BLUE CHEESE - Roquefort, Stilton, Gorgonzola Dolce, Shropshire Blue, Danish Blue - Episode 7

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hello and welcome to another episode of Rufus eats cheese today we are looking at the heavyweights that's right blue cheese okay first up we have got five lovely blue cheeses here separated them into two groups those of you need cheese might know why those who don't know individual cheese's - well you're probably thinking hmm okay so I'm gonna start with this one because we are in the presence of aristocracy this is the great rock for a French cheese that we believe has been made since 1050 so that's that's a pretty good heritage isn't it all the other blue cheeses here have the exact same blue vein mold grown in them mold requires Afric to breathe so the cheese is usually are either spikes or they have already plenty of air pockets in them so with the rock for here as you can possibly see it's quite a gooey liquid cheese in fact when I opened it there was quite a lot of liquid in there made only from the milk of the Lacan sheep so this Roquefort cheese was the first cheese to receive the protected designation of origin it was in 1951 but its protection goes back a long way before that the caves that it's butchered in where the mold originally comes from have been protected since the 15th century in 1666 a law was passed in France that people who were making fake rock for bogus rock for that were not from the area would be punished so it sounds a bit like one of those crimes that probably had quite a severe punishment for effectively bootlegging cheese the the protection was given apparently because the village of rock floor where this is made is it six hundred and thirty meters which is about two thousand and sixty feet and you can't grow grape vines there you also can't grow corn or anything else so sheep and cheese was really their thing I think this is one of the reasons it received OCS a very fine cheese but one of the reasons it received its protection so early because they couldn't really grow too much else there moving on we have to be sure a lot of you will recognize a nice English Stilton this Stilton is from long Clausen it's one of a handful of dairies that are entitled to make Stilton and still also has a protected designation of origin as I've mentioned it has the same and the cylinder rock 40 mold the mold that grows through the cheese to provide air for it the cheese is actually spiked with stainless steel spikes I believe they would have been copper originally so yes this is also a very fine cheese very lovely and over here we have the magnificent gorgonzola quite hard to manage in terms of moving if I just try and lift this up you'll see just how soft that gorgonzola is there are two kinds of gorgonzola one of them is a mature or piquant version and this is the Dolce or sweet version which is my favorite the exact same mold that's growing in the rock for gorgonzola is also an extremely old cheese and also has a protected designation of origin over on our other board here this is kind of the VIP club over here these are our our truce 18 sensations that would really like to be in this club but don't quite make it yeah so first of all we have swaps you're blue now shorts are blue is a gorgeous cheese there is nothing wrong with the cheese itself there's no no reason in terms of its taste or anything else that it doesn't qualify if you like the reason it's over here is Shropshire blue is made in Shropshire and the surrounding area but it's only recently been that way Shropshire blue was originally an attempt by a Scottish dairy to copy or to mimic Stilton this one is also from a Stilton factory so it's producing exactly the same place as the Stilton the Stilton has a huge heritage and a protected designation of origin and the Shropshire blue being a gorgeous cheese does not get this these perks should we say the last one here is Danish blue a particular favorite of mine very much like the rock for it's a very soft very creamy cheese with the same blue vein and I rather like it so we have here our five cheese's the question is does the rock four really deserve its title of king of cheese I think we needs better to the test really so I'm gonna get in and I'm gonna try some so here we go most of our mold is in the middle so I'm gonna cut so I'm gonna cut through the middle and then I'm gonna take the piece off here they just the smell is incredible it's fairly strong but it's also really fresh and I tend to find that with sheep's milk or use milk cheeses it sounds strange but you can definitely tell that this cheese has come from an animal that might sound a bit strange but it was definitely retained some of that sort of an animal nature to it let's go to try hmmm god that is incredible the first hit you get is salt first thing is salt and very very soon afterwards you start to get of some lactic tones but they're not the same as the lactic flavors that you get with a cow's milk cheese you'll also notice it's quite white as well I believe that's because there's no bitter carotene in the milk beautiful you can still taste the milk which is really interesting um it's also quite fascinating it with as much salt as it tastes this is in there the mold still grows so you would think perhaps it would be a little too salty for them all to grow but I don't think that's the case it's beautiful it's very very crumbly if I try and take another piece off here you can see just how crumbly is that's actually fallen upon even taking it off there so it is a very crumbly cheese mmm beautiful fabulous you can really you can really taste sheep's milk which is quite unusual a lot of cheeses become very much a product of their own and you don't get this you don't get to actually feel that original milk moving on with my little carousel here we're going to come round to the gorgonzola the wonderful gorgonzola it actually almost looks like you've poured cream all over it it does look pretty gilli lovely wow it's so soft it's so soft and gooey now this is not one that he's crumbly in any way if you look there it's just very very soft beautiful right this try piece very different so the first flavor you get the first thing that hits your town is a sweetness and then this beautiful creaminess almost like clotted cream and there's quite a delay before you get the the lovely bitter notes of the mold coming through so let me try another piece just just to make sure that's fabulous it's really young and fresh still it's not an overpowering cheese with them afterwards you get this wonderful just a hint from the mold almost like you've eaten two separate things so you get the creamy smoothness of the cheese and the mould is like a little pub tuition afterwards beautiful really gorgeous cheese right I am gonna Nick this one and we will go Wheel of Fortune again I think probably the best thing to do understand our piece of stealing up I'm gonna take a piece off here now I happen to know it still is quite salty so I have some expectation that if you look this is almost a mixture you can see the edge has crumbled it does crumble but it's also quite moist so it does move as one piece it's it's almost halfway between the the crumb of the rock 4 and the gorgeous using tastiness of the gorgonzola but it is of course much drier cheese as well than both of them so I'm just gonna have a quick almond to help clear the flavor of the other two and we'll dive in so a much stronger nose you can smell you can actually smell the bitterness of the rind let's give it a try hmm it's so different from the others immediately there's a bitterness from the mold but the texture is so different the texture is completely different from the other two so there's also a saltiness and it's definitely something of the farmyard still in there which I love in a cheese hmm it's beautiful the Stilton is particularly nice with a cracker or something similar the gorgonzola the Coen Zola Dolce I particularly like to have as it is just with some wine or something I rather like that it's very gooey it would be perfect to spread on something but personally I like to have it as it is so mmm moving on moving on to our other board so I think I think we should taste the Shropshire blue as it is right here mmm so similar in consistency to the Stilton it's firm but it also has a slight tastiness to it so if you squeeze it with your fingers it's very easily moved hmm a very different creature the Stilton similar texture so the structure blue has a very similar consistency and texture to the Stilton but it doesn't have that initial bitterness that you get with the Stilton it's also less salty so if you kind of like Stilton but it's a bit much for you structured blue be an amazing alternative it also has so much character the rind is lovely as well I do find the rind on the Stilton a little tart at times but the rind on the choice of blue is particularly lovely okay so finally moving to our last cheese the Danish blue this is a very commercial cheese this is not half the intense heritage of the protected designation cheese's here on the other board but I do rather like it I think it's a really nice little cheese it has the the moistness of the rug for but a little firmer it's not quite as firm as the Stilton but it's a little firmer and definitely much firmer than the gorgonzola the distribution of the rock for mold through the cheese is quite thorough so in that sense it's it's a little more like the rock for but but it's as if it's been mature longer which it actually hasn't a much more sour note to it hmm lovely as a lovely cheese it's slightly slightly more resistant in the mouth than the gorgonzola but it has a lovely saltiness a lovely bitterness a lovely sourness to it and it's also still reasonably firm you can still pick it up move the fingers hmm it's a fabulous cheese it is quite a strong flavor quite intense flavor unlike the other cheese's it doesn't leave a little sting at the back of your throat which I rather like but again if you've got something to put this on like some crackers or some sourdough bread or something this is a fabulous cheese okay I hope that was useful thanks very much for watching please like share and comment below if you disagree with anything I've said or I've clearly missed out a blue cheese that you love and know so much about popping in the comments underneath and don't forget to hit that red subscribe button down at the bottom there if there's any cheese's you'd like me to review then please drop them in the comments and I will see you soon thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Rufus Eats Cheese
Views: 38,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rufus eats cheese, blue cheese, roquefort, stilton, gorgonzola, shropshire blue, danish blue, long clawson, long clawson stilton, gorgonzola dolce, types of cheese, fromage bleu, gorgonzola cheese, roquefort cheese, cheese, cheese board, english cheese, french cheese, italian cheese, british cheese, learn about cheese, cheese youtube, ewe cheese, sheep cheese, strong cheese types, penicillium roqueforti, food eating show, gorgonzola dolce cheese, stilton cheese
Id: -12PswSKhBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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