Should I Ignore Nice Thoughts? | Eckhart Tolle

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- A positive thought is much less likely to become obsessive, some that you can't get rid of, than a negative thought. (bell rings) Well, the first thing I think that anybody would probably say, it's more pleasant to have nice thoughts than negative thoughts. It feels better, certainly. The body likes it more too, because negative thoughts, you use, the negative thoughts influence the body in some way, obstructing the energy flow. You can test it out for yourself, when you feel stressed or, repetitive, negative thoughts, then your body doesn't like it, it reacts. Even mainstream medicine is discovering there is a link between, well some still say no, but there is a link between your predominant state of mind or consciousness and the physical functioning, not that, (mumbles). Now you may also find that negative thoughts proliferate and multiply much more readily than positive thoughts. A negative thought wants to proliferate, and it wants to produce more negative thoughts. So, and then you may find a positive thought is quite happy to stand alone. There isn't the the pull towards proliferation of more of itself. A positive thought is much less likely to become obsessive, some that you can't get rid of, than a negative thought. So when you are trapped in the mind, it's very rare if ever happens that you are trapped in obsessive good thoughts. (laughs) (audience laughs) You are usually trapped in obsessive negative thoughts because that is what negative thoughts love to do, they love to take you over. They want to, for some reason, they're like certain insects that suddenly reproduce and become from one, you get, they give birth to 50 and the 50 give birth to another 50, and suddenly you have millions and billions of them, ah. And so the difference, the fundamental difference then is a negative thought is actually, (indistinct) makes you feel better, is easier to experience that which funnels the thought because often, after a negative thought, you just experience the reality of what the thought just pointed to. Life is beautiful, the person here mentions as an example of a positive thought. Life is beautiful. What's wrong with that thought, because after that thought, you're actually going to have a certain experience of life being beautiful. So the thought was no more than a pointer, a signpost, and that's perfectly fine. You use thought as a pointer. It does not absorb all your attention as a thought, it's quite happy to be just a pointer. Life is beautiful, and then perhaps for the next few minutes, you appreciate everything that is around you, and it becomes a true experience. So as a pointer, it can work beautifully, and the negative one is just one after another after another, it becomes obsessive. So, but even if you change all your thinking from negative to positive, the most vital thing is to realize that which is beyond all thought. Positive thought in itself is not yet liberating. It doesn't liberate you. It can be nice, but it doesn't liberate you. Only to find the place that is beyond all thought liberates you. Now does that free you from negative thoughts? Yes, after awhile, the negative thoughts need your identification, which means your unconsciousness in order to proliferate continuously in your life. It's only if you identified with them, you give them your total attention and practice not only that, you become them, they come out of your mouth when you speak, they're in your thoughts, they take you over, they possess you, you become them, and that's how they continue to grow and grow and take over your life, and it can happen, some thoughts or thought patterns, have the same function in the human mind in many cases, as a virus has in the body. A virus can proliferate and takes over the body, and so there are many mental viruses that people get taken over by, and can't get rid of. Sometimes, you have that virus your whole lifetime. Persistent, deep-seated negative thoughts that occupy either your entire mind or a particular section of your mind. And sometimes, the virus that can take over, can take over collectively an entire collective entity of human beings, be it a nation, or a tribe, or a religion, or a section within a religion, it can be a political movement that suddenly has all the answers and who knows who worthy enemies are. It happens when national socialism in Germany was an infection of a collective mental virus. Soviet communism, which started, of course, with good intentions, but of course, there had been absolutely no change in consciousness of good intentions are not enough, unless there's a shifting consciousness. Good intentions will lead you to more suffering if there's no shift in consciousness, so Soviet communism became an awful thing, and it took over as again, a collective mental virus. China under Mao Zedong, a collective mental virus. Millions and millions died in China, communism, obviously Nazi Germany, millions and millions under Mao Zedong. Children would denounce their parents. If a child was unhappy with their parents, the children, somebody at school would say, "My parents are saying this and that," the next day, they would be taken away to a labor camp and never be seen again. Total insanity, so a collective, flowers were declared illegal. They had to tear out all the flowers. Bourgeois infection, we don't want flowers. (chuckles) And many, countless things being taken over by a mental, an entire nation, being taken over by a mental, obsessed with certain mind forms, and many passes, it doesn't, it lasted a couple of decades, and Soviet communism lasted fairly long. National socialism, the 1,000 year rise lasted, I don't know, 15 years or something. (chuckles) So it runs its course, and then like a virus infection, after awhile, the virus disappears, and a semblance of sanity returns, certainly sanity compared to what was there before. There's still the normal insanity that's part of the normal state of consciousness, but not the extreme unconsciousness that can take over when a thought form becomes a virus. And of course, it happens to individuals. They have then, they interpret the world through their mental virus. You might have certain ideas. If you go on the internet too much, (chuckles) you might see things that suddenly put, the virus infection can happen by looking up certain things on the internet and you certainly believe totally in what this, it could be a total fantasy, but it looks so convincing but it becomes a thought form in your mind, and then from there, it grows, and after that, you only have contact with those people that are also infected by that thought form, and you think that becomes then your reality. That is the case with many conspiracy theories. I'm not saying that one out of 10, 20, or 50 conspiracy theories may not be correct, it could be, (chuckles) but many of them are fictitious constructs, but cultural. The world is pretty insane, so it's probably more insane than you realize and that includes particularly politicians and political power play, and so on, so I'm not denying that absolutely, there is no conspiracy, there are quite mad things happening that we don't know about, and yet, I wouldn't go that way. Even if it's true, don't get drawn into that. Your job is to be present. Your job is to embody a different state of consciousness. You cannot fight unconsciousness on its own level, you have to rise above unconsciousness. So good thoughts, yes, good thoughts are preferable to bad thoughts, but then, go beyond thought also, then negative thoughts will lessen in your life even if you've been around for a long time, as more presence arises. Good thoughts can arise naturally, and a lot of your consciousness is no longer dependent on what thoughts you have. There's just more presence, and you appreciate life through presence rather than trying to convince yourself that you should appreciate life. (laughs) You appreciate life directly. Gratefulness is another important thing. Gratitude is of course wonderful, a very transformative, gratitude implies a deep appreciation of what you are perceiving around you. Whether or not you have the thought in your mind that accompanies that, that says thank you, it's secondary, and after awhile, you don't need thank you anymore, but when you first practice gratitude, thankful can be helpful. When you say something beautiful, thank you for things that otherwise you wouldn't even acknowledge. Thank you for how this, the light reflects off this table, thank you for this shiny clock. I know it's not real gold but it shines beautifully. Thank you for this amazing substance that we call water, got these little, like tiny bubbles in it, and it is, I can look at it, drink it, it's alive, it's an amazing thing. And you can appreciate it, it's filled with light, life-giving substance, might not appreciate it. And whether or not you say thank you is up to you. Thank you is not, the main thing is the act of giving it attention, that again, is perceiving it through presence. And then, everything is something to be valued that's around you, so you, that's wonderful, spiritual practice, and of course for awhile, it's a spiritual practice, then it becomes second nature that that's how you live. So, there is some association with certain thoughts, yes, expressing gratitude, but it's not the main thing. The thoughts are more like pointers towards that which is beyond thought. But in many people's lives, the beginning of spiritual practice and realization is that they suddenly realize how much they've been trapped in negative thinking over the past years. And they suddenly wake up to their own thought processes, whereas before, they were trapped in their own thought processes. That's the beginning of spiritual awakening. If you realize what kind of thought processes have been predominant in your life over the past few years, and every day, through which you interpret other people, the world, yourself, your life, and so on. And that's an amazing jump, because it implies certainly awareness or presence has emerged. (waterfall rushes)
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 137,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eckhart tolle teachings, eckhart tolle special teaching, eckhart tolle thinking, control your mind tedx, sadhghuru thinking, how to control your thoughts, mindfulness
Id: 1SBSYS9exr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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