Should you REALLY Learn Framer?

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framer has a grip on the design world but should you follow the trend and learn yet another design tool I want to cover this today and explain to you guys why I think you might actually want to learn framer so if you guys don't know what framer is framer is basically figma but you can actually publish it to the web now this is something that I thought about a long time ago why don't figma just add a publish button obviously it's not that easy but it seems like that is what framer has done now building in framer is a very similar experience between figma and also webflow so one of my favorite things with framer is that you can actually free form around the canvas just like figma and this is something that is critical when you have a lot of different pages that you want to just be able to quickly go through this is something that figma does very well and obviously webflow doesn't now this video isn't supposed to be comparing webflow and framer I think a lot of people have already covered that type of topic So today we're just going to talk about how would you personally use framer and do I think it's a good replacement for your everyday tools now I've always been a big believer of just using using the best tool that will complete the job not necessarily using the tool that has the most hype or the biggest Community around it just what is going to complete the job for you and your client so when we get a brand new tool in the market and everybody's saying this is the one this is the next one this is the one that's going to replace this tool or whatever the case may be I'm a little bit skeptical because there's been a lot that have come and gone but I do think that framer is one that is here to stay and let me tell you why one of the things that I really personally appreciate that framer does that webflow or any other tool might not necessarily do is that they have all the break points directly visible when you are designing and this changes depending on the content that you add to it so it's not like in figma where you add as many frames as you want and then you can go changing individually that's not necessarily the case here one thing to keep in mind though when you are using something like framer instead of figma is that figma is a design tool for everything you can design an entire app if you want to a phone app a web app a website a mobile website tablet whatever the case may be you can do absolutely anything you want on figma because it is a design only tool when you get to framer you're kind of limited to building and designing websites that's not a bad thing if your only purpose is to design a website and publish it and launch it but if you are a designer and you're thinking framer is going to replace figma and webflow and absolutely everything then I have some bad news for you now in my personal opinion if I was to create a very simple one two three pages landing page today with simple animations nothing crazy nothing award-winning just a very simple landing page I would probably go with something like framer the reason being is because it's going to be a lot cheaper to launch it might be even faster to maintain faster to create the designs and upload just because the workflow is so similar to something like figma now if you watch my last video in this channel you see that I rebuilt this design using figma and the idea that I can just export this and paste it directly in framer and be able to publish that to the site without having to rebuild it in webflow is something that is very valuable we don't necessarily need the designer and the typical web developer mindset anymore designers have a lot more power when it comes to creating the type of sites that they want to and we saw this already with webflow so I'm not necessarily a developer but being able to create the sites that I want to in webflow have been able to give me a lot of control with the products and sites that I produce now with that being said even though I would definitely use framer for Simple Sites just very quick landing pages I would not use it for the bigger projects in fact right now we are creating a very complex web app using webflow and we're using a lot of Integrations a lot of CMS and this would not be something that I would ever be comfortable at least right now with framer now I'm not sure if framer is planning on becoming that type of product where people can just create absolutely anything they want with just the idea of its figma but you can publish it and it's something super simple I'm not sure if that's where they want to go but in my eyes what's going to happen is that framer and webflow are going to become a lot more distinct from each other so I think that webflow will be primarily used for complex sites maybe 10 pages or something along with the lines of that complex animations maybe a lot of detail with the editor CMS items blog post things like that and then framer will be used for more simple landing pages maybe portfolios sites that are not necessarily a massive massive project now I may be wrong there but that's just personally how I would use these two tools now another thing to keep in mind when you're talking about framer and if you should actually go ahead and learn it is of course the framer AI that they just released we can't go through this video without talking about framer AI because everybody is making content about it so framer AI just released and it's start with AI idea has you creating sites like this so this site was created using AI we can see that we can just Shuffle this around and make it look however we want to but there is something to be said about the look and feel of framer sites and I think this can be perfectly summarized if we go to the framer site itself we can see that a lot of the framer site is very round it's very beginner friendly using these kind of grid blocks and I think this kind of site is something that is commonly seen with framer sites as of right now when I see a site that is built the framer sometimes you can kind of tell because you're saying oh that has that kind of radius or that has that kind of very soft beginner friendly feel and that's not necessarily something that I think webflow has I think webflow is more suited to experts and not necessarily the very beginners I just want to create a quick site and launch it so when you have an entire site look and feel like this and a lot of the templates also have that similar feel with the roundedness and these kind of corners and this is just the first one that I'm seeing here but you can kind of get the idea that I'm talking about here some of the AI that they've created has a certain look and feel where I'm not necessarily sure the average startup or scale up as they're trying to sell to would want this kind of style now of course this is just start with AI then you can do a lot more with it but as of right now this is kind of the look and feel that they're going with so let's go ahead and create a new one just to get a better idea of what we can do here so I'm just going to start with AI and I'm going to say design a site for a YouTube channel about web design something like that and let's see what it's going to give us I think in this case it's going to give us a similar look and feel as the other ones that's something different and for sure I'm not sure I I like this font that's giving us here I'm just going to go ahead and change that right now because I do not like the look of that maybe something a bit bit more standard something like that so I think you guys can kind of get the idea of what I'm talking about here some of these sites might not be ready yet for the masses and of course now it's my job to take what AI has given me and create something a little bit more suited to me suited to my my business things like that so in conclusion I personally do think that framer has its space in the world and it obviously does a lot of people have started using it but do I think that it's going to necessarily replace webflow or replace designers at all with this AI stuff I personally at least right now as of recording this video with the information that I have in front of me do not think it's going to replace anything I do think that's going to work alongside webflow and it's going to help a lot of designers skip that big ticket to entry into webflow with its hosting plans and its ease of use you don't need to learn CSS HTML that kind of thing they do have styles and grids and elements that you do normally have in design software so like figma or Sketcher or adobe XD but in this case it's not as hard to learn if you are coming from figma and you use Auto layout on the regular now this has been my very first framer video if you guys want to learn more things about framer if you guys want to see me talk more about it even do tutorials do complex animations websites things that I always do on the channel anyways just on framer let me know down below under that like button under the Subscribe button just let me know type it out so thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Arnau Ros
Views: 20,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: framer, framer ai, framer tutorial, should i learn framer, should you learn framer, what is framer, how to use framer, figma to framer, framer to webflow, framer vs webflow, webflow vs framer, framer website, framer web design, framer crash course, web design framer, framer responsive design, framer university, framer for beginners, framer tutorial for beginners, framer beginner tutorial, framer or webflow
Id: EUh1tmOvIvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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