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today we're saving students all over the world by shredding their homework our goal is to make so much money by destroying homework that we could purchase a black hole and prevent homework from ever being assigned again like the video in the next two seconds if you're excited for summer break one two and can we get 500 new subscribers to subscribe right now to kick off summer vacation let's get coded melon it's time for us to shred our homework let's do it oh Sonny this doesn't look like homework horse monsters why am I getting grabbed by a ghost hand hello kid off Auntie homework God Steve yo I've brought you here to help me with something what is that bro I bet she wants you to destroy all the homework yo Steve you gotta chill bro so I'll pay you for every piece of over you managed to destroy until there's no more left yo that's a good steal deal uh yeah Steve that's totally a deal wait what work school's out for summer you feel that melon yeah bro let's destroy all the homework study I agree I don't need any more dialogue I need to shred melon I gotta take the sauce mobile and get to school why why is this in here dude that is Sassy yo we got a little Shrek here too hey Ohio melon we're in Ohio University this is gonna get weird dude only in Ohio do they have University and we've made it to school go inside and steal some homework yo we're actually stealing homework so we can shred it that is so smart now no one has to do homework that is genius okay so uh let's see hey you got homework hey you got homework yeah give me these hey give me all that steal some more and when your pockets are full go back home my pocket's full not yet my pockets are deep yes soggy handwritten homework my favorite duffel bag yo oh it's just donations okay I'll give eight Robux big epic donation that's so generous I know after Roblox takes their cut they got like one Robux give me this yeah rare homework dude you gotta shred that rare homework immediately I know I just need one more piece someone has to have over yes more soggy homework time to shred it up just mobile rollout no we're spinning uh this is not how a car is supposed to drive no it is trust me Sonny you just don't understand cars yeah that was weird bruh that was like I was sliding over here and so I take the homework out of the trunk and I shred it give me those boys and to the shredding machine let's go yes guys little did you know if you shred your homework you don't have to do it it's true it's the best technique you can even get it wet in the kitchen sink and then clog your toilet with it that'll work too whoa what can we do here throw the remains into the incinerator you got it five more seconds and it's all shredded this is really thorough dude yo it looks like it was gonna catch on fire too okay put it in the bin oh whoa 200 don't forget to robe and see what items you can buy yeah we need to save up for the attic key whoa after a lot of Moolah I'm gonna upgrade our Shredder to start what are these investors pitch your business to investors and they'll give you multipliers whoa let's buy this one whoa whoa go back back hold on I'm getting an investor what about the 5000 Robux multiplier you think we're money or something something whoa that's pretty good I think that's goated now we just need to go back to school and get some more homework to shred let's roll let's do it oh what are these the store yo extra multipliers whoa okay I gotta buy the lucky one because we're about to steal homework we want to get the best premium homework drip home get 10 off all row Bay items very overpowered dripify your home and get a drippy robate yeah but let's get dripping yeah you had me a trip you had me a trip we're gonna be ice cold with that drip yo yo dripped out that was fight that was fine all right we don't need anything else for now instant travel I'm tired of driving this van I'm spending Robux we got to get these upgrades if we want to be the best at shredding homework walk twice as fast yeah we gotta go quick with it this is a lot of pay to win I know I know I'm just trying to ease into the game a little little bit you know all right I feel you I feel you and now it's time to steal homework yes yes mythical homework that's pretty epic normal mathematics who wants math homework sorry you've been caught pick boxing like eight times I'm not stealing I'm I'm helping you out so you don't have to do any homework you're welcome oh can we get the rich guy homework dang it this guy every time soggy ooh whatever I don't know why these students want to keep their homework so bad what I thought Apple Scott I've traveled to school instead of driving there what I still gotta drive home maybe you don't use the van I don't know whatever shred it how much money do you think you're gonna make Sonny I think I'm gonna make crazy guap I'm thinking like at least ten thousand well that's a lot of Moolah when I got mythical homework and remember our multipliers already at 35x oh come on come on and I destroy it oh 6K not too shabby yeah that's pretty good that's pretty dang good now let's go to roebay and get some upgrades melon you should unlock the attic Sunny good idea buy that also uh I need to train my muscles a little bit so let's get some push-ups wait a second these things all give us multipliers look at this the great Samuel statue plus two multiplier yeah we'll take that the golden truck sure why not yo what that's epic all right we take those and now we gotta take our attic key and open this what's gonna be up here yo super computer whoa whoa the vent send your workers homework to shred in the Attic they won't shred anything if you don't send them homework sure I'll buy it but I I do we even have workers yet oh you can get Workers to do everything for you sonny okay we need to go back to school we need more Monies and once we have more cash we'll be able to acquire so many more workers indeed what do these push-ups do I'm getting paid to do push-ups yo that's a lot you're not even shredding homework this is awesome this is do push-up simulator yo that's actually a lot of guap all right now I can go back upstairs check this out and I can acquire a worker what kind of worker would I like a wooden worker or like a homework stealer grab yourself a homework dude that's how you've earned it thank you melon how does it work though like is he gonna like deliver it to the truck or do you have to go like out or what do you do here I have no clue but I'm going to school time hey you got that fast travel yeah we do why am I keep on getting caught just give me your homework dang it oh rare homework oh what's this listen you gotta get behind them I know I know I'm just trying to see if there's anyone else somewhere else all right we gotta sneak up on the rich guy right here like boom give me that oh oh he would have had some good homework wait what bro come back bro when you've got some shredded homework to sell me whoa we could sell the lunch lady homework how can you sell to her the homework she just likes eating homework I don't know I'm out of inventory I've got to leave Shredder's on start shredding okay while it shreds optimize the route you guys keep training maximum strength maximum shredding power all at once this is how you get rich get yolk study I'll be absolutely jacked to the gills they're actually making heca all right so I made six and a half thousand while they're shredded and then I put it in here plus 16. let's go oh we should have vented it to the attic huh whoops you're so stupid Sonny I don't want to talk about it Diamond Shredder shreds so much faster with the new and revolutionary epic and real diamond Shredder that sounds cool I like epic and real what's lava pit yo replaces that ugly bin you throw your homework in that's it plus two shred faster yes almost shred quicker what is this pay your respects to the best dog in the world Rita so sorry Rita who's Rita I don't know whether dad respect to Rita okay and we do a couple of these oh yeah our multiplier is even bigger and we hit the attic check this out melon we're gonna buy another worker woodworker got him steal homework from people and automatically send it to your workers that's what we need we need Autumn yo Sonny we gotta start grinding wait something just made me money look I'm not shredding for you that's what we needed we want more of those so woodworker is amazing copper worker okay we need this pay me hurry up and give me the guap Panda hurry up pay me I don't I don't really know how it works Sonny it's like randomly giving me money yes okay I was gonna do push-ups so I could buy more workers uh but I think he already paid me hold on a little more we're gonna buy two more upgrades melon then we're going back to school all right all right all right there should be enough push-ups get to 15 000. I think I think you're good Sonny do you think that guy's gonna make me money even when I'm downstairs I think so yes it did it just paid me yes and one iron worker yo it's our friend it's Sam Riley oh that's epic maybe I'll get a melon employee soon now melon would never work for you he's too much of a bum yo you're right he a big bumbaclot bomb Club you're a big boxy bum hey man don't say that yo let's get more papers so we could shred them and I want to do one more little bit of pay to win let's see here VIP 30 more money worker shred two times more homework yeah purchase the upgrads paying to win is the best way to play the game and uh the rest of this is uh it's all good we kind of don't really need it we'll get this one at least 2x money for five minutes yeah I think that's about right yeah that works that works and now we must Rob everyone give me that homework yo this guy's literally a king give me that rare oh this is some good homework we're gonna make it yo we're stealing from everyone this is perfect what about this person with the color wheel he busted us dang it conehead give me that yeah homework oh this guy's got one of those super rare hats give me this anything here oh more it's gonna be so much money Sonny yo this guy got a big head yes we got enough homework yes Sonny check out our Co-op too we're making so much money dude we have 60 000. I can't wait to hire you to be my servant right yes wait why is the lunch lady Cletus I just realized it's Flamingo you gotta Shred the homework first oh you're right well time to go home then get in the drip mobile and roll out bro we are rich with it we are hey shred that homework and then sell it to the girl should I shred it or send it upstairs yo I don't know send it upstairs what does that do they go to work now they do all the work for me are you sure I think so and then they'll get me paid gold worker is it melon oh it's Trixie yeah you think that would work for you sonny no way you will soon enough Sapphire worker I'm not working for you sonny there's no chance dang it it's a bacon hair Noob hey upgrade anything no melon maybe you're gonna become the ultimate worker the amethyst worker nah I don't think so we'll see and we sure will there's still a few more tries until I can hire you as my ultimate peasant dude you gotta oh that's not even worth it bro go get some home hold on let me see what's going on here extra Pocket expansion what's a DJ oh that's what we need oh we gotta get some tunes wait you're making me wait oh DJ drop it what's a black hole dude uh destroy all homework forever put an end to oh whoa Sonny that's how we win we get the black hole and then we'll be unstoppable but first I want to see what happens when you give shredded homework to the Albert oh okay sir sure sure I gotta go grind then let me uh just get back in my car really fast and zoom in so we gotta steal some homework we gotta shred it and then we give it to the lunch lady yeah well you should have employees that are stealing homework for you they are they're supplying the workers upstairs with homework oh yes they're increasing our cash flow to make us maximum guapage I see oh got some rare homework man this guy's impossible to Rob and we will soon have a million dollars but I want to hire a wander melon to work for me no I do not think so it's only a matter of time until you would be my employee [Music] maybe I can steal from this one now yes just two more and we're stacked on homework one more wiz's list of ideas oh give it a hammer guy now let's head back Shred the homework and give it to Albert you're correct we will give it to Big Albert the beautiful lunch lady collect homework shred it put it in there yeah I'll do some push-ups while we wait maximize that money wait no I need more 2x I'm missing out on cash right now wait it says we have 2X money but it's not working fine I'll buy it for 10 minutes see if that overrides uh is that gonna stack I have no idea yes it did Stack it worked we have 15 minutes now okay sonny grab that shredded homework and go give it to Alberto I will give it to Alberto with first time with shop let me buy more workers you will not have a melon worker Sunny yes are you sure die yet it's still not you Sonny it's never gonna happen Hey look it's my biggest fan no she's wearing that Sunny merch you could get that shirt on our group page yo go check it out right now magma worker is this you dang it it's still sunny I told you I ain't gonna work for you I have too many bacon hairs on my friends list it's all up to the amethyst worker I will acquire this melon okay well go give that stuff to Albert maybe he'll give you enough money for it hey melon before I give it to Albert check this out investors let's get a few more investors shall we yo Sonny chill I must become the richest of all time investor will give us 40. let's go that's gonna be big that's actually huge we're gonna have so much more cash flow hundred thousand boom I just like doubled your money I know that was crazy and now Albert I I have a special delivery for you you're looking absolutely beautiful today by the way I just want to say that nice Pizza you're a great chef and thanks for giving me this kid here's your reward wait what did I even get paid did I did I get a plus money I don't even think he gave you anything Sonny I mean I have a lot of cash but I didn't even see wasn't now we've been gaining like a hundred thousand I don't understand what just happened me neither I'm pretty sure the lunch lady just pays you extra what about that money bag on the floor oh yeah I'm pretty sure she gives you uh like 10 or 20 more than normal I'm pretty sure that's what it was maybe I think I got like 200k from her oh look at this person stole from the bow bucks honey you're gonna have over a million dollar hair soon I know but the problem is I first have to buy the amethyst worker and see if I can finally hire the melon all right why don't you go buy it then chill chill I will but I'm just getting more homework first so I can shred it yo look at this his brain is as big as mine oh yes honey for sure it is so much bigger than sunny sunny is so stupid okay this is enough I gotta go home shred this and buy the amethyst and see if you're in my employment I don't think I will be sunny I'm quite certain you Xiao now melon would you like to come and work for sunny Industries uh I would not I'm not working for you let's find out shall we business melon yeah get drunk that's just as good no it's not really sunny you got played for a fiddle nah bro nah you're mad and you know it because I have one of your melons under my employment now no I don't really even care about him to be honest whatever I'm gonna grab my shredded homework I'm on a dog kit but first let's buy this shall we put an end to everything goodbye hope we're treading what's gonna happen what's gonna happen absorb everything oh that was it okay I thought you ended all homework forever I thought so too wait maybe I could throw my homework in there his music is Big busting you know what else busted though that like And subscribe button press it right now before the black hole destroys the world wait Sonny think about it too late melon I activated it oh oh all the homework will be destroyed I have a feeling everything's destroyed so we're gonna be going bye-bye too what happened what happened Steve bruh now the entire world is destroyed is that what he wanted I didn't mean to do that sad face oh he's not happy don't worry I will restore the world back to normal we'll find a way to get rid of homework forever I promise yo Steve is strong we did it melon we destroyed homework forever oh that's great for more
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 724,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zy8vIyRs7so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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