How Nice Is Utah?

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[Music] oh someone are you serious US News and World Report just named Utah the nicest place to live in all the union but how nice is Utah a we're about to find out so we are traveling from north to south across the state and we're going to take us UPS randomly or semi- randomly pull over act like we need some help and see who whoever will stop to help us and give them a little surprise in return hey we have money for you little something for their trouble that's right the reason we're traveling from north to south is we were just up in West Haven Utah which is around the Ogden area helping Kip from Legend autolift Kip has a friend whose brother has fallen on really hard times and he really wants to help him out and asked if we would like to help him out as well and we said we sure would I I'm kept Legend we're here for Kurt Alder Kurt is a uh mechanic here in in Utah that uh needed a little help initially he had purchased a lift from his brother his brother asked me to come up and help him put it together it was just not in very good condition I asked him that if we could just help him out for our cost and get him a new lift if that would be okay he proceeded to tell me that uh his kid had died died he put all of his money into a funeral for his child and so he did not have money for a lift in the same week shop that he was renting they raised his rent so much that he could no long afford it anymore when he asked them to lower it for him to a reasonable level they they just kicked him out and I talked to his brother about what kind of guy Kurt was and evidently he's the guy that helped everybody he would fix the neighbor's car help all of his siblings never with an ask for anything in return that the kind of guy that we want to help so I conspired with a bunch of the YouTube personalities and Challenger lifts and uh we managed to get him a new lift so I've conspired with all my friends here we're all giving you a [Music] lift for a guy that does everything for everybody else brother it's time to get pain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] done fing talk little choked up tiger and I are blessed to work with one of the most generous guys in the world George and to hear about the generosity of Kurt and it makes you feel good inside and to help people to help others that's what life's all about we also ended up giving him a new tire changer hand balancer from Hoffman so big shout out to both Challenger and Hoffman they are awesome to us and we came here today to give Kurt a some love and and some new equipment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay here we got something else for you um Harbor Freight helps all of us out a lot and when they found out what was going on they also wanted to give you a couple little things so oh you can't have a lift without the oil drain [Music] big old 20 Galler my favorite Jack in the world the bad lands Offroad Jack that thing a beast can't have anything from Harbor Freight without them giving you a little starter look plus the fast one the ultra door the big one nice Wow's in there with all the big boys you never have enough 10 mm exactly and then and for when you got to do something out of the shop here's a little pack along along you can't have wow however pra that without a golden socage nice that reminds me of joke you know how you make a gold soup oh you add 24 carrots nice dang just from us couple shirts wow so thank you for all you do for your whole community and uh we appreciate it we need people thank you like you in this world so I'm overwhelmed thank you everybody thank you everybody thank you everybody my son is smiling right now you guys are awesome Kips you taken care of everybody your whole lifetime and now we've taken care of you we'd also like to give a shout out for Kurt's business I think it's called the aler automotive is that right want don't you to tell everybody where you're located and how to get a hold of you well I'm in uh West Haven Utah and uh phone numberb it is 801 458 2878 I do almost everything I don't care for German cars but I do [Music] some so I've been working on cars for 35 years or something like that so yeah yeah it's uh wow this is awesome we also had some local friends and businesses come to help out as well and in appreciation Kip is going to give away a Snap-On 38 drive impact gun all you have to do is go to the legend autolift Instagram page follow leave a comment smash the heart button and you are automatically enter to win we're going to put a link down in this description description description description we'll put a link in I can't say it fast check out the link below first stop is off the side of the road here on Old Highway 91 just south of Mona north of Nephi look at this beautiful farming community I have no doubt somebody's going to stop to help us cuz these Farm boys they are a helpful lot all right let's get this set [Music] [Applause] [Music] up and now we [Music] wait kind of feels like we're fishing I can't really catch fish I don't really know what it feels like I still want people to see this camera hey I'm going to feeling down low [Music] I'm going to I'm going to go act like I'm looking at something under the hood I think people are on to us because Toyota ain't going to breakdown they're like this is surely a setup probably think we're going to rob them or something we probably should have thought of that lot of cars [Applause] passing didn't make him [Music] bite kick [Applause] rocks youting know takers I have to go out and show a little leg you show your leg going to have an accident like look at them black socks like I said where' the second sock come from I thought for sure yeah I was like I thought this was a [Music] [Applause] spot he wasn't do stuff I got a lot of highway riding to do you guys need a pump more something well we checked everything out in the engine compartment nothing we can do but wait anytime I break down it's not very I mean it happens rarely but somebody always stops hey right I'm like to trucks coming or even like slow down and like the thumbs up thumbs down buddy wait he's slowing he's slowing he he's not slowing he's slowing down moving over you I'll give these boys some room 3 more minutes we're packing up kind of disappointed oh oh oh oh someone are you serious need any help hello well let me tell you what we're doing and we're just trying to see who would stop and whoever is willing to help us we want to help them so we want to give you this yes no sure absolutely wow I'll pass it out all right that's what we that sounds even better so we're just trying to uh help people that are willing to help others that's way cool me it's nice to meet you thank you for stopping yeah good luck have a good one thank you look at that there there are nice people in this [Music] world I just want to make one thing clear we're not faulting anybody for not stopping it's a crazy world we live in plus people have obligations there's been enough weird things happen people are justified in being a little cautious but it almost makes it even more amazing when somebody does stop yeah you don't lose points for not stopping you just gain a bunch for stopping if that makes any sense look what we have happened to bomb we can't make a video about stopping and nonstop right we're here with Jorge his truck's having serious problems he's going to need a tow and towing isn't um exactly cheap so we want to help him with his toe bill here my man we're going to help you pay for the the tow truck really yes we just want to help you today oh that's going to help us now all right I hope the tow truck gets here soon and you enjoy the rest of your evening you too all right thanks take care man thank you all right we got to help somebody today well help somebody on the side of a Rog [Music] well that's a pretty shot we are on Highway 50 just east of cpio bay is set very small town in Utah but you might stop there for gas a time or two you might even got gas there after the Taco Bell kind of doesn't look like there's a lot of traffic on here so this might not be the best place but we don't want to stop on the interstate cuz that would just be Reckless I seen you Utah drivers you guys are crazy there's a car coming [Applause] BL this is awfully close to the white line yeah so I was hooking up a car once and there's they have these big deep ditches up there so like I was pulled up close to it but like to get everything hooked up like I had to do it on this side of the vehicle otherwise I'm in the ditch so I'm like this and I feel a car brush the back of my shirt and I I look and there is a car just and there was nobody coming the other way I mean it's a narrow row yeah slow down and get over people you don't even have to slow down just get over is that a coyote yep y hey we have money for you Forerunner Brethren didn't stop oh was a girl no men are more likely to stop for a woman but women are very unlikely to stop for anybody I don't blame them nobody wants to be laughed at for thinking you can help them with a car think I can flip this with my bare hands if you if you keep that moment mum going it'll eventually get there oh should I act injured I think I blew it I limp too much come on let me see if I can break your hole you just got to leverage your body what if we act like we're digging for the spare where's your tire iron like is it me like should I hire like I was totally hidden last time Trevor is very non-threatening where's the spare can't find it stupid cars get well maybe it's you shoot Highway 50 is bust it's not the best road all right we're moving on it's getting dark put your seat belt on oh sorry just call me Lizzy we just pick it back up down in Washington County somewhere we know people stop there bud think they're going to stop nope they sped up in fact you ain't going to catch me back RS boys Toyotas don't break down we should have brought my B people believe that nope I'm out of water hopefully uh somebody stops cuz I'm going to get very thirst thirsty is that 6 + 9 it's 15 I got my own that's yours oh what you complaining about I was I was playing it up for the camera freaking sent me into mother hand mode I was trying to create a little bit of drama but now everybody knows I'm not going to die of thirst out here a come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on you you want to stop 50% of men don't want anyone to stop and help them they'd rather spend the night in their car overnight then someone stopped to help them are we as a male species to uh too proud for help no it's just the we're just afraid oh me trer the old thing would go hide in the ditch be like someone's going to stop and try to talk to [Applause] [Music] me you don't it's like you don't even need to like do anything just are you okay you guys good mhm you're not yeah I can't do anything I think it's the fear of the unknown what if something is really wrong or what if it's a setup what if these guys got cameras want to put us on the internet yeah [Music] [Applause] so far we are 0 for 40 nobody's going to stop if you ask for a dollar and they give you a dollar M and then you give them $100 yeah that works it's still uton being nice yeah but we got these shirts on like take it off you'll sell it more it doesn't take much to make me look homeless I can do it let's go pay for people's pet adoptions let's go adopt all the dogs just set them loose give the animal control a job keep them in a job we're helping people that help people right so who helps people on a daily basis for no money well I'm hungry let's go get a pie this makes me feel better already you're having a bad day you just go get a pie especially in Veil pie you're in the southern Utah area we'll find some good people to help out so things don't always go as planned but we are determined to give this money to people so nobody stopped to help us so we scoured the internet followed some uh leads that went nowhere but we live right next to the switch point which is a homeless shelter SL thrift store they have a coffee shop they do daycare they help people get back on their feet in all sorts of ways and I went and talked to some people and they gave me a couple names and we are going to give back to them for giving to the community we went up and picked out some basic cards and we are going to stuff [Music] them I know people like to see reactions and all this stuff but some people don't like to show their reactions we're going to give this to them through the people that recommended them there's a lot of givers in this world but you often don't hear about them because they do it in the shadows they don't get a lot of Praise they don't get a lot of thanks in return they just do it because they want to do it and this is why doing this we just want to say we recognize you and we want to give back all right we're over at the switch point this is the donation area and I'm here with Sid and she's not the one that nominated Desa but she's the one brave enough to tell us why Desa is such a great person and what she does to help out so she comes in Monday through Friday and she prices all the HomeGoods right over here goes through all those bins prices is them she does such a great job she's always super sweet to everyone she always gives me hugs in the morning I I just love her so much she comes with a positive attitude and that's amazing and she just does this because she just wants to do it just because yeah and that's amazing so if you Sid can give this to Desa on our behalf of course we appreciate it all right so thank you all right I'm over at the switch point administration building and this is Jeff he is also a volunteer but I came we are looking for people that give to the community and Deb back there she mentioned Diane and Jeff's going to tell us a little about bit about Diane Diane's been volunteering here for years she comes every Tuesday and does laundry for us she's a laundry Angel we um have a lot of bedding and towels that the residents use and and it gets piled up every week and every day actually and she chose Tuesdays to come and she spends a few hours uh anywhere from 2 to 4 hours every Tuesday doing the laundry she's meticulous about it she does a great job and we're really grateful for her and that's amazing will you give this to her on our behalf I would be happy to give it to her all right thank you je appreciate all right that was fun switch point also runs a soup kitchen that feeds people lunch every day it costs approximately $300 every day to feed the people that they need to so you can go to switch points and donate a meal or any amount of money or even your time so go there check it out they also have a YouTube channel they got some inspiring stories on there and uh this was great we appreciate Challenger and Hoffman and of course Harbor Freight for helping Kurt out up north thank you for the guy in Nephi that stopped to help us and thank you for all the people that we don't even know about that are helping everybody behind the scenes we appreciate you and until next time we'll see you next time
Channel: MisAdventure Lab
Views: 42,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VuiJl2bMJUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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