Can a Woman Be Successful Without Wearing Makeup? | This Morning

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Rebecca let's start off with you first of all now you say that you believe that it's kind of the key this is kind of the key to all your personal and professional success is wearing makeup I think so yeah I think it's all about the image that you portray and what you put out there and the fact that it shows that you actually put effort into the way that you look so from your point of view Shona you just say it's a waste of time and you're not like it wearing makeup now I'm not wearing makeup now this is an artificial environment so I apologize I don't normally have such harsh lights but no I don't and I don't I don't see why it really matters and I start to get a bit what I object to if you if you want to wear makeup because it makes you feel more confident or it makes you feel happier or you enjoy wearing makeup to present that side of yourself and that's great but no women should feel that they have to wear makeup or that they're are somehow disadvantaged professionally or in any other way because they choose not to wear makeup like me it's never disadvantaged me well here's the debate Helen Mirren said it would be wonderful if it became more fashionable not to wear makeup I suspect we might have reached saturation with the whole selfie thing and that maybe we're moving in another direction whereas Charlotte says I totally disagree with Helen she's absolutely wrong completely wrong why would anyone in a world where everyone is judged by their looks not wear makeup makeup is very empowering women should celebrate this weapon in their arsenal what we need to wear makeup to get ahead in life it's the women need to that makes me think have we not progressed at all in the last 60 years it's it's kind of I don't think we should feel that they need to do anything this is just a face you know I don't disagree when it's looking nice making yourself look nice with clothes but I am very concerned we're living a very luxe ISM Society and I have two teenage girls who are 16 or 18 with them actually over this I do I mean they're obsessed with it and they get off an hour early every morning just to do their face to go to school which i think is utterly ridiculous my finding extraordinary that coming you know being a mother that doesn't wear makeup this hasn't come from me what age are they 16 and 18 to them it's everything they wouldn't dream of leaving the house without a full face of makeup on but I think that's a very concerning message for you know that teenagers are so obsessed with that and that they think it actually matters well is they say you wouldn't heart in later life you wouldn't hire someone if they weren't wearing makeup I think unfortunately not but at the end of the day it is what it is this is society that we are dealing with we're not reinventing the wheels we have to deal with modern society and perceptions as it is and for me personally I thought what I on a business and I don't want to put one of my employees into winning a very big contract with very big heads of department who's not wearing makeup because it just tells me they don't care enough about themselves if you don't care enough about themselves they don't care enough about that person's business what does it say they feel confident within themselves that they don't need that yes just wearing too much makeup suggests something if you're overly made up and also your business is kind of Pawnee trapping other people's oh we're talking about here so let's not argue about it's a really shallow really shallow view to suggest that you wouldn't respect a woman's professionalism just because she hasn't got a bit of foundation or foundation on her face what can a woman not be professional without having foundation on her face what difference does it make you would honestly going to a meeting no my business is not honey trapping in the slightest my business is an investigation company we find missing children we investigate fraud it's not what you do argue about you would you go into a meeting with somebody who's ridiculously high up in a company without a face of makeup or absolutely because it doesn't matter I would far rather be judged on my intelligence on the way that I speak have intel on the way that I come across yes but you're going to be judged on everything anyway widely shackled to that and might be a puppet to it you will be you don't ever wear that you're wearing a denim miniskirt that's not judge the minute you open your mouth we're judged on everything you ever wear makeup no I wear a little bit of lip gloss and I'd put a bit of you know moisturizer on my face give it consideration Charlotte Tilbury goes on to say they've been studies at Harvard Procter & Gamble Stanford University excuse me and they've done this research that proved women earn up to fifty percent more money by the way they do their makeup and hair it tells me that you care about the way that you look but doesn't what you wear say that you care about the way you look it's an element of it but at the end of the day it's a piece of our armor as women if something that we can use it's not about covering up it's about enhancing natural beauty why did we need armor well what about me wake up in the morning soon should you put your face of makeup on to sort of project this I mean the moment you wake up I mean it is your partner your boyfriend your husband think can they see you and no makeup on yeah I'm perfectly good with that but I am actually good without makeup I'll give it I'll show you my bare face selfie after we finished and you'll see I'm actually or out that makeup but it's it's a tool that we can use it's an obsession with yours it's an obsession with looks and it's suggesting that looks that somehow more important than anything else and they're not and also would you say to your two daughters would you put take to them that they should be wearing makeup to go out out of the house when they're teenagers it's a terrible message to give to teenage girls et terajima so what makes them feel best and if you all have some confidence I'm all for it are you gonna say to them that they're going to be judged if they don't wear makeup yeah because that's the problem I have anything once wear it fine whereas whereas Dame Helen says excuse me you were you may be I've got to the point we've all got to the point where we've peaked and there's doesn't maybe working against having to have makeup surely I don't know whether I agree with her with that because we are now much more selfie culture but our our lives are built around taking the perfect photo with the perfect filter a great pressure on young women it is shaky she came out very publicly said I'm no longer going to wear makeup anymore there's been a huge thing on Instagram twelve point eight million followers you know hashtag no makeup yeah there is that there is definitely a backlash against it I don't think it's important it shouldn't matter I would far rather somebody walks away from a conversation with me thinking what a lovely person or what an intelligent person or what an interesting person not aren't her eyebrows up all right ladies we're gonna sleep you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 1,416,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity interviews, celebrity gossip, tv news, holly willoughby, real stories, phillip schofield, this morning, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, breakfast tv, chat show, talk show, debate, make-up, helen mirren, charlotte tilsbury
Id: rSDRI03UzxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
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