Shuck WD Elements External HDD

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today I show you how you can shock the WD elements with the digital elements external hard drive to extract the white label hard disk from inside this you might want to do if you have a nice station a nice computer and you want to buy cheap drives usually these Western Digital elements or the Western Digital My Book and Seagate also they have really good offers for the holidays and throughout the year and when you can buy them cheap usually these are cheaper than the single Drive which is a bear drive so you might want to do this you buy the external drive and extract the hard disk from within to use it in your computer or in a nice station nice computer this might void your warranty or not depending where you live so be mindful of that and opening the case is a bit difficult there are four Clips on the back of the hard disk and they are not equally space so you might break a few but I use the plastic prying tools but this better one really works pretty well if you have multiple plank tools it's always good idea it's a good idea to use multiple ones just to keep the Clips open thing you want is to keep all the Clips open and then slide the hard drive out of the cage after out of the case and it just comes out like you will see now if you break the clips it's a not a big deal especially since if if you don't care about warranty this drive actually it wasn't new I use it about two years I think it has three years one but I'm not sure yeah now it's out that's uh that's really use a few Clips it will open eventually and it doesn't really matter if you keep it upside down or with the feet up or down it doesn't really matter the clips are more or less in the same positions this is the Western Digital 14 terabyte wide level drive inside those are the rails for the case and you see the clips there yeah these are the these are the clips and they are not equally spaced left and right you see the position I broke one there I really believe they they try their best to make it so as soon as you try to open a case like this is breaks Eclipse but it's always really um I mean I I opened another one before and I also broke a clip you might be able to do it without breaking the clips especially if you don't slide the prank tool where the clips are if you do it like this and I put it under it and then when I open it breaks it so yeah the rails you can see the rails of the hard drive it's both sides top and bottom left and right it's how it slides the caddy of the drive slides in 14 terabytes WD 140 EMF Z this is a helium Drive it's nice and quiet five five thousand four hundred RPM I got the new one for 18 terabyte and this one that one is 7200 RPM and it's antarium and what it is helium but it's a bit noisier the vibrations are stronger the 5400 RPM drives are nicer for quiet and cooler operation also but they have lower transfer speeds to remove the drive from the case you see those corner rubber grommets and if you ever want to put it back you should take a picture or save a link to this video the position of these rubber grommets it's a bit difficult they really make it a bit difficult the WD my book is much easier to open the element is uh it's a bit of a nightmare actually this is the light guide for the LED it will basically guide the light from the LED inside of the board to the external case you press the disc out I don't think it really matters which side you press it out but if you see one side doesn't work well just do it this way it's better to press on the side that the board is not on where the boards are the opposite of where the ports are that for sure makes it easier to open it that's really useless now you could put another drive inside it but you have to be careful the shape of this grommets is only made to work with this shape of this drive I have another Drive 18 8 terabyte another one it has a different shape so I actually had to cut these grommets to make it fit and it thinly fits great eventually it was enough to be able to insert it in the case so yeah they they changed the shape of these drives the corners some this newer Drive the corners are shallower on the older drive on the eight terabyte drive they're a bit thicker I guess the optimize the size of the drives removing these grommets all these parts from the case you should keep them screws one screw there one below also it's just a regular Phillips head screw nothing special there keep the screws you might want to use the case with another Drive that was the digital drive or another drive I will show you in a moment how you could use it with other brands of drives the nice thing is that this board connects to SATA so now you have the drive ready and this board you could use it for any really Western Digital or non-western digital drive and you have a converter to USB if you have a drive that is not Western Digital you have to disable pin 8 and 7 and 8 on the winborne chip that's the Winborn chip is the Winborn chip because it's written wind Bond on it that's pin 8 and 7. so from the circle there is a DOT it's pin one and you count around and it's seven eight I will put a link in the description or let me know in the comments below if you want to know more about that if you have a Western Digital Drive it doesn't matter no need to do that this is the nice Western Digital white label Drive 14 terabyte internal use hard drive so that's what I'm gonna do I will put it in the computer and use it there [Music] Port power port that's where you put the tape if you need to do the 3.3 volt mode some of these hard drives they don't start unless you tape those pins it depends on the power supply you have and also there is a way to use an adapter from the SATA connection power connection I don't know why they had to do this I guess it was to prevent people from using them in computers in a normal power supply but okay there's always a way so when you're done you insert the hard drive into your computer regular SATA port and regular SATA set a data port and setup power and that's all thanks for watching
Channel: IONHowTo
Views: 3,633
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Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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