should You Go To College for 3D Animation?

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all right so today i'm gonna talk about college should you go to college as someone who is interested in 3d animation 3d art um this is a question i've gotten probably a hundred times on instagram twitter i've had kind of a different answer for each person but i'm going to give my kind of broad answer here on youtube now i want to start this off by saying this is just my opinion from my perspective from what i know i don't know everything i'm one person and this is a huge topic so there's going to be a lot of other points and takes that are just as valid as the ones i'm saying i'm just not saying them because i don't know everything if you have a point that you think is valid and should be part of the conversation put in the comments but please be kind to each other and please but uh please be kind about your opinions don't be pushy and it's all good so should you go to college as someone who's interested in 3d art um it's the answer is it's just specific to you and uh my my opinion is that it just comes down to two things do you want to work for a company or do you want to work for yourself of course everybody wants to work for themselves um but some people want to go work for marvel or disney so those are the kind of the two camps that i've kind of thought about and those were the ones that were really up to me when i was choosing do i go to college do i not i certainly had outside pressure from parents to go to college but i agreed with them i did want to go to college i didn't just go to college because my dad wanted me to go i really did want to go so let's do the one for going to college so my opinion is if you want to work for a large company say marvel disney facebook and video whatever um as a 3d artist you're going to want to go to college because these are massive companies and just like if you're going to the bank for a loan they want to look at your credit history and your payment history to see are you a liability so going to one of these large companies i want to know are you a liability because they're paying you this much a year they're giving you benefits all that stuff you're a part of the company you are a liability so having a college degree shows you are less of a liability for the company hiring you um i remember i interned at a agency and my last day there i asked um does a college degree matter and what the guy told me was where you go to him specifically where you go to college doesn't matter but having a college degree does matter because it shows that you can stick to something it shows that you have discipline now i've been to college a lot of these people at that graduated have no discipline you can really bs your way through college but recruiters don't really think about that they just see okay four-year degree this guy has gone through something this guy has gone through the classes he knows the nitty-gritty about graphic design 3d whatever so they're more comfortable hiring someone with a degree than hiring someone who doesn't have a degree and basing the hiring based off of their work now i know now in a perfect world you want to be hired off of your work if you have amazing work but when it comes to working for a company it's more than just the work it is showing up on time it is being with a group of people it's deadlines it's it's all of that it's much much more than just making cool work which is of course a perfect world you want to be hired based on your work but when you go to college there's a lot more nitty gritty about that another thing about college that i didn't realize until i went to college was college answers a lot of questions that you didn't know you should be asking in a lot of my design classes there were things especially like when i took my graphic design is learning about print i didn't know about cmyk and rgb i didn't know about dpi i didn't know what it takes to send a file that needed to be properly printed for like a large-scale banner i just thought oh put on photoshop send them a photoshop file there's much more complexity to that they teach you about business they teach about design they teach you about composition a lot of these things that you don't even know the terms for you didn't don't even know how to look that up and it's just a four year rigors course at the end of the day and they answer a lot of the questions that you didn't know you should be asking that these are problems that you'll be dealing with in the work in the workforce at a job and you don't want to be stuck at a job that you got hired for and you go what am i looking at you know what i mean so the college will train you for these things that you didn't know existed because you're a person you don't know everything you can't possibly know all the nitty-gritty about a job when you're starting out and that comes from experience in college gives you a good amount of that experience that you otherwise would have had to learn on the job some jobs will do that um internships if you don't want to be if you don't want to go to college you could do a like a several month long internship where you learn those nitty gritty things then they hire you from the internship i was offered a job from an internship and it was really cool so sometimes you can be put on as an experienced hire so if you've maybe freelanced a little bit you want to go maybe i want to have a more stable job at a studio if you have a lot of experience working for real people you do have a chance of being hired on as an experienced hire so there's an argument against college but i think that i think the biggest takeaway is for colleges if you want to work in the corporate field or i guess in the americans perspective if you want to work in corporate america the college degree is going to get you there is it too expensive absolutely yes the fact that you gotta you have to pay like eighty thousand dollars for a job that pays you thirty thousand dollars a year is absurd to me i've talked to people from other countries it's drastically cheaper in other countries in america it's absolutely absurd um this is my own personal opinion but college is drastically too expensive and i think it's a major problem that people are going to like scad and paying over a hundred grand for a film degree that you are not guaranteed a job for a really long time i think that's absurd but that's my own little rant now let's talk about why you wouldn't want to go to college working for yourself if you want to work for yourself do not go to college because you're wasting four years of your life that you can be spending trying to learn the specific things you need to know to do the tasks that you want so when you work for yourself as a freelancer you have the luxury of choosing what you want to do so for me it was i wanted to do concert visuals like on the big led screens for concerts so i was specifically learning the tools the tricks the styles for that specific task because that's all i wanted to be hired for and that's what i was going for it can be very unrealistic sometimes as a freelancer you just have to take what you can get um but as a freelancer what i found and this isn't only true there's a lot of other things but i found that my time was best spent making as much work as possible to put it on social media add it to my reel so i can get hired when you're dealing with college classes being in math class and a composition class in a color theory class and trying to make work for your real it's just ridiculous because my opinion is a college degree gets you hired into corporate america or corporate whatever a if you want to work for yourself you're not going to be working in a corporate sense for the most part so don't go to college if you want to work for yourself spend the time buy courses i would highly recommend if you want to work for yourself buy a lot of courses and learn as much cool stuff as possible and then learn about business learn about your taxes how to file your taxes learn about llcs learn about putting the business in a different name as corp llc all that stuff there's a lot you need to know about the business side of things there's a lot you need to know about clients and you know artist client relations how to get clients where to get them which is so hard i can't advise on that i am lucky enough to have this youtube channel as my job i don't do a lot of freelance and the freelance that i do comes to me from social media so i can't really give an opinion on how to get clients i do get that question a lot um but that's really hard the thing about is if you want to work for yourself you have to be really really disciplined you can't sleep in all day and then because you have cool work you think you're gonna get hired people with terrible work get crazy high paying jobs because they know how to network you can be the greatest 3d artist most proficient ever but if you're terrible at at being social being networking you're not going to be able to freelance because that's extremely important it's almost more important than being good at the art form is getting the jobs because that's just as important as our job so if you want to work for yourself if you want to be a freelancer for the rest of your life don't go to college because it is a drastic waste of money because you're not going to be hired by anybody you're just hiring yourself so learn the specific things that you believe you need to know for that job but if you want to be hired by a company which provides a good amount of job security of course it doesn't prevent you from being laid off but it does give you solid pay benefits all that stuff by working for another company but having that degree shows them you are less of a liability you can be reliable you can stick to something and that you probably emphasis on probably you probably know the things you need to know for the job that you're getting hired for it's drastically expensive if you're going to do it in america i can't do anything about that you're going to be in debt unless you get a scholarship if you can get a scholarship and you want to be hired by company go for it because it's a huge huge financial burden um but i already had my rant about that um but we're coming up on about 10 minutes so that's kind of it relatively brief but that's my answer synopsis if you want to go work for a company get a college degree if you want to work for yourself don't get a college degree you just have to work a lot harder if you freelance you're going to be working harder than you will if you work for another company with that being said that's my opinion i know there is a lot that i didn't say because this is my singular opinion put it in the comments of course be nice be kind you can have conversations in the comments just don't don't be pushy and that's and that's my take thank you guys for watching and i will see you in the next tutorial [Music] you
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 9,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ye7JKD5si08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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