SHRIMPING with FAMILY! Catch, Clean & Cook! South Florida Shrimp

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well we are loading up the boat we are about to push off the dock and hopefully we're going to go catch a bunch of shrimp last night we got word that the shrimp are running and my friend shelby shout out to her she's the one who actually told us it's gonna get dark here probably in like 20ish minutes so we're heading out now to get a spot because normally the way shrimping works is the first night there's not many people but then the second night there's a lot and it's also a weekend so there might be a lot of people out here doing the same thing that we're trying today so got fisher and gabby on the boat victor's behind the camera and then my mom and dad are up front say hi guys we're ready [Music] all right guys so we just threw the anchor we're at the hillsborough inlet the lighthouse is just over there and we have an incoming tide so usually this is the tide that you want to catch shrimp on so now it's just a matter of waiting the sun's not completely down yet but we have these lights these flood lights on the boat that my dad installed that he calls our shrimp lights it literally even says shrimp down here on our panel shrimp lights and a lot of times you have those green lights that you stick in the water and we used to do that with the batteries and we had to always make sure the batteries were charged and we had just batteries all over with the lights hanging in the water but these flood lights actually work just as well as those green lights in the water so you don't have to bring as much you just bring your nets and you have the lights on the boat now it's just a waiting game we're all just staring into the water hoping to see the first shrimp shrimping is a good waiting game i just have always my entire life loved looking in the water whether it's daytime nighttime nighttime can actually be a little more exciting because you might see things swim by that you don't normally see during the day you might catch an eel all kinds of little sea creatures come by at night and it's just it's just fun i could sit on a boat and stare into the lit water for hours and not catch anything a good friend of mine andy baron used to call me when i was young he lived in miami i lived in fort lauderdale he'd call me up the shrimp are running the shrimp are running you got to get down here i'd throw all my gear in my van drive to miami we'd get set up there were no shrimp running there'd be like 12 we'd catch like 12 shrimp but it was always fun and i'd fall for it every time next week he'd call me again the shrimper running the shrimp are running he just wanted me to go down there and stare in the water with him i'd drive down there we'd get maybe this much in my bucket but we didn't care we were staring in the water at night and uh it's just a fun thing to do and if we catch them great if not we all came out here on a beautiful night and stared in the water right now the shrimp are running really really well in miami but a lot of times when the shrimp run in miami we don't even ever get to see them we need a southeast wind to blow those shrimp from miami into our inner into our inlet to be able to get them where we are currently so right now in miami people are catching a bunch of them but here supposedly it's only been going on for one night so we're hoping it happens again tonight we just saw our first shrimp of the night so time to grab the nuts so we just saw our first shrimp it's only been dark for about 30 minutes and uh hopefully they keep coming in okay just be careful that you don't make a hole in the detox i guess i gotta be back here then you can whack someone in the head but you can't whack the tea tops is that a fish get that it's a fish yes yes it is yes it is it is is it dead no it was live what is it it's a chub oh it's so cute on him it's a little can i take him out of the net and put him on the deck he was just floating he looked like he was dead yeah i thought he was dead too here comes the shrimp shrimp she got it yeah yeah gabby's first shrimp sorry vic what do i do with him now you leave them in there if you can shake them down yeah perfect and then that holds them in there and you don't have to empty it out till you get like 20 or something you'll notice it'll start getting heavy and then you'll want to empty you're searching hard mom huh i have been searching [Music] wow wow look at how blue this one is it's only got one claw yeah that's a big one you usually see small ones you missed a big shrimp three there's one out there oh and there's two two get them both get them both i can't get it i can't wait and another one out further oh you got one of them you could have got a double listen oh i think you got it got you one picking up a little bit oh no they're coming now yeah coming in like groups of two or three sometimes four this is gabby's first time though so she doesn't have the hang of it just yet they're jumping out on her here's one you got him good job oh right there gabby are you ready to empty your net put your net like the entire head of the net over the bucket yeah perfect and now we just let them go down the shrimp waterfall i thought i heard frankie's ones how many did i get oh man you missed them there we go it looks like you got a dozen or something three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14. yay gabby's first 14 shrimp and the sad thing is that gabby is allergic to shrimp so she can't even enjoy them but she's having fun catching them at least you wanna empty yours yet then [Music] now there's a lot of boats out here now there's probably probably getting close to like 20 boats out here and then the docks are also lined with people with nets with flights as well so it's definitely picking up now better than it was like 30 minutes ago i got my first one got him there's the net right here [Music] what's up right along the side of the boat in the shadow straight down it's right along the side of the boat there's one out there bro got hello got him how's the shrimp fight out here you'll get like two three and then you won't get any for like a couple minutes and then two three it's like they just like come in little like waves we were the first boat out here and now there's at least 20 boats yep there's a lot of people out here now these guys will get you shrimp have a horn right here if you've ever used live shrimp as bait and you're reaching into the bucket that thing will get you right there just like a lobster's got that spine sticking that's his defense mechanism right there i think it's time for pepper shrimp they stopped running but we got enough for uh an appetizer or pepper shrimp let's go do it let's go pepper strip it up let's go are you cooking i'll cook victor's been bugging me for uh days about he's tired of doing all the cooking so i'm going to cook the peppers tonight that's not the story that's not the side here i hear deb about all these stories of how brian used to cook pork chops and all this good stuff i'm like hey man why don't you ever do it for us so we're gonna get to experience some pepper shrimp tonight let's go bro gabby what did you think of your first shrimping experience it was so much fun yeah i liked it a lot did you have fun yeah i caught i caught me a big one i got myself one shrimp how about you mom i had fun being out here with you guys a beautiful night look at the moon all these people out here it's a lot of fun i'm glad we got out here when we did because it slowed down a lot and this is about to be the end of incoming tide and then it's gonna switch to outgoing sometimes they get so far pushed in here that on outgoing they're already inside the intercoastal and then they come back out of the intercoastal and outgoing but i think we're gonna head home and eat them as fresh as you can possibly get them so let's go the good stuff in here and the bad stuff in there yeah bye gabby thank you so much thanks for taking all of our shrimp [Music] okay so i'm gonna show you guys how to clean it here's your shrimp they're all kind of this size there wasn't any there's not really any giants like that might be the biggest one that we caught sometimes we get some colossal shrimp but that was the biggest ones that we got you're gonna pinch the head like this and you just pinch the head right off and make sure you get this other set of legs with it so they have i i don't exactly know the correct terminology of a shrimp but they have like two sets of legs so you have one side here one side here you want to get rid of this set what i'm bringing on or you don't know 19 20. okay so again pinch see how this that time i just took the head off i want to get these legs off too so make sure you take those legs off just like that and now your tail is ready to be thrown in the pan they do have a vein and it usually comes out when you pull the head off look you see that's the vein and it comes out remember kind of like lobster that's 64 65 okay so now we got the bucket of heads we used to save them that you can save or make a good stock out of them oh yeah you can do that too and then here's all of our tails and now we're going to wash them off [Music] i was sitting at home one day bored watching paula dean cook and she made something called pepper shrimp and i watched her mate i never watched cooking shows but i watched this one paula deen where she made peppers from and i was putting my shoes on and deb's like where are you going i said to publix to get some shrimp i gotta try this pepper shrimp now when you come back from shrimping and you eat shrimp you know like minutes after you've cleaned it it's the it's amazing how different super super fresh shrimp is because shrimp is something that kind of goes bad relatively quick that's why you usually buy frozen shrimp at the store because fresh shrimp doesn't stay shrimp fresh very long but this this is fresh so i'm going to put a whole stick of butter i wish we had more shrimp we only have like 78 but that gives us like 15 each and i'm going to crank this heat on high melt some of that butter up pepper shrimp and beer and uh 9 12. usually we're doing this at midnight one o'clock in the morning but um it was an early it died out early on us today i like any recipe that starts with a whole stick of butter well usually i use a whole stick of butter with you know three times this much shrimp but i just threw it in there we don't have to we don't have to drink it whatever's left you know we're just gonna have our shrimp saturated in it so i'm gonna start laying a little pepper in there because when i watched her she kept pouring and pouring and pouring the pepper and paula deen kept saying you can't have too much pepper and pepper shrimp and she just kept shaking that pepper in there so i think that's the secret when you're making pepper shrimp just keep adding the pepper in there you can't have too much okay paul dean said you can't put too much pepper so i'm gonna douse these babies in pepper because that's the only ingredient we're gonna use this is called pepper shrimp super easy one ingredient well two ingredients butter and pepper look at that look at them turn we're gonna try not to overdo it we're just gonna make sure that they all turn nice and evenly red and all that nice pepper and butter what do you guys think about my dad cooking in this episode we literally have been home it took us what minutes to clean the shrimp we got the dock we took the thumbnail cleaned the shrimp within minutes and they're already in the pot these are as fresh as you possibly can get them yeah it's only uh 9 15. oh man these are starting to smell and look good they just need a little bit more i still see a few that aren't quite cooked all the way okay i think they're done what do you think yeah they're done [Music] swimming an hour ago sometimes little ones i don't even take the shell off i just eat it whole i can't wait you're one of those people i'll eat the show that's that's the best way to eat shrimp right after you're done shrimping just so so fresh there's my last one so what do you think vic i finally cooked for you you can step in the kitchen again this is pretty complicated recipe it works it works you think you think all that pepper you're like oh no don't do that don't keep pouring pepper it just goes shrimp and pepper goes together how long have we had our boat for six and a half years so before we had our boat we used to go shrimping off the dock at the inlet or sometimes we used to go off the pier going off the pier was really hard because you had to have like three extensions onto your net and you had to like lean over the pier and try to scoop these shrimp like however high up the pier is and you were your ribs would be bruised the next day from leaning over catching shrimp like that but anytime we ever used to come home from shrimp we'd clean the shrimp and we always made that recipe and we'd sit here whatever time it was sometimes it was one o'clock in the morning 12 o'clock and we would eat fresh shrimp and then we would always freeze the rest of the shrimp and frozen shrimp is excellent and we love eating shrimp and we use shrimp in a lot of our recipes so it would have been nice to catch more but that was absolutely delicious and a nice little treat for us because we haven't caught shrimp in quite some time the legal limit where we are is a five gallon bucket full and i think we just like grazed the very bottom of the bucket you know we didn't get a lot but we still had a lot of fun so as always thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you in the next video there's baby jed and baby brook with my dad with a cooler full of shrimp and a flounder right yeah and that's judd with a flounder and there we are eating pepper shrimp there's me in my little high chair [Music] you
Channel: Brook Crist Outdoors
Views: 51,493
Rating: 4.9606061 out of 5
Keywords: shrimping, with, family, catch, clean, cook, south, florida, catch clean and cook, catch and cook, florida shrimp, how to shrimp, shrimp recipe, pepper shrimp, how to catch shrimp, seafood, cooking shrimp, family friendly, family time, fishing, brook crist, Brook Crist outdoors, fishing girl, Hillsboro inlet, family dinner, shrimp dinner, fresh shrimp, family and friends, florida life, outdoors, nature, saltwater, pink shrimp, Miami florida, shrimping in florida, family fun, boating
Id: Iv58H_2Go50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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