Crockpot Shredded Beef Tacos

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okay guys so for this recipe you are going to need of course a crock pot so I have my crock pot here you're going to need two tablespoons of olive oil two pounds of beef and I usually use the boneless chuck roast so two pounds of beef you're going to need two teaspoons of chili powder one teaspoon of cumin you're also going to need a cup of beef broth two tablespoons of tomato paste and five gloves of garlic or you know I'm just going to kind of eyeball it since I have the one that's already like minced in here so yeah that's all you're going to need now I'm going to show you guys next step go ahead and just get a little clear little bow or don't have to be clear just get a bowl because you're going to want to mix your chili powder and your ground cumin together so you need the two teaspoons of chili powder I'm going to do one and a half just because Chris and Madeline aren't huge fans of that and then the one teaspoon of the ground cumin I'm just going to want to mix this up and you're just pretty much creating a dry rub and after you mix it up you just want to put it on both sides of the just dry rub it onto your roast go ahead and place a tablespoon of olive oil in a skillet and heat that up and then you're going to go ahead and place your meat on there or your roast on there and this is already already seasoned as you can tell you want to go ahead and sear it for about two minutes on each side you just want to kind of brown once you have it browned on both sides you just want to go ahead and place it on the bottom of your crock pot and go ahead and make this top go ahead and leave the skillet on you're going to want to add the five cloves of garlic or in my case I'm going to just squeeze them in there kind of eyeball it and you're just going to want to saute it in the pan now go ahead and add your cups of beef stock and what that's going to do is it's going to deglaze the pan and just kind of get off whatever is left from when you cook the meat off in there and just add flavor to the meat once you add it into the crock pot to go ahead and just get everything that you can off of the pan now you want to go ahead and add the two tablespoons of tomato paste you're going to go ahead and just let the mixture thicken it will thicken a little bit so just kind of mix it and let it thicken up and then go ahead and pour it over your pot roast that is already in your crock pot so go ahead once the sauce is nice and thick go ahead and pour it right over the roast the chuck roast it's in there just go ahead and pour it right over that you're going to want to set it on low for six to eight hours or high for three to four hours I'm going to go ahead and set it on high and then just go ahead and let it sit you want to check it as once it starts shredding easily then it's ready so go ahead and just leave it on there once again low for six to eight hours or high for three to four hours and just kind of check it alright so it's been about six hours so I went ahead and took it out it is really really really soft I can barely get it out because it's like literally just falling apart so that's whenever you know it's ready it's just super super super tender so I went ahead and poured that out and put it on a plate so I can shred it and you're left with the juices in the crock pot you want to go ahead and take some of the juices out but leave a little bit in there so that your meat can be juicy but you want to go ahead and start shredding the the roast so once all the meat is shredded and you put it back in the crock pot and mix it all up with the juices or the you know the sauce mixture that's left this is pretty much what it will look like it'll probably look a little bit better because I kind of took up out a little bit too much sauce but it smells delicious and you just put this on some tortillas and you have your shredded beef tacos I will show you guys our plates here in a second
Channel: RaisingAddy
Views: 77,545
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Id: wgMqKUqaW_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 21 2015
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