned soldiers into traitors that's what they're doing here they're creating ghosts to go out in the world and do things sane men never want that kind of ability that would take years years of research hundreds of patients to experiment oh my gosh the nazis use the jews soviets used prisoners in their own gulags we tested patience on shutter island you do understand that they can't let you leave i am a federal marshal there was an esteemed psychiatrist oh my gosh any past traumas in your life why why would that matter cause they're because they can't point to some event and say it's the reason you lost your sanity this is insane any funny dreams lately headaches you haven't taken any pills have you you ate the food in the cafeteria drunk the coffee they gave you is she telling the truth tell me what goes on in that lighthouse brain surgery they learned it from the nazis kind wow is where they create the ghost who knows about this everyone they know when they don't care oh my gosh please tell me this all comes together he's so good he's so good there you are the warden we were wondering when he'd show up what do i know him from i'm very scared of him you enjoy god's latest gift what the violence when i came downstairs and i saw that tree in my living room it reached out for me divine hand what is he talking about god loves violence why else would there be so much of it god gave us violence to wage in his honor this guy's bad not violent the constraints of society were lifted and i was all that stood between you and emil you would crack my skull with a rock and eat my mean hearts i don't like him where's chuck carly thinks that you can be controlled but i know it's different you don't know me oh i know you we've known each other for centuries what is he talking about cauli thinks he can be controlled if i was to sink my teeth into your eye would you be able to stomp me before i blinded you give it a try that's the spirit this crazy person is in charge of this place where have you been i'm wandering just looking at your island you're taking the ferry yeah it's absolutely a yes i think we've gotten all we came here for we michael my partner chuck you don't have a partner marshall you came here alone i've built something valuable here that i'm not going to give up without a fight why did he say he came here alone what did they do to chuck so tell me again about your partner what partner this place is getting to him what did they do to chuck where is he going to try to find chuck or go back to the lighthouse go get evidence going somewhere heading out to the ferries i'm afraid it's the other way you are wounded marshall wouldn't you agree when you see a monster you must stop it are they really doing these brain things in the lighthouse but it's an island what are you doing baby oh no he's having hallucinations again you gotta get to the ferry if the world thinks that chuck is dead then he's perfect for their experiments there's only one place they'd take them i'm sorry honey i love this thing because you gave it to me the truth is it was one [ __ ] ugly tie is this to create a diversion is that the girl from the camp or the water no even if he gets evidence at the lighthouse they're after him they won't let him leave just like she said [Music] are you gonna kill me i'm not gonna kill you i don't know how this ends i don't know how i want it to end i don't know who's telling the truth but it is horrifying to think like what that rachel said if they say you're crazy everything else you say after that doesn't matter there's no way they could perform brain surgery in this dirty small lighthouse right oh my heart's beating so fast i just wanted to find chuck why are you all wet baby what the freak you know exactly what i said the rifle's empty by the way have a seat something is messed up you blew up my car i really loved that car sorry to hear about that germans are getting pretty bad how are the hallucinations what are they doing to him not bad though kid was dr salondo told me about the neuroleptics did she know he'll never get to her she's not real your delusions are more severe than i thought you're not on your laptops you're not on anything as a matter of fact what the [ __ ] is this withdrawal from from what claw promising the same thing we've been giving you for the past 24 months you've been here for two years you really think you're going to convince me i'm crazy damn us marshall for god's sakes you were a us marshal here's a copy of the intake form you couldn't find time to look at it we'll read it now what what the former us marshall no remorse for his crime because he denies had enough of this [ __ ] where's chuck why your wife's maiden name was chennai don't you even talk about it your rule of four what what what the names the names are anagrams your name is andrew ladies the 67th patient at ashcliff he's you he's the angel let's let's get down to the facts you've created a story in which you're not a murderer i wish i could let you just live in your fantasy world i really do what's his crime what it's been decided that unless we can bring you back to sanity now permanent measures will be taken to ensure you can't hurt anyone ever again what they'll lobotomize you andrew wait no who's telling the truth what about my partner i don't get it i mean watch me i've been your primary psychiatrist for the last two years i'm leicester city i wish everything to come in here after you this is all role play when they were questioning those patients if we fail with you then everything that we've tried to do here will be discredited everything it'll come down to you no double dumbbells away because that's the only way you're ever getting off this island andrew please stand what is happening it's a toy andrew dolores was insane you drank stayed away you moved to that lake house have the sheep set your city apartment on fire until your children simon henry you ran each other the wife drowned them here the little girl the one you dream of her name was rachel are you going to deny that she ever lived his wife around his children and then what so sorry i told you not to come in here i'm back dolores no [Music] where are the kids baby why are you all wet oh she's already done it oh my gosh oh my god [Music] oh my gosh these children no wonder you went crazy let's put them at the table they'll be our living dolls tomorrow we could take them on a picnic oh my gosh this is unimaginable [Music] yep this would do it can you hear me rachel rachel who my daughter why are you here laura told me she had an insect living inside her brain she could feel it clicking across her skull pulling the i killed them because i didn't get her help i killed them here's my fear andrew we broke through once before then you regressed i hope that what we've done here will be enough to stop it from ever happening again but i need to know you've accepted reality i'm replaying this whole movie now in my head my name is andrew latest and i murdered my wife in the spring 52. what is real gotta get off this rock chuck this is incredibly sad which would be worse to live as a monster and a daddy's a good man teddy [Music] holy cow whoa wow okay i was so into that movie i felt like i hardly said anything so i'm sorry if that reaction was terrible but i was just processing processing processing especially after they twisted it around but at the very end did he know did he know that he was lucid and that he was just gonna go die or was he back in the teddy persona [Music] don't know i need to rewatch that again very soon knowing what we know now and re-watching everything because i'm sure the second time things make a lot more sense can i just say leonardo dicaprio is an incredible actor that was one of the most heartbreaking horrific stories in the world so it's no wonder he had to make up a delusion because ah because he blames himself for not getting her help and leaving his children with her oh that was seriously such a trip it was so different than what i thought it was going to be i thought it was gonna be like this scary island where people are killing each other but okay anyways i absolutely loved it ugh i did not see that coming why could i never see these things coming you'd think i'd be getting better at this after all the movies i've watched but anyways loved it love leo i love a mystery like that and this one was completely different because of that okay thank you so much for watching along with me don't forget to like subscribe and you guys are the very best bye [Music] you
Channel: Popcorn In Bed
Views: 196,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shutter island, movie reaction, shutter island reaction, leonardo dicaprio, first time watching shutter island, watching shutter island for the first time, shutter island first time reaction, shutter island movie reaction, shutter island review, shutter island 2010 reaction, movie review, first time watching, shutter island ending reaction, shutter island ending, reaction to shutter island
Id: 8JjhpWyxXvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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