Perfect Spacers for BMW E36 and Wheel Stud Conversion

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[Music] all right so for today what I'm going to do is I'm going to install a stud conversion kit so this uh with the current setup it uses uh these lug uh bolts so I'm going to change it to a stud conversion where it uses lug nuts and I'll also add some spacers as you can see here the wheels kind of in a little bit so what I'm thinking is I'll have them come out a little bit more this is the view from the front and this is the rear and naturally it looks the same on the other side as well but I'll show you from looking from the back going forward and here again so as far as the kit I got um I wanted to just do it all in one as opposed to buying the studs the spacers the nuts and so forth so I went on eBay and I got this thing what it has the spacers as well as the nuts and for uh the studs as well all right so here we go here are the the nuts and as far as the the studs here they are um I should have 20 so I'm going to count them off to make sure I have all 20 uh before I start doing anything so it's got a 10 in here and 10 in here this now this is I should have 20 of these as well so that's in looking at it that's exactly what I've got and now I should have four spacers so here we go I have um two 12 millimeters and 210. um the setup that I like I run this basically on every car that I have is I do 12 on the front 10 on the rear not going to change anything here I'm gonna do the same thing so I'm gonna do uh 12 millimeters on the front uh 10 on the rear also the nice thing is it has it written here it's pretty obvious which ones are the 12 they are a little bit thicker but it has it written here to confirm things so I'm gonna get right to it all right so besides the equipment what we'll need tool wise is uh break a Bart I'll need a jack of course I need this like Allen key thing need a 17 to break the lugs torque wrench as well [Music] and as far as this one I'm only doing one side at a time so I'm just going to use the smaller Jack [Applause] all right really looking forward to this because after uh these things are on wheels are going to just be easy to take off and put on it'll help because I plan on cleaning these things down really good and maybe even powder coating them I mean who am I kidding I'm not powder coating anything I'm going to spray paint them all right get these things out so as far as this does are concerned um I mean you load them up here put a little bit of Loctite I think the recommended Loctite is the blue and uh torque it down to 15 pound feet which is why we've got the the torque wrench here the bigger one is for the and that's when we finish and if I recall right off the top of my head it'll just be 90 pound feet 15 pound feet for the studs all right we're just kind of test fitting them before I put on the Loctite to make sure uh there's no issues and there's not got the Loctite on there and start torquing them down all right so this is a size six hex now to torque these down you're going to need it to stay in place otherwise it'll just keep on turning so what I like to do is to use um part of the Jack the handle essentially and use it to press the front brake all right so here's a break and what I'll do is I'll move the seat all the way up so that it's pressing on the brake so the wheel doesn't move see it's moved up all the way that's not going anywhere the wheel is not going anywhere now so now I could torque things down as I need to before putting on the spacers or even before even putting back on the wheel is to clean the Hub itself especially around uh here um I didn't do that beforehand and I ended up doing it off camera but either way you know clean it off the best you can a wire wheel is really excellent for it but essentially what you want is you want a very clean mating surface so that you don't have any vibration or movement once the car gets at speed all right so I'm going to use my trusted 12 millimeters on the front 12 12 millimeters on the front and it should go on without too much problems it's exactly what you want you want it to fit on nice and flush have a nice mating surface so with these on I'm gonna load the wheels back on torque it down should be pretty easy getting it on I was never able to do this type of thing with one hand before um and and now it can so now I'm gonna um tighten these nuts down and I'm gonna use uh 90 pound feet for these nuts the same as I would when I was using the bolts [Music] all right it's back on the ground and here's how the front is sitting now [Music] all right I'm gonna do the back and put it back down finish all sides and then I'll put the before and after photos when I'm done and this is the rear with the 10. thank you so this is from the front looking forward on the back front looking forward on the front and I'll show you the opposite as well back looking forward [Music] on the rear and back looking forward on the front now the front is slightly turned to the left and I'll have to see if there's any rubbing because once I do drive the car there should be a little bit more lowering in fact I know there'll be more lowering because the car does not sit that high and here it is after it's settled [Music]
Channel: Traction Control Delete
Views: 1,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BMW, E36, Wheel Spacers, Stud Conversion, Spacers, Stud Kit, Studs, M44B19, 318is
Id: y3yPC8aWxT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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