Shredded Beef Tacos With Avocado Slaw by Rockin Robin

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hi everybody I'm rockin Robin today I am making Mexican shredded beef tacos with avocado slaw now this recipe can be made in a crock-pot or what I'm going to do is I'm going to be putting it in the oven so the choice is yours and I can't wait to show it to you so stay with me and I'll be right back all right everybody let's go over the ingredients so we can get started so here's what we're gonna need I've got a two this is probably 2 and 3/4 pound beef chuck roast it's a more little inexpensive cut of beef which is perfect for this we'll need some beef broth here I've got some chipotle peppers in adobo sauce and you'll use as much of this as you like it hot and here I've got a yellow onion that is the rock and Robins superfine dice I like everything nice and small I've got some red wine use whatever you have I'm using a Cabernet I've got a can of green dice chiles and remember these are very very mild there's no heat to those at all really and we'll need some chili powder garlic powder I have some ground cumin right here and this is some smoked paprika we'll need a little salt and we'll need some coconut oil I did say we're gonna serve this these tacos with some avocado slaw and I'm gonna go ahead and go over those ingredients with you a little bit later but we're gonna start with this and start preparing this and get it in the oven because it takes about three three-and-a-half hours to cook all right so to start off what we're gonna do is I have my oven preheating to 350 coconut oil I'm gonna put my roast in there and I'm gonna sear I'm not going to touch it I'm just gonna let it sit there for you know a couple minutes and I'm gonna go ahead and sprinkle a little bit of salt on the top here alright it's been a couple minutes now and like I said we're just searing it to get some nice flavor into this I feel it looks like look at that don't let that go a couple more minutes I'm gonna go ahead you don't have to do the sides but I kind of like to do the sides as well and then lay it on its side and let it sear on the sides I'm gonna go ahead and rotate it and I'm gonna continue doing this until the whole thing is teared up alright guys I've got this all seared on all sides so I'm gonna go ahead and place it in my roasting pan here I'm gonna go ahead and add a little more coconut oil to the pan cuz I'm gonna just gonna place the onions in there I'll let them pick up some nice flavor let them get a little translucent all right so now the onions have been cooking for about four minutes and I'm going to deglaze the pan you can see the nice brown bits that are stuck there and we want to get all of that into our roasting pans gonna put the wine in there let it cook for a minute and loosen all of the little bits alright so now we're just gonna take our onion wine mixture here and I'm just gonna place it in with the meat all those flavors in there alright so let's go ahead and add the rest of our ingredients I got my beef broth here I'm gonna add the green chillies I've got my paprika which I'm gonna sprinkle in the ground cumin garlic powder and you can use fresh garlic if you like but I like the pattern in this particular dish here's the chili powder or salt now for the pepper now like I said I think if you've seen my videos you know I'm kind of a wimp my family doesn't like things too spicy so I'm gonna grab one of those peppers in adobo sauce here it is and I'm just gonna place the whole thing in to the pot I'm just gonna let the whole thing just kind of infuse its flavor that smoky flavor and then here with the can there's some sauce and what I do is I just put a few little drips around it and this keeps it fairly mild I'm gonna go ahead and cut off those strings so that meat can get more submerged into the sauce and we're going to cover this and cook it at 300 degrees for about three hours I would check it at three hours to see how tender that that beef is and if it's falling apart you can just take it right off so that's it so in the oven it goes and then we can work on our slope so now it's time to start making our avocado coleslaw so let me go over those ingredients with you they need some cabbage this is almost a head of cabbage and you can buy it already packaged or you can do like I did I just cut my cabbage in half and then thinly thinly sliced it and you get a nice shred like that all right we'll need some carrots and I did the same thing here I have a couple carrots that I just graded on it on a hand grater and we'll need some I've got some red bell pepper here sliced up and chopped nice and small here I've got some red onion with the rock and Robyn superfine dice I call it and I've got a little bit of honey some Greek yogurt some fresh lime juice and I'm saving this part so that I can zest that nice flavor from the peel of the wine we'll need an avocado and a little bit of salt and some extra virgin olive oil okay so let's start off by mixing together our coleslaw dressing so I'm going to take the yogurt and just place it in a bowl and I'm gonna add the lime juice and the honey the honey's gonna sweeten it up just a little bit I'm gonna toss in just a pinch of salt just to bring out even more flavor and I'm gonna whisk that together and I'm going to add about a teaspoon of olive oil I'm gonna combine that and then what I'm gonna do I'm gonna finish it off with the lime zest which really gives it some nice really nice flavor it's just so fresh tasting so I'm gonna go ahead and do the zest of a whole lime for this okay so now we're ready to put the coleslaw together except for the avocado I don't want you to put your avocado in yet in fact I still have about an hour and a half left of cooking for the for the beef in the oven and so I'm not gonna put this in now otherwise it's gonna you know oxidize and not look so pretty so we want it to look pretty don't we so I got my cabbage here I'm gonna add my carrots we'll sprinkle those in glad those onions and the bell pepper so once I toss this together we will add the dressing get all that right in there we're gonna toss this up and then I'm gonna cover it and put it in the refrigerator until we're ready to serve it give this a nice toss so I've taken the shredded beef out of the oven it was in there for about three and a half hours and it's got this beautiful sauce in here so what I'm gonna do is take it out of the pan place it here on my cutting board so that I can shred it up then I'm gonna put it back in the pan to keep the meat hot until I'm ready to serve it so it's pretty easy to shred up you just get a couple of forks and you can see how nicely this is just pulling apart so I'm just gonna shred it and like I said place it right back in to the pan and that way it'll stay hot okay so now that I have the the beef shredded up it's back in the sauce to stay nice and warm I'm gonna go ahead and cut my avocado so we're ready to serve this up so I just cut it in half you saw that and now I'm just gonna take the half of the avocado and make some slices in it and then I'm going to cut it in one direction and then I'm going to cut it in the other direction to make nice little cubes and then I'm just gonna invert this let me start falling out right away and I'm gonna place them in my coleslaw so let's give our coleslaw a nice gentle toss here with the avocado now I've got my tortillas I put them in my little tortilla oven I love these things guys if you don't have one of these you might want to think about getting one they really make entertaining super easy you can stick a whole dozen in here or more pop them in the microwave for 45 seconds and they stay hot for about 45 minutes it's great so to serve these up here's all we have to do I like to use amusing soft corn tortillas so what I like to do is do two for each taco and I'm gonna get some of the meat of course look at that that meat looks amazing and it really smells good so you just add some of that on there a little bit of the coleslaw right over the top so if it's a little spicy it'll cool it down just a bit any of that look at that and then you just take your I like to do to to give a little extra support let's get that piece of meat in there and just set it right on your plate and I'll go ahead and make two of those kind of keep them together and then we'll just place this right up here and they fold this over and we're good to go there you have it guys you know what I got to take a bite I am starving and it's gonna be messy though that's the thing it's gonna be a mess but I gotta have a little taste all right guys here we go I'm diving in here we go bear with me that is heaven delicious guys mm I can't say enough good stuff about that you've got to try this recipe you are gonna love it thanks so much for watching today I hope you enjoyed the video and the recipe try it leave me a comment let me know how you like it and if you haven't subscribed already click that little button right up there that way you'll never miss a video that's coming out because I come out with you know videos all the time so thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Rockin Robin Cooks
Views: 19,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shredded beef tacos, Mexican, shredded, Beef (Ingredient), tacos, taco, recipe, cooking, recipes, superbowl, entertain, entertaining, party, food, avocado, Coleslaw (Food), homemade, dinner, filling, Rockin Robin, cookingmexicanrecipe, video, show, slow cook, slaw, Shredded Beef, Cook, Rockin Robin Cooks
Id: _T9_vDQeAqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 24 2014
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