Should I Motor Swap my Bronco?

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all right guys we're on another field trip back here at Dave's Auto we've got this Bronco that Dave and I uh recovered from up in Idaho but one of the most common things when people mail into build requests at I want to motor swap this I want to motor swap that I want to motor swap a Prius to I want to motor swap a semi all that stuff one of the things with this Bronco we want to understand how good is this motor right now and also if it's not good can we motor swap it with the motor that we had in the shop up there that you can see right here remember that motor that we were looking at excided we wanted to come to the education Master himself Dave at Dave's Auto Center they're awesome CU he's going to give us a little rundown if it's good if it's bad if it's possible by the end of this video you guys will understand what it takes to motor swap a vehicle whether it's this Bronco or anything else so come along I hope you enjoy it's going to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great it looks like some animals been living up in yeah got a couple Critters in there yeah which is that normal do the wir harness has been chewed through cuz I don't see that which is good cuz usually when you get animals up in here they start chewing through but I don't see that for sitting in elements for 10 years it's not too bad it's not too bad I mean no copper radiator and it does I don't see any leaks coming out of it and you know you run the motor for an hour or something and if it doesn't the gaskets and seals don't start spewing heck I can see the accelerator pumps leaking but you know so so the car's probably going to need to be rebuilt so we don't have a fire [Music] we got fuel leaking out it we tried our best to get it start on fire that's accelerator pump diaphragm and you can see the fuel coming out but yeah I mean it's all here so if it I mean let's just get it up and running for him and get it out of our hair $500 to get up and running right that's what you're saying bucks for me to look at it yeah I don't know what it's going to mean okay rebu the carb that yeah that that for sure let me see if the throttle shaft wor out if it's even work rebuilt just get a new carb well I'd rather not I bet you can't buy a good new carb this is what the problem is on any carb like if I could teach people anything there's four circuits on a carb on this carb there's only three cuz you don't have secondaries this is a two barrel you have your idle circuit okay which is when it's on idle chokes completely open when it's on idle you look down a carb you don't want to see any fuel if you see fuel dripping you got a air you got you got a problem so if you got a car running and you look down at venturies and you don't see any fuel your your idle circuit's good then you have an accelerator PFF circuit that's when you go bloop bloop gloop you that's second circuit and then you have your primary circuit and the primary circuit as soon as you come off idle then you should have gas coming through the vent chries those are the three circuit and then if you had the four barrel you'd have the four circuit which would be secondaries and then you w and then the secondaries open those are the four circuits in a car breaker and but the problem here is this throttle shaft is just wore out so you'd have to either bushing it get a new base plate or yeah get so you'd get another caror that carburetor you can't reach no okay carburetor will never work right if you don't have all your air flow has to come through here if you have any vacuum leaks at the base plate the throttle shaft plate or you know intake manifold gasket pulling air from anywhere else anywhere else you're never going to get a carb set right just you're just you know y beating your head and if a throttle shaft is leaking like that you will it run yeah but you'll never be able to get it to right and it you know it'll di at idle you know it just it just won't run and then then the other thing I'd worry about on something like this is stretch timing change if it's got good compression you know that's what I'll be looking at for 500 bucks I'm going to run a compression test on it if it's got good equal length in each hole then I'm I'm going to pop the distributor cap off put a breaker bar on the crankshaft and I'm going to rock that back and forth at the crank and that's going to tell me how much slack I have in a timing chain and if you have a lot of slack in a timing chain the timing chain from the crankshaft to a cam shaft and then the cam shaft D the distributor and if you got all that slack in the timing chain your ignition timing is never going to be right cuz your cam timing is cuz the slack in the timing chain it's like a motorcycle you know you do that all day long on a motorcycle time your your your chains all that's what happens on on a motor like this especially on a heavy ride the the timing chain in there is just probably like and so if the compression's good I probably when I I'll find a stretch chain I'm sure of it we'd want to put a timing chain in it get a carb on it this thing run like it brand new yeah and this this High horsepower we're going need a carb for that bad boy anyway so if we were to just get this thing running again it's good to go just go cruising the mountains have fun beat this thing up make some memories you know if they just want to have memories in it because you know you're never going to fix a body of this thing it's not worth yeah I mean you know I don't know the market but I don't think they're are they sought after it just depends it's ranging from three to six figures right there there you go again people ask me all the time what do you think it's worth and I I'll tell people flat out I have no freaking idea I'm just fixing Motors in here I want to motor swap this I want to motor swap that I want a motor motor swap my Ranger yeah diesel swap my Ranger you me the other day about a volt Swag yeah man can I put a comments in my bolt swag yeah why not and you said yes right well I said I can do anything you can put a saddle on that coming and right around that's exactly what what I say to people I'm like I'll do anything you want but what's your budget and here's here's the answer to that can we do any motor swap and well let's call powertrain cuz then you got to hook up the motor to to uh to your gearbox for transmission yeah so you got to have that too so that you know that's conversation y you got to say okay that motor might not even bolt up to your uh your your power distri your transmission yeah so now you know now we got that to deal with and then you got exhaust bounding Hardware some fabrication involved you got fuel system are we going to keep carburated we're going to go fuel injection the car came with carburation then you got fuel tank return lines Electronics wiring harnesses then you got exhaust manifold then you got to hook up the exhaust and get it out the back end I mean it's it you know it's there's a lot invol yeah like if you were just going to take a com try to throw it in here you have to look at all that space where am I mounting it can I mount it there can I do that and then I do need to get a new transmission so can transmission even fit between the two seats going back that way otherwise I've got to fabricate something else I got to mold the body completely have I put ls's in and and think yeah we you know we'll put an LS in old muscle card yeah and and that there's a lot of Internet stuff on that you know so that the first thing that I tell a customers you know the internet's a great I mean you guys aren't old enough you know back in the day you don't know figure it out guys you don't know my age you had to read the encyclopedias had the Dewey Decimal System back then you had check it out with checked out a book there you go big drawers of 3x5 cards there you go dude take it out you give it to the librarian you get to take the book home it's a big deal man yeah it's a big deal to to do a Powertrain swap in a chassis it it Ain now there's sometimes like if you're doing one saying a 68 Camaro or 72 chabel and you want to LS that thing there's companies out there are going to sell you every part you need and it's good stuff and you know you just go on the internet and do it but 20 years ago oh man you had to be able to go to like a SEMA show get a catalog from the guy but now you can buy the whole package and drop it in you know boom but you know really what does that cost let's be serious you're 50 Grand like that so LS thank you for LS Swap this yeah I mean that's what I said you're 50 Grand like that I would even I would even talk for somebody it's something that we've never done before so there's a lot of time for research fitment ping engine out and in multiple times I mean lot of R&D yeah a lot of R&D so yeah some sometimes customers get upset because they're like well I know better than you I read on the internet so I I appreciate you saying that because that's a lot of the responses that we give people is listen you said motor swap you're minimum 50,000 now let's talk about what what you're wanting to do right now we're talking with a guy and his build's going to be over 300,000 he's wanting to do this giant motor swap and like listen all these people rejected you for a reason because you can't like you have to have a lot a lot of money to rebuild an entire vehicle you're asking me to put a shell of something onto a very Custom Vehicle so that's what we'll do for you but you are very high budget and so let's see if you actually are worthwhile on that end do you guys know do you guys know I had a body shop for 15 years I didn't yeah you know uh I've often said you don't you don't need to talk to an astrophysicist to find out if there's black holes in the universe there's one in race cars and a body shop oh okay I mean my body shop is a black hole man it's imposs possible you know cuz I would do we do insurance work which is another we that's another video but people would come want to come in and do like a Resto on an old Chevy or something like that so You' tell them you give them an initial and you go around and You' find all the Buddy body putty that they put on it and you say okay this is about where we're at and then you say but I want to send it to the Blaster and have it completely blasted you know I got to have the whole thing cleaned up and then you clean it off and there's gaping holes in the corner panels you know and then you're telling a guy and all of a sudden what you thought you could do for 10 to 15 grand is now $30,000 and they'd lose their mind and you're like guy I'm just I'm just a guy telling you and if you can find like you if you can find another guy to do it cheaper please sure yeah you know but but they can't now this family uh at the estate sale they were having one of the old friends came out of the woodwork he's like hey what are you going to do with that motor that's in the shop like we don't have that much information on it okay that's this one right here and the friend that was talking to him said well it came out of this other vehicle and it was able to lift the front wheels off the ground Vin Diesel this thing okay Min if you will I think from the get-go when we all saw the pictures we're not there but now I want you to hop in tell me what you know about this just looking at it why why would it not be a 700 horsepower engine got the factory crank in it okay I I now let me say this a 351 Windsor can produce the bottom man can handle that but but the heads can the the the heads you'd have to have an aftermarket head on there in order to yeah I yeah those heads will never Flow in up air two barrel yeah I I think it's probably stock this motor it's probably somewhere I me the internet will tell you what was it about one horsepower for cubic in is usually I mean it's probably come out of the out of the factory 350 horsepower so if you're going to double that you know that's compression okay and air flow I mean it's it's a simple math and the math ain't happening here but the signs with the stock parts and the sign with a two barrel carb is a pretty good sign that a a snorkel in your mouth and it was that big said run up the mountain there bro boy and you were stuck with that you'd only go so far but if you took it out and you could then suck all the air that you were designed to suck in you'd make it it's the same thing here it just couldn't no way this thing has asthma right now it's not getting 700 horsepower and you would people all the time want to bring me an old car and they want to you know like with a 350 Chevy in it you know an old btech motor one piece for your main and I'm and they're like I want to build that motor and you know 700 horsepower whatever and I'm like n not doing it not doing it cuz you can just let's just LS the package everything's available you know I can put an LS in it and and they you know and I tell them how much it cost and they're like no I don't want to do that where if you build something like this for that it the durability the technology just wasn't it's not there yeah I mean it's it's just there's no sense man there's just no sense I had to put this in my sim test work to do compression on and I mean probably similar outputs between the two right well yeah I I I dude to to me to look at this motor somebody's got uh Hood link but that motor never been aart bro yeah it's original stuff yeah just looking at the seals right there and everything it looks like it's I the intake you still got the original Factory the BL yeah yeah it's a stock engine yeah this is stock engine I think somebody was I think somebody saw a truck do a wheelie go to the shop and then there there's an engine and they don't know if that engine came out of that truck or not you know a lot of people say oh the car will do wheelies please just what I see right now and the frame and everything you're 5060 Grand on on body yeah and then and then your motor and you know powertrain stuff you're same easy so 75 know you're 125 150 Grand ex what I'm hearing we're not going to take this off or anything you're not going to have a look at that I get it Dave thanks for bursting our B bubbles but here's the other portion that I wouldn't mind seeing how you test it so we can see it on camera You' shown us plenty of times um when people bring Used Motors they bring a used motor they want to want that to work because I guess one of the issues that we've run into but you see it a lot more is hey I've got this used motor I want to rebuild it I want to do all this stuff and then later on you put in you put in the time and effort that they asked you to do and then if something blows up let's it's it's your fault I got you let me explain should we can we walk in there change the scenery a little bit Yeah Yeah buying a brand new crate motor can be expensive and everything and when people are starting to look at rebuilding things and everything everyone's always wanting to like stay within their budget do all that stuff so they find like oh I I found this used motor it's really good all I got to do is maybe get it machined a little bit test it out see if it works or these guys have told me it's a really good motor can you just swap it in we've we've made a mistake a few times where we don't have all the Diagnostics you do and whatnot it's we've taken the customer's word for it like hey if you know the history of the motor you want to do that we'll swap this for you but um then we get calls several months down the road like this went bad this went bad this blew up I'm I'm I'm out of yeah I'm out of luck so what are you doing for me they ask us all the time uh not as much as they these to cuz I guess it's known that I don't tolerate it and I don't tolerate it so let's just I'm looking you in the camera I don't to you if you want to bring your bacon and eggs to my cookout I'm not cooking them over my G cuz here's what happens if you get sick was it my dirty griddle or was it you're baking in eggs and we're going to piss him more about it so I relate so much to his analogies don't bring your bacon eggs to my house and get diesel people don't don't expect a shop a reputable place to take that kind of liability cuz that's nothing but brain damage so that's what I'm going to say about that we do not install your parts I you might have bought them at the exact same place that I'm going to buy them you might do that but I'm not doing it because when you give me your keys I I never want a piss and match about uh Your Parts my work okay so what I'm hearing right now is no let's not motor swap this but yes let's have a look at that motor see whatever needs to be done to get that going carburetor for sure has something has the motor that is currently in it motor that's currently in it before we do anything with anything yeah condition cause correction confirm mhm condition looks a little rough M okay yeah now pause we're going to get up and running and in order to do that I need to I'm going to run a compression test on it uh you know I'll start the up listen to it yeah and maybe I won't you know if it if it's hidden on all the cylinders uh you I probably won't I'll pop the distributor cap off I'll check my timing chain stretch rock it back and forth the rotor will tell me how much stretch I got in the timing chain and if it's hitting on all cylinders and not misfiring and it's not smoking like a at the tailpipe I probably won't want to do a com test unless the customer really wants that piece of mind and uh and then you know it'll need a carburetor and uh you know maybe some new ignition components wires cap rotor okay all right no thank you so much really thank you for look at the size of this thank you thank you look at the size of this guy's hand I can almost touch my fingers around it
Channel: Sparks Motors
Views: 47,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIESEL POWER GEAR, DIESEL BROTHERS, DIESEL DAVE, GIVEAWAY WINNER, DIESEL, HEAVY D, HEAVY D SPARKS, DAVE SPARKS, DIESEL DAVE GIVEAWAY, HEAVY D GIVEAWAY, DIESEL BROTHERS GIVEAWAY, sparks motors, heavy rescue, brodozer, mechanic shop, Dave kiley, hans peterson, hans, truck restorations, car restoration, diesel mechanic, diesel truck restoration, custom trucks, custom semi, custom semi build, ford bronco, coyote swap, coyote swap bronco, 1970 ford f100 coyote swap
Id: NumaSNkbA5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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