Galaxy S24 Ultra vs S23 Ultra - EVERYTHING COMPARED!

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should you upgrade that's probably the question on a lot of s23 ultra owner lips where they want to know what is going to be better about the s24 ultra compared to the s23 ultra the obvious answer is probably no but if you are still interested this is the video where we compare everything between the s23 ultra and the s24 ultra let's go s23 Ultra owners have been spoiled they have been treated to a smartphone that did everything they wanted wanted it to do and a lot more last year in 2023 Samsung though in the yearly upgrade cycle that they're in had to pack the s24 ultra with more and more to try and bring consumers forward into the 2024 smartphone game realistically people shouldn't upgrade year- on-ear it's probably not necessary but if you're interested and you probably are cuz you're watching this video you want to know where the upgrades from the s23 ultra to the s24 ultra lie that's honestly what we're going to be looking at now a lot of people people are just comparing the camera and fair enough Samsung do make a big song and dance but there is so much more about this phone that is different to the s23 ultra that should be spoken about so the categories we're going to look at today we're going to start off with the design comparing how the inhand feel the materials used and then also the display cuz that kind of goes hand inand together we are of course going to look at the camera it' be silly not to because there are some Hardware changes this year and also some software processing differences that you probably should know about and within that camera comparison we're going to look at photos we're going to look at videos we're going to look at five times versus 10 times 50 megapixels versus 10 and really just try and figure out is the five times better than the 10 times and does it have more flexibility so that will be answered and then we're going to look at software because this launched with 1ui 6.1 currently this is still oneui 6 and in that mix as well we're going to look at the performance because this is running the latest Snapdragon hn3 for Galaxy which is imp improve the capabilities versus the H and2 for Galaxy so let's dive into it starting with the design first impressions of both of these is they're the same at least from a distance you look at these two phones with the cameras next to each other you'd be forgiven for thinking this is the s23 ultra but a very keen eye and someone who has held the phone in their hands will tell you that they are not the same and the reason why is just the materials that Samsung have used and the subtle refinements that Samsung have made the first thing that you'll notice pretty much straight away is that it's actually a little bit wider and not by much Samsung have slightly thickened the width to accommodate a slightly wider screen and it's a bit shorter in height as well to still maintain that 6.8 in screen at the front but Samsung also made the phone thinner and not by much it's. 3 mm thinner in thickness this way versus the s23 ultra that isn't something that should be sneezed at because they've managed to pack a lot more in here whilst not having as much space internally that's probably not something you'll notice straight away I don't know why I said that the thing you'll notice straight away is the flatness of the display and the flatb glass Samsung have done a complete 180 in that in the last po pretty much 6 to seven years it's been all curved they've lent heavily into that curve display pretty much set the trend that the industry pretty much followed but slowly but surely in the last few years you've seen a bit of a change to go back the other way especially in the bass models they went flat with the s20 one but as they've sort of crept on with the ultra they've slowly but surely flattened out that curve last year with the s23 ultra was probably the flattest we've seen it but now with the s24 ultra it's flat now keeping in mind that yes the flatness is for the display area but the bezel has actually got the slightest dip into the frame which I'm okay with I think that still maintains that kind of curved aesthetic ever so slightly but the difference in how it looks you won't pick up on that from a distance that curve display something something to be said about it though in the fact that its inhand feel is really really nice but Samsung have maintained that inhand feel to an extent with the thanks to the curved frame and that frame is also different they're now using a titanium finish around that frame versus the metal and the metal frame with its glossy exterior felt slippery and weird like I wouldn't say weird but since holding the titanium of the s24 ultra it feels nice and sort of grippy in the hands but also just has that nice premium feel to it to match the matte glass finish on the back it's really nice part of this Frame as well is Samsung have made a big cutout for the speaker whereas the s23 ultra had little individual holes this is one big opening and I did a bit of a speaker test so let's have a bit of a listen to that now I think the s24 ultra goes louder but you'd be the judge and let me know let's Deep dive into everything that this update has changed on Samsung's flagship tablet let's deep dive into everything that this update has changed on Samsung's flagship tablet part of that flat display is Samsung have uniformed the bezels right around the screen it's very very small and it's even right the way around it might look on the sides at least anyway you notice it a little bit more but that's just because the flat display accentuates it doesn't mean there is more cuz it's not the case at all the bezels are smaller and the frame around the outside you see the frame but not by much in fact it disappears when you start using the phone and it just adds to that much nicer feel in the hand that you have the curve still and that bezel is sitting around Samsung's best ever display in one of their phones it has jumped Leaps and Bounds ahead of the s23 ultra in so many different areas firstly just on paper the numbers themselves are enough goes from 1,7 50 pnets of brightness to 2,600 and you notice it Outdoors you can absolutely see it especially when taking lots of photos you'll see side by side there is a difference in how bright the displays can go it has to be in certain environments that this can do this cuz indoors you're actually not going to notice much but Outdoors absolutely you see it but something that you do notice no matter where you are indoors Outdoors is the reflectivity of the screen Samsung are using Gorilla Glass Armor to protect the display and part of that is a 75% reduction in glare that hits the screen and I put a post up on Twitter that kind of did its thing and I absolutely noticed this in anything whether that be indoors with my studio lighting or whether that be outdoors when um at SeaWorld taking photos of the kids you can absolutely see the lower reflectivity in the display and it definitely makes for looking at things a lot easier when it's bright in certain situations another thing to be said too is the viewing experience is really nice it doesn't mean that it's much different or better than the s23 ultra it's still great and also the punch hole is smaller so you might notice that something that'll add to the viewing experience too is an extra toggle in here in the display settings called adaptive color tone whole purpose of this is that depending on the lighting environment it will adjust the tone of the display to suit it actually uses the cameras rear and front to identify the lighting environment and then adjust accordingly I wasn't sure I'd like the flat display being back but the fact they've maintained the Curve frame means that I'm okay with it let me know what you think which design do you prefer the cameras on these have been a big talking point on X in the last few days I have done my camera comparison before this supposed update but my comparison isn't always just going to compare output I actually look at the functional differences and the performance differences of the camera as well because that should be taken into consideration especially with optimizations which will likely come to the ultra as time goes on starting with softare W differences there's actually not a lot in the main part of the camera that's different compared to the s23 ultra the UI looks fairly consistent the other thing you notice straight away is the difference in the telephoto range there's a lot more options down the bottom and Camera assistant in the s24 ultra allows you to tweak that a bit more but I'll dip into that a little bit later you obviously can see the difference and you have 5x versus 10 but there's still the 10x button uh on the s24 ultra as well something that I was immediately Keen to test out is the shutter speed and how quick it was at capturing multiple images straight away I never understood the fascination myself but it was something that a lot of people care about and definitely uh people on the internet like to speak about it but it's not a thing anymore Samsung have completely fixed that issue and no matter what sort of environment you're in you can smash that shutter Button as quickly as you like and it'll just keep capturing photos and this is with the settings turned all the way up to maximum prioritizing Focus over speed and maximum quality in the intelligent options you don't have to think about it anymore it will just capture it and the output's quite good next to the s23 ultra it's an obvious win the s24 ultra whether or not that comes in with oneui 6.1 I'm not sure but it seems as if Samsung have gone to work and made it a lot better Hardware wise the big difference is the 5x 50 megapixel camera on the s24 ultra which has replaced the 10 megapix 10x on the s23 ultra Lots has been said about this so I went to work to compare to figure out what you're actually missing and what you're gaining with this 5x camera starting with the probably the most obvious comparison 5x on the s24 ultra compared to 5x on the s23 ultra well there's really no comparison the s23 ultra uses the 3x obviously to crop in to five and it has to use digital upscaling to try and fill in the blanks whereas this is pure optical zoom at 5x and the difference is absolutely noticeable straight away no matter what sort of environment you're in the 5x on the s24 ultra is so good at taking photos compared to the 5x digital zoom on the s23 ultra but then you jump up to 10x and that's probably where a lot of people wanted to know what the difference was and I'm pleased to say there's either a negligible difference in terms of quality or the s24 ultra sometimes edges it one thing I noticed is that the s23 ultra from a distance definitely looks maybe slightly crisper but when you do go into trees or grass or something like that you can start to see a little bit of noise developing not sure what that is but the s24 ultra keeps it a little bit sharper zoomed out the quality is quite comparable and I think that's great you know some people wanted this drastic improvement at 10x but I don't think you needed it I think what you needed was it to be matched or slightly better but allow for more range because that's what this 50 megapixel 5x camera does is it means that you can go from 3 to 10 and pretty much have a great photo at any length I did 7.5 comparisons between the two 7.5 on the s23 ultra 7.5 on the s24 and because the 50 megapixel is cropping in from that higher resolution it means you're going to get a good photo at any point between 5 and 10 whereas the s23 ultra it's just not going to be the case and you can see that difference with the 7.5 times photos that I took that the s24 ultra absolutely destroys it but 10x is probably the one that's most important no matter what you're taking photos of whether it be signs I took a photo of my kids from 10x away they were sort of moving quite quickly in a playground and my son's face is a perfect example of how the 10x on the s24 ultra retained more detail and made it look more natural versus the 10x on the s23 ultra I don't think you should be concerned if you are thinking about that upgrade and you were worried about losing 10x quality don't the s24 ultra absolutely maintains it and in some ways improves on it Beyond 10x so at 30X I think the s23 ultra still has the upper hand here because it's starting from an optical level at a further away Point whereas the s24 ultra has to play a little bit of catchup it's not terrible and in fact the difference isn't really that bad in some instances like this photo of a seagull I was able to capture more detail on the s24 ultra versus the s23 ultra a lot of that as well is probably down to the OAS but I'll get to that when I talk about video and how much more stable that 5x camera is at 100x whatever I you won't be taking 100x photos so don't worry about it the big test for this camera was at night Samsung were talking about how it was larger pixel sizes 1.6 times bigger than the s23 Ultras 10 times camera and the sensor overall had a bigger size to and a wider aperture 3.4 versus 4 4.9 and you definitely can see more light coming in I think Samsung probably need to do a bit of work on their processing at the 10 time zoom range the building that I was taking a photo of it couldn't quite process the lights at the top but the building was brighter and the sky you could see whereas the s23 ultra pretty much blacked out the sky and had its priority on the lights and the little bit of the building in a normal sort of low light 10 times again the s24 ultra captured more light you can see that and the s23 ultra kept it a little bit darker so we'll have to see how this plays out as processing improves over time at 5x the s24 ultra is like no contest the s23 ultra is obviously cropping in digitally these were all taken in night mode so uh I haven't I didn't test it in Auto but Auto has night mode built into it kind of anyway so it probably would end up with a very similar result for fun I took a photo of the Moon at 30X there's just a slight tinge in processing difference quality and detail wise are fairly similar but apparently it's probably a fake Moon anyway so who who knows wrapping that up I for me personally I like the upgrade to the 5x camera and it's being 5050 megapixels that 50 megapixels as well is quite flexible because you can take high resolution photos at that 5 times resolution it does take some nice Sharp Images you can have a look at some of them here but I think the main purpose of this 50 megapixels is to give you that Zoom range from 5 to 10 and having Optical light quality anywhere in between that offers more of a range versus the s23 ultra which is 3x and then 10x and a big jump in between that you have to make make from a 10 megap camera if you're thinking about upgrading and this the camera was one of the reasons why that telephoto lens absolutely an improvement with that out of the way I want to look at the photos next to each other I took a lot of time to inspect and zoom in and crop into a lot of different images the thing I noticed pretty much straight away is the processing was different from the s23 ultra to the s24 Ultra Samsung changed something it didn't matter which camera I was looking at so starting with the ultra wide you can see that there's a very different Sky difference the tonal difference in the sky different shade of blue on the s24 ultra versus the s23 and then heading into the one times camera 2 I noticed quite evidently that again that same sort of processing was different and the grass the overarching thing was there was this golden warmish tinge to it Samsung seemed to have changed their processing and shift it to a more golden yellowish I wouldn't say yellow that's probably a bit harsh golden is the word I'll use I didn't mind it cuz the setting I was taking a lot of photos in was at the beach and you notice that gold t at the beach when you're there so I'm glad the photos sort of replicated that and brought that out whereas the s23 ultra had that kind of cooler undertone to it and lifted the Shadows quite a bit whereas the s24 ultra seemed to favor slightly darker Shadows like ever so slightly in certain situations your ultimate preference here is processing not necessarily detail I did notice the s24 ultra had some slightly sharper detail in trees for example like there's this wide angle shot here of this tree looking out at Bly Beach and when you crop into them like the middle part of the tree you can see the s24 ultra has got some more detail about it and I like that because it means that Samsung's working hard to process the images to retain detail definitely point there to the s24 ultra but in a lot of situations I took a lot of different photos at the beach took a photos at SeaWorld and I think the overarching theme is yeah there's some different processing happening here with the s24 ultra compared to the s23 ultra whether you prefer them or not let me know in the comments below which side you're on here in terms of of processing it' be interesting to see what Samsung do with this as the year progresses because as we know the s23 ultra got some massive camera updates later down the track especially when oneui 6 launched you can go and watch that video on my channel now birds and that might interest you to see those differences as well there's also 200 megapixels to talk about yeah I think the thing I noticed with photos that I took was that 200 megapixels the s23 ultra was a bit dull and then the s24 ultra was vibrant detail wise I would say that's pretty negligible slightly in favor of the s23 ultra but then at 50 megapixels that was reversed so you could see the differences uh there I haven't put it up as a photo I just recorded myself looking at it for some reason my Premier Pro does not like 200 megapixel photos at all so I'd prefer to avoid that before I dip into some of the software differences expert raw Samsung has enabled 24 megapixels that can be taken from the main camera which is nice I actually really like that change it's it's just going to give you that extra bit of detail to work around with sort of accentuate the photo a little bit more I took a couple of different photos at 12 megapix versus 24 versus 50 and yeah you can definitely see that 24 is kind of like this nice sweet spot for processing and detail so I hope to see Samsung optimize this further and even bring it into the main part of the camera but for now it sits in just expert raw from a software feature point of view Samsung have gone hard I actually have another video planned my next video funnily enough where I look at every sing single new camera feature that Samsung didn't announce because they're there but they didn't tell us about it so hit your subscribe button because that's going to be stacked Samsung have gone crazy with adding new capabilities to the s24 ultra's camera system but I'll quickly cover a couple some that I think might end up coming back to the s20 ultra anyway first one being single take Samsung have now allowed you to take single take photos from any camera on the back and I like this a lot and it's not even just any camera like if you want to take a five or a 10 times that option is there as well the difference here between these two single takes is that from a distance with the s23 ultra it can't quite capture the scene well and then using its AI it doesn't really figure out what's happening whereas the s24 ultra absolutely can go into that 5x and capture it more accurately and then spit out some pretty incredible photos this black and white one of my son after he's sort of been swinging around on a tree is my new favorite photo of him absolutely love it just quietly I use generative edit to actually remove something from the background you can see how well it actually has done and it's made the photo even better than what it was and then I added a blur effect for portrait mode and there you go solid photo but part of the camera too is its performance Improvement it's processing single take a lot faster so that's got to be considered as well and the other change is portrait mode now with portrait mode you can do 5x portraits and I think that just increases the flexibility of how you can take your photos it can do anything like from one times two times three times and then 5x whereas the 23 Ultra is always going to be limited to 3x as its maximum cuz it just can't do 5x portraits that's a definite upgrade that you can see and you can see the photo at the end result it's quite incredible something else Samsung spoke about is social media now I'll leave that potentially for another video if you do want to see a social media comparison between the s23 ultra and s24 Ultra let me know in the comments cuz I'll I'll work on putting something like that together video I think this is probably where you'll notice a lot of function difference versus output difference but there's also some really good output differences with the 5x camera which we're going to start with so like the photos the 5x camera can be utilized for video and what I really like with what this does is it just increases that video flexibility in that 5 to 10x range just starting off let's do a comparison from six to all the way through to 20 times video and you can see as you sort of progress through the stages you can see the quality difference especially once you hit 5x and move into 10x that range between 5 and 10 is handled by that high resolution 5x sensor on the s24 ultra whereas the s23 ultra has to rely on that 10 megapixel camera so it's going to steadily lose resolution as you go whereas the s24 ultra is going to process at the same resolution all the way into that 10x range I absolutely think this is going to make for a much better experience when you are recording video because pretty much anywhere from 0.6 all the way through to 10 you're going to get quality if you are someone who takes a lot of video this will improve it absolutely the other thing too is Samsung spoke about the stabilization of the 5x camera being better than the 10x they've improved the OAS and the vital video Digital Image stabilization to go along with it and that's evident at the 5x range versus 10x on the s23 ultra it is so much more smooth and stable as just sort of of walking along those High magnification lens it can be hard to keep the camera stable I tested this when I zoomed into a tree at SeaWorld you know just to see the detail difference when it went from 5 to 10 on the s23 ultra as soon as it hit the 10x you noticed the camera wobbling that's because the standard sort of holding of the camera that I was doing wasn't enough to keep it stable whereas on the s24 ultra that didn't happen from the 3 to 5 it stayed stable because that o OAS is working a lot better something else this 5X camera is capable of is 8k 30 because again it's 50 megapixel camera it can take 8K footage it makes 8K so much more functional because not only Can you capture something from a distance at 1X but you can then choose to go into 5x with a different video and capture the moment from closer in without having to move and you're capturing it in that 8K so it allows for further cropping in later if you need to opens up that flexibility of how this camera can work and really should be considered if you are some someone who records a lot of video with the s23 ultra you could record in 4k 60 but you couldn't change while whilst you recording you could swap between the selfie and the rear camera but that was it with the s24 Ultra Samsung have opened up 4K 60 to go any Zoom length you want and the actual changing of the cameras is very smooth I was following my daughter along here in berley the other day and changing between the cameras at 4K 60 was great what I really like with 4K 60 is the option to then use something like instant slowmo where you can long press down on the gallery and it'll slow the video up to sort of give you a bit of a preview when using AI to fill in frames it works quite nicely for that but the thing that probably works even better is Samsung have enabled 4K 120 FPS in pro video mode this is wild the stabilization goes out the window at 4K 120 so you're probably wanting to keep this on a tripod even just looking at the quality of it it's fast and what I really like is the fact that you can slow it down in post Samsung haven't enabled for whatever reason the instant slowmo maybe it's processing too much frames but you can go in later and change it to be slower and it maintains that 4K quality and sort of keeps a lot of frames so it's nice in terms of just regular video output so 4K 3030 which is the optimal recording frame rate and resolution on the S Series the output differences are negligible stabilization wise I do actually think the s24 ultra has slightly shaded it in terms of giving you a little bit more stabilization it's not a lot so I don't I wouldn't make the jump just for that alone and the output I also wouldn't make the jump for that either just if you're recording at 1X it's still going to process really nicely on the s23 ultra there's just some subtle differences like maybe slightly darker Shadows for example on the s24 ultra but the actual outputs on both are excellent you won't have anything to complain about if you didn't upgrade from the S your Ultra something Samsung spoke about is low light video uh yeah I would say at 1X there's Maybe maybe some differences and slightly processing the skies a bit better and that's probably about it stabilization at night I did notice a little bit better what you'll want to probably know about is the low light video at a higher magnification length at 5x and Beyond the s24 ultra has it I think it has it because a 10x and a 10x the s24 ultra is actually processing more light and allowing more light to come in whereas the s23 ultra with the sensor being as small as it is and the aperture being as narrow as it is it's not letting it enough I think the processing is probably still better in terms of highlights like flashing lights for example but when you zoom in on this sign at SeaWorld in this very dark the jellyfish exhibit there's not even a comparison the s24 ultra is just drawing in more light on the sign and capturing more information so in lower light in video absolutely will want the s24 ultra again cuz Samsung's probably going to optimize this as the year goes on but again it's just about whether that's an upgrade that's worth it for you or not there's some other small video mode tweaks that Samsung made like portrait video Samsung now allow you to zoom whilst you're recording in portrait video which I thought was a nice touch the s20 ultra you had to choose either 1 or 3x and that was it yes 24 Ultra you can go up to 3x and 1X and anywhere in between I'm yet to determine whether it's switches to the 3x camera whilst you're recording so I'll have to figure that out but at least you can zoom and change range as you're going there's a lot more video modes that Samsung have introduced I want to save that again for that separate video so that's my next one so again hit subscribe so that wraps up the camera from an output and sort of slightly sort of function difference let me know which one you think did better or if you think there's worthly upgrades in what I've shown you all right software time this is where I think some of the things you see might end up on the s23 ultra but it's not confirmed exactly yet what we will see I think actually on S Mobile's website they have a bit of a list over what is coming but let's have a look now at what you got with the 6.1 1 versus 6.0 just straight off Samsung have just said 7 years of os upgrades to the s24 ultra so that could be something you want to consider you move from the S1 Ultra to this and you have seven years of support if you like the op the things that Samsung bring out on their software just to start with that's something to think about from a software level there is a new always on display which won't be going back to the S Ultra and that is because of the new display that Samsung are using Samsung have now enabled you to have your wallpaper as your a I don't know if I like it yet I've spent about a week with it being my aod the thing I don't like is that it just looks like my lock screen always go to unlock it and it doesn't swipe so I start to get really annoyed so I don't know if I'm going to keep it and I don't know how it goes from Battery it hasn't seemed to be too bad just yet because I've set it to Auto where it will actually determine when it needs to be on but yeah Samsung have enabled it I don't know let me know what you think at least there's other options that's what I like about Samsung within here too there is is a new erase background so if you've got a object in your wallpaper aod can erase the background and keep just the object as you're always on display and then black out the rest that could be a workaround if you don't like it completely looking like a wallpaper that might be something you can turn on to sort of give it a bit of a different feel and there's some good transitions from wallpaper always on display all the way through to your home screen so it's actually a nice transition that Samsung made the other thing that I really like is the super HDR in Samsung's Gallery so if you go into the gallery there's a toll here to turn on super HDR I definitely noticed a difference in how the photos looked on the s23 ultra versus the s24 ultra same photo taken with the s24 ultra looked at on both and you can see that there's more dynamic range in the building especially in the building actually compared to the s73 ultra so that's also something that it's just a nice little tweak to have and looks better on this display Samsung have also got some new battery protection sort of features in here on the s24 ultra three little extra toggles versus just the one on the s23 ultra one I really like it's basically will adapt how it charges overnight and then as soon as it gets to maybe like an hour before you wake up it sort of pumps it back up to 100% And sort of keeps it at that until you take it off charge I like it in that I can actually have full capacity whereas the protect battery on the s23 ultra limits it to 85% and that's it nothing else something I didn't like is that the navigation bar is now always present I really miss being able to hide it in the s23 Ultras 1 UI 6 you can go in and hide the hint the gesture hint as it's called can't do that on the s24 ultra and a large part of it is due to the circle to search functionality that Google and Samsung have worked on there was probably something in there that meant they had to keep it present so people could think about it and thankfully Circle to search is a very functional feature that allows you to quickly search something a lot of people are saying it's just Google Lens yeah probably is but it's way more accessible and Samsung announcing it on stage and unpacked has actually made people think about it and want to use it I don't see the problem the other incredible large part of the s24 ultra is Galaxy AI now I did just upload a video on Galaxy AI once you're done with this one go in there and check out what galaxy AI is all about and how to use each of the functions cuz that is pretty much the biggest in terms of feature set upgrades that you get live translate summarize Auto format all that sort of stuff that can really change how you use your phone is in Galaxy Ai and it's in that video that I made performance well I think we've all seen the benchmarks and the numbers I'm not going to repeat any of that that's not for me to do what I like to talk about is how it feels to use from a performance standpoint battery wise I think I've actually noticed this thing lasting longer than what I remember the s23 ultra doing at the start I'm a pretty heavy user and especially someone who's figuring out a new phone I'm on it a lot lot but my first few days using this properly I was finding it very hard to not end the day with between 35 and 40% with heavy amount of screen on time I think my first day my SIM card was in it you know I had it for a week before it was announced but I wasn't allowed to sort of put my Sim in it yet I noticed that the battery was really good I think I had about 5 Hour screen on time and about 45% of battery left and I take it off charge pretty early in the morning and over time it's still sort of Performing quite well like today it's 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon and I am at 85% battery and stopped charging about 4 hours and 54 minutes ago and estimated 1 day and 5 hours left of battery I will say it will happily get me into the second day no problem so battery and the new A3 for Galaxy is something that's enabling that with it's better efficiency but also probably the more efficient display and a lot better cooling that Samsung have put in here from an uh user interface point of view the animations I I'm not a scker of animations I don't care but but what I like is that the ceiling that animations give you mean that it's going to improve everything underneath and this is starting from a higher ceiling than what you have on the s23 ultra just feels that slightly snappier to use when you're opening and closing things and moving around somewhere quickly whereas s Ultra it wasn't sluggish by any means it just has a different feel about it can't quite explain it other than just feels different also feels nicer but you'd want it to if you're upgrading the other two things for me that I really like to test is how it works when you're editing videos and editing photos and then the exporting of of those two things and yeah I think the s24 ultra definitely is a Showcase of the improvements that Samsung have made when it is at doing both of those things the speed difference but also just the performance difference and how it feels when it's doing it is better that's pretty much the phone itself it works faster across so many different areas thanks to that hn3 for Galaxy that Samsung I've introduced so two phones both named Ultra one generation apart the differences on at least on surface level aren't really there but when you dig deep into the actual features themselves and what the processor enables that was what made this phone so good is the processor improved so much on the s22 ultra from a seemingly similar phone that you actually felt the difference in it this year is going to be the same with the slightly refined design but with the way better sort of thought out performance all the way from chipset through to the new 5x camera and everything that lies in between it's going to be the phone to beat this year if you're thinking about upgrading and those things all sound important to you then go ahead but if you've sat here and watched this video and thought you know what this is still really good this still performs good and the photos are still great I don't need to then sit on it wait a couple years and see what's to come next maybe it's AFF foldable we don't know thank you very much uh I've got plenty more of content planned for this one my next video is going to be about all the secret features because Samsung packed new stuff in here and never tell anyone so I'm going to do it for them make sure you subscribe for that go watch some of my other s24 Ultra videos some of my other s23 Ultra videos as well and between now and then come and find me on my social media Twitter SLX and also on Instagram I'll see you in the next one y
Channel: Tech with Benefits
Views: 66,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smartphones, tech tips, tech with benefits, features, samsung, samsung galaxy, samsung mobile, how to, smartphone camera, upgrade, comparison, review, tech review, software update, update, compare, software, galaxy, samsung apps, best apps, galaxy unpacked, hands on, unpacked, folding phones, oneui, secret, hidden features, good lock, tech youtube, tips and tricks, samsung features, one ui, one ui 6, galaxy s24, s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy ai, galaxy s23 ultra
Id: caZK4Vwa5rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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