How To Shuck a WD My Book EASY & FAST (without Damage)!

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welcome back to my channel everybody i recently decided to build up a nas system so i was in need of some new storage if you're in need of extended storage and you get into hard drives you quickly find out that storage can be very very pricey especially if you want to build up a nas with high storage capacity you will come across a topic of shocking drives it basically just means buying an external hard drive and then removing this casing to just get the naked hard drive itself to use in your computer or your nas system and why would you do that well more often than not hard drive manufacturers like western digital sell actually decent hard drives in their external hard drives that would be more expensive if you just buy the hard drive itself now i recently bought two of this eight terabyte western digital my books and to my surprise i received two different packages this one in the green packaging i already shot a couple of days ago so if we have a look inside as you can see the case is fully intact without any damages so you can easily put it back together but i'm going to show you how to do this i'm also curious if this orange one which i received today is going to have the same internal hard drive in there as i had in the green one this is off september 2020 ordered from german amazon so all you really need for this chucking process is some kind of old credit card that you can destroy also guitar picks work as well one phillips head screwdriver a little clamp tool like a i have a little multi-tool here that will do and potentially some scissors all right so let's just get going grab our unopened box here of the new orange one and just open the box up like you would normally do here's my favorite part you could actually even leave the plastic on but we don't need that all right this is what the drive looks like and we don't want this side the long side we want this side with the slightly smaller grille as you can see here so now it's time to grab your spare credit card and cut that in four pieces like so i'm not doing this because i already have one here we got four little pieces and just grab your first plastic piece you can also as i mentioned before use a guitar pick and what you want to do really is you just want to separate in between this line here so just grab one of your plastic pieces and jam that in here the first one yeah super easy you can hear some plastic clamps separating take the second one do the same thing on the same side that should be plenty good like this and we flip it around and do the same thing on the other side you can hear it unlock and the last one in there and it should look something like that and all you need to do now is just put both of your thumbs on that thing hold the case and push downwards and there you have it don't need these anymore nothing's broken this thing is still good and i can already see it's a wd-80e z a-z so that should be the good version but more about that later we still need to remove it from this plastic bracket and if you look at it like this there's one side where these connectors are there's a little bit of a bigger gap than on the left side so this is the side you want to bend outwards because the hard drive is held with these rubber things and you just need to bend it a little bit so it plops out there are no screws in there it should just work like this oop and once the one side is out it comes out the other side i'm already dropping these rubber things here's one here's another one we don't need them anymore so take those off now there's still this sata connector on it which is only necessary for an external hard drive so this is the only one screw right here where we need our phillips head screwdriver and just unscrew this one and once that is done this thing should just come off to the front just like that also nothing's broken you can easily put that back on if you want to send your hard drive back or whatever now we still have these connectors these metal things on the outside which we also don't need if we use it in a nas and i just grab my my clamp tool grab it here and turn around a little bit do that with every and then you can just remove them by hand and there we have it one naked western digital wd80ez az 8 terabyte hard drive ready to go into your nas or your computer or anywhere and there you have it it's that easy to go from this to this and get some cheaper storage and the idea behind this is that these western digital drives are actually red drives just with a white label attached on it and if you just buy a red drive by itself it will be way more expensive these eight terabyte ones i got two of these lately they run me around 139 euros at this moment in september 2020 but here's the interesting thing the one we just checked the orange box it turned out to be a wd-80e z a-z however the one i shot a couple days ago i think i bought this like two weeks ago in august 2020 also from amazon the same item it came in a green box and it turned out to be the wd-80e d-a-z and as far as i know i think that's an air-filled one with potentially the smr technology so i bought both of these in a very small time frame from the same seller same item and it seemed to be that it's a little bit of a lottery on which hard drive you will receive if you did the same thing please let me know in the comments down below which hard drive you shocked and let me know which one was in there also let me know about bigger versions 10 12 14 terabyte that's also interesting to know and unfortunately the manufacturers like western digital are very in transparent on which hard drive they put into their external ones so it's a bit of a gamble that's why we as a community need to have some kind of database to let people know what is most likely to be in those at the moment so let me know in the comments below if you like this kind of video give it a thumbs up and i hope i could help some people out there thank you for watching i'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: Potato Phil
Views: 197,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shuck, how to shuck, shuck harddrive, harddrive shuck, cheap storage, hd shuck, wd my book, wd my book shuck, how to shuck WD my book, how to shuck a wd my book, wd my book shucking, how to shuck a harddrive, how to shuck a HD, how to shuck western digital, 8TB WD my book, how to get cheap storage, how to get cheap harddrives, NAS storage, budget harddrives, cheap NAS storage, how to shuck wd my book without damage, external harddrive, how to remove external harddrive
Id: EDqGqO0v_qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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