Shucking a 18TB WD Elements for My Synology RS1219+ NAS - 1257

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[Music] hi and welcome to my Playhouse and today we're gonna be expanding the NASA up here the unnamed Synology NS thing it's the RS RS 12 19 plus and um as well I did a video last week uh updating the the offline Nas in my living room and at that point I discovered that this one was complaining that it had used over 80 percent of the storage in there so well maybe it's time to to to put some more storage in there I am cheap so I am um I'm I'm I'm only using four drives of the eight available spots in there just to save on power probably paying that multiple times in in more expensive Hardware which will come back to because this video is sponsored by my patreons because um I purchased another hard drive for the NASA up here A big one this is a oh let's get it out of here yeah this is a western digital HD Elements which is an external hard drive about 18 terabytes I just discovered that my local hardware Pusher X actually has up to 22 terabytes of hard drives now I I thought the 20 was Max but apparently 22 is now available and because my patrons help pay for this I'm gonna name some of them and um all my new patreon since the last video that I did is very easy because it's only only and only thank you very much to Mark rushy r-o-s-s-i Brushy sorry sorry Mark and and because there's only that one I'm gonna name a few from December and that is a wolf with ears not to be confused with the Wolves without ears but a wolf went ears was a nice new Patron in December together with J dot d dot I'm sure that stands for Jack Daniels but I wouldn't know thank you very much for being my new patrons in January and December so I I messed up a little bit because I thought that uh these external hard drives were still the cheapest way to get large hard drives and it's actually not so I I wasted some of the patreon money hopefully it will make a good video instead um and it's it's a bit of a gamble what kind of a hard drive is in the box so yeah we're gonna go and take this apart there's other stuff we only get two years of warranty with this is that warranty limited warranty so there's less warranty than if we get a um a lose hard drive which is usually uh covered by the manufacturer I kind of thought that I will take this into the living room and take it apart in there it's nice and koshy in there so this is the reason why we're moving to the living room it's nice and warming here so I'll move the hard drive over here okay we put it back in the box I open it of course and I'm gonna be taking it apart but before we take it apart we want to make sure that it works because it's so much easier to to use the warranty before we take it apart so um yeah we do need something to cut it up with see what we can find it we have taken these apart in multiple videos so it's nothing new and special but yeah there are some there's a power supply and stuff there is also some manuals another manual looks like the cardboard is dirty on the inside that's kind of weird it's dusty there's some more stuff down here there is the USB 3 cable there the paperwork we're not going to be needing okay so okay so here is the Box very nice Western Digital element it doesn't say how big it is that's kind of weird does it brag about it on the back not so much really so hmm yeah a little um [Applause] get the power supply out here it's prepared for the for the UK Market we uh oh it's gonna make me handicapped I can't do that switch it over to the European market there fixed um it's actually a nice little power break that comes with this 12 volts one and a half amp okay I have connected it to my computer here and it does pop up right away so over here we have it down here elements and it shows up as sixteen thousand seven hundred and sixty three point nine seven gigabytes so that is probably about 18 terabytes I'm guessing over here it pops up with an automatic screen so there is some software for Windows and Mac so if we wanted to use it on this computer I could install something and it will do something that I don't really know if I need that so M it pops up so I think that's a pretty good properties okay and it's not totally dead so we're gonna run with it okay back at the table I'm gonna be using this iFixit kit that an awesome subscriber sent to me years back and I do use it um quite often so take some of these stinky stuff pretty good there are some TAPS in here the idea is that this plastic cover that the wipes around here that is one piece this piece here is one piece and that slides out this way so but there are some TAPS in the way of it doing that so down here there are some tabs and here and here and yeah we need to get in there and and make it release those tabs and it's always fun to see if you can do this without breaking it too much which is not always the case but we try just for the sport you can see that it is it's willing to slide out a little bit now there we still have something down there that needs to be there yeah I know it it slides out there so we get a Western Digital a white label drive internal use which is clearly not it's an external hard drive but they might have put some other firmware on it this is from the 20th of June 2022 well it has a model number and stuff we'll go looking up I'm curious to how many plastic things I broke here oh oh I did break one yeah that's no good need more practice so now we need the disc out of this enclosure it has some rubber feets for shock of servants two yeah to minimize the amount of shocks so when we remove those the drive comes out very easily there's a little plastic thing here you can see it there that thing that's to get the light from the from the hard drive and out to the front of the box somewhere probably right about there there is a oh it's upside down there's a little plastic hole down there you can see the transparent plastic just above my fingernail so that it can it can blink out the front very nice and cheap way to do that we need a screwdriver to get this little circuit board off Phillips head screwdriver so I'm gonna move one screw there there anymore yeah there is one more here that and then this little circuit board just pops out the back there revealing a pretty normal sataka nectar that's good that little plastic thing goes in here and there's a little LED on the on the circuit board here so yeah it works something like that it gets the the light from that led on the circuit board and then it's directed out through the plastic so fiber optic lighting okay so we have our new hard drive here 18 terabytes so it says that it's the Western Digital 18-0 Ed G set and someone has found all the the specs of it here so it's a um yeah the same 13.3 terabytes uh capacity it's a Setter Drive running SATA version 3.3 3.5 a large form factor hard drive ATA version for supported blah blah blah test maximum interface speeds 600 megabytes per second buffer 276 megabytes per second and read speed up to 256 megabytes per second so yeah I thought we should try and test this oh yeah it's a rotates with 7200 RPMs and looking at the the hard drives available uh outside of an external box I could have gotten this a little bit cheaper uh 100 Danish kernels or so so I messed up there I admitted same about just about the same specs here this one is cheaper but it's only 16 terabytes but yeah it's available cheaper but not by much and down here is one that is more expensive that is a 12 that's a SAS Drive sorry that's not so probably that one is the most compatible one so we moved to the second living room because I'm curious to how this performs this is my awesome Lenovo x3650 model 4 which is a server that takes large form factor hard drive 3.5 inches this is where I normally test my dutchie SAS drives these are 10 terabytes and they're both very dodgy and not really working but it has the the feature that the plugs just fits on the back so I can just press this in and it's connected so very easy and the drive pops right up into disk manager so we'll unline it okay it did something weird there is some some stuff on this so yeah I think we'll start by clearing this drive so that there is nothing on it so we'll just go and do it this part [Music] art we're gonna go up here and make the text bigger for you they're fun and 36 and okay and they're easier to see so we have two discs in here one of them is my boot Drive the top one and disc number one here is the 16 terabyte which is really an 18 terabyte so we're gonna oh that is offline let's see if we can online that again online [Music] yes now it worked so we'll list this again and now it's online and then we'll select [Music] disk number one [Music] this one is now selected and we'll clean it clean [Music] that should get rid of a new thing here it hasn't completed yet but now it's successful and it's cleaned and I'll initialize the disk with gpg there [Music] is here so now it's online and good I don't think I need to put anything on it to do a little test I usually run this HD tune this one I will select the 18 terabytes and we'll start and it should do really well curious let's see how it does yeah it's transferring with over 200 megabytes per second so we'll let this run and see how it um how it did at the end okay it's just finished up and it has done really well it's over 200 megabytes per second all the way it's um very near performance of these SAS drives which should be a lot better definitely um when you take the price into consideration but yeah it passes the test with no problems so we are gonna shut it down and we're gonna put it in our Nas so in the last video I prepared the tray for the future um I put the screws here so that they wouldn't get lost so this time they didn't sit here for long so only a week but they didn't get lost I said and then threw them all over the living room that would be nice I'm sure someone is gonna mention the Synology that that they have their own hard drives now and some of their system will only use their own Half-Life so yeah I'm not a big fan of that probably they're not gonna listen to me anyway this hard drive screws in in the bottom it seems like it's hitting something do wonder what that is well we'll manage I'll put the drives in and we'll go and put it in the nest so I've logged into the Nas and as we can see there is like these four hard drives the top four ones that I have occupied one two three four very important not one two three four five six seven eight but one two three four top row um it's um it's complaining over here but it's it's not actually the space it's complaining about it's complaining if we go in there volume two it's complaining that we have never run data scrapping to ensure data consistency I could run that now but I'm guessing that that will take forever and ever so we're gonna replace the drive and then it's gonna be repairing that instead and the drive that I'm gonna be replacing is Drive number three because that's a 10 terabyte drive I could just expand it with another draw life but then I have like five hard drives in here it wouldn't matter much but it's another 5 to 10 watts of 24 7 power that will always be running so I'm gonna replace this 10 terabyte and put that 18 terabytes in instead I am not going to get all of those 18 terabytes right away because um the the largest hard drive is the one that is used for safety so I'm gonna get about four terabytes because these it says 12.7 but it's a 14 terawatt hard drive so when I put that 18 in here I'm gonna get about extra four terabytes of hard drive space in the net but then next time when I replace this drive if I replace it with another 18 terabytes I will get um an additional eight terabyte that's just how it works the security needs to be set up so that even the largest Drive can fail without you having any data loss and if if I got all the 18 terabytes uh that wouldn't be so we're gonna go and find number three out there and actually in the last video in the comments I was asked if I could use the data location thing and I found that here Drive number three and we can locate drive so um now it will be blinking on that drive for one minute I guess so locate and then let's go into the Data Center and see if that's the case Okay so locate drive it has now just turned the number three LED of their yellow it's not very helpful because which one of these drives are number three yeah and now it disappeared because I guess our minute uh passed because I was slow but yeah we're gonna pop out number three one two three that one and we're gonna put that 18 terabytes in there so what I did uh as you can clearly see I took one of the empty disc trays out and I put the 18 terabytes in that so that uh I don't have to have that sensor right out of there for too long so I'm gonna one two three we're gonna replace that I'm gonna take it out we're gonna put it down there I'm not gonna pop it in I'm just gonna put it there and then we're gonna take the 18 terabyte put it up in here there and what does it say out there hasn't yeah now it's complaining so we should go yeah I was complaining we should go to the computer and tell it to repair so let's see how that looks at the computer so this location thing was very doubtful and now it's refreshes and it should come out and say yeah it has found on a new drive here it's not initialized if we go to the overview it's very much complaining so let's go to the storage pool and it's very much complaining there as well and we should be able to go up and pair that somewhere hmm oh right there repair now that would probably how to do it and it has located that drive number three should be good so estimated capacity is 34.5 is that more or less than we had before I believe it's more see we have 27.8 and now we get 34.5 so that will be an improvement and yeah they have their own Synology products compatibility list and um yeah I don't know if you know the story but um Western Digital started to make NASA's and the Synology got pissed at that because that was competing with their own NASA's so at the moment Synology is not really recommending Western Digital hard drives most likely because of that so if we click their compatibility list here I'm sure it's not gonna be much of Western Digital price it's probably mostly gonna be Seagate yeah what a surprise what a surprise too cheaper even and down here at the very bottom there is some westerns oh so they haven't actually totally not included them but yeah we were not thinking about that we were continuing and apply so all data on the new Drive will be white or erased and I kind of knew that so that's no surprise this is gonna take a really long time I did it on the offline Nas uh last week and I did the video Sunday and it was done Thursday morning so it took four days ish to complete that so we are not gonna be able to finish that in this video but it's gonna be ready for us to to look at it next week probably okay so it's working very hard at it up here repairing 0.87 now and it's gonna take a while step one out of five so if it has to go up to 100 with step one out of five it's gonna take a couple of days at least oh dear I forgot to make a thumbnail before I put the driving out there I guess I'll have to figure something out okay so this is gonna be a very nice little um upgrade to my storage solution I am actually not that big a storage user I'm not Linus Tech tip I just went to the computer and I checked all of my videos of 2022 um took up 1.6 terabytes of data that's not a lot I do though have three copies of them so of course it becomes six terabytes but expanding with six terabytes every year is definitely manageable I can manage that and especially the way that I'm doing it where I'm expanding one Nas and that Nas is expanding the next Nas and then actually I have an offside class that I will then expand with the leftover drives I am the running out of drives that are large enough to do that because I do believe that I have eight four terabytes in that Nas and now I'm um yeah I need something bigger I'll have to look into that no problem once again thank you very much to my patrons if you're interested in checking out what I'm doing on patreon you can go over there links are always in the description of my videos and check out some of my free patreon videos that are over there you can scroll down and then some of them are not locked and you can see what it is that you get as a patreon besides that I'm on Discord every Sunday with the patrons so you can have a live video chat with me and it's a very normal chat we're not normally that many people there and I try to solve some of the issues that I have that I want to play with and yeah patreons are really helpful in that regard so thank you very much for watching my videos do subscribe to my channel so that you can see me again and have a really nice day bye
Channel: My PlayHouse
Views: 14,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playhouse, Data Center, Home Server, Home Data Center, Synology, expanding NAS, Expanding Synology, storage nas, how to expand a nas, more spaces on synology, RS1219+, 18TB WD Elements, Synology RS1219+ NAS
Id: VbdwWGB6B_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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