Should Pupils Be Allowed to Wear Makeup in School? | This Morning

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you've obviously got quite a bit of makeup put in yourself so you and your daughter clearly like makeup yeah an easy makeup did you start using makeup when she was quite young she probably started experimenting with makeup when she was 12 yeah the usual thing watching YouTube videos how much makeup would you say she wears to school very minimum she wears a base foundation to cover acne or eyebrows and a bit of mascara so nothing too glamorous yes so not lashes or anything like that sometimes she might have some individual lashes that are not noticeable they just make her feel better but what is her school's policy about wearing makeup her new school has quite a relaxed approach of the old lane we had a problem her old school is no tolerance with makeup at all she's numerous even her intentions on reports taken out of the class and been told to take all her makeup off so knowing that why did you let her go to school with makeup if you knew that the policy was no makeup because she got used to get bullied for having acne I didn't know to start that's why she started wearing a foundation a bit of makeup and I think with her just wearing minimal amount of makeup that you can't really notice is not a big issue if it's gonna help her sit and settle down and concentrate and feel confident at school without having the fear of people staring at a thinking that they're gonna bully a rich school there is a difference that some people might be saying now well okay I get that if somebody's got bad skin and we all went through that it's horrible time as a teenager you can cover that you don't have to then wear false eyelashes lipstick contouring as well you know you can cover sports it's not just a spot it's about making her feel good about herself being body-positive you get bullied for numerous amounts of things at school and there's so much pressure on children at the moment I don't think being put in detention because your eyebrows are too big for example it's ridiculous the school should be concentrating on educating the children rather than taking them out of class and disciplining them would you argue you should be concentrating on your shades education as opposed to the way she looks that should be the priority oh I do I do and I teach her body confidence but at the end of the day she's an individual if she feels that she needs that what a what the scene I Jenna is high that transgresses high that crosses over here from the headmistresses point of view when does that become an issue for you as to the amount of makeup and hearts worn to start with a completely empathize with young people what they have to go through I've got three children 21 19 15 we've had acne we've had other skin conditions we've had the teasing and we've had to deal with it as a family as well as a school I do feel if your school has got a school rule like strict uniform and no makeup then the children you know should adhere to that you know they buy into the school they buy into the policies now if there's an issue with bullying that has to be addressed separately I think if it's about self esteem and confidence that has to be you know dealt with separately and also if you do have skin issues I think there are things that can be done for example go to GP talk about it see what can be so what's the policy at your school your LVS school in Ascot it's a co-ed school isn't it yes because boys wear makeup - yeah absolutely and we have a no makeup rule we don't seem to have any many problems with it we get the old one or two and we also say you know with girls and boys if you get to 13 or 14 and you're starting to see a problem let's talk about it go and see your GP and you can wear a light covering as long as it's very natural to help you say something here you as females have all been through this in the past yourselves personally I was allowed to makeup skills allowed to wear makeup at school and that was like 20 years ago and there was never any issue you never heard of issues back then with kids going to school unless you go with oranges we did I mean they always girls would not discipline children or the mind of a Jewish school but it's an issue most obviously I just want to ask you though Christine in term an education er education is what is the problem I mean if that child is doing all their work doing their homework getting decent grades why is there a problem with them having makeup well I don't think makeup go to a school uniform . i also think there's too much time wasted pin it on in the morning especially if you've got a long bus journey or you've got homework to do there's so many pressures for children academically now and i think when you go to school you should be just be prepared to get down and work if you've got to run around the field you want to look quite natural when you come back in the class and you don't want to worry about mascara running down your oh and I don't like these big eyebrows either child's choice if they want to wear that makeup or get up that little bit extra to give them the confidence to be able to sit in concentrate at school yeah I don't think it is the chance choice actually I think they come to school to work I'm beginning to laugh here the idea that I actually would have a choice that anything at school would have been would have been alien to me but Moses hum when she's out with a friend she doesn't actually wear makeup it's purely the majority of time when she's at school which too it shows us an issue at school I think you may be a special issue you may have to have a medical note for something like that but your problem as a headmistress says they'll all try it or more then one gets away with it they'll all be doing it concentrate on body body confidence or actual bullying this cause of why so many girls at school because you'll find 90% of girls at school wear makeup but nobody seems to be asking the question why they're punished like the two of you we've been asking we've been running a poll this morning right do you think we ask people should children be allowed to wear makeup at school do you think they agreed with you or they agree with you Jamie they do agree with you you're absolutely right 61% of them agree with you and they say children should not be allowed to wear that makeup at school and that's from 12 well over 12,000 people who bought it this morning on that you've moved your daughter now no choice she she suffered at school and education started to struggle she started not wanting to go into school and that's not what I want since moving her to her new school she's flourished she's doing amazing and she's in with her peers to also wear makeup and I've not had any issues whatsoever in the school are actually doing well we've talked to the most you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 1,475,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this morning, interview, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, chat shows - topic, chat show - topic, talk shows - topic, debate, makeup, school
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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