Should you Take a DRUPAL Job in 2019?

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hey guys how are ya so somebody asked me about taking a job doing Drupal work so Drupal if you don't know or Drupal is the second most popular content management system out there second to WordPress Drupal is something you would use on larger projects or you might have many many contributors you may want to style the site in different styles depending on sub sections in your site although you can do that what we're pres nowadays generally speaking Drupal is for larger more complex sites where you have a lot of content a lot of contributors and WordPress is more for smaller type of projects although very huge sites do you run on WordPress - let me wrong there anyway that aside so somebody who if I recall because I get a lot of emails so but I believe this person learned the web stack with me and they got their first job fairly quickly but they're doing Drupal work their major concern about doing the Drupal workers they're wondering if they're going to be working in two outdating of themselves working in a technology stack Drupal and that will become outdated and they'll know work their way out of the market in terms of skills a short answer no why because first of all Drupal is not gonna go away for a long long time be any type of development that you do adds more to your resume see what are the main things but you have to do as a developer is you have to build up a reputation not just a developer any type of professional having a reputation is huge and you build a reputation you build credibility by doing real things in the real world so you learning to work with Drupal writing code to fork Drupal ray plugins or just managing Drupal installing configuring this have stuff this can only help because it's showing you're building your resume you're adding some credibility to you as an individual the two most valuable assets I believe going forward it's not real estate is not stocks blah blah blah no it's number one your skill sets so the more you learn the more you earn something I always tell people and number two is your reputation your reputation is built through work experience project experience and you want to show that in you can even show that through a website that you build for yourself or to show all the things that you've done maybe contributions to github commentary on things that you're doing turns a technical commentary in terms of what you're doing on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook you YouTube perhaps these efforts on your part to expand your reputation can only help another thing you do is again get some certifications maybe a little bit that could help you know don't fool yourself the more you can pad your resume if you will the more that you can show that you're a legitimate professional no matter what the field is we're talking development and design Web Design web development programming here the more you can show that the more you can buttress your reputation through work experience which is the most important and the other things I just mentioned the better off you're gonna be so if this person who was brand new to the whole space the whole web development web design space finds ourselves at a Drupal job which I'm not surprised because despite what all the young nerdlings will tell you there's a tremendous amount of work in older technologies like Drupal like WordPress like Java like PHP like Ruby like Python although Ruby's less it's less there's less no joking aside the thing that I've noticed over the last twenty years of being in the tech space being involved in the tech space I think more specifically in the last I see seven years to 10 years and maybe seven years hard to say things have really stabilized you know any new industry goes through these radical changes in the first 10 20 years like big changes and the way things were I could have as they as the industry figures itself out technology changes quick working practice changes quicken that we saw it especially like in the 90s in the early 2000 massive changes but I think we're seeing a settling of this now in a big way it's like it was like massive development massive development massive development massive development and occur it's really smoothing flattening out which means the changes are not nearly as radical anymore and so for example in the web stack I found that client-side tech is pretty pretty stable yes we went from jQuery to going it to react or maybe view there's a big differences there but you know we've we have a you know we went from very hacky into 32,000 we went from a very hacky trying to get our web browsers to work with XHTML and hacked CSS to try to get CSS base layouts working to what we have now which are very stable frameworks few big ones to choose from we have bootstrap we have now CSS grid and flexbox it's really really stable now it's not the Wild West of coding but it used to be it's much easier now to produce software that it was ten years ago or especially 15 20 years ago and you see that on a mobile front as well we see how you know an iOS world it went from using objective-c which is a pretty you know clunky language relative to modern languages and now everybody works with Swift which is a very cool fast modern language for iOS and now we're seeing the saving in Android world where now we're seeing Kotlin rise a common I believe a common is going to become more and more important because it's just a lighter nimbler language in Java which allows you still have the advantages of Java hey the best of both worlds so why not use common anyway and you see it even in mobile we see the maturing of the multi-platform abstraction frameworks like PhoneGap or examine for the c-sharp guys I think flutter I think flutters something look at there's of course react native you could look at as well but I think flutter something really pay attention to from what I've seen you know 1.0 just came out the technology stack the the rate of change has really really I think slowed down my humble opinion eyesight I don't see the radical changes yet you got new things that come out but they're not radically different anymore last biggest change in my opinion and it's not really such a huge change but it is in a way it was when they went from XHTML which I was always against there's old articles so I was always against XHTML and they went to html5 and the reason I was against XHTML by the way it was because it XHTML if you don't know is it was XML formed to act like HTML but it was never HTML and I never liked it because it just made things unnecessarily difficult to get the work done number one number two Microsoft at that time was the dot was one of the dominant browsers for V dominant browser when XHTML is all deranged they would never support XHTML as a as HTML they would always render it as XML so anyway I'm going down a new rabbit hole bottom line is XHTML the strips from XHTML to html5 was the last real major shift if you can say that in of the web stack which i think is the most important stack and ever since about 2012 with html5 and css3 taking over and the browser's basically all jumping on that in a big way meaning that most of the people using most most browsers being used rather explore the stuff that was it that was the big change you know after 212 with the web stack your pretty pretty stable some peripheral things here and there like you know like yes the grid is now almost 100% covered out there although it all might be depending on your audience maybe 5 or 10% of the browser's being usable support I think it's from flexbox and grid but anyway the point is is that things have really stabilized which is good which is good so going back finally this whole thing about should you take the Drupal job yes it's your first job dude you got to learn a lot whether you're writing code for Drupal or WordPress or are you writing nodejs yeah you're still learning you're still learning you're still developing chops and at the end of the day no it's cool but it's not everything right for every node based application out there is probably 10,000 WordPress or 100,000 WordPress out there probably a 5,000 Drupal's out there I'm not making any qualitative judgment visa fee node and WordPress I'm not claiming nose not as good as we're printer totally different beast in many respects but don't get caught up in this language stuff I talk about this all the time reoccurring message by the way in the next video I'm gonna look at some really cool statistics with regards to language use whoops the big boys but we'll get into that then alright I hope you found this vlog interesting I'm gonna head out hit to the gym hit the gym if your nerd and you're looking at the nerd lifestyle my high highly I highly recommend that you hit the gym you hit the gym you exercise on a regular basis you got to consider daily exercise as important as anything else you do life because without a healthy body your mind is impaired and it's not a good thing I know some people who are older than me very very very very wealthy unhealthy and I would imagine they would give away all their money if they could have a healthier body I'd rather be sick and poor of and rich and sick but hold on excuse me I rather be poor and healthy you've been rich in sick I rather be poor and healthy than rich in sick but if you you know you do what I suggest you could be both you could have bustable furrow there we go I just want to give a quick shout out to Alex this is the dude has been creating the nice-looking thumbnails on the channel but you've been seeing lately he's been great to work with I've been working with him for about a month now so he he works quick communicates well puts out the thumbnails so if you're looking to get some design work done you may want to give Alex a a DM I was gonna say give him a call but I mean it might not be feasible but anyway yeah give him a DM and all right ciao guys
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 12,994
Rating: 4.8684931 out of 5
Id: KHC-ugLahv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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